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Split Ranch Grazing Strategy [Botswana]

Riaan Dames Grazing Strategy

technologies_3217 - Botswana

Completeness: 90%

1. General information

1.2 Contact details of resource persons and institutions involved in the assessment and documentation of the Technology

Key resource person(s)

SLM specialist:
{'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 'Richard Fynn', 'user_id': '5729', 'unknown_user': False, 'template': 'raw'}
{'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 495, 'label': 'Name of the institution(s) which facilitated the documentation/ evaluation of the Technology (if relevant)', 'text': 'University of Botswana (University of Botswana) - Botswana', 'template': 'raw'}

1.3 Conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT

The compiler and key resource person(s) accept the conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT:


1.4 Declaration on sustainability of the described Technology

Is the Technology described here problematic with regard to land degradation, so that it cannot be declared a sustainable land management technology?


2. Description of the SLM Technology

2.1 Short description of the Technology

Definition of the Technology:

Split Ranch Grazing involves grazing half the available area for a full year - concentrating livestock. The consequent grazing pressure maintains the grassland in an immature, high-quality state, while resting the other half, allowing optimal recovery from the previous full years grazing. The technology is simple, requiring less fencing than more complex systems, without compromising sustainability or ecological function. These concepts can also be used for management in pastoral-wildlife systems to create habitat heterogeneity (short and tall grassland).

2.2 Detailed description of the Technology


The Split Ranch Grazing Strategy (SRG) was developed by Riaan Dames in the North West province, South Africa. It is fundamentally different to popular rotational management systems and contains several conceptual advances. One key difference is that SRG provides a full-year uninterrupted recovery period for rangeland after grazing. This enables grasses to maximize nutrient recovery over the main pulses of nutrient mineralization in the early wet season, and to maximize root growth and associated nutrient storage over the late wet season and early dry season - when most root growth occurs. Optimal recovery periods should ideally, therefore, encompass the full wet season and the early dry season. This contrasts with rotational grazing where recovery and grazing periods are apportioned across these two periods, with resting periods often not occurring in key periods of nutrient uptake and root growth.
A major problem with having both grazing and recovery periods in the same season is that grassland is able to mature during recovery periods, greatly reducing forage quality and grass growth rates, thereby negatively impacting animal production. Another problem is that complex rotational grazing requires strategies investing much in a complex and expensive fencing infrastructure. The solution is a fundamentally different strategy where some paddocks are grazed the whole year to prevent grassland maturation and other paddocks are simultaneously rested to optimize recovery. In addition, paddocks should be as few, and as large as possible, to maximize livestock access to functional resource heterogeneity, thereby improving adaptive foraging options, while reducing costs of fencing (fencing can even be replaced by using physical boundaries (e.g. roads, rivers, etc.) and herding the livestock.
Livestock are maintained in the grazing paddocks until mid-dry season to ensure that grasses in the rested paddocks have completed root growth and ceased all other growth – thus fully rested and recovered. A full years rest allows maximum uptake and storage of nutrients in deep, strong root systems and crowns. Thus when these grasses are grazed in the next season they have not only efficient root uptake of moisture and nutrients from the soil but also can re-allocate nutrients stored in roots to leaf production after each grazing event, resulting in a productive supply of high-quality fresh leaf to livestock over the growing season.
Movement of livestock into the year-long rested paddocks halfway through the dry season ensures that they have a large reserve of forage. Concentration of livestock on half the available area (half the paddocks are rested and the other half grazed) ensures sufficient grazing pressure to maintain grassland in an immature, high-quality and rapidly-growing state for maximizing forage quality, leaf production and livestock production, further enhanced by greater adaptive foraging options in large paddocks. The technology was started in North West province South Africa, and is now being taken up in Botswana and Namibia. A model example is Tiisa Kalahari Ranch in the Ghanzi region of Botswana. The ranch has been partitioned into several four-paddock cells, each with their own cattle herd. Cattle graze two paddocks while the other two are rested for a full year. Cattle enter the rested paddocks, which have developed a large reserve of forage, in the mid dry season (July) once forage is depleted in the two grazed paddocks. This technology (SRG), used on the award-winning Danielskuil ranch in South Africa, has been employed at Tiisa for six years after being in a degraded state. Indications are that the rangeland has been steadily recovering with increases in abundance of high-quality grasses. Monitoring programs are being established to monitor the trends in cover of the various grass species over time.

2.3 Photos of the Technology

2.4 Videos of the Technology

Comments, short description:

Tour of several ranches using the split ranch grazing strategy: April 2016, North West Province, South Africa. The video was compiled by Ibo Zimmerman.




North West Province, South Africa

Name of videographer:

Ibo Zimmerman

2.5 Country/ region/ locations where the Technology has been applied and which are covered by this assessment



Region/ State/ Province:

Ghanzi Province

Further specification of location:

Ghanzi, Tiisa Kalahari Ranch

Specify the spread of the Technology:
  • evenly spread over an area
If precise area is not known, indicate approximate area covered:
  • 10-100 km2

Longitude: -21.60026 (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 21.48969
Not restricted to any size of land - any size ranch

