
Improved access to remote summer pasture - through infrastructure development [Tadjikistan]

Таъмини дастраси ба чарогохи тобистона

approaches_3467 - Tadjikistan

État complet : 89%

1. Informations générales

1.2 Coordonnées des personnes-ressources et des institutions impliquées dans l'évaluation et la documentation de l'Approche

Personne(s) ressource(s) clé(s)

Spécialiste GDT:
Nom du projet qui a facilité la documentation/ l'évaluation de l'Approche (si pertinent)
Environmental Land Management and Rural Livelihood Project

1.3 Conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées

Quand les données ont-elles été compilées (sur le terrain)?


Le compilateur et la(les) personne(s) ressource(s) acceptent les conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées:


2. Description de l'Approche de GDT

2.1 Courte description de l'Approche

In the mountainous conditions of Tajikistan the main source of fodder for livestock is accumulated in remote pastures, which are located high in the mountains and are classified as summer pastures. Improving access with building infrastructure (roads and bridges) to these remote pastures as a main source of fodder for livestock during summer period will decrease burden on pastures close to the village and will help rehabilitation of degraded pastures and improvement of other environmental services provided by pasture lands.

2.2 Description détaillée de l'Approche

Description détaillée de l'Approche:

The main feature in this approach is to balance the use of the pasture land in different seasons thorugh development of access to this resources. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and break down of the kolkhozes and Sovkhozes in the mountainous area of Tajikistan, utilization of pasture lands were suffering because of poor infrastructure, such as roads and bridges. Through community mobilization and sharing of funding costs such as labour force, roads and bridges providing access to remote pastures are build. This approach motivated communities to put in place rotation plans of patures. The main objective of promoting this approach is to organize the whole potential of existing fodder from the pasture and decrease burden on the close pasture lands to communities.
In this approach participatory methods was used, where community shared labour force and the local government support with formal documentation to allow contraction of new roads and bridges. Funding was mobilized from different sources, such as donor funds, governments and sometimes from the community itself.
Communities as members of PUUs were mobilized to serve as labour with some funding from project to access materials and means for implementation. The plan was negotiated and coordinated with the local level governmental authorities for legal permission both on improving infrastructure and use of pastures remote from villages.
Communities were excited to have access to additional pasture lands, as source of fodder for livestock development. Under this approach communities were motivated to plan pasture use in a sustainable way. Since the approach involves construction of roads and bridges, it involved a lot of manpower, especially during the agriculture season, where land users were also busy in their fields.

2.3 Photos de l'approche

Remarques générales concernant les photos:

After constructing the small bridges, communities have access to more than 250ha additional pasture land, which they use seasonal. This easy access also minimized the risk of animal loss during crossing the river through the water.

2.5 Pays/ région/ lieux où l'Approche a été appliquée



Région/ Etat/ Province:

Roghun District/Rasht Valley

Autres spécifications du lieu :

Usually this approach is applicable in many parts of the country which is mainly mountainous regions and a similiar geography.

2.6 Dates de début et de fin de l'Approche

Si l'année précise est inconnue, indiquez approximativement quand l'Approche a démarré:

il y a moins de 10 ans (récemment)

2.7 Type d'Approche

  • fondé sur un projet/ programme

2.8 Principaux objectifs de l'Approche

The main purpose of the approach is to support communities with improving access to the existing pasture resources and organize sustainable use of natural resources by providing also other ecosystem services such as recreational for people to go for hiking and mountaineering.

2.9 Conditions favorisant ou entravant la mise en œuvre de la(des) Technologie(s) appliquée(s) sous l'Approche

normes et valeurs sociales/ culturelles/ religieuses
  • favorise

Community and cultural norms are acceptable in coming together to work for community benefit for improving livelihood.

disponibilité/ accès aux ressources et services financiers
  • favorise

Traditionally, communities collect funds for such kind of social works for livelihood and village development.

  • entrave

Sometime the big volume of the workload does not allow to contribute to such kind of big initiatives.

cadre institutionnel
  • favorise

Communities are traditionally organized to invest both financially and in kind in such community initiatives.

collaboration/ coordination des acteurs
  • favorise

The approach brings all stakeholders together to work and make efforts for community development, where government is involved to mobilize communities.

cadre juridique (régime foncier, droits d'utilisation des terres et de l'eau)
  • favorise

Usually, the pastures are owned by communities and considered as common resources used by all people. According to the Land Code, the government guarantees the effective use of natural resource for all people.

  • entrave

It is allowed to own pasture by individuals and in some cases individuals have ownership over big areas of pasture resource, which limit community grazing in this area.

connaissances sur la GDT, accès aux supports techniques
  • favorise

In this area PUUs have been established and the members were trained on different topics, including pasture management, land degradation with use of different methods.

