Natural Resource Management in degraded land area [Índia]
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Entidade relatora: Gramin Vikas Trust
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Título de melhores práticas:
Natural Resource Management in degraded land area
Entidade relatora:
Gramin Vikas Trust
Direitos de propriedade
Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade:
Uso do solo predominante no local especificado
- Terra de cultivo
- Pastagem
- Terra improdutiva
Contribuição para medidas de Desertificação, Degradação da Terra e Seca (DDTS)
- Prevenção
- Mitigação
- Adaptação
Contribuição para os objetivos estratégicos
- Para melhorar as condições de vida das populações afetadas
- Para melhorar as condições dos ecossistemas afetados
Ligações com os outros temas de melhores práticas
- Capacitação e conscientização
- Monitoramento e avaliação/ pesquisa DDTS e GST
- Financiamento e mobilização de recursos
- Participação, colaboração e trabalho em rede
Seção 1. Contexto das melhores práticas: condições de enquadramento (ambiente natural e humano)
Breve descrição da melhor prática
The treatment of the watershed area is basically through Soil & Water conservation work, the treatment planned is based on the available material and resources available within watershed.
The Best Practice adopted in watershed is to ensure the community participation since beginning of the project. Right from starting the intervention, every resident household of the watershed area had to do the 4 days voluntary labour for any common work / cause. This ensured participation of every community participant in the development process. The community participation is further ensured through formation of small community based Institutions.
The soil & water conservation work is based on net planning which has been done well in advance of whole watershed from ridge to vally, later on soil work is supported by vegetative coverage and other interventions directly related with the social and economic upliftment of the watershed community.
The one of other practices adopted in watershed is to introduce the new technology related to agriculture and non agriculture as well, Technologies like terrace vegetable cultivation, introduction of better agriculture equipments, implements and technologies like seed multiplication, SRI technology etc.
There is multiple locations in Gujarat. Jhalod & Garbada Talukas of Dahod District and in Goghamba Taluka of Panchmahal District of Gujarat.
Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:
Estimativa da população que vive no local:
Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.
The area falls in the semi arid rainfall area. This area receives its rains from southwest monsoon starting from the middle of June up to the end of September. The average rainfall is 650 mm.
The arable lands normally are between land classes I to IV as per the capability classification of land and non-arable lands are between land classes V to VIII. The majority of area of watershed falls under class IV, where the Drainage and Gullies are in existence due to continuous erosion. |
The topography of the area is undulating to rolling with varying slopes. The slope ranges from 3 to 20 per cent. Most of the land is having 3 to 10 per cent slope. Nearly 30-35 per cent area is covered with medium and deep gullies and soil erosion is perceptible.
Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades
Almost 80 per cent of the total area is agricultural land 20% is other land. The average land holding is below 2 hectare. Maize & Paddy is main crop in Kharif season while Gram, Maize & Wheat in Rabi season. The Government lands are highly degraded with hardly any tree cover.|
Out of total families of watershed 5% are landless, 26% farmers hold 0 to 01 ha land, 30% hold 01 to 02 ha land, 31.5% hold 02 to 04 ha land and 11% farmers hold more than 04 ha land. Average annual income per household is around Rs 26850.00. |
The main income sources are Agriculture, Income from agricultural labour, seasonal migration to Urban area for wage labour, live stock and micro enterprises are very minimal. The income from all sources. 8 % income come from Agriculture labour, 17% income from Non Agriculture employment and 75% income from Agriculture.|
Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?
In the tribal area the major cause of low productivity is that the tribal farmers are not using the proper seed because of so many reasons like lack of awareness, no timely availability of seed. The production can be increased to 25% by only replacing the local seed by improved quality of seed. The introduction of Seed Production Technology in Tribal area has number of benefits like
• Timely availability of seed to all project area farmers.
• Introduction of new technology and practices.
• Increase in Agriculture Production and Productivity.
Seção 2. Problemas abordados (causas diretas e indiretas) e objetivos das melhores práticas
Principais problemas abordados pelas melhores práticas
Low Productivity : By introducing the seed production practices/ technology the two major problems could be addressed, the agriculture productivity was increased and by getting improved and appropriate seed at time farmer could take more crop which would be of support to the marginal farmer of small land holding.|Low Profitability of Agriculture : By introducing the techniques like terrace vegetable cultivation with locally available variety only, the profitability of agriculture could have increased because vegetable is the cash crop. More is the production of vegetable; more is the chance to have profit in agriculture.
|In land development/ reclamation related programmes, the active community participation is a major problem. The contribution of 4 days voluntary labour from every Household ensured the active participation of community at all level of implementation. Watershed Implementation Committee (WIC) formed at watershed level to monitor every step of Programme implementation.
