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Public questionnaires

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) [Kenya]

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a proven SLM Technology to restore degraded wasteland and improve depleted farmland. The farmer regu- lates and facilitates the re-growth of existing trees stumps, or self-sown seeds in the soil, and thus promotes soil fertility and through better ground cover, increases protection from runoff …

  • Compiler: Thomas Kalytta
Cocina Inkawasi Mejorada

Cocina Inkawasi Mejorada [Peru]

La cocinas eficiente, permite a las familias rurales el preparar sus alimentos, para ello utilizan la leña proveniente de los árboles de las zonas forestadas. Su uso permite e las familias utilizar menos biomasa (leña), por lo tanto hay una menor degradación de las áreas forestadas y el suelo.

  • Compiler: Emile Stricker
FMNR implementation approach

FMNR implementation approach [Kenya]

After consultations with local stakeholders, experts (from NEMA, ICRAF, KFS, Wildlife Kenya) and Homabay County Government representatives the FMNR approach is being introduced by World Vision through a public funded project. The aim of the approach is to promote FMNR and sustainable land and natural resource management through disseminating the …

  • Compiler: Thomas Kalytta