
Zhasela Community Forest Management Group (CFMG) [Bután]

Zhasela Drongdhey Nagtshel Zinchong Detshen (ཞ་འཆི་ལ་གྲོང་སྡེ་ནགས་ཚལ་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་སྡེ་ཚན།)

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1. Información general

1.2 Detalles de contacto de las personas de referencia e instituciones involucradas en la evaluación y la documentación del Enfoque

Persona(s) de referencia clave/s

Usuario de la tierra:

Dorji Palden


Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag


Usuario de la tierra:

Rinzin Tshewang


Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag


Usuario de la tierra:



Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag


Usuario de la tierra:

Norbu Sonam


Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag


Usuario de la tierra:

Yonten Kinga


Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag


Nombre del proyecto que facilitó la documentación/ evaluación del Enfoque (si fuera relevante)
Strengthening national-level institutional and professional capacities of country Parties towards enhanced UNCCD monitoring and reporting – GEF 7 EA Umbrella II (GEF 7 UNCCD Enabling Activities_Umbrella II)
Nombre de la(s) institución(es) que facilitaron la documentación/ evaluación del Enfoque si fuera relevante)
National Soil Services Center, Department of Agric (National Soil Services Center, Department of Agric) - Bután

1.3 Condiciones referidas al uso de datos documentados mediante WOCAT

¿Cuándo se compilaron los datos (en el campo)?


El compilador y la/s persona(s) de referencia claves aceptan las condiciones acerca del uso de los datos documentados mediante WOCAT :

2. Descripción del Enfoque MST

2.1 Breve descripción del Enfoque

The Zhasela Community Forest (CF) in Lhuentse covers an area of approximately 208 acres (83 ha). The Zhasela CF Management Group (CFMG), consisting of members of 15 households, has been formed for sustainable utilization and management of forest resources, protection of water sources, and income generation through the sale of sustainable forest products to reduce poverty.

2.2 Descripción detallada del Enfoque MST

Descripción detallada del Enfoque MST:

Zhasela Community Forest (CF) covers an area of approximately 208 acres (83 ha). The community forest name “Zhasela” is derived from the local deity of the forest, Zhasela. The CF is a cool broadleaf forest. The dominant tree species found are the species of the genera Michelia, Persia, Symplocos, Betula, and Cinnamomum. The CF is looked after by the Community Forest Management Group (CFMG) consisting of members of 15 households. The operation of the CFMG is guided by the Community Forest Management Plan (CFMP). The first period of Zhasela CF management was between 2004 and 2014. The CF coverage was around 84 acres (33 ha) with 13 CFMG households. At the end of the first planning period, the CF management was retained and the CFMP revised for the next 10 years. The revised plan period was completed in 2017 with the addition of almost 124 acres (50 ha) resulting in a total 208 acres (83 ha). The CFMG members increased from 13 to 15 households. The CFMG carries out the activities highlighted in the CFMP.
The main objectives of the approach are sustainable utilization and management of forest resources, protection of water sources, and income generation through the sale of sustainable forest products to reduce poverty.
Apart from the CFMG members, the stakeholders involved in the approach are the territorial division office, Gewog Forestry Extension Officer (GFEO), and CFMG members. The territorial division office's roles include training CFMG on a need's basis; providing technical inputs while implementing the CFMP; monitoring and providing feedback on CFMP implementation; providing market information and supporting marketing; providing support for amendment and revision of CFMP; verifying CFMG’s records annually; translating CFMP to a Dzongkha version; coordinating study tours; and disseminating or advertising information related to CF or CFMG.
What the CFMG members like about this approach is that it protects water sources, provides access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) such as fodder, fencing/flag poles, and leaf litter. The approach also helps to resolve conflicts regarding access to forest resources, conserves the local forest, reduces erosion and landslides, and thus aids in habitat protection and biodiversity conservation.
In terms of the community, the approach also helps provide loans to members from the CF fund lending scheme with minimal interest. The other advantages of this approach include diversifying income sources by reducing dependency on a single source of income like livestock farming or crop production, strengthening social cohesion by empowering local communities to manage their resources collectively, facilitating collaboration among different stakeholders, sustainably utilizing and managing forest resources, and improving living standards and reducing poverty in rural communities.

