Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) for Upland  Area Development [Philippines]

الكيان المبلغ: Philippines

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عنوان أفضل الممارسات:

Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) for Upland  Area Development



الكيان المبلغ:


حقوق الملكية

وضح ما إذا كانت التقنية المذكورة في النموذج، أو في جزء منه، مشمولة بحقوق الملكية: :



القسم1- نطاق أفضل الممارسات: شروط الإطار (البيئة الطبيعية والبشرية)

وصف موجز لأفضل الممارسات

Libasan small water impounding projects (SWIP) was established in Nabunturan for soil and water conservation, supplemental irrigation, and fish culture. The project consists of modified homogenous earth structure with a total storage area of 14 ha and service area of about 150-200 hectares. It has also provision for inland fishery production including fish hatchery for fingerlings production. Watershed management is a very important component of the system and was implemented through the LGU's Forest Protection Program. Seedlings (i.e. coconut, coffee and fruit trees) dispersal was initiated by the municipality thru  a strong local and community policy framework.


Libasan, Nabunturan, Compostela Valley, Philippines|

وصف مختصر للبيئة الطبيعية في الموقع المحدد.

The soils in the service area were developed from alluvial deposits with clayey texture, deep and poorly  drained internally. The soils in the watershed area consist of shallow to moderately deep, moderately  drained clay loam to clay soils.|
Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year  with annual mean of 1,772 mm. Lowest rainfall is on February to March (92 mm) while the highest is June (207 mm). January is the coldest (26.8oC) while May is the warmest (28.4 oC)                                                      
The service area is characterized by level to nearly level topography while the watershed area consists of gently rolling to hilly  landscape

الظروف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية السائدة للسكان الذين يقطنون الموقع و/أو قريبًا منه

Nabunturan is a first class municipality. The total income of the municipality significantly increased by 20.8% from 86.9 million pesos in 2007 to 105.6 million pesos in 2008. The internal revenue allotment (IRA) of the municipality was 72.63 million pesos in 2008 for an equivalent of 1,078 pesos IRA per capita .
While almost 70% of the total land area is agricultural, 20% are uplands. In general there are land tenure security problems. The total area of Nabunturan base on land use pattern, rural area covered 23,432. 237 ha and the urban area totaled to 687.763. |
Due to its arable land and generally good climate, agriculture is the primary economic activity. Majority or about 68.5% of the total land area of the municipality is predominantly occupied by agricultural lands. To support its farmers, the municipality has invested in several agricultural support facilities such small water impounding project (SWIP) and communal irrigation systems.|

على أساس أي من المعايير و/أو المؤشر (المؤشرات) (التي لا تتعلق بالاستراتيجية) تم اعتبار الممارسات والتقنيات المناسبة على أنها "أفضل"؟

Libasan  SWIP had been implemented to address both environmental targets (i.e. conservation and protection of the environment) and socio-economic targets (i.e. source of livelihoods, profitable business in agriculture and fishery) of the local village. It has improved  the way of life of the community over the years due to increased agricultural and fishery productivity as water from the reservoir is sufficient the whole year round. The local government has initiated a watershed protection program to prolong the life of the project by distributing seedlings which were planted in the watershed. The Farmers Association became stronger and more efficient in the operation and maintenance of the system though various trainings its members have attended. Thru strong leadership and cooperation among members, the Libasan Farmers Association became a multi-purpose cooperative with outstanding assets amounting to 4.1 million pesos with the LIbasan SWIP as the core facility.|

القسم 2- المشكلات التي تمت معالجتها (الأسباب المباشرة وغير المباشرة) وأهداف أفضل الممارسات

المشكلات الرئيسية التي تمت معالجتها من خلال أفضل الممارسات

1. Limited source of livelihoods
2. Inadequate water supply during dry season
3. Soil erosion, excessive surface runoff and flooding during the rainy season|

