Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin Information Centre [Vietnã]
- Criação:
- Atualização:
- Compilador/a: Justyna Sycz
- Editor: –
- Revisores: Fabian Ottiger, Deborah Niggli
Trung tâm thông tin lưu vực sông VGTB (Vietnamese)
approaches_2536 - Vietnã
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1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da abordagem
Especialista em GST:
Nauditt Alexandra
University of Applied Science, TH Köln
Especialista em GST:
Ribbe Lars
University of Applied Science, TH Köln
Especialista em GST:
Nguyen Phong
Vietnam Academy for Water Resources
Nome do projeto que facilitou a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Book project: Making sense of research for sustainable land management (GLUES)Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
University of Applied Science, TH Köln (TH Köln) - AlemanhaNome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR) - Vietnã1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT
Quando os dados foram compilados (no campo)?
O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:
1.4 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre tecnologias da GST

Water saving through reuse of return flow in … [Vietnã]
Return flow from paddy fields is strategically collected before being lost to rivers and is reused as an effective source of agricultural water.
- Compilador/a: Justyna Sycz
2. Descrição da abordagem de GST
2.1 Descrição curta da abordagem
The VGTB River Basin Information Centre (RBIC) offers decision support tools for stakeholders and aims at providing comprehensive information and consulting services to the water and land users according to their demands.
2.2 Descrição detalhada da abordagem
Descrição detalhada da abordagem:
Aims / objectives: Sufficient and sustainable water resource management at river basin scale can only be achieved if it is based on dialogue between all relevant stakeholders, and supported by adequate data. It follows then, that a robust system of monitoring, evaluation, reporting and communication is needed. The lack of appropriate management strategies which would bring these tools together has been underlined by stakeholders, and observed by researchers, involved in the research project LUCCi - Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in the VGTB River Basin. In order to offer a comprehensive decision-making support system, based on scientific knowledge and research results, the Institute for Technology and Resources Management (ITT, TH Köln, Germany) in cooperation with the Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR, Hanoi, Vietnam) established the VGTB River Basin Information Centre in Da Nang. The overall objective of RBIC is to support efficient and sustainable water and land use. The support provided for the implementation of the water saving technology for paddy systems is one of the services offered by the centre.
Methods: The VGTB RBIC is an independent, local institution administrated by the German and Vietnamese coordinators of LUCCi, financed by project sources and located at the Central Department of the Vietnam Academy of Water Resources in Da Nang. As a scientific organization, the VGTB RBIC provides the advantages of impartiality, a detailed knowledge base and a broad interdisciplinary perspective. Through different dissemination activities, such as visits to relevant institutions, information material (brochures, flyers in Vietnamese) as well as training courses and capacity building measures, the relevant stakeholders are well-informed about the activities of the Information Centre. On demand, the following products and services are provided in the VGTB-RBIC: (a) Thematic maps on land use, hydrology and river basin development; (b) A comprehensive database of the VGTB river basin (VGTB RBIS - River Basin Information System, open source) (c) VGTB State of the Basin Report as a decision-support instrument: the report was prepared by the LUCCi research team and provides relevant information on climatic, environmental and socioeconomic data and trends; (d) Hydro-meteorological, hydrograph and salinity data; (e) Flood and drought risk assessment; (f) Scenarios and modelling (reservoir operation, salinity intrusion, irrigation management scenarios); (g) Organization of meetings and discussions on key issues of the development of the VGTB; (f) Training and capacity building services related to the demands of stakeholders.
Role of stakeholders: Thus a heterogeneous stakeholder platform has been established in the case study region that includes scientific institutions, policy makers, public administration representatives as well as private sector companies. It is clear that the major problems of the VGTB River Basin can be only addressed, and adequate solutions identified, if based on active cross-sectoral stakeholder participation. Therefore, the interaction among stakeholders and RBIC plays a key role: the services are offered for the stakeholders, and stakeholder feedback is the basis for providing adequate information services and conducting applied based research.
2.3 Fotos da abordagem
2.5 País/região/locais onde a abordagem foi aplicada
Da Nang
Especificação adicional de localização:
Central Vietnam
2.6 Datas de início e término da abordagem
Indique o ano de início:
Ano de término (caso a abordagem não seja mais aplicada):
2.7 Tipo de abordagem
- Baseado em projeto/programa
2.8 Principais metas/objetivos da abordagem
The Approach focused mainly on other activities than SLM (Water management, agriculture, irrigation, water availability: support the local water users in the implementation of adequate water management strategies)
1. Establish a communication platform to discuss water and land use related problems, and create transparency among water users.
2. Support and foster the science-policy-society dialogue offering a cross-sectoral neutral space for discussion, consulting and capacity building for all stakeholders and water users (farmers, decision-makers, public institutions, private sector companies).