Esboçar problemas específicos de degradação do solo abordados pelas melhores práticas
The land holding was between 1-2 Ha,. degraded and fragmented in 3 to 4 parts. This kind of land allocation leads to low production and make agriculture less profitable, The area treatment work through soil and water conservation ensured the check of soil erosion and availability of water in maximum part of the year.
In every small pieces of land the technology of terrace cultivation of vegetable gave good result in terms of regular income to farmer and seed production technology ensured timely availability of improved variety to farmer which led to over all increase in crop production.
Especificar os objetivos das melhores práticas
1. To enable the project area community for maximum utilization of available natural resources in sustainable way
2. To build up the capacity of community to adopt new practices with the traditional practices they are used to.
3. To increase the overall productivity of the area
4. To build up the capacity of community for joint action.
Seção 3. Atividades
Breve descrição das principais atividades, por objetivo
1. To Save the rain water in to well or under ground constructed tank.
2. Transfer of Technology
1. To make the agriculture more profitable even in adverse circumstances like small and fragmented land holding.
2. To provide better nutrition to farmers family through out the year
1. To protect the upper fertile layer of soil for protecting the fertility of land.
2. To recharge the rain water in to the wells and ponds.
3. To ensures the water availability for drinking and irrigation purpose through out the year
1. To ensure the good quality seed available timely to farmer
2. To reduce the dependency of farmer for quality seed from sources of uncertainty.
3. To increase the over all productivity of the area
Breve descrição e especificações técnicas da tecnologia
• Seed Multiplication programme of GVT is aimed at to introduce effective interventions to provide resource-limited farmers with the seed security that they require in achieving food security. Seed Production in village itself is the participatory process, the small Farmer Group produces the seed with the help of GVT and the produced seed is being certified by State Seed Certification Agency. The parent seed provided to farmers group by GVT and farmers produce the seed as per technical specifications and standard set by Seed Registration Authority. In order to ensure greater access and control over seed production and marketing of the same, it was planned to bring the seed producers presently engaged in seed multiplication progarmme under the aegis of Seed Producers groups. These Groups would be transformed in to a Seed Producers Group Company and to be registered under amended Company Act of 2002 under which the proposed company would be a hybrid model of both cooperative sprit and corporate efficiency.
• This is the new technology of vegetable cultivation in small pieces of land (0.25 Acre 0.5 Acre), by this technology farmer can take two vegetable crop at a time, one is field vegetable crop and other is climber vegetable crop.
• This technology is simple technique to collect the roof water release from the terrace of house in to under ground water tank or in near by well of house.
Seed Production Technology has its own technical specification for different crops according to the standards fixed by Seed Certification Agency.
Seção 4. Instituições/atores envolvidos (colaboração, participação, papel das partes interessadas)
Nome e endereço da instituição que desenvolve a tecnologia
Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT)|State Office
Kanchan Kunj, Anand Bhawan, Chakaliya Road, Dahod-389151, Gujarat, India
A tecnologia foi desenvolvida em parceria?
Liste os parceiros:
Especificar a estrutura dentro da qual a tecnologia foi promovida
- Iniciativa local
- Iniciativa nacional - não governamental
- Programa/iniciativa baseada em projetos
A participação das partes interessadas locais, incluindo as OSCs, foi fomentada no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Lista das partes interessadas locais envolvidas:
1. GVT
2. Community
3. Institutions like NABARD and ICAR etc
Para os participantes listados acima, especifique seu papel no projeto, início, uso e manutenção da tecnologia, se houver.
GVT: Implementer of the Activity with the application of defined technology.
Community: For whom and with the help of whom the technology is developed.
NABARD & ICAR: Strategy, Design and funding for Programme and Technology.
A população que vive no local e/ou nas proximidades estava envolvida no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Por meio de quê?
