Restoration and sustainable management of forest eco-systems on the territory of Natural Viosha Park [Bulgaria]

Entidad infórmante: Bulgaria

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Información general

Título de la buena práctica:

Restoration and sustainable management of forest eco-systems on the territory of Natural Viosha Park



Entidad infórmante:


Derechos de propiedad

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella:



Uso de la tierra predominante en la localización específica

  • Bosques

The basic objective of the Project is to contribute to the restoration and the sustainable management of the forest eco-systems on the territory of the National Vitosha Park.

Contribución a las medidas de la DDTS

  • Mitigación
  • Rehabilitación

Vínculos con otros temas de prácticas óptimas

  • Desarrollo de capacidades y concienciación
  • Gestión del conocimiento y apoyo a la toma de decisiones
  • Marco de políticas, legislativo e institucional
  • Participación, colaboración y establecimiento de contactos


Sección 1. Contexto de la práctica óptima: condiciones marco (entorno natural o humano)

Breve descripción de la práctica óptima

A total of 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the mass dissemination of spruce woodworms (calamity) were restored on the territory of the National Vitosha Park within the framework of the Project. In parallel with the afforestations made, care (growing and filling up) was taken of the created new forests by Initiative Group
(IG) Vitosha. Sowing material was yieled aimed at the provision of planting material from valuable local geno-types for the restoration of the forest eco-systems in the park, from which 38 000 two-year saplings were already grown up. The needed care measures (clearing, digging up, lighting, filling up and so on) were undertaken fpr each of the afforested areas for two years. This guaranteed the optimal development of the young forest and the sustainability of the plantations in the future. Growing related measures were undertaken for the overall duration of the Project in more than 40 ha on the territory of National Vitosha Park. |


Natural Viosha Park - Vitosha is the first national park not only in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula.It is surrounded by Sofia Valley from the north, southwest and Pernik Smokovskata the southeast.|

Si el lugar tiene límites bien definidos, especifique su extensión en hectáreas:

311, 28 sq. km.|

Breve descripción del entorno natural en el lugar especificado

Vitosha is unique! For it is written, many with admiration and respect! However, visiting her, every time we find something new and unknown. The longest cave in Bulgaria, the vast plant diversity, unique stone rivers, abundance of water proximity to the capital explain the interest in it. Fully law-here is the first manifestation of organized tourism in the country, prompted by patriotic Aleko Konstantinov. Today the mountain enjoys the largest flow of tourists in our country.|
In the past, are listed dominated deciduous forests, which have climbed more than today, and birch was the most - greater participation. Beech and coniferous forests were not yet available. The next historical stage are formed with vertical forest belts gorskodarvesen composition similar to today. Following intensive human activity, Vitosha has changed considerably more than our other mountains.
Mountain is located in the center of southwestern Bulgaria between the Balkan and Rila-Rhodopes. It is the only mountain bowl at home, and the ridge is formed by the highest and located close to each other peaks - Black Peak and Reznyovete. Typical of it are stone rivers formed by the weathering of rocks and slowly move towards the valleys due to gravity of the flowing water.|

Condiciones socioeconómicas imperantes de los habitantes del lugar o las proximidades

Plan for the restoration and the preservation of the forest eco-systems on the territory of National Vitosha Park was developed within the framework of the Project. GIS model was
elaborated for the affected spruce forests in National Vitosha Park as well.
The project bears no tangible benefits but create successful partnerships were created as a reset of the implementation of the Project amonit the state institutions, the business, NGOs and the public for the preservation of nature.|
A total of 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the

¿En base de qué criterios o indicadores (no relacionados con la Estrategia) se ha considerado la práctica propuesta y la tecnología correspondiente como ‘óptima’?

Essential criteria:
- Restoring and maintaining sustainable forest ecosystems;

Sección 2. Problemas tratados (causas directas e indirectas) y objetivos de la práctica óptima

Principales problemas que trata la práctica óptima

no information

Explique los problemas específicos de la degradación de las tierras que trata la práctica óptima.

If destroyed forests were not recovered, would arise a serious problem with land degradation in arid forest teritriy.|

Especifique los objetivos de la práctica óptima.

