Sustainable managements on pasture and forest lands based on natural regeneration by electrified fences [طاجيكستان]
- تاريخ الإنشاء:
- تحديث:
- جامع المعلومات: Kakubari Yochitaka
- المحرر: –
- المُراجع: David Streiff
approaches_2451 - طاجيكستان
عرض الأقسام
توسيع الكل طي الكل1. معلومات عامة
1.2 تفاصيل الاتصال بالأشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات والمؤسسات المعنية بتقييم وتوثيق النهج
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
Aidov Madibron
الاتحاد الروسي
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
Kumalova Rina
الاتحاد الروسي
Shoh Sharipov
الاتحاد الروسي
اسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Shizuoka University - اليابان1.3 الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT
متى تم تجميع البيانات (ميدانيا)؟:
يوافق جامع المعلومات والشخص (لاشخاص) الرئيسي لمصدر المعلومات على الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT:
1.4 المراجع الخاصة باستبيان(استبيانات) تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

High-altitude afforestation for erosion control [أرمينيا]
Afforestation is a key technologies to protect soil against erosion and provide a wide range of ecosystem services. In this case, afforestation at high altitudes, which is particularly challenging, with the primary purpose of erosion control were planted in small patches with different methods. They form the basis for future …
- جامع المعلومات: Hanns Kirchmeir
2. وصف نهج الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
2.1 وصف موجز للنهج
Sustainable managements on pasture and forest lands based on natural regeneration by electrified fences
2.2 وصف تفصيلي للنهج
وصف تفصيلي للنهج:
Aims / objectives: The aim is to avoid any animals grazing in the targeted areas by establishing electrified fences around the areas, conserving natural conditions of pasture and forestry lands, strengthening the communities’ incomes growth, and planting trees resilient to climate change, thereby contributing to maintaining soil of the areas healthy.
Methods: The project facilitated the following activities: Setting electrified fences that are generated by solar power, strengthening the regeneration of natural forest tree, planting fruiting trees for their sustainable incomes, planting trees such as juniper, pine, poplar, willow, among others. Planting Rosa canina in side of fence and R.C. grown up 2 meter height a few years later and functions as a natural fence. Electrified fence is moved to other site. Also, the project was heavily involved with farmer participation for the planning, fundraising, and implementation with farmers’ initiative.
Stages of implementation: 1. Awareness raising, 2. On the job training, 3. management activity planning, 4. Implementation, 5. Monitoring, 6. Readjustment based on results, 7. Further replication in new area.
Role of stakeholders: The Project had a leading role in initiation, orientation, awareness raising, mobilization, training, consultancy, input provision and mediation of communication. The local farmers have been actively participating, have provided labor input / financial contribution, provided indigenous knowledge and skills. Local authorities - providing land titles, participation in planning and decision making process. There are 5 households involved with in this project. The two Tajik communities (Duoba in Hisor and Kumarg in Ayni), each of which is consisting of 35 members. The members of all households took part in discussion rounds and training. Women: farmers came to the discussions together with their wives in certain level; the women took part in training, in implementing almost all of the adoption measures, and equally benefited from the project. However, they were not involved in decision making.
2.3 صور عن النهج
2.5 البلد/المنطقة/المواقع التي تم تطبيق النهج فيها
مزيد من التفاصيل حول الموقع:
Hisor/ Ayni
×2.6 تواريخ بدء وإنهاء تنفيذ النهج
أشر إلى سنة البدء:
سنة الإنهاء (إذا لم يعد النهج مطبقًا):
We have performed to collect about various ecological disasters in Tajikistan since Sep.2009, and over 75 base line research sites are done by Japanese Society of Promotion for Science (JSPS). Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) supported us. Research title is as follow; Reforestation and forestation in aim of reduction of generation of greenhouse gases and lessening of global warming
2.7 نوع النهج
- قائم على مشروع/برنامج
2.8 الغايات/الأهداف الرئيسية للنهج
The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (natural regeneration, pasture management, protecting fruits trees, strengthening community incomes, resilient to climate change )
The aim is to avoid any animals grazing in the targeted areas by establishing electrified fences around the areas, conserving natural conditions of pasture and forestry lands, strengthening the communities’ incomes growth, and planting trees resilient to climate change, thereby contributing to maintaining soil of the areas healthy.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: Lack of land tenure rights implementation. Nominal state farm reorganization. Low agricultural production - lands depleted of nutrients, very low yields, no crop rotation, all of which have led heavy concentration on overgrazing by domestic cattle. Soil degradation particularly by heavy precipitation and gully formation. Lack of technical knowledge and awareness of soil & water conservation measures. Lack of cash to invest in development of land - just limited capacity to invest but need external financial input. Poverty - underlying cause of general lack of potential to invest in development.