3. Provide a comprehensive information service and decision support system to stakeholders according to their demands. The following specific products and services are provided by the VGTB-RBIC: Thematic maps on land uses, hydrology and river basin development • Comprehensive database of the VGTB river basin (VGTB RBIS - River Basin Information System, open source) • VGTB State of the Basin Report as a decision support instrument: the report was prepared by the LUCCi research team and provides relevant information on climatic, environmental and socioeconomic data and trends • Hydro-meteorological, hydrograph and salinity data • Flood and drought risk assessment • Scenarios and modelling (reservoir operation, salinity intrusion, irrigation management scenarios) • Organization of meetings and discussions on key issues of the development of the VGTB • Training and capacity building services related to the demands of stakeholders.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: The lack of communication between the relevant institutions and water users, the demand for comprehensive decision-support instruments, difficulties with data availability - typically distributed and available at different institutions, as well as conflicts over resource use, were the main problems addressed by the approach. The conflicts caused by the rapid expansion of hydropower since 2008 in the VGTB river basin have especially demonstrated the inadequate participation of local stakeholders in planning processes. Hydropower development has adverse effects on downstream water availability, especially during the dry season, affecting drinking water supply and irrigation.
2.9 Condição que propiciam ou inibem a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias aplicada(s) segundo a abordagem
Quadro institucional
- Inibitivo
Lack of communication between the institutions and inadequate stakeholder involvement in the decision making process.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: VGTB RBIC offers a cross sectoral communication platform and bring together all relevant stakeholders: organization of workshops and meetings as well as visits to the relevant institutions.
Conhecimento sobre GST, acesso a suporte técnico
- Inibitivo
A robust system of monitoring system was missed in the region: hydro-meteorological data, monitoring of water quantity.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: A monitoring network has been established as part of the LUCCi project.
- Inibitivo
Lack of information about the river basin in order to ensure an adequate decision making.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: A “State of the Basin Report” including all available data and information about the river basin has been elaborated (climatic, environmental, hydrological, land use and socioeconomic data and trends); River Basin Information System: Comprehensive data base of the VGTB river basin through the open source VGTB River Basin Information System.
3. Participação e papel das partes interessadas envolvidas
3.1 Partes interessadas envolvidas na abordagem e seus papéis
- Pesquisadores
National and international researchers involved in the LUCCi project
- Organização não governamental
Authorities of a Water Management Unit (WMU)
- Governo nacional (planejadores, responsáveis pelas decisões)
Regional relevant institutions (DONRE, MARD, PPC Quang Nam)
- Organização internacional
3.2 Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais nas diferentes fases da abordagem
Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais | Especifique quem estava envolvido e descreva as atividades | |
Iniciação/motivação | Passivo | Stakeholder analysis (including of all ineterested groups) |
Planejamento | Passivo | Local and regional decision makers are involved: workshops, discussions and surveys in order to collect relevant socio-economic and land use data, identify research demand and challenges |
Implementação | Apoio externo | Land user decide on whether and which technologies they want to implement. |
Monitoramento/avaliação | Nenhum | |
Research | Participativo | Land users provide relevant information and data on their farms (size, yields) for research purposes. 'Aims/Objectives” elaborated and prepared for the stakeholders by Vietnamese and international researchers based on scientific results and data from land users. |
3.3 Fluxograma (se disponível)
The services of the VGTB Info-Centre are provided by a team of researchers and experts from national and international institutions. The services and products are offered to the following target groups: Public administration and decision-makers in Central Vietnam, Land and water users, researchers, and private sector companies in the field of water and land management (e.g. irrigation, hydropower construction)
Interaction and communication between the groups involved:
- based on stakeholders and target groups’ feedback, the centre can provide services suited to the needs of the regional institutions, considering current socioeconomic development and environmental changes in the river basin
- the centre provides a communication platform for the target groups involved from different sectors: private companies, public administration, researchers, land and water users.
3.4 Decisão sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias de GST
Especifique quem decidiu sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias a serem implementadas:
- Principalmente especialistas em GST, após consulta com usuários da terra
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users
4. Suporte técnico, reforço das capacidades e gestão do conhecimento
4.1 Reforço das capacidades/ formação
Foi oferecida formação aos usuários da terra/outras partes interessadas?
- decision makers/ experts/ local scientists
Tipo de formação:
- Áreas de demonstração
Assuntos abordados:
key aspects of an integrated river basin management (monitoring, data management and hydrological modelling); current situation, development and challenges in the VGTB river basin; training on adequate tools and technologies (alternative irrigation strategies for paddy fields: reuse of return flow)
4.2 Serviço de consultoria
Os usuários de terra têm acesso a um serviço de consultoria?
