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Urban Farming with Mushroom Cultivation among Smallholder Farmers.

Urban Farming with Mushroom Cultivation among Smallholder Farmers. [Uganda]

Mushroom (agaricus bisporus) cultivation is one of the profitable technologies promoted by small and medium scale farmers in urban setting fetching good returns on investment within a period of 30 days with the aim of obtaining tremendous nutritional benefits, employment and additional income gained by both farmers and suppliers of …

  • Compilador: Sarah Babirye
Compost Production Pits for Crop Production [Uganda]

Compost Production Pits for Crop Production [Uganda] [Uganda]

Compost manure production is a sustainable land management practice promoted by small scale farmers by using banana, cassava, sweet potato peelings, jack fruit residues and food left overs. The aim is to improve soil fertility, increase agricultural production and household income. The technology makes nutrients more readily available to plants …

  • Compilador: Sarah Babirye

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