{'is_geometry': True, 'configuration': 'technologies', 'additional_translations': {}, 'key': 'Map', 'value': '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","id":1519642589897,"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[21.48969,-21.60025999999999]},"properties":null}]}', 'questionnaire_object': <Questionnaire: {"qg_name": [{"name": {"en": "Split Ranch Grazing Strategy", "fr": "Strat\u00e9gie de P\u00e2turage sur Ranch Subdivis\u00e9"}, "name_local": {"en": "Riaan Dames Grazing Strategy", "fr": "Riaan Dames Grazing Strategy"}}], "qg_image": [{"image_caption": {"en": "An aerial view contrasting the rested (left) and grazed half of the Fourie Vennootskap, Danielskuil ranch. Since 1995 cattle have been managed according to the split ranch grazing strategy.", "fr": "Vue a\u00e9rienne montrant la moiti\u00e9 des aires de p\u00e2turage en repos (\u00e0 gauche) contrastant avec l'autre moiti\u00e9 utilis\u00e9e pour le p\u00e2turage (\u00e0 droite) du ranch Danielskuil, Fourie Vennootskap. Depuis 1995, la gestion du b\u00e9tail a suivi la strat\u00e9gie de p\u00e2turage sur ranch divis\u00e9. "}, "image_comments": {"en": "Cattle utilize paddocks of up to 1500 ha in size for a year, giving them large spatial options for adaptive foraging. The half reserved for utilization provides high quality, green forage for the entire season (is prevented from maturing), while the other half is rested to sustain rangeland productivity and provides a valuable dry season grazing resource.", "fr": "Les bovins utilisent des enclos pouvant atteindre1500 ha de surface par an, qui leur offrent des options de grandes dimensions spatiales pour une alimentation adaptive. La moiti\u00e9 du territoire qui est activement exploit\u00e9e produit un fourrage vert de haute qualit\u00e9 pour toute la saison (\u00e9tant emp\u00each\u00e9 d'arriver \u00e0 maturit\u00e9), lorsque l'autre moiti\u00e9 est mise en d\u00e9fends pour soutenir la productivit\u00e9 des parcours, fournissant des ressources fourrag\u00e8res de valeur. "}, "image_location": {"en": "Danielskuil ranch in the Northern Cape Province", "fr": "Le ranch Danielskuil ranch dans la province du Cap Nord, Afrique du Sud"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Riaan Dames", "fr": "Riaan Dames"}}], "qg_links": [{"links_url": {"en": "", "fr": ""}, "links_title": {"en": "Grazing Strategy of Riaan Dames", "fr": "La Strat\u00e9gie de P\u00e2turage ('Grazing Strategy') de M. Riaan Dames"}}], "qg_photos": [{"image": "8ebf2bb9-b439-40b0-8ca2-66e5d1d28bd3", "image_date": "2018", "image_caption": {"en": "A grazed paddock contrasted with an ungrazed area (corridor zone) on Xanagas ranch near Charleshill, Botswana", "fr": "Des enclos diff\u00e9rents en condition p\u00e2tur\u00e9e et repos\u00e9e au ranch de Tiisa Kalahari, Ghanzi."}, "image_comments": {"en": "The ranch is managed under the split ranch grazing strategy. Note how season-long grazing has kept the grazed paddock in a green high quality state with no accumulation of dead leaf or stem.", "fr": "Prenez note de l'utilisation uniforme de l'enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9 et de la r\u00e9serve de fourrage dans l'enclos en repos. La photo a \u00e9t\u00e9 prise au d\u00e9but de la saison s\u00e8che (au mois de juin), le b\u00e9tail \u00e9tant d\u00e9plac\u00e9 bient\u00f4t dans les enclos repos\u00e9s, o\u00f9 il y a une r\u00e9serve de fourrage pour nourrir les animaux tout au long de la saison s\u00e8che."}, "image_location": {"en": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana", "fr": "Ranch Tiisa, Ghanzi, Botswana"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Kevin Grant", "fr": "Kevin Grant"}}, {"image": "beb333a6-5a58-4330-85bc-10ebcba02427", "image_date": "02/04/2017", "image_caption": {"en": "Grasses in the grazed paddocks are kept in an immature, leafy state during the wet season by sufficient sustained grazing pressure", "fr": "Les herbes fourrag\u00e8res dans les enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9s sont maintenues dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense pendant la saison pluvieuse sous une pression de p\u00e2turage soutenue suffisante \u00e0 cet effet."}, "image_comments": {"en": "Note that even by the late wet season in a good rainfall season the grasses are still in an immature, leafy state with minimal stem development and therefore have high digestibility and nutritional value, as opposed to grasses that have been left ungrazed for too long (1-2 months). Sufficient sustained grazing pressure to keep the grass in an immature state can only be obtained by concentration of all the livestock on half the available area and by sustained presence of the livestock over the grazing season. Thus one cannot allow long periods of absence of the livestock from the planned grazed paddocks, which would allow the grasses to grow out and lose quality. Thus rotational grazing strategies that allow long recovery periods between grazing events in the wet season result in low forage quality for livestock. This has been a major conceptual flaw in many rotational grazing strategies including short duration grazing and often holistic planned grazing to the detriment of livestock growth rates and reproductive success (conception rates, birth rates, calf size at birth).", "fr": "Prenez note que, m\u00eame \u00e0 la fin de la saison pluvieuse, les herbes fourrag\u00e8res sont encore dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense, avec un d\u00e9veloppement minimal des tiges. Les herbes ont donc une digestibilit\u00e9 et une valeur nutritionelle \u00e9lev\u00e9es compar\u00e9 aux herbes mises en repos depuis trop longtemps (1 \u00e0 2 mois). Une pression exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage suffisante et soutenue ne peut \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e qu'en concentrant tout le b\u00e9tail dans la moiti\u00e9 des terres disponibles et en assurant la pr\u00e9sence continue du b\u00e9tail sur le terrain tout au long de la saison de p\u00e2turage. L'absence prolong\u00e9e du b\u00e9tail des enclos pr\u00e9vus pour le p\u00e2turage ne peut donc pas \u00eatre permis, parce que ceci permettrait le d\u00e9veloppement et la perte de qualit\u00e9 des herbes. Par cons\u00e9quent, les strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation, permettant des longues p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9tablissement entre des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage durant la saison humide, font diminuer la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage pour le b\u00e9tail. Ce fut une erreur conceptuelle principale dans beaucoup de strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation comprenant des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage de faible dur\u00e9e et des r\u00e9gimes de p\u00e2turage raisonn\u00e9, au d\u00e9triment de la croissance du b\u00e9tail et du succ\u00e8s reproducteur (taux de reproduction, taille de veau \u00e0 la naissance)."}, "image_location": {"en": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana", "fr": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Theresa Fynn", "fr": "Theresa Fynn"}}, {"image": "5d475f7c-27de-4cff-8493-a1ae298f0aba", "image_date": "2018", "image_caption": {"en": "Photos comparing rested and grazed areas at the point where cattle are moved to rested area.", "fr": "Les herbes fourrag\u00e8res dans les enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9s sont maintenues dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense pendant la saison pluvieuse sous une pression de p\u00e2turage soutenue suffisante \u00e0 cet effet."}, "image_comments": {"fr": "Prenez note que, m\u00eame \u00e0 la fin de la saison pluvieuse, les herbes fourrag\u00e8res sont encore dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense, avec un d\u00e9veloppement minimal des tiges. Les herbes ont donc une digestibilit\u00e9 et une valeur nutritionelle \u00e9lev\u00e9es compar\u00e9 aux herbes mises en repos depuis trop longtemps (1 \u00e0 2 mois). Une pression exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage suffisante et soutenue ne peut \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e qu'en concentrant tout le b\u00e9tail dans la moiti\u00e9 des terres disponibles et en assurant la pr\u00e9sence continue du b\u00e9tail sur le terrain tout au long de la saison de p\u00e2turage. L'absence prolong\u00e9e du b\u00e9tail des enclos pr\u00e9vus pour le p\u00e2turage ne peut donc pas \u00eatre permis, parce que ceci permettrait le d\u00e9veloppement et la perte de qualit\u00e9 des herbes. Par cons\u00e9quent, les strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation, permettant des longues p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9tablissement entre des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage durant la saison humide, font diminuer la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage pour le b\u00e9tail. Ce fut une erreur conceptuelle principale dans beaucoup de strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation comprenant des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage de faible dur\u00e9e et des r\u00e9gimes de p\u00e2turage raisonn\u00e9, au d\u00e9triment de la croissance du b\u00e9tail et du succ\u00e8s reproducteur (taux de reproduction, taille de veau \u00e0 la naissance)."}, "image_location": {"en": "Botswana", "fr": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Kevin Grant", "fr": "Theresa Fynn"}}, {"image": "4582097e-3396-444d-b45e-c5edfcb3a46b", "image_caption": {"en": "Photo showing a contrast between a grazed and rested paddocks in the early dry season (June) at Tiisa Kalahari Ranch, Ghanzi.", "fr": "Les herbes fourrag\u00e8res dans les enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9s sont maintenues dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense pendant la saison pluvieuse sous une pression de p\u00e2turage soutenue suffisante \u00e0 cet effet."}, "image_comments": {"en": "Note the reserve of forage for the mid and late dry season in the rested paddock (the cattle will moved into this rested paddock in July). Also note the even utilization of grasses in the grazed paddock by the end of the wet season.", "fr": "Prenez note que, m\u00eame \u00e0 la fin de la saison pluvieuse, les herbes fourrag\u00e8res sont encore dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense, avec un d\u00e9veloppement minimal des tiges. Les herbes ont donc une digestibilit\u00e9 et une valeur nutritionelle \u00e9lev\u00e9es compar\u00e9 aux herbes mises en repos depuis trop longtemps (1 \u00e0 2 mois). Une pression exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage suffisante et soutenue ne peut \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e qu'en concentrant tout le b\u00e9tail dans la moiti\u00e9 des terres disponibles et en assurant la pr\u00e9sence continue du b\u00e9tail sur le terrain tout au long de la saison de p\u00e2turage. L'absence prolong\u00e9e du b\u00e9tail des enclos pr\u00e9vus pour le p\u00e2turage ne peut donc pas \u00eatre permis, parce que ceci permettrait le d\u00e9veloppement et la perte de qualit\u00e9 des herbes. Par cons\u00e9quent, les strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation, permettant des longues p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9tablissement entre des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage durant la saison humide, font diminuer la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage pour le b\u00e9tail. Ce fut une erreur conceptuelle principale dans beaucoup de strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation comprenant des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage de faible dur\u00e9e et des r\u00e9gimes de p\u00e2turage raisonn\u00e9, au d\u00e9triment de la croissance du b\u00e9tail et du succ\u00e8s reproducteur (taux de reproduction, taille de veau \u00e0 la naissance)."