Especifique se foi oferecido serviço de consultoria:
- Em centros permanentes
Name of method used for advisory service: River Basin Information Center - RBIC; Key elements: Stakeholder Workshops, Trainings on alternative irrigation strategies for paddy fields: reuse of return flow
Advisory service is very adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; Researchers (VAWR): can offer trainings and conduct dissemination activities; Local institutions (e.g. People's Committee of Quang Nam Province): training, dissemination activities, financial support
4.3 Fortalecimento da instituição (desenvolvimento organizacional)
As instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas através da abordagem?
- Sim, significativamente
Especifique a que nível (níveis) as instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas:
- Local
Especifique o tipo de apoio:
- Reforço das capacidades/ formação
- research
Dê mais detalhes:
Training for decision makers and professionals; Research: hydrological modeling
4.4 Monitoramento e avaliação
Monitoramento e avaliação são partes da abordagem?
management of Approach aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through observations
management of Approach aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through measurements
There were several changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: The approach was based on the stakeholder-research interactions. The approach objectives and methodology was adapted to the local conditions and challenges.
There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation
4.5 Pesquisa
A pesquisa foi parte da abordagem?
Especifique os tópicos:
- Sociologia
- Tecnologia
- hydrological modeling
Dê mais detalhes e indique quem realizou a pesquisa:
The implementation of return flow from paddy fields as alternative irrigation technology under local conditions was performed under the framework of LUCCi project (ITT).
Research was carried out both on station and on-farm
5. Financiamento e apoio material externo
5.1 Orçamento anual para o componente de GST da abordagem
Caso o orçamento exato seja desconhecido, indique a faixa:
- < 2.000
Comentários (p. ex. principais fontes de recursos/principais doadores):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (International (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF)): 70.0%; government (National (Vietnam Academy for Water Resources, VAWR) ): 30.0%
5.4 Crédito
Foi concedido crédito segundo a abordagem para atividades de GST?
6. Análise de impactos e declarações finais
6.1 Impactos da abordagem
A abordagem auxiliou os usuários da terra a implementar e manter as tecnologias de GST?
- Não
- Sim, pouco
- Sim, moderadamente
- Sim, significativamente
Decreased water use;efficient resource management
A abordagem concedeu autonomia aos grupos social e economicamente desfavorecidos?
- Não
- Sim, pouco
- Sim, moderadamente
- Sim, significativamente
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- Não
- Sim, pouco
- Sim, moderadamente
- Sim, significativamente
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- Não
- Sim, pouco
- Sim, moderadamente
- Sim, significativamente
6.2 Principal motivação dos usuários da terra para implementar a GST
- Produção aumentada
- well-being and livelihoods improvement
Increase water use efficiency
6.3 Atividades de sustentabilidade de abordagem
Os usuários da terra podem manter o que foi implementado através da abordagem (sem apoio externo)?
- Sim
6.4 Pontos fortes/vantagens da abordagem
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada |
The approach is managed by researchers. This has the advantages of impartiality, a detailed knowledge base and a broad interdisciplinary perspective. |
Adaptability to stakeholders needs. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Strong interaction between the management of the VGTB RBIC and regional stakeholders is necessary: organize regular meetings and workshops; Stakeholders regularly inform the centre about their information requirements.) |
Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and communication are integrated, summarized and carried out by one institution. |
6.5 Pontos fracos, desvantagens da tecnologia e formas de superá-los
Pontos fracos/desvantagens/riscos na visão do usuário da terra | Como eles podem ser superados? |
It needs long-term commitment from research, from extension, and from the government to support such a service for the benefit of all people and the environment. |
Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada | Como eles podem ser superados? |
The VGTB RBIC is a new institution, unknown to the local stakeholders. |
Provide dissemination activities and trainings in order to explain the decision making process and the role of VGTB RBIC as support instrument. |
The approach was developed as part of a research project. There is the risk, that the scale of activities and services will be reduced after the end of the project duration. |
Try to obtain financial resources by the local and public institutions in order to develop and manage the center after the end of the project. |
7. Referências e links
7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação
- visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
- entrevistas com usuários de terras
7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis
Título, autor, ano, ISBN:
Ribbe, L., Viet, Quoc Trinh, ABM Firoz, Anh Thu Nguyen, Uyen Nguyen, Alexandra Nauditt (2016) Integrated River Basin Management in the Vu Gia Thu Bon Basin
Disponível de onde? Custos?
Nauditt, Ribbe (editors) Land Use and Climate Change Interaction in Central Vietnam, Springer Book Series Water Resources Management and Development
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Water saving through reuse of return flow in … [Vietnã]
Return flow from paddy fields is strategically collected before being lost to rivers and is reused as an effective source of agricultural water.
- Compilador/a: Justyna Sycz
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