2.9 الظروف التي تمكن أو تعيق تنفيذ التقنية/التقنيات المطبقة بموجب النهج
توفر/الوصول إلى الموارد والخدمات المالية
- معيق
Lack of land tenure rights implementation. Nominal state farm reorganization. Low agricultural production - lands depleted of nutrients, very low yields, no crop rotation, all of which have led heavy concentration on overgrazing by domestic cattle. Soil d
Treatment through the SLM Approach: 1) The project was mainly supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science and Japan International Cooperation Agency with some portion of Tajik government’s sources. However, the inputs (poles and wires) are almost fully available on the local market
الإطار المؤسساتي
- معيق
1) The project was mainly supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science and Japan International Cooperation Agency with some portion of Tajik government’s sources. However, the inputs (poles and wires) are almost fully available on the local market
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Knowledge and technologies are shared with S.F.A. in Dushanbe when necessary. By coordinating with S.F.A., the project obtained the right to use the land for planting. As well, local offices of State Forest Agency and local authorities and communities are
الإطار القانوني (حيازة الأراضي، وحقوق استخدام الأراضي والمياه)
- تمكين/تمكيني
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights helped a little the approach implementation: I think it is very serious relationship between Land user ship and local citizens. and forest code is not coming enter on current datum. I think it is very important to be managed by new forest code.
- معيق
Implementing the land tenure law and the privatization of state farms is still a difficult process with many inconsistencies for people claiming a land title in the area.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: AS shown above, by coordinating with State Forest Agency, the project was able to obtain land usage agreement on specific land plots.
3. المشاركة وأدوار الأطراف المعنية
3.1 أصحاب المصلحة المعنيون بالنهج وأدوارهم
- مستخدمو الأراضي المحليون/المجتمعات المحلية
Men and women have both played an equal part in the orientation and planning sessions; men have played bigger role in the organization of activities, in the implementation of more manual work, whereas, women took part in the lighter work and in routine maintenance
- متخصصون في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي / مستشارون زراعيون
- المعلمون / أطفال المدارس / الطلاب
- منظمة غير حكومية
- القطاع الخاص
- الحكومة المحلية
- الحكومة الوطنية (المخططون، صانعو القرار)
- منظمة دولية
3.2 انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية في المراحل المختلفة للنهج
انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية | حدد من شارك وصف الأنشطة | |
المبادرة/التحفيز | الدعم الخارجي | farmers meeting with the team for orientation explaining goals, objectives. The communities who had strong understanding and willingness have only been selected. |
التخطيط | تفاعلي | on site planning with farmers |
التنفيذ | تفاعلي | training on the job, material inputs, and labor provision, cross visits |
الرصد/التقييم | تفاعلي | Visits from the team at least once a month since the beginning, communications on ongoing activities, finding solutions. |
Research | التعبئة الذاتية | The team shares with the farmers the findings. |
3.3 مخطط التدفق (إذا كان متاحًا)
Organization of the sustainable Land management for pasture and forest lands is described in organization chart. It will be divided with three parts; career training, Basic research and afforestation.
yoshitaka Kakubari (Univ. of Shizuoka, Japan)
3.4 اتخاذ القرار بشأن اختيار تقنية/تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
حدد من الذي قرر اختيار التقنية/التقنيات التي سيتم تنفيذها:
- مستخدمو الأراضي بشكل أساسي، بدعم من متخصصي الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
mainly by sustainable land management specialists from Shizuoka University, State Forest Agency, and Forestry Research Institute, with consultation of land users.
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by land users supported by SLM specialists. mainly by sustainable land management specialists from Shizuoka University, State Forest Agency, and National Academy of Science, with consultation of land users.