}, "image_location": {"fr": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Richard Fynn", "fr": "Theresa Fynn"}}, {"image": "83a34e2b-4dde-4dfd-89a1-2b9459a017eb", "image_caption": {"en": "Photo showing a cattle preference for short high-quality green grass in the mown strip along the Charleshill road, avoiding the taller and lower quality unmown areas further away from the road.", "fr": "Les herbes fourrag\u00e8res dans les enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9s sont maintenues dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense pendant la saison pluvieuse sous une pression de p\u00e2turage soutenue suffisante \u00e0 cet effet."}, "image_comments": {"en": "This demonstrates the importance of maintaining grazed paddocks in a short high-quality state.", "fr": "Prenez note que, m\u00eame \u00e0 la fin de la saison pluvieuse, les herbes fourrag\u00e8res sont encore dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de feuillage dense, avec un d\u00e9veloppement minimal des tiges. Les herbes ont donc une digestibilit\u00e9 et une valeur nutritionelle \u00e9lev\u00e9es compar\u00e9 aux herbes mises en repos depuis trop longtemps (1 \u00e0 2 mois). Une pression exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage suffisante et soutenue ne peut \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9e qu'en concentrant tout le b\u00e9tail dans la moiti\u00e9 des terres disponibles et en assurant la pr\u00e9sence continue du b\u00e9tail sur le terrain tout au long de la saison de p\u00e2turage. L'absence prolong\u00e9e du b\u00e9tail des enclos pr\u00e9vus pour le p\u00e2turage ne peut donc pas \u00eatre permis, parce que ceci permettrait le d\u00e9veloppement et la perte de qualit\u00e9 des herbes. Par cons\u00e9quent, les strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation, permettant des longues p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9tablissement entre des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage durant la saison humide, font diminuer la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage pour le b\u00e9tail. Ce fut une erreur conceptuelle principale dans beaucoup de strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e2turage en rotation comprenant des activit\u00e9s de p\u00e2turage de faible dur\u00e9e et des r\u00e9gimes de p\u00e2turage raisonn\u00e9, au d\u00e9triment de la croissance du b\u00e9tail et du succ\u00e8s reproducteur (taux de reproduction, taille de veau \u00e0 la naissance)."}, "image_location": {"fr": "Tiisa Ranch, Ghanzi, Botswana"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "Richard Fynn", "fr": "Theresa Fynn"}}], "qg_videos": [{"video_date": "2016", "video_location": {"en": "North West Province, South Africa", "fr": "Province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud"}, "video_description": {"en": "Tour of several ranches using the split ranch grazing strategy: April 2016, North West Province, South Africa. The video was compiled by Ibo Zimmerman. \r\nSee", "fr": "Tourn\u00e9e de plusieurs ranchs appliquant la strat\u00e9gie de p\u00e2turage sur ranch subdivis\u00e9: avril 2016, province du Nord-Ouest, Afrique du Sud. La vid\u00e9o a \u00e9t\u00e9 compil\u00e9e par M. Ibo Zimmerman. \r\nVoir"}, "video_videographer": {"en": "Ibo Zimmerman", "fr": "Ibo Zimmerman"}}], "tech_qg_1": [{"tech_definition": {"en": "Split Ranch Grazing involves grazing half the available area for a full year - concentrating livestock. The consequent grazing pressure maintains the grassland in an immature, high-quality state, while resting the other half, allowing optimal recovery from the previous full years grazing. The technology is simple, requiring less fencing than more complex systems, without compromising sustainability or ecological function. These concepts can also be used for management in pastoral-wildlife systems to create habitat heterogeneity (short and tall grassland).", "fr": "La Strat\u00e9gie de P\u00e2turage sur Ranch Subdivis\u00e9 implique le p\u00e2turage de la moiti\u00e9 de la surface disponible pendant une ann\u00e9e enti\u00e8re, en concentrant le b\u00e9tail. La pression des p\u00e2turages maintient la prairie dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9 et de haute qualit\u00e9, tout en reposant l'autre moiti\u00e9 du parcours. Ceci permet le r\u00e9tablissement optimal du p\u00e2turage de toute l'ann\u00e9e pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente. La technologie est simple, n\u00e9cessitant moins de cl\u00f4tures que les syst\u00e8mes plus complexes, sans compromettre la durabilit\u00e9 ni la fonction \u00e9cologique. Ces concepts s'appliquent \u00e9galement aux syst\u00e8mes pastoraux et d'esp\u00e8ces sauvages pour cr\u00e9er une diversit\u00e9 d'habitats (prairies \u00e0 herbes courtes et hautes)."}}], "tech_qg_2": [{"tech_description": {"en": "The Split Ranch Grazing Strategy (SRG) was developed by Riaan Dames in the North West province, South Africa. It is fundamentally different to popular rotational management systems and contains several conceptual advances. One key difference is that SRG provides a full-year uninterrupted recovery period for rangeland after grazing. This enables grasses to maximize nutrient recovery over the main pulses of nutrient mineralization in the early wet season, and to maximize root growth and associated nutrient storage over the late wet season and early dry season - when most root growth occurs. Optimal recovery periods should ideally, therefore, encompass the full wet season and the early dry season. This contrasts with rotational grazing where recovery and grazing periods are apportioned across these two periods, with resting periods often not occurring in key periods of nutrient uptake and root growth. \r\nA major problem with having both grazing and recovery periods in the same season is that grassland is able to mature during recovery periods, greatly reducing forage quality and grass growth rates, thereby negatively impacting animal production. Another problem is that complex rotational grazing requires strategies investing much in a complex and expensive fencing infrastructure. The solution is a fundamentally different strategy where some paddocks are grazed the whole year to prevent grassland maturation and other paddocks are simultaneously rested to optimize recovery. In addition, paddocks should be as few, and as large as possible, to maximize livestock access to functional resource heterogeneity, thereby improving adaptive foraging options, while reducing costs of fencing (fencing can even be replaced by using physical boundaries (e.g. roads, rivers, etc.) and herding the livestock. \r\nLivestock are maintained in the grazing paddocks until mid-dry season to ensure that grasses in the rested paddocks have completed root growth and ceased all other growth \u2013 thus fully rested and recovered. A full years rest allows maximum uptake and storage of nutrients in deep, strong root systems and crowns. Thus when these grasses are grazed in the next season they have not only efficient root uptake of moisture and nutrients from the soil but also can re-allocate nutrients stored in roots to leaf production after each grazing event, resulting in a productive supply of high-quality fresh leaf to livestock over the growing season. \r\nMovement of livestock into the year-long rested paddocks halfway through the dry season ensures that they have a large reserve of forage. Concentration of livestock on half the available area (half the paddocks are rested and the other half grazed) ensures sufficient grazing pressure to maintain grassland in an immature, high-quality and rapidly-growing state for maximizing forage quality, leaf production and livestock production, further enhanced by greater adaptive foraging options in large paddocks. The technology was started in North West province South Africa, and is now being taken up in Botswana and Namibia. A model example is Tiisa Kalahari Ranch in the Ghanzi region of Botswana. The ranch has been partitioned into several four-paddock cells, each with their own cattle herd. Cattle graze two paddocks while the other two are rested for a full year. Cattle enter the rested paddocks, which have developed a large reserve of forage, in the mid dry season (July) once forage is depleted in the two grazed paddocks. This technology (SRG), used on the award-winning Danielskuil ranch in South Africa, has been employed at Tiisa for six years after being in a degraded state. Indications are that the rangeland has been steadily recovering with increases in abundance of high-quality grasses. Monitoring programs are being established to monitor the trends in cover of the various grass species over time.", "fr": "La Strat\u00e9gie de P\u00e2turage sur Ranch Subdivis\u00e9 (SRG) a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e par M. Riaan Dames dans la province du Nord-Ouest de l'Afrique du Sud. Elle est de nature diff\u00e9rente des syst\u00e8mes courants de p\u00e2turage en rotation, et pr\u00e9sente quelques progr\u00e8s sur le plan conceptuel. Une diff\u00e9rence essentielle est que la SRG procure une p\u00e9riode de r\u00e9habilitation ininterrompue d'un an pour le parcours apr\u00e8s le p\u00e2turage. Ceci permet aux herbes de maximiser la r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration des \u00e9l\u00e9ments nutritifs au cours des dynamiques de min\u00e9ralisation des nutriments au d\u00e9but de la saison pluvieuse, et de maximiser la croissance des racines et le stockage associ\u00e9 de nutriments tard dans la saison pluvieuse et au d\u00e9but de la saison s\u00e8che - lorsque la plus forte croissance des racines se produit. Pour cette raison, les p\u00e9riodes optimales de r\u00e9habilitation devraient porter dans l'id\u00e9al sur la saison humide enti\u00e8re et le d\u00e9but de la saison s\u00e8che. Cette pratique s\u2019oppose au p\u00e2turage en rotation, o\u00f9 les p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9habilitation et de p\u00e2turage sont r\u00e9parties sur ces deux p\u00e9riodes, les p\u00e9riodes de repos souvent n\u2019intervenant pas dans les p\u00e9riodes d\u2019absorption des nutriments et de croissance des racines. \r\n\r\nUn probl\u00e8me majeur d\u2019avoir les p\u00e9riodes de p\u00e2turage et de repos au cours de la m\u00eame saison est que l\u2019herbage puisse arriver \u00e0 maturit\u00e9 pendant les p\u00e9riodes de r\u00e9habilitation, en diminuant fortement la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage et le taux de croissance des herbes, ce qui a des r\u00e9percussions n\u00e9gatives sur la production animale. Un autre probl\u00e8me est que la rotation complexe des p\u00e2turages n\u00e9cessite le recours \u00e0 des strat\u00e9gies d\u2019investissement dans une infrastructure de cl\u00f4tures complexe et co\u00fbteuse. La solution est une strat\u00e9gie essentiellement diff\u00e9rente dans laquelle quelques enclos sont mis en p\u00e2turage toute l\u2019ann\u00e9e pour pr\u00e9venir la maturation des herbages, et d\u2019autres enclos sont mis en repos en m\u00eame temps afin d\u2019optimiser leur r\u00e9habilitation. En outre, les enclos devraient rester aussi peu nombreux et leur taille aussi grande que possible afin d\u2019accro\u00eetre l\u2019acc\u00e8s du b\u00e9tail aux ressources fourrag\u00e8res d\u2019une diversit\u00e9 fonctionnelle. Ceci am\u00e9liore les options adaptatives de p\u00e2turage, ce qui permet de