Promoting farmer innovation [Uganda]
- Criação:
- Atualização:
- Compilador/a: Kithinji Mutunga
- Editor: –
- Revisores: Fabian Ottiger, Deborah Niggli
approaches_2418 - Uganda
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1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da abordagem
Especialista em GST:
Nome do projeto que facilitou a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Book project: where the land is greener - Case Studies and Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Initiatives Worldwide (where the land is greener)Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - ItáliaNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
CIS-Centre for International Cooperation (CIS-Centre for International Cooperation) - Países BaixosNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of Kenya (MoA) - Quênia1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT
O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:
1.4 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre tecnologias da GST

Improved trash lines [Uganda]
Weeds and crop residues laid in bands across the slope of annual crop fields to conserve soil and water, and to incorporate organic matter into the soil after decomposition.
- Compilador/a: Unknown User
2. Descrição da abordagem de GST
2.1 Descrição curta da abordagem
Identification of farmer innovators in SWC and water harvesting, and using them as focal points for visits from other farmers to spread the practices and stimulate the process of innovation.
2.2 Descrição detalhada da abordagem
Descrição detalhada da abordagem:
Aims / objectives: The Promoting Farmer Innovation (PFI) approach seeks to build on technical initiatives - innovations in the local context - developed by farmers themselves in dry/marginal areas where the conventional approach of transfer of technology from research to extension agents, and then on to farmers, has so often failed. The approach basically comprises identifying, validating and documenting local innovations/initiatives. Simple monitoring and evaluation systems are set up amongst those innovative farmers who are willing to co-operate. Through contact with researchers, extra value is added to these techniques where possible. Farmer innovators are brought together to share ideas. Finally, best-bet technologies, in other words those that are considered to be good enough to be shared, are disseminated through farmer-to-farmer extension. This takes two forms. First, farmers are brought to visit the innovators in their farms. Secondly farmer innovators are used as teachers/trainers to visit groups of farmers - including FAOs farmer field schools in some cases. Only in this second form of extension is an allowance payable to the innovator. A ten-step field activity methodology has been developed.
Methods: At programme level, there is capacity building of in-line extension and research staff, who are the main outside actors in the programme. In each of the countries the project has been implemented through a government ministry, which partners various NGOs in the field. The principle, and practice, is not to create separate project enclaves, but to work through existing personnel, sharing buildings and vehicles that are already operational in the area. A programme development process methodological framework shows how the ultimate goal of institutionalisation can be achieved. PFIs first phase, completed in 2000, was financed by the Government of The Netherlands, through UNDP, and was active in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
2.3 Fotos da abordagem
2.5 País/região/locais onde a abordagem foi aplicada
East Africa (parts of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda)
×2.6 Datas de início e término da abordagem
Indique o ano de início:
Ano de término (caso a abordagem não seja mais aplicada):
2.7 Tipo de abordagem
- Baseado em projeto/programa
2.8 Principais metas/objetivos da abordagem
The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (Better land husbandry practices (eg composting, crop selection))
Improve rural livelihoods through an increase in the rate of diffusion of appropriate SWC/water harvesting technologies based on farmer innovation, and through farmer-to-farmer exchange visits. At a higher level: to demonstrate the effectiveness of such an approach so that it can be institutionalised.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: - poor supply of relevant recommendations from research for small scale farmers in marginal areas - poor delivery of SWC technologies (where they exist) to farmers - lack of motivation of research and extension staff - isolation of promising ???innovative??? SWC/water harvesting ideas which address low crop yields, land degradation and poverty - lack of exchange of this knowledge
2.9 Condição que propiciam ou inibem a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias aplicada(s) segundo a abordagem
Normas e valores sociais/culturais/religiosos
- Inibitivo
Favoured farmer syndrome: where too much attention is given to particular innovative farmers and jealousy is aroused in others
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Avoid working with innovators who are so exceptional that they are outside society and others cannot relate to them. Rotate the farmers who are used as learning points: in other words once another farmer has adopted the technology, use him or her as the focal point.
Disponibilidade/acesso a recursos e serviços financeiros
- Inibitivo
Danger of identifying innovations that are good technically but too expensive for ordinary farmers to implement.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Linked to point (1) above: beware of farmers who are too exceptional/too rich.
Quadro institucional
- Inibitivo
Lack of motivation of research and extension institutions
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Bringing them together with farmer innovatiors
Quadro jurídico (posse de terra, direitos de uso da terra e da água)
- Inibitivo
Who gets the credit for the particular innovation?
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Important to make sure that an innovation is traced back within the locality to its roots, identifying the 'owner'. Especially important when a name is attached to an innovation.
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights hindered a little the approach implementation Farmers will only invest time and effort in innovation when they have secure land use rights (though not necessarily ownership), which is the case in all the areas where PFI has been operational. Access to land for women was a problem which inhibits women innovating.