4. الدعم الفني وبناء القدرات وإدارة المعرفة
4.1 بناء القدرات/التدريب
هل تم تقديم التدريب لمستخدمي الأراضي / الأطراف المعنيين الآخرين؟:
حدد من تم تدريبه:
- مستخدمو الأراضي
- موظفون ميدانيون/ مستشارون
إذا كان ذلك على صلة، حدد الجنس والعمر والوضع والعرق وما إلى ذلك.
Training provided for local communities, local authorities, State Forest Agency
شكل التدريب:
- في العمل
- من مزارع إلى مزارع
- مناطق العرض
- اجتماعات عامة
- دورات
المواضيع المغطاة:
Training focused on how to plant trees and how to manage them, how to set up the fences, how to use the fences,
4.2 خدمة استشارية
هل يملك مستخدمو الأراضي وصولا إلى خدمة استشارية؟:
حدد ما إذا كانت الخدمة الاستشارية متوفرة:
- في حقول مستخدمي الأراضي
Name of method used for advisory service: Prof.Dr.Yoshitaka Kakubari;
Key elements: consultation on fencing concepts and choice for preventing from overgrazing, capacity building in strategy design, draft development plan for fence managements; 4. Land use management design considering soil depth, inclination and exposure. 5. Consultation on irrigation design, piping and making water channels 6. Consulting dry farming for good trapping of surface runoff and terrace planting method. 7. Treatment of tree saplings and transportation to the field. 8. Treatment of tree sapling on nursery, light and water regulation. 9. Grand treatment and cleaning, transportation of fertilization 10. Consultation on Planting, and judgment of leaf
Advisory service is totally inadequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; The extension system is inadequate to ensure continuation of activities. The government branches need more development and organization to become able to manage land conservation activities; an independent advisory service is not in place, the only potential still exists within the DWHH Project
4.3 تعزيز المؤسسات (التطوير التنظيمي)
هل تم إنشاء أو تعزيز مؤسسات من خلال هذا النهج؟:
- نعم، قليلا
حدد المستوى (المستويات) التي تم فيها تعزيز أو إنشاء المؤسسات:
- محلي
- advising to make a land use managements
4.4 الرصد والتقييم
هل يشكل الرصد والتقييم جزءا من النهج؟:
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by other through observations; indicators: Frequent visits and observations by the project team - tree planting, growing situation, regeneratio
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by None through measurements; indicators: Ad hoc observations by the project team - labor availability, etc.
technical aspects were ad hoc monitored by None through observations; indicators: Regular measurements by the project team- fodder produced cent/ha, vegetables
socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by None through observations; indicators: Ad hoc observations by land users and frequent visits by the project team
economic / production aspects were ad hoc monitored by None through measurements; indicators: Ad hoc observations by land users and frequent visits by the project team - technology adaptation ba
area treated aspects were None monitored by None through observations; indicators: None
management of Approach aspects were None monitored by None through observations; indicators: None
There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: There were no changes in the approach. However, the trees planted by the local communities after technical advice and demonstration was not appropriately planned, therefore, after the monitoring and evaluation, they were re-planted. Also, the project team realized that it would be better to have plant relatively young trees as they adapt better in the targeted areas.
There were few changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: I'm able to confirm them after and after they can treat tools and planting materials before they have done. It was very roughly to treat root system of planting saplings, therefore material becomes very weak and easy to die.
4.5 البحوث
هل كانت البحوث جزءًا من النهج؟:
حدد المواضيع:
- علم الايكولوجيا
أعط تفاصيل إضافية وأشر إلى من قام بالبحوث:
It focuses on observation of the trees and other plants in the fenced areas, especially regeneration of originally seeded plants. Tree growth rates and damages of grazing are recorded inside and outside of fencing area. For getting evidence by electric fences, we will try a small experiment. We shall confirm that electric fence protects plants from grazing of domestic animals.