r\u00e9duire les co\u00fbts des cl\u00f4tures (la cl\u00f4ture pouvant m\u00eame \u00eatre remplac\u00e9e par des limites physiques, telles que des routes ou des cours d\u2019eau) et les co\u00fbts de garder les troupeaux. \r\n\r\nLe b\u00e9tail est gard\u00e9 dans les enclos de p\u00e2turage jusqu\u2019en pleine saison s\u00e8che pour assurer que les herbes dans les enclos en repos aient termin\u00e9 la croissance des racines et cess\u00e9 toute autre croissance. En d\u2019autres termes, jusqu\u2019\u00e0 ce que les enclos ont \u00e9t\u00e9 enti\u00e8rement repos\u00e9s et r\u00e9habilit\u00e9s. Une ann\u00e9e compl\u00e8te de mise en repos permet une assimilation et un stockage des nutriments maximaux dans les syst\u00e8mes racinaires profonds et vigoureux et dans les pieds des herbac\u00e9es. Par cons\u00e9quent, lorsque ces herbes sont p\u00e2tur\u00e9es au cours de la saison suivante, elles ont non seulement une absorption racinaire d\u2019humidit\u00e9 et de nutriments efficace, mais aussi une capacit\u00e9 de redistribuer des nutriments stock\u00e9s dans les racines pour produire des feuilles apr\u00e8s chaque p\u00e9riode de p\u00e2turage. Il en r\u00e9sulte une production de feuilles fra\u00eeches de haute qualit\u00e9 pour le b\u00e9tail durant la saison productive. \r\n\r\nLe d\u00e9placement du b\u00e9tail dans les enclos mis en repos toute l\u2019ann\u00e9e, au milieu de la saison s\u00e8che, fait en sorte que les animaux aient une grande r\u00e9serve de fourrage. La concentration du b\u00e9tail sur la moiti\u00e9 de la surface disponible (la moiti\u00e9 des enclos \u00e9tant mise en repos et l\u2019autre moiti\u00e9 \u00e9tant p\u00e2tur\u00e9e) garantit une pression suffisante exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage pour maintenir la prairie dans un \u00e9tat d\u2019immaturit\u00e9, de haute qualit\u00e9 et de croissance rapide pour maximiser la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage, la production de feuilles et la production animale. Ces b\u00e9n\u00e9fices sont encore renforc\u00e9es par de plus grandes options adaptatives de p\u00e2turage dans des enclos \u00e9tendus. \r\n\r\nLa technologie a \u00e9t\u00e9 commenc\u00e9e dans la province Nord-Ouest de l\u2019Afrique du Sud, et est actuellement adopt\u00e9e au Botswana et en Namibie. Le Tissa Kalahari Ranch est une ferme-pilote dans la r\u00e9gion de Ghanzi de Botswana. Le ranch a \u00e9t\u00e9 subdivis\u00e9 en plusieurs parcelles de quatre enclos, chacune renfermant son propre troupeau de bovins. Le b\u00e9tail est p\u00e2tur\u00e9 sur deux enclos, en laissant les deux autres en repos pendant une ann\u00e9e compl\u00e8te. Une fois le fourrage \u00e9puis\u00e9 dans les deux enclos p\u00e2tur\u00e9s, le b\u00e9tail est conduit dans les enclos mis en repos, qui ont d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 une grande r\u00e9serve de fourrage, au milieu de la saison s\u00e8che (dans le mois de juillet). Cette technologie (SRG), \u00e9tant utilis\u00e9e au ranch prim\u00e9 Danielskuil en Afrique du Sud, a \u00e9t\u00e9 appliqu\u00e9e \u00e0 Tiisa pendant six ans suite \u00e0 une p\u00e9riode o\u00f9 ce ranch se trouvait dans un \u00e9tat d\u00e9grad\u00e9. Certains \u00e9l\u00e9ments indiquent que les aires de p\u00e2turage se sont r\u00e9tablis progressivement par une augmentation d\u2019herbes de haute qualit\u00e9. Des programmes de surveillance sont en cours d\u2019\u00e9laboration pour suivre l\u2019\u00e9volution de la couverture des esp\u00e8ces diff\u00e9rentes de gramin\u00e9es dans le temps."}}], "tech_qg_3": [{"tech_sites_considered": "sites_considered_single"}], "tech_qg_4": [{"tech_spread_area": "tech_spread_10_100", "tech_spread_tech": "tech_spread_evenly"}], "tech_qg_5": [{"tech_who_implemented_other": {"en": "Through interaction with Riaan Dames", "fr": "Par interaction avec M. Riaan Dames"}}], "tech_qg_6": [{"tech_main_purpose": ["main_purpose_production", "main_purpose_degradation", "main_purpose_conserve_ecosystem", "main_purpose_protect_watershed", "main_purpose_biodiversity", "main_purpose_economic"]}], "tech_qg_7": [{"tech_lu_comments": {"en": "The technology can be used for ranching cattle, sheep or goats or using planned herding of these livestock types according to the key concepts outlined in the technology. Products would be meat, wool and to a lesser degree, milk.\r\n\r\nNumber of growing seasons per year: 1\r\nMostly one growing season but can be in a bimodal rainfall region\r\nLivestock density: At conservative stocking rates to ensure that animals are able to remain in the planned grazed paddocks until the mid dry season. Stocking rate will depend upon the local rainfall and soils and associated grass production. 10-15ha/ LSU in semi-arid regions", "fr": "La technologie peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour faire pa\u00eetre des bovins, ovins et caprins, ou bien pour le gardiennage control\u00e9 de ces esp\u00e8ces animales, selon les concepts-cl\u00e9s \u00e9nonc\u00e9s dans la technologie. Les produits concernent la viande, la laine et dans une mesure moindre le lait. \r\n\r\nNombre de p\u00e9riode de croissance par an: 1\r\nUne p\u00e9riode de croissance en g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, mais la technologie s'applique aussi \u00e0 des r\u00e9gions avec un r\u00e9gime des pluies bimodale.\r\nDensit\u00e9 d'\u00e9levage/ chargement: Il faut une densit\u00e9 d'\u00e9levage prudente pour que les animaux puissent rester dans les enclos destin\u00e9s au p\u00e2turage jusqu'au milieu de la saison s\u00e8che. La densit\u00e9 d'\u00e9levage d\u00e9pend des pr\u00e9cipitations locales, des sols et de la production d'herbages associ\u00e9e. 10-15 ha/LSU dans les r\u00e9gions semi-arides."}}], "tech_qg_8": [{"tech_measures": ["tech_measures_management"]}], "tech_qg_9": [{"tech_landuse_2018": ["tech_lu_grazingland"]}], "qg_sources": [{"sources_used": ["source_field", "source_interviews_landusers", "source_interviews_experts"]}], "tech_qg_11": [{"tech_lu_grazingland_animals": ["animals_50", "animals_51", "animals_55", "animals_59"], "tech_lu_grazingland_products": ["prod_service_meat", "prod_service_milk", "prod_service_whool"], "tech_lu_grazingland_extensive": ["tech_lu_grazingland_pastoralism", "tech_lu_grazingland_ranching"]}], "tech_qg_19": [{"tech_watersupply": "tech_watersupply_rainfed", "tech_watersupply_comments": {"en": "Mainly rainfed but some irrigation of improved pasture for dry season forage would be fine", "fr": "Plut\u00f4t pluvial, mais une quantit\u00e9 limit\u00e9e d'irrigation sur les p\u00e2turages am\u00e9lior\u00e9s pour apporter un compl\u00e9ment fourrager en saison s\u00e8che serait pr\u00e9f\u00e9rable."}}], "tech_qg_20": [{"tech_slm_group": ["tech_slm_group_pastoralism"]}], "tech_qg_24": [{"tech_measures_management_sub": ["measures_management_m2", "measures_management_m4"]}], "tech_qg_26": [{"tech_measures_comments": {"en": "It involves grazing management. Managing stocking rate and the time spent grazing or resting a paddock", "fr": "Il s'agit de la gestion du p\u00e2turage: la gestion de la charge animale et des p\u00e9riodes de p\u00e2turage et de mise en d\u00e9fens d'un enclos."}}], "tech_qg_27": [{"tech_degradation": ["degradation_erosion_water", "degradation_erosion_wind", "degradation_biological"]}], "tech_qg_28": [{"degradation_erosion_water_sub": ["degradation_wt", "degradation_wg"]}], "tech_qg_29": [{"degradation_erosion_wind_sub": ["degradation_et"]}], "tech_qg_32": [{"degradation_biological_sub": ["degradation_bc", "degradation_bq", "degradation_bs"]}], "tech_qg_34": [{"degradation_comments": {"en": "Preventing undesirable changes in grass cover and composition", "fr": "Pr\u00e9venir les changements ind\u00e9sirables dans la couverture d'herbes et sa composition."}}], "tech_qg_35": [{"tech_prevention": ["intervention_prevent_ld", "intervention_rehabilitate"], "tech_prevention_comments": {"en": "The key goals are to improve grass composition and cover, reduce soil erosion and to improve livestock production", "fr": "Les principaux objectifs sont d'am\u00e9liorer la composition et la couverture d'herbes, de r\u00e9duire l'\u00e9rosion des sols, et d'am\u00e9liorer la production animale."}}], "tech_qg_36": [{"tech_input_est_unit": {"en": "paddocks", "fr": "paddocks"}, "tech_input_est_costs": 24000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Labourers", "fr": "Main d'oeuvre"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 7.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 168000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}], "tech_qg_37": [{"tech_input_est_unit": {"en": "paddocks", "fr": "paddocks"}, "tech_input_est_costs": 8000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Water trough, fitting and piping", "fr": "Abreuvoir, le montage et la tuyauterie"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 7.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 56000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}, {"tech_input_est_unit": {"en": "paddocks", "fr": "paddocks"}, "tech_input_est_costs": 20000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Solar pump", "fr": "Pompe solaires"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 7.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 140000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}, {"tech_input_est_unit": {"en": "paddocks", "fr": "paddocks"}, "tech_input_est_costs": 80000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Fencing", "fr": "Cloture"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 7.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 560000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}, {"tech_input_est_unit": {"en": "paddocks", "fr": "paddocks"}, "tech_input_est_costs": 20000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Boreholes", "fr": "Forages"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 7.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 140000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}], "tech_qg_40": [{"tech_input_est_costs": 30000.0, "tech_input_est_specify": {"en": "Loading facilities", "fr": "Installations de chargement"}, "tech_input_est_quantity": 1.0, "tech_input_est_total_costs_pi": 30000.0, "tech_input_est_percentage_costs": 100.0}], "tech_qg_43": [{"tech_maint_timing": {"en": "Throughout", "fr": "au cours de l'ann\u00e9e"}, "tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Maintenance of fences", "fr": "Entretien de cl\u00f4tures"}}, {"tech_maint_timing": {"en": "Throughout", "fr": "au cours de l'ann\u00e9e"}, "tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Maintenance of water pipes and pumps", "fr": "Entretien de conduites d'eau et de pompes"}}, {"tech_maint_timing": {"en": "Throughout", "fr": "au cours de l'ann\u00e9e"}, "tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Maintenance of vehicles", "fr": "Entretien de v\u00e9hicules"}}, {"tech_maint_timing": {"en": "Throughout", "fr": "au cours de l'ann\u00e9e"}, "tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Animal handling", "fr": "Gestion de b\u00e9tail"}}, {"tech_maint_timing": {"en": "dry season", "fr": "saison s\u00e8che"}, "tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Supplementary feeding (if needed)", "fr": "Alimentation suppl\u00e9mentaire (si n\u00e9cessaire)"}}], "tech_qg_47": [{"tech_input_maint_unit": {"en": "bale", "fr": "botte"}, "tech_input_maint_costs": 9.0, "tech_input_maint_specify": {"en": "supplementary feed", "fr": "Compl\u00e9ments alimentaires"}, "tech_input_maint_quantity": 1.0, "tech_input_maint_total_costs_pi": 9.0, "tech_input_maint_percentage_costs": 100.0}], "tech_qg_52": [{"tech_input_maint_comments": {"en": "Maintenance costs are difficult to quantify but mainly keeping the fences clear of brush and replacing poles !