DeSurvey Project (EU IP nº003950)

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Reporting Entity: European Union

Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: Ja

Comments: DeSurvey Consortium. It is an European Research Project ,IP nº 003950, which has just finished. The Consortium is going to set how to manage its holder rights.|

Completeness: 17%

General Information

General Information

Title of best practice:

DeSurvey Project (EU IP nº003950)

Reporting Entity:

European Union

Property Rights

Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights:


Please provide relevant information on the holder of the rights:

DeSurvey Consortium. It is an European Research Project ,IP nº 003950, which has just finished. The Consortium is going to set how to manage its holder rights.|


Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

Short description of the best practice

POLUX offers a flexible way to meet both socio.economic and ecological sustainability in an integrated way. A list of operational goals to manage any sustainability strategy is provided. Including prives and commercial facilities, investment facilities and needs, competitive versus co-operative behaviour, tracking changes versus parsimonious responses to disturbances, mobility versus sedentarism in the use of resources, spatial and temporal refuges, subsidies and external supporters, etc. POLUX provides instruments to design strategies by an adaptive use of these goals in order to achieve the best approach to sustainable use of land resources in the context of the existing social cultural economic and ecological conditions. |


Tested in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Senegal (Ferlo) NE China (Naiman) & Chile (4º Region). Applicable to any country by completting a standardised parametrisation procedure.|

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

Main problems addressed by the best practice

1. Mobility in the use of land resources are a must to be at the right place at the right time. This was achieved in the past by the complementarities between oasis and nomads but new socioeconomically viable strategies to achieve the same goal should be designed at each case. POLUX helps finding the conditions to those strategies.
2. Helping to define best trade off between competitive and co-operative behaviours to meet the constraints of economic and climatic fluctuations.
|3. The same as above concerning risk assumption of tracking fluctuations and parsimonious behaviours.
4. Assessing the role of increasing opportunity costs as a way to relieve pressure on threatened lands.
5. Identifying risk conditions of irreversibility when functional indicators (thresholds) are approached, and reconversion of activity is becoming a must.

Specify the objectives of the best practice

1. Assessing land degradation status and trends at several spatial scales and resolutions.
2. Forecasting medium term trajectories of Land Use Systems and land condition in areas of interest.
3. Assessing the vulnerability of key Land Use Systems as their long term survival rate in the area of interest


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