Overcoming the soil degradation via creation of plantations for biomass in the municipality of Sungurlare [Bulgarie]

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Entité concernée: Bulgaria

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle: Non

État complet : 94%

Informations générales

Informations générales

Titre des bonnes pratiques:

Overcoming the soil degradation via creation of plantations for biomass in the municipality of Sungurlare



Entité concernée:


Droits de propriété intellectuelle

Précisez si la technologie indiquée dans le modèle, ou une partie de cette technologie, est protégée par des droits de propriété intellectuelle:



Utilisation courante des terres sur le site

  • Habitat humain

3 new technologies were developed and implemented for the sustainable land management aimed at overcoming these problems within the framework of this project. These are specific plantations for biomass; specific protective belts and new agricultural forestry system.

Contribution aux mesures de la DDTS

  • Atténuation
  • Adaptation
  • Réhabilitation

Contribution aux objectifs stratégiques

  • Améliorer les conditions de vie des populations touchées
  • Améliorer les conditions des écosystèmes touchés
  • Générer des bénéfices à l’échelle mondiale grâce à une mise en œuvre efficace de la Convention

Liens avec les autres thèmes relatifs aux meilleures pratiques

  • Renforcement des capacités et sensibilisation
  • Gestion des connaissances et soutien des décisions


Section 1. Contexte de la meilleure pratique : conditions du cadre (environnement naturel et humain)

Brève description de la meilleure pratique

These are specific crops for biomass, specific protection zones and new agro-forestry systems.|


Sungurlare Municipality is located in Southeast Bulgaria and is one of the municipalities of Burgas Province. The municipality has 30 cities with total population of 13,001 inhabitants.

Si le lieu a des limites clairement définies, spécifier son extension en hectare:


Estimation de la population vivant sur le site:


Brève description de l’environnement naturel du site

The area is a rich combination of mountain, hilly and flat terrain. Soils are predominantly maroon forest, which favors the cultivation of vines, vegetables, tobacco and almost all cereals.|
Intensive and inappropriate management of agricultural land in the municipality Sungurlare, uncontrolled grazing and deforestation of krayselishtnite areas have led to soil degradation and reduced soil fertility.|
The climate is temperate. It is characterized by mild winters, early spring, moderate summer and warm autumn.
Rainfall is insufficient. No major snow fall, but rarely equal navalyava snow. Due to the strong northwest and northeast winds are formed drifts.|

Conditions socio-économiques dominantes des personnes vivant sur ou à proximité du site

From industrial and agricultural activityл.Tobacco is a source of income for some villages in the region. Grow about 2200 acres per year for general oriental tobacco yield approximately 300 tons.
Arable land is estimated at 277,600 acres, of which 240 600 ha of cropland, 30,000 ha of plantations and 7000 ha of meadows. Climatic conditions conducive to growing all types of crops, mainly vineyards and cereals. Ownership is private and municipal. Conditions conducive to the development of cattle and sheep.|
In Raina has good conditions for the development of viticulture and winemaking. The region is ecologically clean. Major share in construction of industrial image of the municipality take the following undertakings:
Wines of Vinex Slavyantsi;
BALKAN-98 Ltd. - manufacture of confectionery
Mladost AD - production of hydraulic units - safety valves, chokes and check valves.|

Sur la base de quel critère/indicateur(s) (sans relation avec la stratégie) la pratique proposée et technologie correspondante ont-elles été considérées comme « meilleures »?

Essential criteria:
- Maintaining and improving soil fertility;
- Reduce land degradation and desertification;
- Maintaining and developing the capacity of ecosystems;
- Achieving an economically viable, safe and attractive environment.|

Section 2. Problèmes abordés (causes directes et indirectes) et objectifs de la meilleure pratique

Principaux problèmes abordés par la meilleure pratique

No information.

Décrivez les principaux problèmes liés à la dégradation des terres abordés par la meilleure pratique

No information.

Précisez les objectifs de la meilleure pratique

The protective belts reduce the velocity of the wind; they increase the moisture reserves and the productivity of the associated agricultural lands. 100 families and 300 persons have access to these technologies. They were trained within the framework of the Project to apply the new technologies, aimed at attaining ecology conformed agricultural production and sustainable land management.