Research was carried out both on station and on-farm
5. التمويل والدعم المادي الخارجي
5.1 الميزانية السنوية لمكون الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي في النهج المذكور
إذا لم تكن الميزانية السنوية الدقيقة معروفة، قم بالإشارة إلى نطاقها:
- 100,000-10,000
التعليقات (على سبيل المثال المصادر الرئيسية للتمويل/الجهات المانحة الرئيسية):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (Japanese Society Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) and JICA): 100.0%
5.2 الدعم المالي/المادي المقدم لمستخدمي الأراضي
هل حصل مستخدمو الأراضي على دعم مالي/ مادي لتنفيذ التقنية/ التقنيات؟:
5.3 إعانات لمدخلات محددة (بما في ذلك العمالة)
- معدات
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
أدوات | ممول بالكامل | Shovel, hoe, pipe, iron wire etc |
- زراعة
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
planting materials | ممول بالكامل | |
- بناء
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
خشب | ممول بالكامل | fences, wooden pole |
- بنى تحتية
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
irrigation system | ممول بالكامل | |
- غير ذلك
غير ذلك(حدد) | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
material transportation | ممول بالكامل |
إذا كان العمل من قبل مستخدمي الأراضي مدخلاً جوهريًا، فهل كان:
- مدفوع نقدا
It is important to pay to land users and regional villagers.
Also labour is paid in food-for-work
5.4 الائتمان
هل تم توفير ائتمان في إطار نهج أنشطة الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
6. تحليل الأثر والتصريحات الختامية
6.1 آثار النهج
هل ساعد النهج مستخدمي الأراضي على تنفيذ وصيانة تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
We have oft said to local villagers how to take a treatment and transportation of materials to pilot site, and how to make a water irrigation channels etc.
هل ساهم النهج في تمكين الفئات المحرومة اجتماعيا واقتصاديا؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
Yes, it is still not obvious.
هل أدى النهج إلى تحسن في مسائل حيازة الأراضي / حقوق المستخدمين التي أعاقت تنفيذ تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
I have already described in above the paragraph about the reason.
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
We make a two pilot sites, Duoba in Hisor and 2 sites Kumarg sites in Ayni districts for implementations to other citizens, and welcome to many guests from other district and sometimes taking many visitors from Governmental organizations.
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
It is not still positive changes of local citizens but I believe changing positive in future.
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
I have not still any evident for explanations.
6.2 المحفز الرئيسي لقيام مستخدمي الأراضي بتنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
- زيادة الإنتاج
introducing to fruits trees at first , and after introducing forest trees
- زيادة الربح (القدرة)، وتحسين نسبة التكلفة إلى العائد
ntroducing to fruits trees at first , and after introducing forest trees
- انخفاض عبء العمل
It is needful and important to attend of women
- المدفوعات/ الإعانات
to monitor money flows, and release information.
- القواعد واللوائح (الغرامات) / الإنفاذ
It needs but it is difficult to introduce at first.
- الوجاهة والضغط الاجتماعي/التماسك الاجتماعي
it is important to manage together with local citizens
- الانتماء إلى حركة/ مشروع/ مجموعة/ شبكات
it will be getting serious situation by new group and network
- الوعي البيئي
- تحسينات جماليية
- well-being and livelihoods improvement
6.3 استدامة أنشطة النهج
هل يمكن لمستخدمي الأراضي المحافظة على استدامة ما تم تنفيذه من خلال النهج (بدون دعم خارجي)؟:
- نعم
إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم، صف كيف:
Finally it will be getting the sustainable land management condition in future without any support.
7. المراجع والروابط
7.1 طرق جمع/مصادر المعلومات
- زيارات ميدانية، مسوحات ميدانية
- مقابلات مع مستخدمي الأراضي
7.2 المراجع للمنشورات المتاحة
العنوان، المؤلف، السنة، النظام القياسي الدولي لترقيم الكتب ISBN:
JSPS Home Page 'Reforestation and forestation in aim of reduction of generation of greenhouse gases and lessening of global warming, Yoshitaka KAKUBARI, 2009
متاح من أين؟كم التكلفة؟:
JSPS, Japan
الروابط والوحدات المواضيعية
توسيع الكل طي الكلالروابط

High-altitude afforestation for erosion control [أرمينيا]
Afforestation is a key technologies to protect soil against erosion and provide a wide range of ecosystem services. In this case, afforestation at high altitudes, which is particularly challenging, with the primary purpose of erosion control were planted in small patches with different methods. They form the basis for future …
- جامع المعلومات: Hanns Kirchmeir
الوحدات المواضيعية
لا يوجد وحدات مواضيعية