- Recovered from woodworms dead spruce forests in the park;
- Prevention of land degradation in affected forest areas in the park;
- Developed plan for restoration and conservation of forest ecosystems in the park;
- Created a GIS model for affected spruce forests in the National park Vitosha;
- Built informatsinnen portal aimed at providing current information about the condition of forests in a park Vitosha;
- Distributed a large number of information materials - newsletters, stickers, flyers.|

Sección 3. Actividades

Breve descripción de las principales actividades, por objetivo

A total of 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the mass dissemination of spruce woodworms (calamity) were restored on the territory of the National Vitosha Park within the framework of the Project.
The needed care measures (clearing,digging up, lighting, filling up and so on) were undertaken fpr each of the afforested areas for two years. This guaranteed the optimal development of the young forest and the sustainability
of the plantations in the future.|
In parallel with the afforestationsmade, care (growing and filling up) was taken of the created new forests by  initiative Group (IG) Vitosha. |
Sowing material was yieled aimed at the provision of planting material from valuable local geno-types for the restoration of the forest eco-systems in the park, from which 38 000 two-year saplings were already grown up.|

Sección 4. Instituciones o agentes involucrados (colaboración, participación y función de los interesados)

Nombre y dirección de la institución que desarrolla la tecnología

"Initiative group Vitosha"|Sofia
St. „Neofit Rilski” N 56, ap. 1
e-mail: t.todorov@pdm-services.org

¿La tecnología se desarrolló en una alianza?

enumere los asociados:

Successful partnerships were created as a reset of the implementation of the Project amonit the state institutions, the business, NGOs and the public for the preservation of nature.|

Especifique el marco en el que se promovió la tecnología

  • Iniciativa nacional – no gubernamental
  • Iniciativa basada en un programa/proyecto

Action Plan for the restoration and the preservation of the forest eco-systems on the territory of National Vitosha Park was developed within the framework of the Project. GIS model was elaborated for the affected spruce forests in National Vitosha Park as well.

¿La participación de interesados locales, incluidas las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, favoreció el desarrollo de la tecnología?

enumere los interesados participantes:

With the participation of businesses, NGOs and the public about conservation.|

Detalle la función de los interesados enumerados anteriormente en cuanto a diseño, introducción, uso y mantenimiento de la tecnología, en su caso.

Their role in the project: deployment, use and maintenance of technology.|

¿La población que habitaba en el lugar o en las proximidades participó en el desarrollo de la tecnología?



Sección 5. Contribución al impacto

Describa los impactos in situ (los dos principales impactos por categoría).

Restoration of dry forest areas in the Vitosha National Park, which with its vast plant diversity, unique stone rivers, abundance of water and proximity to the capital is a unique place for tourism, recreation and sport.|
A total of 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the
mass dissemination of spruce woodworms (calamity) were restored on the territory of the National Vitosha Park within the framework of the Project.
Sowing material was yieled aimed at the provision of planting material from valuable local geno-types for the restoration of the forest eco-systems in the park, from which 38 000 two-year saplings were already grown up. |
Sowing material was yieled aimed at the provision of planting material from valuable local geno-types for the restoration of the forest eco-systems in the park, from which 38 000 two-year saplings were already grown up.|

Describa los dos principales impactos fuera del lugar (por ejemplo, que no se registran en el lugar, pero sí en las zonas próximas).

The project implementation has a positive effect on stabilizing the ecosystem of the region through preservation and maintenance of biodiversity.

Impacto en la diversidad biológica y el cambio climático


Implementation of the project has an indirect impact on climate change and adaptation.
The project implementation has a positive effect on stabilizing the ecosystem of the region through preservation and maintenance of biodiversity, by planting 19.45 ha of forest areas affected by the mass dissemination of spruce woodworms (calamity) were restored on the territory of the National Vitosha Park within the framework of the Project.|

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio?

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio? :


Sección 6. Adopción y reproducibilidad

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares?

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares? :


¿Se dispuso de incentivos para facilitar la aceptación de la tecnología proporcionada?

¿Se dispuso de incentivos para facilitar la aceptación de la tecnología proporcionada?

Especifique qué tipo de incentivos:
  • Incentivos políticos o reglamentarios (por ejemplo, relacionados con los requisitos y las regulaciones del mercado, importación o exportación, inversión extranjera, ayudas para la investigación y el desarrollo, etc.)
  • Incentivos financieros (por ejemplo, tasas preferenciales, ayudas estatales, subvenciones, donaciones, garantías de préstamo, etc.)

¿Puede identificar las tres principales condiciones para el éxito de la práctica óptima/tecnología presentada?

The strong motivation of participants to preserve the biological wealth in Vitosha Nature Park and to protect the environment as a whole.
Technology to be applied in other affected forest territory.
Political and financial support.


¿En su opinión, la práctica óptima/la tecnología que ha propuesto se puede reproducir en cualquier otro lugar con un cierto nivel de adaptación?

¿A qué nivel?
  • Local
  • Subnacional
  • Nacional

Sección 7. Enseñanzas

En relación con los recursos humanos

Yes, there is strong motivation for young ecologists of civil, scientific and NGO organizations.|

En relación con los aspectos financieros

The funds are very limited and minimized in terms of the economic crisis.

En relación con los aspectos técnicos

Yes, there are good technical opportunities for implementing projects.|

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