\r\nMost of labour costs are probably assigned to this over a year !\r\nWater reticulation also a cost. A cost of P5000/MTH would be a good estimate.\r\nBales of hay cost 7-9 USD in Botswana depending on availability.", "fr": "Les co\u00fbts d'entretien sont difficiles \u00e0 quantifier, mais surtout garder les cl\u00f4tures \u00e0 l'\u00e9cart des broussailles et remplacer les poteaux!\r\nLa plupart des co\u00fbts de main-d'\u0153uvre sont probablement attribu\u00e9s \u00e0 cela sur une ann\u00e9e!\r\nLa r\u00e9ticulation de l'eau a \u00e9galement un co\u00fbt. Un co\u00fbt de P5000 / MTH serait une bonne estimation.\r\nLes bottes de foin co\u00fbtent 7-9 dollars US au Botswana selon la disponibilit\u00e9."}}], "tech_qg_54": [{"tech_rainfall": ["tech_rainfall_251_500", "tech_rainfall_501_750"], "tech_rainfall_annual": 432.0, "tech_rainfall_meteostation": {"en": "Department of Meteorological Services, Botswana", "fr": "D\u00e9partement des Services M\u00e9t\u00e9orologiques, Botswana"}, "tech_rainfall_specifications": {"en": "While Split Ranch Grazing is mainly applied in semi-arid climates with a long dry season, the relevance of SRG is likely to increase with increasing rainfall because of the greater decline in forage quality as grassland matures in higher rainfall areas; hence the greater need to concentrate grazing pressure to prevent grassland maturation.", "fr": "La technologie de P\u00e2turage sur Ranch Subdivis\u00e9 \u00e9tant appliqu\u00e9e principalement dans des climats semi-arides caract\u00e9ris\u00e9s par une longue saison s\u00e8che, il est probable que la technologie devienne plus pertinente en fonction d'une augmentation des pr\u00e9cipitations. Cela s'explique par une baisse plus marqu\u00e9e de la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage puisque l'herbage arrive \u00e0 maturit\u00e9 dans les zones \u00e0 pr\u00e9cipitations plus \u00e9lev\u00e9es; d'o\u00f9 la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de concentrer encore plus la pression exerc\u00e9e par le p\u00e2turage pour \u00e9viter la maturation de l'herbage."}}], "tech_qg_55": [{"tech_agroclimatic_zone": ["tech_agroclimatic_zone_semiarid"], "tech_agroclimatic_zone_specifications": {"en": "Can be operated in semi-arid, sub-humid or humid environments.", "fr": "La technologie peut \u00eatre appliqu\u00e9e dans les zones semi-arides, subhumides ou humides."}}], "tech_qg_56": [{"tech_slopes": ["tech_slopes_flat"], "tech_landforms": ["tech_landforms_plateau", "tech_landforms_footslopes"], "tech_altitudinalzone": ["tech_altitudinalzone_0_100", "tech_altitudinalzone_100_500"]}], "tech_qg_57": [{"tech_convex_concave": "topography_not_relevant", "tech_topography_comments": {"en": "Any situation is appropriate", "fr": "Toute situation est appropri\u00e9e."}}], "tech_qg_58": [{"tech_soil_depth": ["tech_soil_depth_veryshallow", "tech_soil_depth_verydeep"], "tech_topsoil_organic": ["tech_topsoil_organic_medium"], "tech_soil_texture_20cm": ["tech_soil_texture_coarse"], "tech_soil_texture_topsoil": ["tech_soil_texture_coarse"]}], "tech_qg_59": [{"tech_soil_comments": {"en": "The ranch has deep Kalahari sands in some sections and shallow rocky soils on calcrete in other sections. Nevertheless the technology is appropriate for any soil type", "fr": "Les sols du ranch sont constitu\u00e9s de sables 'Kalahari' profonds dans certains secteurs, et de sols rocheux peu profonds sur calcaire dans d'autres secteurs. Toutefois la technologie convient \u00e0 tous les types de sol."}}], "tech_qg_60": [{"tech_groundwater": "tech_groundwater_less_5m", "tech_surfacewater": "tech_surfacewater_good", "tech_waterquality": "tech_waterquality_good"}], "tech_qg_61": [{"tech_salinization": 0}], "tech_qg_63": [{"tech_flooding": 0}], "tech_qg_66": [{"tech_habitatdiversity": "measure_medium", "tech_speciesdiversity": "measure_medium"}], "tech_qg_71": [{"tech_gender": ["gender_men"], "tech_wealth": ["tech_wealth_average"], "tech_individuals": ["individuals_individual"], "tech_age_landusers": ["tech_age_middle"], "tech_mechanisation": ["mechanisation_mechanised"], "tech_offfarm_income": ["offfarm_income_0_10"], "tech_sedentary_nomadic": ["sedentary_sedentary", "sedentary_seminomadic"], "tech_market_orientation": ["tech_market_orientation_commercial"]}], "tech_qg_72": [{"tech_land_size": ["tech_land_size_1000_10000"], "tech_land_size_relative": ["tech_size_mediumscale"]}], "tech_qg_73": [{"tech_ownership": ["tech_ownership_individualtitled"], "tech_landuserights": ["tech_userights_individual"], "tech_wateruserights": ["tech_userights_individual"]}], "tech_qg_77": [{"tech_landuser_comments": {"en": "The technology can be applied under commercial ranching situations using fenced paddocks to control the spatial and temporal distribution of livestock or it can be applied by semi-nomadic pastoralists using planned herding to control the spatial and temporal distribution of livestock.", "fr": "La technologie peut \u00eatre appliqu\u00e9e \u00e0 des conditions d'\u00e9levage commercial \u00e0 l'aide d'enclos cl\u00f4tur\u00e9s pour contr\u00f4ler la r\u00e9partition spatiale et temporelle du b\u00e9tail, ou bien les \u00e9leveurs semi-nomades peuvent l'appliquer en gardant leurs troupeaux de fa\u00e7on contr\u00f4l\u00e9e afin de g\u00e9rer la r\u00e9partition du b\u00e9tail."}}], "tech_qg_79": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "For details see:\r\nFynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).", "fr": "Pour plus de d\u00e9tails, voir: Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017)."}, "tech_impacts_fodderproduction": 6}], "tech_qg_80": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Forage quality improved by keeping the grass in an immature state. For details see:\r\nFynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).", "fr": "La qualit\u00e9 des fourrages s'est am\u00e9lior\u00e9e en tenant l'herbage dans un \u00e9tat d'immaturit\u00e9. Pour plus de d\u00e9tails, voir: Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017)."}, "tech_impacts_fodderquality": 6}], "tech_qg_81": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Benefit from improved forage quality and larger spatial scales for adaptive foraging. For detail see:\r\nFynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).", "fr": "Des b\u00e9n\u00e9fices r\u00e9sultant d'une meilleure qualit\u00e9 des fourrages et de plus grandes \u00e9chelles spatiales pour le p\u00e2turage adapt\u00e9. Pour plus de d\u00e9tails, voir: Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017)."}, "tech_impacts_animalproduction": 6}], "tech_qg_95": [{"tech_input_determinate_factors": {"en": "Fencing and infrastructure have been shown to be major factors increasing establishment and maintenance costs and reducing profits. Thus SRG aims to reduce these costs by having fewer larger paddocks, which also has benefits for the animals. Another major cost is that of supplementary feeding, especially if forage is depleted during the dry season. This technology aims to ensure that a reserve of forage is created for the dry season, to overcome this. It also aims to improve the quality of forage during the wet season so that supplementary feeding is not needed for fertility improvement.", "fr": "Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9montr\u00e9 que la cl\u00f4ture et l\u2019infrastructure sont les facteurs principaux augmentant les co\u00fbts de mise en place et d\u2019entretien de la technologie, et r\u00e9duisant ses b\u00e9n\u00e9fices. La technologie SRG vise donc \u00e0 r\u00e9duire ces co\u00fbts en cr\u00e9ant moins d\u2019enclos de plus grande taille, ce qui pr\u00e9sente aussi des avantages pour les animaux. Les compl\u00e9ments alimentaires pour le b\u00e9tail constituent une autre d\u00e9pense principale, notamment lorsque les ressources fourrag\u00e8res sont \u00e9puis\u00e9es pendant la saison s\u00e8che. Pour surmonter ce probl\u00e8me, cette technologie vise \u00e0 assurer que des ressources fourrag\u00e8res soient produites pour la saison s\u00e8che. Elle cherche en outre \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la qualit\u00e9 du fourrage pendant la saison pluvieuse, pour \u00e9viter le besoin d\u2019une alimentation suppl\u00e9mentaire du b\u00e9tail pour am\u00e9liorer sa fertilit\u00e9."}}], "qg_location": [{"country": "country_BWA", "state_province": {"en": "Ghanzi Province", "fr": "Province de Ghanzi"}, "further_location": {"en": "Ghanzi, Tiisa Kalahari Ranch", "fr": "Ghanzi, ranch de Tiisa Kalahari"}}], "tech_qg_118": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better soil cover and protection", "fr": "Couverture et protection du sol meilleures ."}, "tech_impacts_waterquantity": 6}], "tech_qg_119": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better soil cover and protection", "fr": "Couverture et protection du sol meilleures ."}, "tech_impacts_waterquality": 6}], "tech_qg_121": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better soil cover and protection", "fr": "Couverture et protection du sol meilleures ."}, "tech_impacts_surfacerunoff": 6}], "tech_qg_139": [{"tech_impacts_habitatdiversity": 6}], "tech_qg_140": [{"tech_impacts_biomass": 6}], "tech_qg_147": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better grass cover should reduce runoff rates and downstream flooding", "fr": "Une meilleure couverture d'herbes devrait r\u00e9duire le taux de ruissellement et les inondations en aval."}}], "tech_qg_148": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better grass cover should improve water capture and stream flow", "fr": "Une meilleure couverture d'herbes devrait am\u00e9liorer le captage d'eau et le flux des cours d'eau."}}], "tech_qg_149": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "Better grass cover should reduce runoff and erosion rates thereby reducing downstream siltation", "fr": "Une meilleure couverture d'herbes devrait r\u00e9duire les taux de ruissellement et d'\u00e9rosion et ainsi r\u00e9duire l'envasement en aval."}}], "tech_qg_156": [{"tech_sustainability": 0}], "tech_qg_160": [{"tech_implementation_decades": "implemenation_less_10"}], "tech_qg_164": [{"tech_input_national_currency": {"en": "Pula (BWP)", "fr": "Pulla (BWP)"}}], "tech_qg_165": [{"tech_est_timing": {"en": "At the start", "fr": "au d\u00e9but"}, "tech_est_activity": {"en": "Building fences", "fr": "Installation de cl\u00f4tures"}}, {"tech_est_timing": {"en": "At the start", "fr": "au d\u00e9but"}, "tech_est_activity": {"en": "Digging Boreholes", "fr": "Creuser des puits"}}, {"tech_est_timing": {"en": "At the start", "fr": "au d\u00e9but"}, "tech_est_activity": {"en": "Setting up water reticulation and drinking troughs", "fr": "Mise en place de conduites d'eau et d'abreuvoirs"}}, {"tech_est_timing": {"en": "At the start", "fr": "au d\u00e9but"}, "tech_est_activity": {"en": "Buildling animal loading facilities", "fr": "Construction d'installations de chargement pour animaux"}}, {"tech_est_timing": {"en": "throughout the year", "fr": "au cours de l'ann\u00e9e"}, "tech_est_activity": {"en": "Handling of livestock", "fr": "Gestion de b\u00e9tail"}}], "tech_qg_167": [{"tech_impacts_vegcover": 6}], "tech_qg_181": [{"tech_costbenefit_est_long": "costbenefit_positive", "tech_costbenefit_est_short": "costbenefit_positive"}], "tech_qg_182": [{"tech_costbenefit_est_long": "costbenefit_positive", "tech_costbenefit_est_short": "costbenefit_positive"}], "tech_qg_183": [{"tech_costbenefit_comments": {"en": "This technology aims to reduce infrastructure and maintenance costs by reducing the amount of fencing. It also aims to reduce reliance on supplementary feeding.", "fr": "Cette technologie a pour but de restreindre les co\u00fbts d'infrastructure et d'entretien en diminuant l'\u00e9tendue de cl\u00f4tures. Elle vise \u00e9galement \u00e0 r\u00e9duire le recours \u00e0 l'alimentation suppl\u00e9mentaire."