- Inibitivo
Cultural: Gender imbalance in identification of innovators: women overlooked
Treatment through the SLM Approach: Gender sensitisation and training: bring together the identifiers with the farmers - male and female.
3. Participação e papel das partes interessadas envolvidas
3.1 Partes interessadas envolvidas na abordagem e seus papéis
- Usuários de terra/comunidades locais
- Especialistas em GST/ consultor agrícola
- Organização não governamental
All involved et different levels: after implementation mainly government and NGO
- Governo nacional (planejadores, responsáveis pelas decisões)
All involved et different levels: after implementation mainly government and NGO
- Organização internacional
All involved et different levels: after implementation mainly government and NGO
Caso várias partes interessadas foram envolvidas, indique a agência líder:
International specialists in collaboration with/after discussions with national specialists and land users
3.2 Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais nas diferentes fases da abordagem
Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais | Especifique quem estava envolvido e descreva as atividades | |
Iniciação/motivação | Passivo | public meetings, interviews/questionnaires, workshops/seminars, rapid/participatory rural appraisal; interviews/Participatory Rural Appraisals etc |
Planejamento | Passivo | rapid/participatory rural appraisal, interviews/questionnaires, public meetings, workshops/seminars; interviews/Participatory Rural Appraisals etc |
Implementação | Participativo | Mainly: farmer-to-farmer exchange, responsibility for minor steps; partly: responsibility for major steps; interviews/Participatory Rural Appraisals etc |
Monitoramento/avaliação | Participativo | Mainly: public meetings, measurements/observations; partly: workshop/seminars; monitoring, using forms designed mainly by specialists |
Research | Participativo | on-farm |
3.3 Fluxograma (se disponível)
Farmer innovation methodology left: Field activities: the ten steps– from identification through to using innovators as trainers. (Critchley, 2000) right: Programme development processes: the framew
3.4 Decisão sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias de GST
Especifique quem decidiu sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias a serem implementadas:
- Principalmente usuários da terra, apoiados por especialistas em GST
???Best -bet??? technologies chosen by extension agents/researchers based on the selection of innovative farmers??? technologies identified in the field - but the farmers choose (develop) which technology to implement.
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by by land users* alone (self-initiative / bottom-up)
4. Suporte técnico, reforço das capacidades e gestão do conhecimento
4.1 Reforço das capacidades/ formação
Foi oferecida formação aos usuários da terra/outras partes interessadas?
Especifique quem foi capacitado:
- Usuários de terra
- SWC specialists, extensionists/trainers
Tipo de formação:
- Reuniões públicas
- Cursos
Tipo de formação:
- farm visits
Assuntos abordados:
Staff seconded from Ministries of Agriculture/NGOs provide: (1) methodology training for participating staff (2) presentational skill training for farmer innovators and (3) training in gender aspects.
4.2 Serviço de consultoria
Os usuários de terra têm acesso a um serviço de consultoria?
Especifique se foi oferecido serviço de consultoria:
- Em centros permanentes
Name of method used for advisory service: Farmer innovator approach; Key elements: There are new roles for government/NGO extension staff under this methodology - as trainers and faci, Identify farmer innovators, form networks of farmer innovators, which meet, Bring farmers to se 'best bet' innovations; 1) Advisory service was carried out through: government's existing extension system, non-governmental agency; Extension staff: mainly government employees 3) Target groups for extension: land users
Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities
4.3 Fortalecimento da instituição (desenvolvimento organizacional)
As instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas através da abordagem?
- Sim, moderadamente
Especifique a que nível (níveis) as instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas:
- Local
Especifique o tipo de apoio:
- Reforço das capacidades/ formação
Dê mais detalhes:
training (see also Annex A3)
4.4 Monitoramento e avaliação
Monitoramento e avaliação são partes da abordagem?
bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: soils, moisture
technical aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: inputs
socio-cultural aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: number of men/women participating
economic / production aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: yields
area treated aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None
no. of land users involved aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None
There were few changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Some changes, for example (a) increased numbers of women identified as innovators in response to gender sensitisation/training and (b) ???rotation??? of farmer innovators used for training - that is not using the same farmers all the time, as this can create envy. E.g. also better integration with government services/system for technical backstopping and extension
4.5 Pesquisa
A pesquisa foi parte da abordagem?
Especifique os tópicos:
- Tecnologia
- socio-economics
Dê mais detalhes e indique quem realizou a pesquisa:
Theoretically, researchers should respond to the farmers??? research agenda, though this has proved difficult to achieve in practice. Apart from process monitoring of the methodology, which has led to improvements, technical research into the innovations has been relatively weak.