2.3 Fotos del Enfoque

2.4 Videos del Enfoque

Comentarios, descripción breve:

Zhasela CF (a) https://youtu.be/frmoSnC_lJM
Zhasela CF (b) https://youtu.be/qeowNShMyeQ




Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag

Nombre del videógrafo:

Tshering Yangzom

2.5 País/ región/ lugares donde el Enfoque fue aplicado



Región/ Estado/ Provincia:

Bragong village, Jalang chiwog, Minjey gewog, Lhuentse Dzongkhag

2.6 Fechas de inicio y conclusión del Enfoque

Indique año del inicio:



The first plan period of Zhasela CF management was completed between 2004 and 2014. The revision of the first plan period was finished in 2017 with the addition of 123.55 acres to the CF.

2.7 Tipo de Enfoque

  • iniciativa local reciente/ innovadora

2.8 Propósitos/ objetivos principales del Enfoque

The main objectives of the approach are sustainable utilization and management of forest resources, protection of water sources, and income generation through the sale of excess forest products to reduce poverty.

2.9 Condiciones que facilitan o impiden la implementación de la/s Tecnología/s aplicadas bajo el Enfoque

disponibilidad/ acceso a recursos y servicios financieros
  • facilitan

The CFMG has a ‘CF fund lending scheme’ where the money generated from selling CF resources such as surplus timber and wood products is lent to CFMG members at a minimal interest. Sometimes interest-free loans are provided to bereaved families and families bearing medical expenses due to sickness. The scheme provides relatively easy and cheap local access to cash for group members. During the first plan period of Zhasela CF management, CFMG generated more than Nu 320,000 from the sale of surplus timber and finished products. Nu 299, 600 was divided among the group members and each member received Nu 23,000.

entorno institucional
  • facilitan

The CFMG has helped the members improve their livelihoods and reduce poverty. The CFMG generate income through the sale of forest resources to contractors, government agencies, and private individuals.

colaboración/ coordinación de actores
  • facilitan

There is labour-sharing in the group for activities such as the plantation of seedlings, fire line creations, and overall forest management thereby easing workload in the group and improving collaboration and coordination. The CFMG members also help each other out in times of need. For example, Mr. Tshering Dorji's house was damaged by an earthquake in September 2009. In spring 2010, the CFMG allotted four drashing (trees of at least 50 cm diameter at breast height) from the CF free of cost to him for the reconstruction of his house.

conocimiento de MST, acceso a apoyo técnico
  • facilitan

Members realize the importance of the CF. They realize that the forest helps protect water sources, avoid erosions and land slides through land coverage, and increase wood production.

mercados (para comprar insumos, vender productos) y precios
  • facilitan

There is a good market for the sale of surplus timber from the CF. Timber is sold in the form of logs, planks, and finished products like altar. The CFMG has been able to earn a substantial amount from the sale of timber to contractors, government agencies, and private individuals.

carga de trabajo, disponibilidad de mano de obra
  • facilitan

There is labour-sharing in the group thereby easing workload in the group.

3. Participación y roles de las partes interesadas involucradas

3.1 Partes interesadas involucradas en el Enfoque y sus roles

  • usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales

15 CFMG members from 15 households.

The CFMG members carry out the activities highlighted in the CFMP.

  • especialistas MST/consejeros agrícolas


The GFEO monitors the activities implemented by the CFMG and provides necessary assistance in any field that the CF members require.

  • gobierno nacional (planificadores, autoridades)

Territorial division office

The territorial division office's roles include training CFMG on a need base, providing technical inputs while implementing the Community Forest Management Plan (CFMP), monitoring and providing feedback on CFMP implementation, providing market information and supporting marketing, providing support for amendment and revision of CFMP, verifying CFMG’s records annually, translating CFMP to Dzongkha version, coordinating study tours, and disseminating or advertising information related to CF or CFMG.

3.2 Involucramiento de los usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales en las distintas fases del Enfoque
Involucramiento de los usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales Especifique quién se involucró y describa las actividades
iniciación/ motivación interactivo The people of Bragong village had observed a gradual depletion of forest resources near their village. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fencing/flag poles, fodder, and other forest products had become scarce. So, the community came forward with the proposal to establish a CF. Furthermore, the GFEO had been emphasizing CF's importance to the villagers multiple times. This eventually led to the formation of the CF.
planificación interactivo Forest territorial division office, GFEO, and CFMG members were involved. Through multiple discussions, they came up with the CFMP.
implementación interactivo The territorial division office, GFEO, and CFMG were involved. They formulated and finalized the CFMP. The CFMG members then carried out the activities highlighted in the CFMP under the guidance of GFEO and territorial division office.
monitoreo y evaluación interactivo The GFEO and CFMG members are involved. The monitoring of CF activities is done by all CF members. The necessary records are maintained by the nominated executive committee members (chairperson, secretary, treasurer) of CFMG. The executive members are mandated to submit annual progress reports to the GFEO. The GFEO monitor the activities implemented by CFMG.