حدد المشكلات الخاصة بتدهور التربة والتي تمت معالجتها من خلال أفضل الممارسات

Uncontrolled surface runoff, soil erosion, soil fertility decline, and flooding of low-lying areas are the major concerns in the upland  and adjoining areas of Nabunturan due to lack of defenses in the middle and upper reaches of the watershed. Yet, during dry season there is limited water supply to support agricultural activities and other related endeavors.  With limited sources of livelihoods, farmers then are forced to encroach the watershed resulting to continued deforestation that further worsened the situation. This “vicious cycle” was gradually halted by the establishment of Small water impounding project (SWIP). It acted as the first line of defense against flood in the upper reaches of the watershed. More importantly, it collected and stored surface runoff and direct rainfall that would otherwise flow directly to waterways with highly erosive velocity. It also captured eroded materials from the watershed and thus helped prevent natural waterways from becoming shallow.|

حدد أهداف أفضل الممارسات

1. To conserve rainwater through rainwater harvesting techniques such as small water impounding project (SWIP)
2. To prevent and control top soil erosion through runoff management;
3. To develop sources of livelihood in the uplands and adjoining areas

القسم 3- الأنشطة

وصف مختصر للأنشطة الرئيسية، من خلال الأهداف

1.  Study possible farm enterprises and farming systems
2.  Establish appropriate and cost-effective farm enterprises
1. Introduction of soil and water conservation measures in the   watershed
2. Farmers training and technology demonstration
3. Farmers adoption and field implementation
1.  Site selection, field survey and bio-physical characterization
2.  Hydrologic and engineering design studies  
3.  Consultation meeting with affected farmers and beneficiaries
4.  Project implementation, O and M activities

وصف موجز للتقنية ومواصفاتها الفنية

The Libasan SWIP is currently being managed by the Libasan Primary Multi-purpose Cooperative (LPMC). It was primarily designed for soil and water conservation  by collecting direct rainfall and surface runoff  (rainwater harvesting).  It has a reservoir surface area of 14 ha which is currently being utilized for supplemental irrigation, inland fish culture, fresh water fish hatchery , and for recreation. Its present irrigation service area is 150-200 hectares. The structural component of a typical SWIP consists of the following physical features: a) earth embankment, b) spillway, c) outlet works, d) irrigation system, and e) access road.
The best practice includes forest preservation, protection, rehabilitation and   conservation of the remaining natural resources thru reforestation in the watershed.  These efforts address the problem of siltation in the reservoir and denudation of the watershed and maintain the effective storage capacity of the reservoir. Trees provided by the local government and planted in the project watershed include:
    1. Budded Rubber
    2. Coconut
    3. Coffee
In the service area, farmers raise ducks to control pests (golden snails) in the paddy field during crop vegetative stage and after harvest.

القسم 4- المؤسسات/الممثلون المشاركون (التعاون، المشاركة، دور الجهات المعنية)

اسم وعنوان المؤسسة التي تقوم بتطوير التقنية

Bureau of Soils and Water Management |SRDC Building
Elliptical Road cor. Visayas Aven.
Diliman, Quezon City
Tel  +632 920 43 82
E mail: silvinotejad.bswm07@gmail.com

هل تم تطوير التقنية بشكل مشترك؟


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، فقم بسرد المشاركين:

1. DA- Regional Field Units
2. Local Government Units
3. Farmers Association

حدد إطار العمل والذي من خلاله تم تطوير التقنية

  • المبادرة المحلية
  • المبادرة الوطنية - التي تقودها الحكومة

هل ساهمت مشاركة الجهات المعنية المحلية، بما في ذلك منظمات المجتمع المدني في تعزيز عملية تطوير التقنية؟


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، اسرد الجهات المعنية المحلية المشاركة:

1. Farmers Association
2. Municipal Government Unit of Nabunturan
3  Provincial Government of Compostela Valley
4. Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit
5. Other national agencies with local presence – Philippine Coconut Authority, Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA)|

بالنسبة للجهات المعنية المدرجة أعلاه، حدد دورهم في التصميم، والتقديم، واستخدام وصيانة التقنية، إن وجدت.