}}], "tech_qg_184": [{"user_id": "5729", "user_resourceperson_type": "resourceperson_slmspecialist"}], "tech_qg_185": [{"tech_drawing": "f9407a3f-c2e5-47f8-a4f3-69c7e06bac19", "tech_drawing_author": {"en": "Richard Fynn", "fr": "Richard Fynn"}, "tech_specifications": {"en": "SRG can be implemented as simply as dividing the ranch into two paddocks with livestock spending alternate years in each paddock (A) or the ranch can be divided up into several cells according to needs, such as having to separate breeding herds, bull herds and weaners (B). In scenario A it is important to ensure good water distribution in each paddock to ensure access to the whole paddock. This simple scenario (A) is ideal for rural development schemes owing to minimal infrastructure costs and is easy for rural communities to implement. Another advantage is that it gives livestock much greater adaptive foraging options. In scenario B a central water point provides a convenient way of changing the livestock between paddocks. The gates can be left open between diagonal paddocks to allow livestock freedom of access to either of the diagonal paddocks or they can be actively moved between diagonals during the grazing year according to the rancher\u2019s decisions. If paddocks are extremely large then other water points should be provided across the paddocks to allow livestock even access to all parts of the paddock.", "fr": "La technologie SRG peut \u00eatre mise en oeuvre facilement en subdivisant la surface du ranch en deux enclos o\u00f9 le b\u00e9tail passe une ann\u00e9e sur deux dans chaque enclos (A), ou en subdivisant le terrain en plusieurs parcelles en fonction des besoins, tels que de s\u00e9parer les troupeaux d'animaux de reproduction, de taureaux et d'animaux allaitants (B). Dans le sc\u00e9nario A il est important d'assurer une bonne r\u00e9partition des eaux dans chaque enclos pour garantir l'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 l'ensemble du terrain. Ce sc\u00e9nario simple (A) convient parfaitement aux sch\u00e9mas de d\u00e9veloppement rural en raison des co\u00fbts minimaux d'infrastructure. De plus, le sc\u00e9nario est facile \u00e0 mettre en oeuvre pour les communaut\u00e9s rurales. Un avantage suppl\u00e9mentaire est qu\u2019il offre au b\u00e9tail beaucoup plus d\u2019alternatives pour un p\u00e2turage adaptatif.\r\nDans le sc\u00e9nario B, l\u2019\u00e9change du b\u00e9tail entre les enclos est facilit\u00e9 par un point d\u2019eau central. Les portes entre les enclos positionn\u00e9s en diagonale peuvent rester ouvertes pour permettre les animaux de les acc\u00e9der librement, ou bien le b\u00e9tail peut \u00eatre d\u00e9plac\u00e9 entre les enclos en diagonale pendant l'ann\u00e9e de p\u00e2turage en fonction des d\u00e9cisions de l\u2019\u00e9leveur. Si les enclos sont tr\u00e8s grands, des points d\u2019eau suppl\u00e9mentaires doivent \u00eatre mis en place dans les enclos pour permettre l\u2019acc\u00e8s du b\u00e9tail \u00e0 l\u2019ensemble du terrain."}}], "tech_qg_191": [{"tech_adoption_comments": {"en": "They have adopted the technology because of seeing the results of those using the technology and from farmers day talks", "fr": "Ils ont adopt\u00e9 la technologie au vu des r\u00e9sultats de ceux qui la pratiquent, et en fonction d'entretiens quotidiens entre exploitants des terres."}, "tech_adoption_quantify": {"en": "In Ghanzi region of Botswana probably about five ranchers have adopted the technology", "fr": "Dans la r\u00e9gion de Ghanzi au Botswana, environ cinq \u00e9leveurs ont probablement adopt\u00e9 la technologie."}, "tech_adoption_percentage": "adoption_percentage_less_10", "tech_adoption_spontaneously": "tech_adoption_spont_90_100"}], "tech_qg_217": [{"tech_cost_calculation_base": "tech_input_calc_per_unit"}], "tech_qg_222": [{"tech_input_est_total_costs": 1094000.0}], "tech_qg_223": [{"tech_input_maint_total_costs": 9.0}], "tech_qg_225": [{"location_comments": {"en": "Longitude: -21.60026 (decimal degrees)\r\nLatitude: 21.48969\r\nNot restricted to any size of land - any size ranch", "fr": "Longitude: -21.60026 (degr\u00e9s d\u00e9cimaux)\r\nLatitude: 21.48969\r\nLa technologie ne se limite pas \u00e0 une superficie du terrain, ni \u00e0 une taille d'exploitation."}}], "tech_qg_226": [{"tech_access_roads": 3, "tech_access_water": 3, "tech_access_energy": 3, "tech_access_health": 3, "tech_access_markets": 2, "tech_access_education": 3, "tech_access_financial": 3, "tech_access_employment": 2, "tech_access_techassistance": 3}], "tech_qg_230": [{"tech_adaptation_yes": 0}], "tech_qg_232": [{"tech_input_est_total_costs_usd": 1094000.0}], "tech_qg_233": [{"tech_input_maint_total_costs_usd": 9.0}], "tech_qg_250": [{"date_documentation": "2017"}], "qg_references": [{"references_title": {"en": "Optimal grazing management strategies: Evaluating key concepts Fynn, R.W.S., Kirkman, K.P. and Dames, R. 2017. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 34 (2): 87-98", "fr": "Optimal grazing management strategies: Evaluating key concepts Fynn, R.W.S., Kirkman, K.P. and Dames, R. 2017. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 34 (2): 87-98"}, "references_source": {"en": "Taylor and Francis Publishers", "fr": "Editeurs Taylor and Francis"}}, {"references_title": {"en": "Towards optimal rangeland management. Fynn, R.W.S. 2015. Farmers Weekly 18: 56-59", "fr": "Towards optimal rangeland management. Fynn, R.W.S. 2015. Farmers Weekly 18: 56-59"}, "references_source": {"en": "Farmers weekly magazine", "fr": "Magazine hebdomadaire des producteurs"}}], "qg_location_map": [{"location_map": "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"id\":1519642589897,\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[21.48969,-21.60025999999999]},\"properties\":null}]}"}], "qg_sources_field": [{"sources_specify": {"en": "Many trips to Tiisa ranch to conduct monitoring work", "fr": "De nombreux voyages au ranch de Tissa pour effectuer des travaux de surveillance."}}], "qg_accept_conditions": [{"accept_conditions": 1}], "qg_strengths_compiler": [{"strengths_compiler": {"en": "Conceptually the most robust grazing management technology: Extremely long recovery periods promotes sustainability", "fr": "Sur le plan conceptuel c'est la technologie de gestion des p\u00e2turages la plus solide: les p\u00e9riodes de repos extr\u00eamement longues favorisent la durabilit\u00e9."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "Low establishment and maintenance costs relative to production.", "fr": "Co\u00fbts faibles de mise en place et d'entretien par rapport \u00e0 la production."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "Concentration of livestock on half the available area enables sufficient grazing pressure to prevent grassland maturation and loss of forage quality", "fr": "Concentrer le b\u00e9tail sur la moiti\u00e9 de la surface disponible permet une pression de p\u00e2turage suffisante pour emp\u00eacher l'herbage d'arriver \u00e0 maturit\u00e9, et pour emp\u00eacher une perte de qualit\u00e9 du fourrage."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "Development of a large reserve of forage for the dry season through season long resting promotes stability and reduces needs for supplementary feeding (increased profits).", "fr": "Le d\u00e9veloppement d'une grande r\u00e9serve de fourrage pour la saison s\u00e8che par la mise en repos du p\u00e2turage tout au long de la saison contribue \u00e0 la stabilit\u00e9 et r\u00e9duit le besoin d'alimentation suppl\u00e9mentaire (b\u00e9n\u00e9fices accrus)."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "Very large paddocks combined with minimal forced movement of livestock promotes adaptive foraging options for livestock thereby reducing need for supplementary feeding and licks (increased profits).", "fr": "La combinaison d'enclos de tr\u00e8s grande taille et la conduite des troupeaux favorise les options de p\u00e2turage adaptatives pour le b\u00e9tail, en diminuant le besoin de nourriture suppl\u00e9mentaire et de pierres \u00e0 l\u00e9cher (b\u00e9n\u00e9fices accrus)."}}], "qg_funding_institution": [{"funding_institution": 495}], "qg_strengths_landusers": [{"strengths_landuser": {"en": "Management complexity is reduced - fewer paddocks and less frequent movement between paddocks.", "fr": "La complexit\u00e9 de gestion est r\u00e9duite - moins d\u2019enclos et des d\u00e9placements moins fr\u00e9quents entre ceux-ci."}}, {"strengths_landuser": {"en": "Establishment and maintenance costs are lower than complex rotational grazing systems owing to less fencing required. Livestock production increased relative to costs.", "fr": "Les co\u00fbts de mise en place et d\u2019entretien sont inf\u00e9rieurs aux co\u00fbts de syst\u00e8mes complexes de p\u00e2turage en rotation en raison d'une plus faible demande de cl\u00f4ture. La production animale a augment\u00e9 par rapport aux co\u00fbts."}}, {"strengths_landuser": {"en": "Need for supplementary feed and mineral licks reduced owing to livestock having greater adaptive foraging options.", "fr": "Le besoin de compl\u00e9ments alimentaires et de pierres \u00e0 l\u00e9cher a diminu\u00e9 \u00e0 cause de plus grandes options de p\u00e2turage adaptatives pour le b\u00e9tail."}}, {"strengths_landuser": {"en": "Rangeland condition improved.", "fr": "La condition des p\u00e2turages s\u2019est am\u00e9lior\u00e9e."}}, {"strengths_landuser": {"en": "Rangeland condition improved - better grass cover and greater abundance of high-quality perennial grasses.", "fr": "La condition des p\u00e2turages s\u2019est am\u00e9lior\u00e9e - meilleure couverture herbac\u00e9e et plus grande abondance d'herbes p\u00e9rennes de haute qualit\u00e9."}}], "qg_weaknesses_compiler": [{"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "Potential over/under use of certain habitat type. Less control of timing and intensity of grazing distribution could result in damage to sensitive habitat types.", "fr": "La sur- ou sous-exploitation de certains types d'habitats. Moins de contr\u00f4le sur les p\u00e9riodes et l'intensit\u00e9 du p\u00e2turage pourrait conduire \u00e0 la perturbation des habitats vuln\u00e9rables."}, "weaknesses_overcome": {"en": "Monitoring by the rancher of impacts on vegetation and use of water point reticulation/ lick placement/herding to move animals to underutilized areas.", "fr": "Surveillance par l'\u00e9leveur des impacts sur la v\u00e9g\u00e9tation; l'utilisation d'un r\u00e9seau de distribution d'eau, le positionnement des pierres \u00e0 l\u00e9cher et la conduite des animaux pour les d\u00e9placer vers des zones sous-exploit\u00e9es."}}], "qg_weaknesses_landusers": [{"weaknesses_landuser": {"en": "Less intensive management increases predation events on livestock.", "fr": "La gestion moins intensive fait augmenter les activit\u00e9s de pr\u00e9dation sur le b\u00e9tail."}, "weaknesses_overcome": {"en": "Herding of livestock.", "fr": "Garder les troupeaux."}}], "qg_sources_interviews_experts": [{"sources_specify": {"en": "Have had much interaction with Riaan Dames who developed the technology", "fr": "On a eu beaucoup d'\u00e9changes avec M. Riaan Dames, qui a d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 la technologie."}}], "qg_sources_interviews_landusers": [{"sources_specify": {"en": "Have spoken to several land owners using the technology", "fr": "On a parl\u00e9 \u00e0 quelques propri\u00e9taires fonciers utilisant la technologie."}}]}>, 'map_url': '/en/wocat/technologies/view/technologies_3217/map/', 'template': 'raw'}