  • entrave

There is no official extention service on pasture management at community level and if there are any technical issues, the government refers to an official research institute, like the Livestock Institute, which has the capacity and knowledge to address specific topics.

charge de travail, disponibilité de la main-d'œuvre
  • favorise

Traditionally, manpower is mobilized by communities to contribute to the project free of charge.

  • entrave

Because of high level of migration provision of enough manpower through the community is difficult.

3. Participation et rôles des parties prenantes impliquées dans l'Approche

3.1 Parties prenantes impliquées dans l'Approche et rôles

  • exploitants locaux des terres / communautés locales

livestock owners, PUU members, herders

usually serve as manpower and participate in the implementation of the approach

  • organisations communautaires

village organization, traditional groups

mobilize communities to contribute there share, negotiate with government in providing legal documentation for implementation of the approach

  • ONG

registered local Public Organization

attracting donor organizations, support with development of the plan and mechanism for maintenance and sustainablity

  • gouvernement local

land committee, agriculture department, environmental protection committee

provide legal documentation, supervise the compliance with norms and regulation of government

3.2 Participation des exploitants locaux des terres/ communautés locales aux différentes phases de l'Approche
Participation des exploitants locaux des terres/ communautés locales Spécifiez qui était impliqué et décrivez les activités
initiation/ motivation interactive Community members such as livestock owners are involved in the process of identifying the potential for pasture development.
planification interactive Community members, who graze their livestock in the remote pastures together with community based organizations/structures jointly develop their plan and priorities they need. In their planning process a representative from the local government usually participates.
mise en œuvre auto-mobilisation In the implementation phase usually, if external funding is not available, community with support of their local structures organize themselves and share contribution to build or rehabilitate infrastructure to the pasture lands.
suivi/ évaluation interactive If the project is funded from external resources joint monitoring is conducted with involvement of government representatives, funders and community members.

3.4 Prises de décision pour la sélection de la Technologie/ des Technologies

Indiquez qui a décidé de la sélection de la Technologie/ des Technologies à mettre en œuvre:
  • principalement les exploitants des terres soutenus par des spécialistes de la GDT

In their community planning process, either specific on pasture management or overall community planning, community members identify their needs and prioritise for implementation during a certain period. In this planning process a government representative usually participates aswell. Sometimes with support of I/NGOs specific planning tools or methodologies are developed and introduced at community level.

Spécifiez sur quelle base ont été prises les décisions:
  • expériences et opinions personnelles (non documentées)

4. Soutien technique, renforcement des capacités et gestion des connaissances

4.1 Renforcement des capacités/ formation

Une formation a-t-elle été dispensée aux exploitants des terres/ autres parties prenantes?


4.2 Service de conseils

Les exploitants des terres ont-ils accès à un service de conseils?


4.3 Renforcement des institutions (développement organisationnel)

Des institutions ont elles été mises en place ou renforcées par le biais de l'Approche?
  • oui, un peu
Spécifiez à quel(s) niveau(x), ces institutions ont été renforcées ou mises en place:
  • local
Décrivez l'institution, ses rôles et responsabilités, ses membres, etc.

Usually the community initiative is mobilized through community based organizations (village organization), which exist in all communities. In some cases specific structures, such as Pasture User Unions as separate entities or pasture user groups such as CBO sub-groups are established for proper management of pasture resources. In this case a pasture group with a specific working group (or brigade) consisting of specialized masters is organized to carry out the construction process and report to the official structure in the communities.

Précisez le type de soutien:
  • financier
  • équipement
Donnez plus de détails:

for procurement of construction materials and fuel for tractor for road construction, fee for technical staff like engineer, masters

4.4 Suivi et évaluation

Le suivi et l'évaluation font ils partie de l'Approche? :



compliance with sustainability plan and maintenance mechanism is monitored by the project staff and engineering work by technical staff was checked and readjusted

Si oui, ce document est-il destiné à être utilisé pour le suivi et l'évaluation?



internal documentation from the implementing agency is used t

4.5 Recherche

La recherche a-t-elle fait partie intégrante de l’Approche?


5. Financement et soutien matériel externe

5.1 Budget annuel de la composante GDT de l'Approche

Si le budget annuel précis n'est pas connu, indiquez une fourchette:
  • 10 000-100 000
Commentez (par ex. principales sources de financement/ principaux bailleurs de fonds):

sharing contribution by donors and communities and also sometime by government

5.2 Soutiens financiers/ matériels fournis aux exploitants des terres

Les exploitants des terres ont-ils reçu un soutien financier/ matériel pour la mise en œuvre de la Technologie/ des Technologies?