3.3 Flujograma (si estuviera disponible)

3.4 La toma de decisiones en la selección de Tecnología(s) MST

Las decisiones para la selección de la/s Tecnología(s) fueron tomadas:
  • Land users (CFMG members) and GFEO

The people of Bragong village had observed a gradual depletion of forest resources near their village. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fencing/flag poles, fodder, and other forest products had become scarce. So, the community came forward with the proposal to establish a CF. Furthermore, the GFEO had been emphasizing CF's importance to the villagers multiple times. This eventually led to the formation of the CF.

Especifique las bases que sustentaron la toma de decisiones:
  • la experiencia personal y opiniones (no documentadas)
  • The people of Bragong village had observed a gradual depletion of forest resources near their village. Forest resources such as timber, firewood, fencing/flag poles, fodder, and other forest products had become scarce. So, the community came forward with the proposal to establish a CF. Furthermore, the GFEO had been emphasizing CF's importance to the villagers multiple times. This eventually led to the formation of the CF.

4. Apoyo técnico, fortalecimiento institucional y gestión del conocimiento

4.1 Construcción de capacidades / capacitación

¿Se proporcionó la capacitación a usuarios de tierras/ otras partes interesadas?

Especifique quién fue capacitado:
  • usuarios de tierras
Si fuese relevante, también especifique género, edad, estatus, etnicidad, etc.

Both men and women.

Forma de capacitación:
  • de agricultor a agricultor
  • áreas de demostración
  • cursos
Temas avanzados:

Accounting and record keeping
Forest management
Nursey management
Leadership skills
Power chain operation

4.2 Servicio de asesoría

¿Los usuarios de tierras tienen acceso a un servicio de asesoría?

Especifique si servicio proporcionado se realizó:
  • en los campos de los usuarios de tierras
  • en centros permanentes
Describa/ comentarios:

Land users have access to advisory services from the GFEO. The GFEO provides necessary assistance in any field that the CF members require and also advises the CFMG on the implementation of CFMP, the latest policies and amendments of the rule.

4.3 Fortalecimiento institucional (desarrollo institucional)

¿Se establecieron o fortalecieron instituciones mediante el Enfoque?
  • sí, mucho
Especifique el nivel o los niveles en los que se fortalecieron o establecieron las instituciones:
  • local
Describa la institución, roles y responsabilidades, miembros, etc.

Land users have benefitted a lot from the CF, the water sources are protected, erosions and landslides are prevented, and there is sustainable utilization and management of forest resources. Also, land users are able to generate income through the sale of surplus forest products especially timber. During the first plan period of Zhasela CF management, CFMG generated more than Nu 320,000 from the sale of surplus timber and finished products. Nu 299, 600 was divided among the group members and each member received Nu 23,000.

Especifique el tipo de apoyo:
  • financiero
  • construcción de capacidades/ entrenamiento

4.4 Monitoreo y evaluación

¿El monitoreo y la evaluación forman parte del Enfoque?


The Chief Forestry Officer, Gewog Ranger, and land users are involved in monitoring and evaluation. The monitoring of CF activities is done by all CF members (land users). The necessary records are maintained by the nominated executive committee members (chairperson, secretary, treasurer) of CFMG. The executive members are mandated to submit annual progress reports to Gewog Ranger. The Chief Forestry Officer and Gewog Ranger monitor the activities implemented by CFMG.

Si respondió que sí, ¿la documentación se utilizará para monitoreo y evaluación?


4.5 Investigación

¿La investigación formó parte del Enfoque?


5. Financiamiento y apoyo material externo

5.1 Presupuesto anual para el componente MST del Enfoque

Si no se conoce el presupuesto anual preciso, indique el rango:
  • < 2,000
Comentarios (ej. fuentes principales de financiamiento/ donantes principales):

There is no set annual budget for the SLM component of the approach but wherever necessary the land users use the CFMG fund and sometimes get financial and material support from the government.

5.2 Apoyo financiero/material proporcionado a los usuarios de tierras

¿Los usuarios de tierras recibieron financiamiento/ apoyo material para implementar la Tecnología/ Tecnologías? :

Si respondió sí, especifique el tipo o los tipos de apoyo, condiciones y proveedor(es) :

The CFMG received Nu.100,000 to carry out some of the activities reflected in the CFMP, four rolls of barbed wire, and some tree seedlings.