Research was carried out on-farm
5. Financiamento e apoio material externo
5.1 Orçamento anual para o componente de GST da abordagem
Caso o orçamento exato seja desconhecido, indique a faixa:
- 100.000-1.000.000
Comentários (p. ex. principais fontes de recursos/principais doadores):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (national government): 20.0%; international (International agency): 60.0%; local community / land user(s) (-): 20.0%
5.2 Apoio financeiro/material concedido aos usuários da terra
Os usuários da terra receberam apoio financeiro/material para a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias?
5.3 Subsídios para entradas específicas (incluindo mão-de-obra)
Se a mão-de-obra pelos usuários da terra foi uma entrada substancial, isso foi:
- Voluntário
done by the farmers themselves
plant materials - farmers often are given or collecting planting.
Support to institutions has been moderate: it has mainly taken the form of transporting existing groups (for example womens groups/church groups) to learn from farmer innovators.
5.4 Crédito
Foi concedido crédito segundo a abordagem para atividades de GST?
6. Análise de impactos e declarações finais
6.1 Impactos da abordagem
A abordagem melhorou as questões de posse de terra/diretos do usuário que inibiam a implementação das tecnologias de GST?
- Não
- Sim, pouco
- Sim, moderadamente
- Sim, significativamente
Gender sensitisation training may have helped. The problem is unlikely to be overcome in the near future.
6.3 Atividades de sustentabilidade de abordagem
Os usuários da terra podem manter o que foi implementado através da abordagem (sem apoio externo)?
- Incerto
Caso negativo ou incerto, especifique e comente:
There are examples of spontaneous voluntary continuation of farmer innovator groups in all three countries - but on a reduced level after initial project support ended.
6.4 Pontos fortes/vantagens da abordagem
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada |
Builds on local ideas (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue the approach and institutionalise.) |
Revitalises the extension service (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Train and make use of existing Government extension agents.) |
attractive to stakeholders at all levels (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Involve and inform stakeholders at all levels of plans and progress.) |
Gives land users more confidence in their own abilities (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue to prioritise farmers and keep them at centre of activities.) |
Offers new locally tested ideas/technologies which work (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Keep the focus on the farmers??? initiatives and use participatory technology development processes to improve these technologies.) |
6.5 Pontos fracos, desvantagens da tecnologia e formas de superá-los
Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada | Como eles podem ser superados? |
Dependent on individual commitment and flexibility | Training in skills and methodologies. |
Does not follow the conventional institutional chain of command | Considerable training in skills and methodologies required. |
Sometime confers too much prestige on a particular group of ???favoured farmers??? | Rotate??? farmers who are the focus of attention. |
Researchers reluctant to respond to farmers??? agenda | Effort needed to convince research staff of the need for, and potential benefits from, joint Critchley WRS (2000) Inquiry, Initiatives and Inventiveness: Farmer Innovators in East Africa. Phs Chem Earth (B), Vol 25, no 3, pp 285??¡§288Critchley WRS (2000) Inquiry, Initiatives and Inventiveness: Farmer Innovators in East Africa. Phs Chem Earth (B), Vol 25, no 3, pp 285??¡§288Critchley WRS (2000) Inquiry, Initiatives and Inventiveness: Farmer Innovators in East Africa. Phs Chem Earth (B), Vol 25, no 3, pp 285??¡§288Critchley WRS (2000) Inquiry, Initiatives and Inventiveness: Farmer Innovators in East Africa. Phs Chem Earth (B), Vol 25, no 3, pp 285??¡§288research with farmers. |
7. Referências e links
7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação
- visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
- entrevistas com usuários de terras
7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Critchley WRS (2000) Inquiry, Initiatives and Inventiveness: Farmer Innovators in East Africa. Phs Chem Earth (B), Vol 25, no 3,Mutunga K and Critchley W (2001) Farmers??? initiatives in land husbandry. Regional Land Management Unit, Nairobi, KenyaCritchley W and Mutunga K (2003) Local innovation in a global context: documenting farmer initiatives in land husbandry through WOCAT.Critchley et al. (1999). Promoting farmer innovationPromoting farmer innovation VIDEO
Disponível de onde? Custos?
RELMA, Nairobi (cost free)RELMA, Nairobi (cost free)
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Mutunga K and Critchley W (2001) Farmers initiatives in land husbandry. Regional Land Management Unit, Nairobi, Kenya
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Critchley W and Mutunga K (2003) Local innovation in a global context: documenting farmer initiatives in land husbandry through WOCAT.
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Critchley et al. (1999). Promoting farmer innovation
Disponível de onde? Custos?
RELMA, Nairobi (cost free)
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Promoting farmer innovation VIDEO
Disponível de onde? Custos?
RELMA, Nairobi (cost free)
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Improved trash lines [Uganda]
Weeds and crop residues laid in bands across the slope of annual crop fields to conserve soil and water, and to incorporate organic matter into the soil after decomposition.
- Compilador/a: Unknown User
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