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Top down approach [Ruanda]

Amabwiriza aturutse ibukuru

approaches_2465 - Ruanda

Completude: 89%

1. Informação geral

1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da abordagem

Pessoa(s) capacitada(s)

usuário de terra:
Especialista em GST:
Nome do projeto que facilitou a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
The Transboundary Agro-ecosystem Management Project for the Kagera River Basin (GEF-FAO / Kagera TAMP )

1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT

Quando os dados foram compilados (no campo)?


O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:


1.4 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre tecnologias da GST

2. Descrição da abordagem de GST

2.1 Descrição curta da abordagem

This is a top down approach to technology development and dissemination with limited involvement of intended beneficiaries.

2.2 Descrição detalhada da abordagem

Descrição detalhada da abordagem:

Aims / objectives: The objective of the top down approach is to assign the state a crucial role to drive a designed rural development and land management master plan that needs people to implement it.

To bring farmers together to address an identified problem such as to improve the socio economic situation of rural areas, to prevent , to conserve and to rehabilitate on-site damages caused by land degradation and erosion.

Methods: The top down approach here refers to the level of farmer participation in relation to shared decision making when establishing bench terraces/soil conservation practices in Rwanda. The focus being particularly on the role of farmers in the decision making process during two major phases of the process of terrace construction including: (1) when and where to construct bench terraces in communities and the criteria for site and beneficiary selection. The level of farmer participation and decision sharing have the potential of in increasing the ownership of the of the existing or future bench terraces, hence to ensure its sustainability. Recent studies assert that most of the terraces that are constructed are supply driven and that farmers do not participate in the decisions regarding where and when to construct them. When farmers do participate, it is mostly only through some consultation and their own efforts to mobilize collective labor for the construction of the terraces.

Stages of implementation: Stage one comprises the analysis of current or initial adoption decisions of soil conservation practices, while stage two assesses farmers’ ability to continue the use of these practices. Stage three analyses future adoption proxied by farmers’ willingness to uptake more soil conservation practices.

Role of stakeholders: The state plays a prime role in bench terraces development and the role of other stakeholders (e.g. extension agents, farmer associations) is marginal. Farmer associations involvement is is limited to mobilizing labor and, sometimes, to identifying land for terracing. Extension agencies/services are involved in providing advice to individual farmers or farmers grouped in cooperatives. Community representatives, whom are members of the farmers’ cooperatives themselves, are trained to provide additional support and advice to farmers.

Other important information: This SLM approach argues for a role of the state with top-down and coercive measures in the development of soil conservation practices, particularly bench terraces. Currently there is a two pronged approach based on the realization that bench terraces are ready made constructions which require substantial financial and institutional investments. Mustering labor and resources for the construction and maintenance of bench terraces remains a key aspect of the state’s conservation drive. State-farmer relationships, therefore, continue to be essential to soil conservation efforts in Rwanda and to bench terrace construction in particular.

2.3 Fotos da abordagem

2.5 País/região/locais onde a abordagem foi aplicada





Especificação adicional de localização:



The area is not well known, it is approximately estimated

2.6 Datas de início e término da abordagem

Indique o ano de início:


2.7 Tipo de abordagem

  • government based

2.8 Principais metas/objetivos da abordagem

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (Increase soil fertility, good practices of land management in general)

To raise awareness to land users for a particular problem and involve them to get to the right solution

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: low agricultural production due to a poor agriculture practice and lack of technical knowledge by farmers

2.9 Condição que propiciam ou inibem a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias aplicada(s) segundo a abordagem

Disponibilidade/acesso a recursos e serviços financeiros
  • Inibitivo

terraces and trenches require high investment for establishment and maintenance.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: the government support and other local and Internationale NGOs is highly required

Quadro jurídico (posse de terra, direitos de uso da terra e da água)
  • Propício
  • Inibitivo
Conhecimento sobre GST, acesso a suporte técnico
  • Inibitivo

lack of technical knowledge and cohesion between farmers to address the main problem regarding agriculture in their location.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: implementation of agricultural cooperative

3. Participação e papel das partes interessadas envolvidas

3.1 Partes interessadas envolvidas na abordagem e seus papéis

  • Usuários de terra/comunidades locais


There were no limitation all farmers were involved

  • Especialistas em GST/ consultor agrícola
  • Pesquisadores
  • Governo local

Local leaders

  • Governo nacional (planejadores, responsáveis pelas decisões)


3.2 Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais nas diferentes fases da abordagem
Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais Especifique quem estava envolvido e descreva as atividades
Iniciação/motivação Nenhum
Planejamento Nenhum
Implementação Participativo Land users and local authorities work together to get to greater result.
Monitoramento/avaliação Participativo Land users are in daily interaction with Sector Agronomist who is in charge of all agricultural activities in the sector.
Research Nenhum

3.3 Fluxograma (se disponível)


chart showing stages of top down approach.


Kagabo Desire and Ngenzi Guy (RAB)

3.4 Decisão sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias de GST

Especifique quem decidiu sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias a serem implementadas:
  • Somente especialistas em GST

Decisions were made in the ministry of agriculture after consultation of researchers.