5.3 Subsidios para insumos específicos (incluyendo mano de obra)

  • otro
Otro (especifique) En qué grado Especifique los subsidios
The CFMG received Nu.100,000 from the government to carry out some of the activities reflected in the CFMP, four rolls of barbed wire, and some tree seedlings. totalmente financiado
Si la mano de obra de usuarios de tierras fue un insumo sustancial, ¿fue:
  • voluntario?

5.4 Crédito

¿Se proporcionó crédito bajo el Enfoque para actividades MST?


5.5 Otros incentivos o instrumentos

¿Se usaron otros incentivos o instrumentos para promover la implementación de Tecnologías MST?


6. Análisis de impacto y comentarios de conclusión

6.1 Impactos del Enfoque

¿El Enfoque empoderó a los usuarios locales de tierras, mejoró el involucramiento de las partes interesadas?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

CF management has improved participation among the member households. The CFMG members work together and carry out the activities highlighted in the CFMP. There is labour-sharing in the group for activities such as the plantation of seedlings, fire line creations, and overall forest management thereby easing workload in the group and improving collaboration and coordination. The CF has helped empower local communities to manage their resources collectively. The CFMG members also help each other out in times of need. For example, Mr. Tshering Dorji's house was damaged by an earthquake in September 2009. In spring 2010, the CFMG allotted four drashing (trees of at least 50 cm diameter at breast height) from the CF free of cost to him for the reconstruction of his house. CFMG has improved stakeholder participation between members and the government. Both land users and government officials like GFEO have benefitted through the CF. As for the members, due to CF, they have access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, fencing/flag poles, NWFPs, and free grazing. Their water sources are also protected and risks of erosions and landslides have been minimized. All of these motivate them to manage the forest. As for the GFEO, the forest is sustainably being managed by the members guided by CFMP thereby making their work easier. The members and the GFEO are working together with the officials giving technical advice and conducting periodic monitoring and the members carrying out various sustainable forest management field work. The CF has facilitated collaboration between different stakeholders.

¿El Enfoque facilitó la toma de decisiones basada en evidencia?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

During the first plan period of Zhasela CF management, CFMG utilized 147 drashing (trees of at least 50 cm dbh which is used for sawn timber), 20 numbers of cham (trees of 30-50 cm dbh which are used for beams), 3 numbers of tsim (trees of 20-30 cm dbh which are used for large poles), and 4 numbers of dangchung (trees of 10-20 cm dbh which are used for small poles). The group also generated income through the sale of surplus timber and finished products (altars). The group generated more than Nu 320,000 from the sale of surplus timber and finished products. Nu 299, 600 was divided among the group members and each member received Nu 23,000. Some of the activities carried out in the first plan period were 2 acres of barren land were planted and maintained, a tree nursery was established, and approximately 5 acres of unwanted bushes were cleared for enhancement of regeneration and growth of retained trees. The water sources were protected and risks of erosions and landslides were minimized. The members got access to many forest resources. The members reaped a lot of benefits from the CF and this made them revise and continue CFMP for another 10 years (2017-2027). All the positive aspects of the CF enable evidence-based decision-making.

¿El Enfoque ayudó a los usuarios de tierras a implementar y mantener Tecnologías MST?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The management of CF by the CFMG has helped land users protect water sources, minimize erosion and landslides, and sustainably use forest resources.

¿El Enfoque mejoró el conocimiento y capacidades de los usuarios para implementar MST?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

CF has helped land users protect water sources and sustainably use forest resources.

CF management has improved participation among the member households. The CFMG members work together and carry out the activities highlighted in the CFMP. There is labour-sharing in the group for activities such as the plantation of seedlings, fire line creations, and overall forest management thereby easing workload in the group and improving collaboration and coordination. The CF has helped empower local communities to manage their resources collectively. The CFMG members also help each other out in times of need. For example, Mr. Tshering Dorji's house was damaged by an earthquake in September 2009. In spring 2010, the CFMG allotted four drashing (trees of at least 50 cm diameter at breast height) from the CF free of cost to him for the reconstruction of his house. CFMG has improved stakeholder participation between members and the government. Both land users and government officials like GFEO have benefitted through the CF. As for the members, due to CF, they have access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, fencing/flag poles, NWFPs, and free grazing. Their water sources are also protected and risks of erosions and landslides have been minimized. All of these motivate them to manage the forest. As for the GFEO, the forest is sustainably being managed by the members guided by CFMP thereby making their work easier. The members and the GFEO are working together with the officials giving technical advice and conducting periodic monitoring and the members carrying out various sustainable forest management field work. The CF has facilitated collaboration between different stakeholders.

