Restoring Village Common Land for Sustaining Livelihoods [India]

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Entidad infórmante: India

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella: No

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Información general

Título de la buena práctica:

Restoring Village Common Land for Sustaining Livelihoods



Entidad infórmante:


Derechos de propiedad

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella:



Uso de la tierra predominante en la localización específica

  • Tierras de pastoreo

Contribución a las medidas de la DDTS

  • Adaptación

Contribución a los objetivos estratégicos

  • Mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones afectadas
  • Mejora de las condiciones de los ecosistemas afectados

Vínculos con otros temas de prácticas óptimas

  • Desarrollo de capacidades y concienciación
  • Vigilancia y evaluación/investigación de la DDTS y la GST
  • Gestión del conocimiento y apoyo a la toma de decisiones
  • Participación, colaboración y establecimiento de contactos


Sección 1. Contexto de la práctica óptima: condiciones marco (entorno natural o humano)

Breve descripción de la práctica óptima

Villagers identified the land for work and set up management systems. Then they contacted the Forest Department to get their help for the plan. The villagers were involved with physical work, such as fencing, pit digging, trench, boundary wall and plantation work. plantation of local species raised.|


Village Sagatadi, Panchyat Bori, Tehsil Girwa, District Udaipur|

Si el lugar tiene límites bien definidos, especifique su extensión en hectáreas:


Población estimada que vive en el lugar:


Breve descripción del entorno natural en el lugar especificado

The average rainfall recorded during the rainy season is 550 mm. During May and June months, the temperature was recorded at 45o C and in winter the temperature at night was at a minimum 8o C|
The land is mostly rocky and at some places contain mixture of clay. Top soil layer is 3 to 7 inch, which is also not uniform at all the places. On less undulating places  surface area soil layer is 1 to 6 feet. Higher altitudes covered with grasses & low lying parts having sparse vegetative cover|
Area is hilly. Outcrop Rocks can be observed on slopes. Scanty vegetation is found along drainage lines. General slope of the area is moderate

Condiciones socioeconómicas imperantes de los habitantes del lugar o las proximidades

Main Income source is agriculture supplemented by animal husbandry. Wage labour is also an important source of income for some of the families.
More than 50 per cent families are Below Poverty Line (BPL). Their income is between Rs 10 – 12,000.00 per year per family. Besides, other families have earned 20 – 25,000.00 Rs per year per family|
Average land holding of the families varies between 0.5 to 1.5 hectares. More than 50 per cent area of the village is ether defacto or dejure common. The intervention area is common land for grazing purposes

¿En base de qué criterios o indicadores (no relacionados con la Estrategia) se ha considerado la práctica propuesta y la tecnología correspondiente como ‘óptima’?

Consensus evolved during the National Consultation process.

Sección 2. Problemas tratados (causas directas e indirectas) y objetivos de la práctica óptima

Principales problemas que trata la práctica óptima

Due to ignorance at the community level, uncontrolled grazing and tree felling has accelerated the degradation of the area. |The access and use related conflicts further aggravated the resource exploitation problems.|Lack of any management system for these resources also contributed to the degradation of the area. |Reduction in vegetative cover, increased soil erosion and less production

Explique los problemas específicos de la degradación de las tierras que trata la práctica óptima.

Encroachment and degradation of village common lands- particularly grazing lands

Especifique los objetivos de la práctica óptima.

To evolve system for management of village resources|To increase productivity of land and also increase fodder availability|To set up arrangements for maintenance and sustainability of the area

Sección 3. Actividades

Breve descripción de las principales actividades, por objetivo

Developed pasture land in 79 hectares. At the foot of hillsides, water harvesting system has also been created.|Resolved community and inter-village conflict by using revenue land records and clearing the rights/ownership
Helped community to liason with Forest Department for physical activity work
Prepared community for self management on their resources

Breve descripción y especificaciones técnicas de la tecnología

Sensitization of local community about common resources, their roles & responsibilities. Construction of protection wall to address encroachment, participatory planning for soil & water conservation and regeneration of biomass. Conflict resolution, equity and benefit sharing are ensured. |

Sección 4. Instituciones o agentes involucrados (colaboración, participación y función de los interesados)