2.6 Date of implementation

If precise year is not known, indicate approximate date:
  • less than 10 years ago (recently)

2.7 Introduction of the Technology

  • Through interaction with Riaan Dames

3. Classification of the SLM Technology

3.1 Main purpose(s) of the Technology

  • improve production
  • reduce, prevent, restore land degradation
  • conserve ecosystem
  • protect a watershed/ downstream areas – in combination with other Technologies
  • preserve/ improve biodiversity
  • create beneficial economic impact

3.2 Current land use type(s) where the Technology is applied

Grazing land

Grazing land

Extensive grazing:
  • Semi-nomadic pastoralism
  • Ranching
Animal type:
  • cattle - dairy
  • cattle - non-dairy beef
  • goats
  • sheep
Products and services:
  • meat
  • milk
  • whool

The technology can be used for ranching cattle, sheep or goats or using planned herding of these livestock types according to the key concepts outlined in the technology. Products would be meat, wool and to a lesser degree, milk.

Number of growing seasons per year: 1
Mostly one growing season but can be in a bimodal rainfall region
Livestock density: At conservative stocking rates to ensure that animals are able to remain in the planned grazed paddocks until the mid dry season. Stocking rate will depend upon the local rainfall and soils and associated grass production. 10-15ha/ LSU in semi-arid regions

3.4 Water supply

Water supply for the land on which the Technology is applied:
  • rainfed

Mainly rainfed but some irrigation of improved pasture for dry season forage would be fine

3.5 SLM group to which the Technology belongs

  • pastoralism and grazing land management

3.6 SLM measures comprising the Technology

management measures

management measures

  • M2: Change of management/ intensity level
  • M4: Major change in timing of activities

It involves grazing management. Managing stocking rate and the time spent grazing or resting a paddock

3.7 Main types of land degradation addressed by the Technology

soil erosion by water

soil erosion by water

  • Wt: loss of topsoil/ surface erosion
  • Wg: gully erosion/ gullying
soil erosion by wind

soil erosion by wind

  • Et: loss of topsoil
biological degradation

biological degradation

  • Bc: reduction of vegetation cover
  • Bq: quantity/ biomass decline
  • Bs: quality and species composition/ diversity decline

Preventing undesirable changes in grass cover and composition

3.8 Prevention, reduction, or restoration of land degradation

Specify the goal of the Technology with regard to land degradation:
  • prevent land degradation
  • restore/ rehabilitate severely degraded land

The key goals are to improve grass composition and cover, reduce soil erosion and to improve livestock production

4. Technical specifications, implementation activities, inputs, and costs

4.1 Technical drawing of the Technology

{'additional_translations': {}, 'content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'preview_image': '/media/4f/d/4fda2d80-1154-441e-85ec-86b052c15647.jpg', 'key': 'Technical drawing', 'value': '/media/f9/4/f9407a3f-c2e5-47f8-a4f3-69c7e06bac19.jpg', 'template': 'raw'}
Technical specifications (related to technical drawing):

SRG can be implemented as simply as dividing the ranch into two paddocks with livestock spending alternate years in each paddock (A) or the ranch can be divided up into several cells according to needs, such as having to separate breeding herds, bull herds and weaners (B). In scenario A it is important to ensure good water distribution in each paddock to ensure access to the whole paddock. This simple scenario (A) is ideal for rural development schemes owing to minimal infrastructure costs and is easy for rural communities to implement. Another advantage is that it gives livestock much greater adaptive foraging options. In scenario B a central water point provides a convenient way of changing the livestock between paddocks. The gates can be left open between diagonal paddocks to allow livestock freedom of access to either of the diagonal paddocks or they can be actively moved between diagonals during the grazing year according to the rancher’s decisions. If paddocks are extremely large then other water points should be provided across the paddocks to allow livestock even access to all parts of the paddock.


Richard Fynn

4.2 General information regarding the calculation of inputs and costs

Specify how costs and inputs were calculated:
  • per Technology unit
other/ national currency (specify):

Pula (BWP)

4.3 Establishment activities

Activity Timing (season)
1. Building fences At the start
2. Digging Boreholes At the start
3. Setting up water reticulation and drinking troughs At the start
4. Buildling animal loading facilities At the start
5. Handling of livestock throughout the year

4.4 Costs and inputs needed for establishment

Specify input Unit Quantity Costs per Unit Total costs per input % of costs borne by land users
Labour Labourers paddocks 7.0 24000.0 168000.0 100.0
Equipment Water trough, fitting and piping paddocks 7.0 8000.0 56000.0 100.0
Equipment Solar pump paddocks 7.0 20000.0 140000.0 100.0
Equipment Fencing paddocks 7.0 80000.0 560000.0 100.0
Equipment Boreholes paddocks 7.0 20000.0 140000.0 100.0
Other Loading facilities 1.0 30000.0 30000.0 100.0
Total costs for establishment of the Technology 1094000.0
Total costs for establishment of the Technology in USD 1094000.0

4.5 Maintenance/ recurrent activities

Activity Timing/ frequency
1. Maintenance of fences Throughout
2. Maintenance of water pipes and pumps Throughout
3. Maintenance of vehicles Throughout
4. Animal handling Throughout
5. Supplementary feeding (if needed) dry season

4.6 Costs and inputs needed for maintenance/ recurrent activities (per year)

Specify input Unit Quantity Costs per Unit Total costs per input % of costs borne by land users
Plant material supplementary feed bale 1.0 9.0 9.0 100.0
Total costs for maintenance of the Technology 9.0
Total costs for maintenance of the Technology in USD 9.0

Maintenance costs are difficult to quantify but mainly keeping the fences clear of brush and replacing poles !
Most of labour costs are probably assigned to this over a year !
Water reticulation also a cost. A cost of P5000/MTH would be a good estimate.
Bales of hay cost 7-9 USD in Botswana depending on availability.