CF has resolved conflicts regarding access to forest resources.

¿El Enfoque empoderó a grupos en desventaja social y económica?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The CF has helped land users have access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, fencing/flag poles, and NWFPs and provided an opportunity to generate income.

¿El Enfoque mejoró la equidad de género y empoderó a las mujeres y niñas?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

CFMG comprises both male and female land users. There is no gender discrimination.

¿El Enfoque mejoró cuestiones de tenencia de tierra/ derechos de usuarios que obstaculizaron la implementación de la Tecnologías MST?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

CF has resolved conflicts regarding access to forest resources.

¿El Enfoque resultó en mejor seguridad alimentaria/ mejoró la nutrición?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The CF has helped land users have access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, fencing/flag poles, and NWFPs and provided an opportunity to generate income. Also, CFMG provides loans to its members.

¿El Enfoque llevó a un acceso mejorado a tierra y saneamiento?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The CF has helped protect the water sources.

¿El Enfoque llevó a oportunidades de empleo, ingresos?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The land users generate income by selling forest products as they have access to forest resources.

6.2 Motivación principal del usuario de la tierra para implementar MST

  • reducción de la degradación del suelo

Two acres of barren land were planted and maintained, a tree nursery was established, and approximately 5 acres of unwanted bushes were cleared for enhancement of regeneration and growth of retained trees.

  • conciencia medioambiental

CF aids in protecting habitats and conserving biodiversity. Extensive exploitation of forest resources would result in soil erosion, landslides, deforestation, disruption of water cycles, and loss of ecosystem services.

  • mitigación de conflicto

Resolve conflicts regarding access to forest resources.

6.3 Sostenibilidad de las actividades del Enfoque

¿Pueden los usuarios de tierras sostener lo que se implementó mediante el Enfoque (sin apoyo externo)?
Si respondió que sí, describa cómo:

Sustainable use of resources in CF ensures regeneration and replenishment of harvested resources.

6.4 Fortalezas/ ventajas del Enfoque

Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del usuario de la tierra
Protection of water sources.
Access to forest resources such as timber, fuel wood, fencing/flag poles, fodder, leaf litter, and NWFPs.
Conflict mitigation due to clarity on access to forest resources.
Access to loans from the CF fund lending scheme with minimal interest.
Conservation of local forest.
Reduce erosion and landslides in the area.
Habitat protection and biodiversity conservation.
Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave
Diversify income sources by reducing dependency on a single source of income like livestock farming or crop production.
Improve living standards and reduce poverty in rural communities.
Sustainable utilization and management of forest resources.
Strengthen social cohesion by empowering local communities to manage their resources collectively.
Facilitate collaboration among different stakeholders.

6.5 Debilidades/ desventajas del Enfoque y formas de sobreponerse a ellos

Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave ¿Cómo sobreponerse a ellas?
Farmers are not able to sell NWFPs due to a lack of markets in the vicinity. Since one of the roles and responsibilities of the territorial division office is to provide market information and support marketing (as highlighted in CFMP), it should come up with ways to link land users and markets in Lhuentse.

7. Referencias y vínculos

7.1 Métodos/ fuentes de información

  • visitas de campo, encuestas de campo

Five land users

  • entrevistas con usuarios de tierras

Five land users

  • compilación de informes y otra documentación existente

Referred Zhasela CFMP booklet.

7.2 Referencias a publicaciones disponibles

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Phuntsho, S., Schmidt, K., Kuyakanon, R., & Temphel, K. J. (n.d.). Community Forestry in Bhutan: Putting People at the Heart of Poverty Reduction.

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?


Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Wangchuk, S. (2014). Equity in Community Forestry Management: A Case of Lhuentse and Mongar Dzongkhags, Eastern Bhutan. Journal of the Bhutan Ecological Society, 48–59.

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?


7.3 Vínculos a la información relevante disponible en línea

Título/ descripción:

Phuntsho, S., Schmidt, K., Kuyakanon, R., & Temphel, K. J. (n.d.). Community Forestry in Bhutan: Putting People at the Heart of Poverty Reduction.



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