- Abordagens participativas
- Outros (favor especifique)
Community is the mode of application and testing of the technology, by addressing the community we can estimate the adoptability of the community
Seção 5. Contribuição para o impacto
Descreva os impactos no local (os dois principais impactos por categoria)
The programme area community has become habitual for Joint action for development work, due to this the mutual harmony within the community has increased and also the pattern of socio economic status of community is improving step by step as they are more involving themselves in development process.|
Under existing cropping pattern the crop production has been increased by the activities like conservation measures of soil & Moisture, by providing the improved quality of seeds. |
The new activity/ technologies also conserves the interests of traditional practices used by the community for years. The new technologies have nothing adverse impact on environmental front and there is continuous effort of undertaking development programme with out any environmental imbalance.
The farming has become more productive through introduction of new cash crops by replacing existing crops and also the production of vegetables has been increased by introduction of technologies like Terrace cultivation
The new technologies have nothing adverse impact on environmental front and there is continuous effort of undertaking development projects without any environmental imbalances.
Descreva os dois principais impactos fora do local (isto é, não ocorrendo no local, mas nas áreas circunvizinhas)
The Seed produced under Seed Production Programme naturally disseminated to near by area through relatives and other networks.
The concept of joint action is disseminated naturally from the activity area to off site area.
Impacto sobre a biodiversidade e a mudança climática
Explique as razões:
All technologies/Practices/ activities explained above have their technical value but all these are adaptive since all are natural and also related to social and economical ambience of the Programme area. Community, like wise plantation conserve the environment with having a balanced correlation with the income of individual or group of individuals. Easy adaptation makes this activity sustainable in nature. The other applications like Chullaha and Fibre sheet are directly addressing conservation of energy. |
Beside effort of increasing the vegetative coverage (which has become already a climate mitigation practice) as explained above there is many social aspects on which work is being done. Many energy conservation interventions done like construction of improved chullaha (traditional cooking stove), and through adoption of this technique the fuel requirement has become half. Other activity like introduction of fibre sheet (for use of sunlight inside the house) offsets need of electricity consumption and Kerosene for light purpose inside the home in day time. These all activities are explicitly the positive impact on climate change mitigation. |
Under the Seed Production Technology the varieties of the seed produced are well accepted varieties and all the varieties developed through Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) e.g. the variety of Maize i.e GM-6 is developed by the partnership of Gujarat agriculture University (GAU), Local Community and GVT. GM-6 variety is appropriate to local needs of the community and suiting to other environmental conditions prevailing in the area.
The Soil and water conservation work later on supported by proper vegetation on bunds and on field provided green coverage. This vegetation and plantation work is also done with the participation of the community and in the identification of tree species to be planted, the equal participation of the community has been ensured and the planting material has been prepared through nursery raising within the programme village (to the possible extent) and species planted with this process is the traditional species of the area. Hybrid seed and other things are being avoided.
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Seção 6. Adoção e reprodutibilidade
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
Seed is disseminated to various near by locations, terrace vegetable is also disseminated by various other stake holders|
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Especifique que tipo de incentivos:
- Incentivos financeiros (por exemplo, taxas preferenciais, auxílios estatais, subsídios, subvenções em dinheiro, garantias de empréstimos, etc.)
Você pode identificar as três principais condições que levaram ao sucesso das melhores práticas/tecnologias apresentadas?
In Technology, nothing is new only innovative application of best practices is there. The technology provided is not a costly technology and it is easily being adopted since it is available in nature |
Adaptation level of community is very good, technology has direct effects on the livelihood of the community. |
Technology is providing solutions to the problems of the community and addressing the development need of the community.
Na sua opinião, a melhor prática/tecnologia que você propôs pode ser replicada, embora com algum nível de adaptação, em outro lugar?
Em que nível?
- Local
- Sub-nacional
Seção 7. Lições aprendidas
Relacionado a recursos humanos
Before introducing any new practice or technology it is necessary to create awareness within the community about the Practice/Technology before application of the same.
|The equal participation of all stake holders should be ensured before application of the Practices/Technology |All stakeholders should have clarity on the objective and expected out comes of the Practice/Technology before the application of the Technology.
Relacionado aos aspectos financeiros
Technology application should be financially feasible in all aspects so as to make it self-sustainable after introduction.
Relacionado a aspectos técnicos
Technical adaptability of Technology/Practice should be assessed before application/introduction.
|Technical viability should be checked through pilot before application of technology/Practices in wider scale
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