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Your search results (147)


Bouli [Burkina Faso]

Les boulis : ce sont des ouvrages de forme ovale ou circulaire de 60 m de long et 4 à 6 m de profondeur, creusés dans le sol et destinés à collecter les eaux de ruissellement pour des usages divers (maraîchage, pépinières pour maraîchage et essences agroforestières en saison sèche) …

  • Compiler: SAWADOGO Hamado
Bassin de captage des eaux de ruissellement

Bassin de captage des eaux de ruissellement [Burkina Faso]

Le Banka, ou Bassin de captage des eaux de ruissellement, est un ouvrage de stockage creusé dans le sol, de 12 m de long, 8 m de large et 2 m de profondeur. Il permet de collecter les eaux de ruissellement pour faire des irrigations de complément en cas de …

  • Compiler: SAWADOGO Hamado
Use of solar water pumping to adapt to climate change

Use of solar water pumping to adapt to … [Cambodia]

A solar water pump is a technology that uses solar panels to convert the solar power to electricity for pumping water from different sources including an underground source of water. The use of solar water pump is to reduces the operating costs, and avoid the CO2 emission, which is a …

  • Compiler: Sok Pheak
On-farm ponds to alleviate the potential impact of seasonal droughts and for increasing crop cultivation and aquaculture

On-farm ponds to alleviate the potential impact of … [Cambodia]

Digging ponds on farms to harvest rain water used for irrigating crops during drought provides a means for addressing a lack of water at the start of crop cultivation, both before the start of the rainy season and after the end of the rainy season. The main objective of this …

  • Compiler: Nary Lay
Implementation of a fog water capture system in a conservation area in the community of Shaushi.

Implementation of a fog water capture system in … [Ecuador]

The practice consists in the installation of a water capture system, coming from the fog of the Cerro Shaushi zone, that allows to cover the need of water for domestic consumption of the inhabitants of the upper zone of the Community of Shaushi.

  • Compiler: Raul Galeas

Albarrada [Ecuador]

Son construcciones que poseen muros de tierra bien definidos, sus formas son variadas: rectángulares, cuadradas, circulares, semicirculares, alargada. Se llenan mediante un proceso de lenta acumulación de agua de lluvia directa o proveniente de las escorrentías producidas por la topografía del terreno. También pueden llenarse con el agua de pequeños …

  • Compiler: Pablo Caza