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Your search results (61)

Franja Ribereña

Franja Ribereña [Ecuador]

Las franjas ribereñas se ubican adyacente a los ríos, lagos y embalses, humedales y planicies, y desempeñan importantes funciones ecológicas relacionadas a control de sedimentación, retención de agua, control de inundaciones, control de escorrentía, entre otras. Las franjas pueden constituirse de especies arbóreas, arbustos o pastizales de amplio desarrollo de …

  • Compiler: Pablo Caza
Detention ponds

Detention ponds [Germany]

Detention ponds are artificially excavated basins that collect stormwater runoff and eroded sediment from the upstream catchment. The water stored in these ponds is slowly released into a water body or it infiltrates into the groundwater – or both. Their primary functions are flood control, erosion control and water quality …

  • Compiler: Felix Witing
Progressive bench terraces formed by a vetiver hedge system and trees

Progressive bench terraces formed by a vetiver hedge … [Haiti]

Progressive terracing technology is established through successive deposits of sediments behind (upstream) any anti-erosional structure, in this case contour strips of vetiver grass (vetiveria zizanioides). To better stabilize the slopes in the long-term, trees are planted downstream of the vetiver hedges.

  • Compiler: Joana Eichenberger
Agroforestry homegardens

Agroforestry homegardens [Haiti]

Agroforestry is a way of incorporating agricultural land with trees, crops and / or livestock. The technology increases and diversifies production, generating social, economic and environmental benefits. In addition, planted around houses, trees offer protection against hurricanes.

  • Compiler: Joana Eichenberger
Agro-silvo-pastoralisme on north facing slopes

Agro-silvo-pastoralisme on north facing slopes [Haiti]

Agroforestry is a way of incorporating agricultural land combining trees and crops and / or livestock. The technology increases and diversifies production, generating social, economic and environmental benefits. In addition, planted around houses, trees offer hurricane protection.

  • Compiler: Joana Eichenberger
Traitement des ravines

Traitement des ravines [Haiti]

Le traitement des ravines vise à réduire l'érosion et à éviter la propagation des ravines, à l'aide de divers procédés tels que la végétalisation, les haies vives ou les seuils en pierres sèches, qui diminuent l'énergie des eaux de ruissellement dans les ravines.

  • Compiler: Antoine Kocher
Community protection of microbasins through reforestation

Community protection of microbasins through reforestation [Honduras]

Microbasins providing drinking water to many communities frequently suffer from deforestation and are used as grazing areas, for coffee production areas or for other types of crops. As a whole, communities choose to protect microbasins and ensure reforestation resorting to legal protection, thus ensuring the quantity and quality of their …

  • Compiler: Helen Gambon
Peak flow control structures (leaky woody dams)

Peak flow control structures (leaky woody dams) [Hungary]

Peak flow control structures are designed to reduce flow velocities and quantities running down from catchment areas. Leaky dams are peak flow control structures that are made of wood and allow low flows to pass through, but hold back high flows, thus providing temporary storage and enhanced infiltration of flood …

  • Compiler: Brigitta Szabó