Si oui, spécifiez le(s) type(s) de soutien, les conditions et les fournisseurs:

construction materials and technical supervision with preparing of the design and implementation of the approach

5.3 Subventions pour des intrants spécifiques (incluant la main d'œuvre)

  • équipement
Spécifiez les intrants subventionnés Dans quelle mesure Spécifiez les subventions
machines entièrement financé tractor and bulldozer cost for working
en partie financé materials for fencing in some places, construction materials and pipes for bridge
  • matériaux de construction
Spécifiez les intrants subventionnés Dans quelle mesure Spécifiez les subventions
bois en partie financé some was share by communities
cement entièrement financé based on the approved scheme, especially for construction of bridge the amount of cement is fully covered
  • infrastructures
Spécifiez les intrants subventionnés Dans quelle mesure Spécifiez les subventions
routes en partie financé For construction/rehabilitation of roads usually only materials and tools (construction machinery) are provided. The job is carried out by communities as there contribution.
Si la main d'œuvre fournie par les exploitants des terres était un intrant substantiel, elle était:
  • volontaire

labour usually in construction project is considered as community contribution, which is organized by the community based organization and agreed on the pre-planning session of the project selection process

5.4 Crédits

Des crédits ont-ils été alloués à travers l'Approche pour les activités de GDT?


5.5 Autres incitations ou instruments

D'autres incitations ou instruments ont-ils été utilisés pour promouvoir la mise en œuvre des Technologies de GDT?


6. Analyses d'impact et conclusions

6.1 Impacts de l'Approche

Est-ce que l'Approche a autonomisé les exploitants locaux des terres, amélioré la participation des parties prenantes?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

The project brings together different stakeholders who are interested in sustainable management and use of pastures, such as livestock owners, local government agencies, community based organizations.

Est-ce que l'Approche a aidé les exploitants des terres à mettre en œuvre et entretenir les Technologies de GDT?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

When access to new pastures improve, different other approaches and technologies are applied in this new area.

Est-ce que l'Approche a mobilisé/ amélioré l'accès aux ressources financières pour la mise en œuvre de la GDT?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

When communities make their own plan to implement projects for their livelihoods, (especially construction) either government, local businessmen and external resources are interested to contribute.

Est-ce que l'Approche a atténué les conflits?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

To some extent, when approaches improve access to new areas, pressure over pastures will be decreased.

Est-ce que l'Approche a amélioré les questions foncières et des droits d'utilisation qui entravent la mise en œuvre des Technologies?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

Communities will have access to new or unused pasture lands and will strengthen ownership over this resources.

Est-ce que l'Approche a conduit à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et/ou la nutrition?
  • Non
  • Oui, un peu
  • Oui, modérément
  • Oui, beaucoup

When a new source of fodder is established, livestock productivity will improve and contribute to community food security and nutrition.

6.2 Principale motivation des exploitants des terres pour mettre en œuvre la GDT

  • augmenter la rentabilité/ bénéfice, rapport coûts-bénéfices

When access to new pasture land is provided, communities will have also a chance to collect more fodder and keep their livestock in a better condition.

  • réduire la dégradation des terres

Burden and pressure to the close pasture decreased and they slowly started rehabilitating.

  • réduire les risques de catastrophe

Degradation of the pasture is the main cause of landslide and mudflow in the mountain areas. When close pasture degradation is improved, this will also mitigate the risk of landslide and mud flow.

  • paiements/ subventions

Usually communities are organized in their community based organization, which develops their own plan, based on what prioritized initiatives will be implemented by their efforts. Sometimes, when external funding subsidieses these costs, it motivates community members to participate actively.

6.3 Durabilité des activités de l'Approche

Les exploitants des terres peuvent-ils poursuivre ce qui a été mis en œuvre par le biais de l'Approche (sans soutien extérieur)?
  • incertain
Si non ou incertain, spécifiez et commentez:

If the approach is applied properly and the rotation grazing is followed, the infrastructure is maintained, then it contributes to the sustainability of the project. Usually communities collect money when rehabilitation is required.

6.4 Points forts/ avantages de l'Approche

Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue de l'exploitant des terres
provide them with additional pasture areas, give them opportunity to improve their pasture resource conditions.
Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé
The approach motivates community to share resources for the community work and contribute voluntary lobour.

6.5 Faiblesses/ inconvénients de l'Approche et moyens de les surmonter

Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue de l’exploitant des terres Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés?
It is difficult to fund big projects, because infrastructure development to access new pasture areas is always associated with big funding. establish special fund for maintenance of this approach
Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés?
Community structures are new and are not well empowered to maintain all the innovative approaches. empower PUU and pasture users to become the real owner of the resource and build their capacity in management of their structure and sustainability

7. Références et liens

7.1 Méthodes/ sources d'information

  • visites de terrain, enquêtes sur le terrain


  • interviews/entretiens avec les exploitants des terres


  • interviews/ entretiens avec les spécialistes/ experts de GDT


  • compilation à partir de rapports et d'autres documents existants


7.2 Références des publications disponibles

Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:

Pasture and Livestock Management Plan, Zevarshoev Askarsho, 2015

Disponible à partir d'où? Coût?

available upon request