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by by politicians / leaders. Politicians have decided the way of implementation through community work known as UMUGANDA

4. Suporte técnico, reforço das capacidades e gestão do conhecimento

4.1 Reforço das capacidades/ formação

Foi oferecida formação aos usuários da terra/outras partes interessadas?


4.2 Serviço de consultoria

Os usuários de terra têm acesso a um serviço de consultoria?



Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities

4.3 Fortalecimento da instituição (desenvolvimento organizacional)

As instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas através da abordagem?
  • Sim, moderadamente
Especifique a que nível (níveis) as instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas:
  • Local
Especifique o tipo de apoio:
  • Financeiro
  • Reforço das capacidades/ formação

4.4 Monitoramento e avaliação

Monitoramento e avaliação são partes da abordagem?



bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by government through observations; indicators: local leadres

bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by project staff, government through measurements; indicators: local agronomist

technical aspects were regular monitored by government through observations; indicators: local agronomist

technical aspects were regular monitored by government through measurements; indicators: local agronomist

socio-cultural aspects were None monitored by government through observations; indicators: local leaders

area treated aspects were None monitored by government through observations; indicators: local agronomist

area treated aspects were None monitored by government through measurements; indicators: all person of 18 years and above are involved

no. of land users involved aspects were None monitored by government through observations; indicators: None

no. of land users involved aspects were None monitored by government through measurements; indicators: None

management of Approach aspects were None monitored by government through observations; indicators: None

There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None

There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None

4.5 Pesquisa

A pesquisa foi parte da abordagem?


5. Financiamento e apoio material externo

5.1 Orçamento anual para o componente de GST da abordagem

Caso o orçamento exato seja desconhecido, indique a faixa:
  • 100.000-1.000.000
Comentários (p. ex. principais fontes de recursos/principais doadores):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (planing): 20.0%; local government (district, county, municipality, village etc) (sensitization and follow up): 25.0%; local community / land user(s) (implimentation): 55.0%

5.2 Apoio financeiro/material concedido aos usuários da terra

Os usuários da terra receberam apoio financeiro/material para a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias?


Caso afirmativo, especifique tipo(s) de apoio, condições e fornecedor(es):

inputs (seeds, fertilizers, etc..) provided by the Government

5.3 Subsídios para entradas específicas (incluindo mão-de-obra)

  • Agrícola
Especifique quais entradas foram subsidiadas Em que medida Especifique os subsídios
Sementes Totalmente financiado
  • Construção
Especifique quais entradas foram subsidiadas Em que medida Especifique os subsídios
material Parcialmente financiado
Se a mão-de-obra pelos usuários da terra foi uma entrada substancial, isso foi:
  • Voluntário

After the sensitization by local leaders, activities are done voluntarily or with food-for-work by farmers.

5.4 Crédito

Foi concedido crédito segundo a abordagem para atividades de GST?


6. Análise de impactos e declarações finais

6.1 Impactos da abordagem

A abordagem auxiliou os usuários da terra a implementar e manter as tecnologias de GST?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

the approach helped in the implementation of technologies which improved crop production and soil conservation.

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

some project introduced new technology (e.g. one cow per family) with the help of local leaders

Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

as the production increase, it increases as well the well being of farmers

6.2 Principal motivação dos usuários da terra para implementar a GST

  • Produção aumentada

improve soil quality and crop production

  • Lucro (lucrabilidade) aumentado, melhora da relação custo-benefício

as production increases this allows farmers to take a part of the production on market

  • Pagamentos/subsídios

low cost of inputs as they are provided by the government

  • well-being and livelihoods improvement

as production and income increases, its facilitates farmers to access to all sanitary services, etc.

6.3 Atividades de sustentabilidade de abordagem

Os usuários da terra podem manter o que foi implementado através da abordagem (sem apoio externo)?
  • Incerto
Caso negativo ou incerto, especifique e comente:

It require a strong follow up

6.4 Pontos fortes/vantagens da abordagem

Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do usuário da terra
It help farmers to work together for a common issue. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: continuous sensitization )
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada
Improvement of livelihoods (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: continuous sensitization)
farmers are getting benefits, as it has a direct impact in increasing the soil productivity and improve workability of the land (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: continuous sensitization )
the approach helped to establish SLM measures which reduced soil erosion and improve soil quality (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: continuous sensitization)

6.5 Pontos fracos, desvantagens da tecnologia e formas de superá-los

Pontos fracos/desvantagens/riscos na visão do usuário da terra Como eles podem ser superados?
lack of strong link in the farmers association and cooperatives continuous sensitization
Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada Como eles podem ser superados?
High costs: farmers depend on external support from the government, they are not willing to invest their labour without payments. To make the working time as short as possible for the community work so that farmer can plan other income activities after this.
lack of land users participation in the design and planing involve all stakeholders

7. Referências e links

7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação

  • visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
  • entrevistas com usuários de terras
