Improving vegetable production through Vegetable-Agroforestry (VAF) system [Filipinas]
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- Compilador/a: UNCCD PRAIS
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- Revisor: Alexandra Gavilano
Entidade relatora: Philippines
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Título de melhores práticas:
Improving vegetable production through Vegetable-Agroforestry (VAF) system
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Direitos de propriedade
Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade:
Uso do solo predominante no local especificado
- Terra de cultivo
- Pastagem
- Floresta
- Terra improdutiva
- Assentamento humano
- Outros (favor especifique)
agri-business area for banana and pineapple plantations
Contribuição para medidas de Desertificação, Degradação da Terra e Seca (DDTS)
- Prevenção
- Mitigação
- Adaptação
- Reabilitação
Contribuição para os objetivos estratégicos
- Para melhorar as condições de vida das populações afetadas
- Para melhorar as condições dos ecossistemas afetados
Seção 1. Contexto das melhores práticas: condições de enquadramento (ambiente natural e humano)
Breve descrição da melhor prática
Vegetable-Agroforestry System (VAF) is a viable farming system that integrates vegetables in tree-based systems, and vice-versa. The system offers better prospects and viable options for smallholder farmers because it increases farm productivity, economic profitability, nutrient use efficiency and environmental services.|
Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines|
Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:
Estimativa da população que vive no local:
Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.
Soil types are classified as Adtuyon and Kidapawan clays, which are mostly well drained.|
Lantapan is relatively cool and humid with winds blowing northward direction. The hottest time of the year usually takes place during the months of November to April, while the coldest from May to October. Mountains of neighboring towns in the north protect Lantapan from cyclone storms.|
Lantapan has an average elevation of 600 m, which increases as one proceeds northwest to Mt. Kitanglad Range National Park (MKRNP) to a maximum of 2938 m. About 70% of the area has slopes greater than 10%.|
Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades
It has an agricultural-based economy. Up to the early 90s, 90% of the households have been dependent on smallholder farming. The most widely planted food crops are corn, coffee and sugarcane. Cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables are also expansively cultivated in the upper areas. However, this changed since two large corporations started banana production in the late 90s. It is estimated that about 60% of the total labor force of Lantapan are now employed in commercial agricultural enterprises|
Of the total area of 35465 hectares, 21215 hectares are classified as alienable and disposable lands (A&D), while 14250 hectares are public lands (forests). A&D are privately-held lands, while public lands have been delineated as forest areas for protection (MKRNP) and production areas (buffer zone). Existing forest use rights include Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) and Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) certificates. There is also a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Claim (CADC).|
Majority of the farming communities are living below the average poverty line.
Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?
VAF system provides multiple benefits, including provision of micro-nutrients to the diet of rural communities, enhancement of on-farm agro-diversity and environmental sustainability. It also improves the provision of environmental services, particularly carbon sequestration that mitigates global warming. If properly integrated with vegetables, trees can
provide the following benefits:
• Improve farm’s productivity by serving as windbreaks and improving micro-climate;
• Increase the income of farmers due to agro-diversity;
• Maintain soil organic matters due to litter fall and decayed roots; and
• Reduce soil erosion as contour hedges, especially in sloping farms.
Based on the experiment results, the best VAF system can increase vegetable production from 20-100%.
Seção 2. Problemas abordados (causas diretas e indiretas) e objetivos das melhores práticas
Principais problemas abordados pelas melhores práticas
Soil erosion is a major constraint to sustaining vegetable production on sloping lands in Southeast Asia. In tree depleted landscapes with poor soils and risks prone environments, monoculture vegetable farming systems are not sustainable, but integrating trees, contour hedges to control soil erosion, increase income of farmers, and improve farm environmental services (ES) particularly on carbon sequestration, offer better prospects and a viable option for smallholders.
Esboçar problemas específicos de degradação do solo abordados pelas melhores práticas
1. Soil erosion
2. Soil infertility
3. Poor tree cover
4. Poor farm productivity
Especificar os objetivos das melhores práticas
To integrate trees on intensive vegetable farming systems with minimal negative interaction, thus increasing productivity, profitability, nutrient use efficiency and environmental services (ES).|
Seção 3. Atividades
Breve descrição das principais atividades, por objetivo
1. Assess adoption of VAF system in the site.|2. Conduct researcher-managed trials on vegetable-tree-crop interactions.|3. Conduct researcher-managed and farmer-managed trials on low-cost drip irrigation system. |4. Introduce improved high yielding or indigenous vegetable germplasm in a VAF system.
Breve descrição e especificações técnicas da tecnologia
VAF is the integration of trees under vegetable-based production system, or the integration of vegetables under tree-based systems.|
1. The technology uses suitable trees that are less competitive with vegetables. These are characterized by trees with straight canopy, deep rooted, nitrogen-fixing and with premium timber quality to ensure good market price when harvested and sold;
2. It uses optimum tree lines/hedges spacing (i.e. 25-30 meters between tree hedges and 3 meters between trees;
3. It employs appropriate pruning regime as it requires to prune trees before planting vegetables;
4. It uses suitable vegetable crops: tomatoes, carrots and cabbage for the commercial vegetables; amaranthus (TOT 2272), jute (TOT 6667)and basella (TOT 5274)and yard long beans (TVO 2141)for the indigenous vegetables; and alikway, malungay and katuray for the indigenous tree vegetables.