Section 3. Activités

Brève description des principales activités, par objectif

Plantations performed concurrently and the role of buffer zones adjacent to agricultural lands. Protective belts reduce the speed of wind increases vlagozapasyavaneto and productivity of adjacent agricultural lands. Access to these technologies are 100 families and 300 people.
Municipality of Sungurlare:On 5 ha of bare land threatened by erosion, owned by the municipality Sungurlare plantations have been established for the extraction of firewood, using multipurpose tree species reintroduction and sustainable indigenous species to restore the damaged areas. |

Brève description et caractéristiques techniques de la technologie

Apply the new technologies, aimed at attaining ecology conformed agricultural production and sustainable land management. The main benefits from the Project will be manifested later when the built up forestry systems start to function - in 3 to 5 years at the earliest and the maximal effect will be reached in 15 to 20 years when the yield of energy biomass starts as well.|
No information

Section 4. Institutions/acteurs impliqués (collaboration, participation, rôle des parties prenantes)

Nom et adresse de l’institution développant la technologie

"Association Professionalism Health and Ecology"|Sungurlare Municipality

La technologie a-t-elle été développée en partenariat ?


Précisez le cadre de promotion de la technologie

  • Initiative locale
  • Initiative nationale – non gouvernementale
  • Initiative basée sur un programme/projet


La participation des parties prenantes locales, y compris des OSC, a-t-elle été recherchée au cours du développement de la technologie ?


Dressez la liste des parties prenantes locales:

list local stakeholders involved:
- Communes farmers;
- families

Précisez le rôle des parties prenantes ci-dessus dans la conception, l’introduction, l’utilisation et la maintenance de la technologie, le cas échéant.

By participating in the project, use and maintenance of the technology.|

La population vivant sur ou à proximité du site a-t-elle été impliquée dans le développement de la technologie?


Par quels moyens?
  • Approches participatives

Access to these technologies are 100 families and 300 people. They are trained under the project to apply new technologies to achieve environmentally sustainable agricultural production and land management.They were joined by 10 new agricultural producer.


Section 5. Contribution à l’impact

Décrivez les impacts sur site (les deux principaux impacts par catégorie)

100 families and 300 persons have access to these technologies.
The implementation of the Projects also contributes to the conservation and improvement of the soil fertility as well as for the limitation of the land degradation and the combat against desertification as well as for the preservation and the development of the capacity of the eco-systems, |
The main benefits from the Project will be manifested later
when the built up forestry systems start to function – in 3 to 5 years at the earliest and the maximal effect will be reached in 15 to 20 years when the yield of energy biomass starts as well.
These are specific plantations for biomass; specific protective belts and new agricultural forestry system. Plantations for yield of firewood were created over 5 ha of un-wooded areas threatened by erosion, ownership of the municipality of Sungurlare.|
Multifunctional wood kinds were created as well as
reintroduced persistent aborigine kinds for reinstatement of the damaged territories. The plantations simultaneously play the role of protective belts for the associated agricultural lands.

Décrivez les deux principaux impacts hors site (dans les environs)

Established forest protection belts prevent wind erosion and adjacent lands in the region
On 5 ha of bare land threatened by erosion, owned by the municipality Sungurlare plantations have been established for the extraction of firewood, which will be used to heating of the population in other regions in the country.|

Impact sur la biodiversité et le changement climatique


Developed three new technologies for the deployment of multi-resistant wood vidve are designed to adapt and cope with Climate Change.
The creation of multi-tree influence on biodiversity conservation and the microclimate in the area.

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée?

Une analyse coût-avantage a-t-elle été réalisée? :


Section 6. Adoption et caractère transposable

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites?

La technologie a-t-elle été diffusée/introduite sur d’autres sites? :


Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?

Des mesures d’incitation ont-elles été mises en place pour faciliter le lancement de la technologie?


Pouvez-vous identifier les trois principales conditions ayant favorisé la réussite de la meilleure pratique/technologie présentée?

Motivation to maintain and develop the capacity of ecosystems to achieve economic stability in the region.
The possibility of continuing the information campaign of the project to promote new technologies and transfer of best practices and practices in other areas of the country.
Financial support for developing and implementing new technologies for sustainable land management.


Selon vous, la meilleure pratique/technologie proposée peut-elle reproduite, y compris avec un certain degré d’adaptation?


Si oui, à quel niveau?
  • Local
  • Sous-national
  • National

Section 7. Leçons tirées

Liées aux ressources humaines

Increased capacity is 300 people from the area within the project.

Liées aux aspects financiers

Implementation of projects is due to the financial support of GEF.

Liées aux aspects techniques

no information