Nombre y dirección de la institución que desarrolla la tecnología

Praytna Samiti|At Post Gudli, Via Bombora, Tehsil Girwa, Udaipur - 313 706 India

¿La tecnología se desarrolló en una alianza?

enumere los asociados:

Prayatna Samiti|Villagers

Especifique el marco en el que se promovió la tecnología

  • Iniciativa local

¿La participación de interesados locales, incluidas las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, favoreció el desarrollo de la tecnología?

enumere los interesados participantes:

Local community|Forest Department|Society for Wasteland Development|Revenue Department

Detalle la función de los interesados enumerados anteriormente en cuanto a diseño, introducción, uso y mantenimiento de la tecnología, en su caso.

Forest department- plantation and physical work to the community; Local community- implementation & facilitation; SPWD constructed a water harvesting structure on the intervened area; Revenue Department provided land records for conflict resolution among three villages

¿La población que habitaba en el lugar o en las proximidades participó en el desarrollo de la tecnología?

¿de qué manera?
  • Consultas
  • Planteamientos basados en la participación


Sección 5. Contribución al impacto

Describa los impactos in situ (los dos principales impactos por categoría).

People's interest in animal husbandry increased and milk availability also increased.
• When the work starts, the production level is nothing or minimum. After one year when the land produced fodder, people got 2000 pullas of grass fodder during the first time. In 1997, after 3 years, the community got 9480 pullas. Currently they have been able to get 24,000 pullas yearly. |
Reduced Soil erosion and land productivity increased; Tree Canopy area increased.
People saved money, which they have spent on the fodder. Each family saved almost Rs 1000.00 per year. |
Run off is stopped and protection of top soil layer; Degraded land became cultivated.
Before, the land which is degraded, has now become available or converted for pastureland. This has helped reduce soil erosion and increase the number of trees|

Describa los dos principales impactos fuera del lugar (por ejemplo, que no se registran en el lugar, pero sí en las zonas próximas).

Ten villages learned them for pastureland development and about 570 hectares of ten villages’ land have also been treated.
Dispute around three adjoining boundaries of villages were resolved ;Pastureland development activity increased in the adjoining three villages

Impacto en la diversidad biológica y el cambio climático


• Peoples do not cut trees during lopping, natural regeneration continues.
• Water conservation is increased in land and mountain during the rainfall.
• Moisture retention is maintained for a long time in the land.
• Moisture retention increased in the soil.
• Evaporation becomes less through biomass.  
• Heat of rock is reduced.
• Birds provided place for stay.
• Reduced Soil erosion.
• Layer of soil has increased and plantation in the area.
• Productivity of land is increased.

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio?

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio? :


• Per family investment of Rs.200 per year.
• Per family benefited with 600 Kg fodder per year, which is Rs 2400.00. Thus, total area of fodder in Rs 2400.00 (Per family)
• Other side, goat lopping facilities is also provided. 50 per cent families having a goat in the HH. Yearly they have benefits |

Sección 6. Adopción y reproducibilidad

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares?

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares? :

¿Dónde? :

Girwa block of Udaipur District

¿Puede identificar las tres principales condiciones para el éxito de la práctica óptima/tecnología presentada?

Active participation of villagers and highly motivated stakeholders; Benefited villages which organized into a unit; Equal participation and execution in management.
Extremely favourable weather conditions
Community monitoring and financial management system is well delivered.


¿En su opinión, la práctica óptima/la tecnología que ha propuesto se puede reproducir en cualquier otro lugar con un cierto nivel de adaptación?

¿A qué nivel?
  • Local
  • Subnacional

Sección 7. Enseñanzas

En relación con los recursos humanos

Through united efforts from the stakeholders, any task can be accomplished. Equal opportunity and equal participation in decision making should be ensured while undertaking the tasks.
|As the productivity of the land increases, stakeholder participation increases; positive association of stakeholders, thus, ensures sustainability.

En relación con los aspectos financieros

By better practices of our community resources, we can get more production in minimum expenditure and its regular.  And whole community get benefited from profit or production. |

En relación con los aspectos técnicos

Through regeneration activity we can preserve and promote our resources. |Management gives to community hand, we should give outer support. And play a role at the one limit.

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