5. It uses best-matched trees and vegetables: carrots, Chinese cabbage, and tomatoes for the commercial vegetbles; roselle, amaranthus (TOT 4141), jute and yard long beans for the indigenous vegetables; and malungay and katuray are the suitable vegetables for planting 5-6 meters from the tree line which is the "competition zone". Chinese cabbage, carrots and tomatoes for the commercial vegetables; amaranthus (TOT 2272), jute (TOT 6667), okra and eggplant for the indigenous vegetables; and alikway and malungay for the indigenous tree vegetables are the suitable vegetable for planting 6-14 meters from the tree line which is the "complementarity zone".
6. The technology consider vegetables crops resistant to diseases.|
Seção 4. Instituições/atores envolvidos (colaboração, participação, papel das partes interessadas)
Nome e endereço da instituição que desenvolve a tecnologia
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF-Philippines)|MOSCAT Compound
Claveria, 9004 Misamis Oriental
A tecnologia foi desenvolvida em parceria?
Liste os parceiros:
1. World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC)|2. University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
Especificar a estrutura dentro da qual a tecnologia foi promovida
- Programa/iniciativa baseada em projetos
A participação das partes interessadas locais, incluindo as OSCs, foi fomentada no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Lista das partes interessadas locais envolvidas:
SSFWM in Lantapan
Para os participantes listados acima, especifique seu papel no projeto, início, uso e manutenção da tecnologia, se houver.
1. SSFWM – helped in the assessment of existing VAF system, served as farmer-cooperators of on-farm experiments, participatory evaluation of VAF systems being tested |
A população que vive no local e/ou nas proximidades estava envolvida no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?
Por meio de quê?
- Consulta
- Abordagens participativas
- Outros (favor especifique)
On-farm experiments
Seção 5. Contribuição para o impacto
Descreva os impactos no local (os dois principais impactos por categoria)
1. Improve farm’s productivity by serving as windbreaks and improving micro-climate
2. Increase the income of farmers due to agro-diversity
1. Enhances on-farm agro-diversity and environmental sustainability
2. Maintain soil organic matters due to litter fall and decayed roots thus increasing productivity.
1. Provides micro-nutrient to the diet of farming communities
2. Improves the provision of environmental services (ES) that mitigates global warming
Descreva os dois principais impactos fora do local (isto é, não ocorrendo no local, mas nas áreas circunvizinhas)
1. With more farmers adopting and investing on VAF, provision of ES is sustained for other beneficiaries. For example, reduced soil erosion in sloping farms will spare irrigation canals and hydropower’s reservoir from siltation and sedimentation problems. |
2. This also means sufficient water from upper ridges of Manupali watershed for the multi-national companies, irrigation farmers, hydro-power company among others downstream to use. With VAF, tree cover is increased, which sequester carbon caused by polluters, while cooler climate is maintained. |
Impacto sobre a biodiversidade e a mudança climática
Explique as razões:
permanent trees planted as part of the technology will serve as GHG sinks that could assimilate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
VAF system makes farm productive, which minimized pressure to the forest as farmers’ alternative source of livelihoods. Furthermore, VAF improves crop diversification that in turn enhances agro-diversity|
VAF involves tree integration in the farming system.
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?
Seção 6. Adoção e reprodutibilidade
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?
SANREM Annual Global Meeting in UPLB (2008), | ICRAF Science Forum in Nairobi, Kenya (2009),|4th National Agroforestry Congress in Cagayan de Oro City (2009)|Local and International Visitors
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?
Especifique que tipo de incentivos:
- Incentivos políticos ou regulamentares (por exemplo, relacionados às exigências e regulamentações do mercado, importação/exportação, investimento estrangeiro, apoio à pesquisa e desenvolvimento, etc.)
- Incentivos financeiros (por exemplo, taxas preferenciais, auxílios estatais, subsídios, subvenções em dinheiro, garantias de empréstimos, etc.)
Você pode identificar as três principais condições que levaram ao sucesso das melhores práticas/tecnologias apresentadas?
Adoption of VAF system has socio-economic and environmental benefits.
VAF system is based on existing agroforestry system in the site. ICRAF just put science into it to maximize benefits and enhance knowledge.
VAF system, as an agroforestry system, is considered as effective adaptation measure to climate change.|
Na sua opinião, a melhor prática/tecnologia que você propôs pode ser replicada, embora com algum nível de adaptação, em outro lugar?
Em que nível?
- Local
- Sub-nacional
- Nacional
- Sub-regional
- Regional
- Internacional
Seção 7. Lições aprendidas
Relacionado a recursos humanos
Research collaborations produce more technologies and knowledge beneficial to small farmers.|More farmers will adopt technologies with short, medium and long term sources of income.|More farmers will adopt technologies if there is scientific evidence to its viability, especially if this requires tree-vegetable matching.
Relacionado aos aspectos financeiros
More farmers will adopt technologies with short, medium and long term sources of income.|
Relacionado a aspectos técnicos
More farmers will adopt technologies if there is scientific evidence to its viability, especially if this requires tree-vegetable matching|
Seção 8. Perguntas adicionais da Etapa 1
Perguntas adicionais da Etapa 1
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