4.7 Most important factors affecting the costs

Describe the most determinate factors affecting the costs:

Fencing and infrastructure have been shown to be major factors increasing establishment and maintenance costs and reducing profits. Thus SRG aims to reduce these costs by having fewer larger paddocks, which also has benefits for the animals. Another major cost is that of supplementary feeding, especially if forage is depleted during the dry season. This technology aims to ensure that a reserve of forage is created for the dry season, to overcome this. It also aims to improve the quality of forage during the wet season so that supplementary feeding is not needed for fertility improvement.

5. Natural and human environment

5.1 Climate

Annual rainfall
  • < 250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1,000 mm
  • 1,001-1,500 mm
  • 1,501-2,000 mm
  • 2,001-3,000 mm
  • 3,001-4,000 mm
  • > 4,000 mm
Specify average annual rainfall (if known), in mm:


Specifications/ comments on rainfall:

While Split Ranch Grazing is mainly applied in semi-arid climates with a long dry season, the relevance of SRG is likely to increase with increasing rainfall because of the greater decline in forage quality as grassland matures in higher rainfall areas; hence the greater need to concentrate grazing pressure to prevent grassland maturation.

Indicate the name of the reference meteorological station considered:

Department of Meteorological Services, Botswana

Agro-climatic zone
  • semi-arid

Can be operated in semi-arid, sub-humid or humid environments.

5.2 Topography

Slopes on average:
  • flat (0-2%)
  • gentle (3-5%)
  • moderate (6-10%)
  • rolling (11-15%)
  • hilly (16-30%)
  • steep (31-60%)
  • very steep (>60%)
  • plateau/plains
  • ridges
  • mountain slopes
  • hill slopes
  • footslopes
  • valley floors
Altitudinal zone:
  • 0-100 m a.s.l.
  • 101-500 m a.s.l.
  • 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
  • 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
  • 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
  • 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
  • 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
  • 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
  • > 4,000 m a.s.l.
Indicate if the Technology is specifically applied in:
  • not relevant
Comments and further specifications on topography:

Any situation is appropriate

5.3 Soils

Soil depth on average:
  • very shallow (0-20 cm)
  • shallow (21-50 cm)
  • moderately deep (51-80 cm)
  • deep (81-120 cm)
  • very deep (> 120 cm)
Soil texture (topsoil):
  • coarse/ light (sandy)
Soil texture (> 20 cm below surface):
  • coarse/ light (sandy)
Topsoil organic matter:
  • medium (1-3%)
If available, attach full soil description or specify the available information, e.g. soil type, soil PH/ acidity, Cation Exchange Capacity, nitrogen, salinity etc.

The ranch has deep Kalahari sands in some sections and shallow rocky soils on calcrete in other sections. Nevertheless the technology is appropriate for any soil type

5.4 Water availability and quality

Ground water table:

< 5 m

Availability of surface water:


Water quality (untreated):

good drinking water

Is water salinity a problem?


Is flooding of the area occurring?


5.5 Biodiversity

Species diversity:
  • medium
Habitat diversity:
  • medium

5.6 Characteristics of land users applying the Technology

Sedentary or nomadic:
  • Sedentary
  • Semi-nomadic
Market orientation of production system:
  • commercial/ market
Off-farm income:
  • less than 10% of all income
Relative level of wealth:
  • average
Individuals or groups:
  • individual/ household
Level of mechanization:
  • mechanized/ motorized
  • men
Age of land users:
  • middle-aged
Indicate other relevant characteristics of the land users:

The technology can be applied under commercial ranching situations using fenced paddocks to control the spatial and temporal distribution of livestock or it can be applied by semi-nomadic pastoralists using planned herding to control the spatial and temporal distribution of livestock.

5.7 Average area of land used by land users applying the Technology

  • < 0.5 ha
  • 0.5-1 ha
  • 1-2 ha
  • 2-5 ha
  • 5-15 ha
  • 15-50 ha
  • 50-100 ha
  • 100-500 ha
  • 500-1,000 ha
  • 1,000-10,000 ha
  • > 10,000 ha
Is this considered small-, medium- or large-scale (referring to local context)?
  • medium-scale

5.8 Land ownership, land use rights, and water use rights

Land ownership:
  • individual, titled
Land use rights:
  • individual
Water use rights:
  • individual

5.9 Access to services and infrastructure

  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
technical assistance:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
employment (e.g. off-farm):
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
roads and transport:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
drinking water and sanitation:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
financial services:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good

6. Impacts and concluding statements

6.1 On-site impacts the Technology has shown

Socio-economic impacts


fodder production

Comments/ specify:

For details see:
Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).

fodder quality

Comments/ specify:

Forage quality improved by keeping the grass in an immature state. For details see:
Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).

animal production

Comments/ specify:

Benefit from improved forage quality and larger spatial scales for adaptive foraging. For detail see:
Fynn, R.W.S. Kirkman, K & Dames, R. (2017).

Ecological impacts

Water cycle/ runoff

water quantity

Comments/ specify:

Better soil cover and protection

water quality

Comments/ specify:

Better soil cover and protection

surface runoff

Comments/ specify:

Better soil cover and protection

Biodiversity: vegetation, animals

Vegetation cover


biomass/ above ground C


habitat diversity


6.2 Off-site impacts the Technology has shown

reliable and stable stream flows in dry season

Comments/ specify:

Better grass cover should improve water capture and stream flow

downstream flooding

Comments/ specify:

Better grass cover should reduce runoff rates and downstream flooding

downstream siltation

Comments/ specify:

Better grass cover should reduce runoff and erosion rates thereby reducing downstream siltation

6.4 Cost-benefit analysis

How do the benefits compare with the establishment costs (from land users’ perspective)?
Short-term returns:


Long-term returns:


How do the benefits compare with the maintenance/ recurrent costs (from land users' perspective)?
Short-term returns:


Long-term returns:



This technology aims to reduce infrastructure and maintenance costs by reducing the amount of fencing. It also aims to reduce reliance on supplementary feeding.

6.5 Adoption of the Technology

  • 1-10%
If available, quantify (no. of households and/ or area covered):

In Ghanzi region of Botswana probably about five ranchers have adopted the technology

Of all those who have adopted the Technology, how many did so spontaneously, i.e. without receiving any material incentives/ payments?
  • 91-100%

They have adopted the technology because of seeing the results of those using the technology and from farmers day talks

6.6 Adaptation

Has the Technology been modified recently to adapt to changing conditions?


6.7 Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities of the Technology

Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the land user’s view
Management complexity is reduced - fewer paddocks and less frequent movement between paddocks.
Establishment and maintenance costs are lower than complex rotational grazing systems owing to less fencing required. Livestock production increased relative to costs.
Need for supplementary feed and mineral licks reduced owing to livestock having greater adaptive foraging options.
Rangeland condition improved.
Rangeland condition improved - better grass cover and greater abundance of high-quality perennial grasses.
Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view
Conceptually the most robust grazing management technology: Extremely long recovery periods promotes sustainability
Low establishment and maintenance costs relative to production.
Concentration of livestock on half the available area enables sufficient grazing pressure to prevent grassland maturation and loss of forage quality
Development of a large reserve of forage for the dry season through season long resting promotes stability and reduces needs for supplementary feeding (increased profits).
Very large paddocks combined with minimal forced movement of livestock promotes adaptive foraging options for livestock thereby reducing need for supplementary feeding and licks (increased profits).

6.8 Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks of the Technology and ways of overcoming them

Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the land user’s view How can they be overcome?
Less intensive management increases predation events on livestock. Herding of livestock.
Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view How can they be overcome?
Potential over/under use of certain habitat type. Less control of timing and intensity of grazing distribution could result in damage to sensitive habitat types. Monitoring by the rancher of impacts on vegetation and use of water point reticulation/ lick placement/herding to move animals to underutilized areas.

7. References and links

7.1 Methods/ sources of information

  • field visits, field surveys

Many trips to Tiisa ranch to conduct monitoring work

  • interviews with land users

Have spoken to several land owners using the technology

  • interviews with SLM specialists/ experts

Have had much interaction with Riaan Dames who developed the technology

When were the data compiled (in the field)?


7.2 References to available publications

Title, author, year, ISBN:

Optimal grazing management strategies: Evaluating key concepts Fynn, R.W.S., Kirkman, K.P. and Dames, R. 2017. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 34 (2): 87-98

Available from where? Costs?

Taylor and Francis Publishers

Title, author, year, ISBN:

Towards optimal rangeland management. Fynn, R.W.S. 2015. Farmers Weekly 18: 56-59

Available from where? Costs?

Farmers weekly magazine

7.3 Links to relevant online information

Title/ description:

Grazing Strategy of Riaan Dames


Links and modules

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