The farmers association  thru the LPMPC, being the direct beneficiaries, is the one
responsible in the operation and maintenance of the system. The Municipal Government of Nabunturan, the Provincial Government of Compostela Valley and the DA-Regional Field Units (DA-RFU) provide agricultural support services in terms of planting materials for the watershed protection, post-harvest facilities, greenhouse and even technical and financial assistance. In case of technical O & M problems, the DA-RFU thru its Regional Agricultural Engineering Division, monitors the project operation and provides technical support and assistance to the farmers. National agencies with local presence also provide agricultural facilities and inputs. This arrangement creates strong linkages among key local player and facilitates sharing of their resources to ensure project sustainability.

هل شارك السكان القاطنون في هذا الموقع و/أو قريبًا منه في تطوير التقنية؟


By means of what?
  • الاستشارة
  • المناهج التشاركية


القسم 5- المساهمة في التأثير

صف التأثير على المكان (التأثيران الرئيسيان حسب الفئة)

1.Increased cropping intensity by 100% and improved  agricultural productivity
2. Introduction of inland fishery production, and fingerlings production from the freshwater fish hatchery|

1. Contributed to the soil and water conservation and flood mitigation effort of the local government
2. Uplifted the living condition of local people thru increased economic activity

1.Enhanced the organizational and management capacities of  farmer-members thru continuing skills development
2. Develop new habitat for wildlife  and preserve and protect forest resources thru the watershed management component of the project

صف التأثيرين الرئيسيين خارج الموقع (أي التي لا تحدث في الموقع ولكن في المناطق المحيطة)

Potential reduction in flood  peaks in adjoining waterways.
More economic activities in the neighboring village due to  increased agricultural and fisheries production and generation of jobs

التأثير على التنوع البيولوجي والتغير المناخي

شرح الأسباب:

The development of Libasan Reservoir provides new habitat for wildlife. A variety of indigenous fish species were also stocked in the reservoir. Meanwhile, the watershed management component of the project encourages enrichment planting and maintenance of protection forest, which help maintain a healthier and more bio-diverse watershed area.
With stored water available the whole year round, the practice contributes to reducing the vulnerability of the local people and ecosystem against the impacts of climate change particularly drought. The impounding reservoir also serves as the first line of defense against flood. It helps reduce stream bank erosion and scouring through a more controlled water flow and minimize downstream siltation as it captures eroded materials from sloping lands. The continuous planting of trees in the watershed will have long term impact in terms of  carbon sequestration which  will help mitigate climate change.

هل تم إجراء تحليل التكلفة والمنفعة؟

هل تم إجراء تحليل التكلفة والمنفعة؟ :


القسم 6- اتخاذ القرار والتكرار

هل تم تعميم/تقديم التقنية إلى مواقع أخرى؟

هل تم تعميم/تقديم التقنية إلى مواقع أخرى؟ :


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، أين؟:

Nationwide|Wthin Nabunturan, Compostela Valley  – Magsaysay 1 SWIP, |Within Nabunturan, Compostela Valley – Magsaysay 2 SWIP

هل تم توفير الحوافز لتيسير الاستفادة من التقنية؟

هل تم توفير الحوافز لتيسير الاستفادة من التقنية؟ :


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، حدد أنواع الحوافز :
  • الحوافز المالية (على سبيل المثال، معدلات تفضيلية، المساعدات الحكومية، الإعانات المالية، المنح النقدية، ضمانات القروض، إلخ)

هل يمكنك تحديد الثلاثة ظروف الرئيسية التي قادت إلى نجاح أفضل الممارسات/التقنية المقدمة؟

Strong linkages with local and national agencies
Positive socio-economic and environmental benefits
Adoption of cost-sharing scheme


في رأيك، هل يمكن تكرار أفضل الممارسات/التقنية التي اقترحتها، ولكن مع بعض التغيير، في الأماكن الأخرى؟ :


إذا كانت الإجابة نعم، ففي أي مستوى؟:
  • المحلي
  • ما دون الوطني
  • الوطني

القسم 7- الدروس المستفادة

المتعلقة بالموارد البشرية

1. Good governance and strong partnership
2. Strong farmers association to operate and maintain the project

المتعلقة بالجوانب الفنية

In the design of project such as SWIP, beneficiaries should be properly consulted and their inputs (i.e. field observation) be considered in the project design.  |

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