
Agro-horticultural Intervention for productive utilization of barren Land    [印度]

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报告主体: Gramin Vikas Trust


完整性: 94%




Agro-horticultural Intervention for productive utilization of barren Land   




Gramin Vikas Trust





  • 不毛之地


  • 防止
  • 恢复


  • 改善受影响人口的居住条件
  • 改善受影响生态系统的状况


  • 能力建设和认知提高
  • DLDD和SLM的监控与评估/研究
  • 参与、协作和联网


第1节 最佳实践的背景:框架条件(自然和人类环境)


In eastern part of India agriculture is rain fed and the prevailing livelihood pattern is characterized by seasonal employment and consequent seasonal migration to urban area in search of employment. The dwindling forest resources have jeopardized agriculture and livestock productivity due to shrinking of water resource and poor fuel and fodder supply. The fragmented, un-irrigated and monocropped agriculture holdings and low productive livestock population do not offer adequate opportunity for their livelihood. The WADI approach which literally means small orchard is a model adopted by NABARD – GVT in Bandwan block of Purulia district. The WADI consisted of mango & cashew as fruit crop with forestry species on the periphery of land holdings. While the fruit plants paved the way for income generation in five years the forestry species provide a wind break and also act as a shelter belt besides meeting the fuel, fodder and small timbers needs of the participants of the family. It also helps in reducing the pressure on existing forests. It has ensured the productive utilization of barren /unutilized land. It has increased vegetative cover through intercropping in the WADI which acts as additional income of the families in the project villages.|


62 villages of Bandwan block in Purulia district of West Bengal (India)






The block is characterized by undulated topography as a result nearly 50% of the rainfall flows away as runoff. The district is covered by mostly residual soil formed by weathering of bed rocks
Bandwan block in Purulia lies between 22.60 degrees and 23.50 degrees north latitudes and 85.75 degrees and 86.65 degrees east longitudes. The geographical area of the district is 6259 km². Purulia is the westernmost district of West Bengal with an all-India significance because of its tropical location, its shape as well as function like a funnel. |
Average annual rainfall varies between 1100 and 1500 mm. South west monsoon is the principal source of rainfall in the district. The relative humidity is high in monsoon season, being 75% to 85%. But in hot summer it comes down to 25% to 35%. Temperature varies over a wide range from 7 degrees Celsius in winter to 46.8 degrees Celsius in the summer. Record highest temperature is 54 degrees.|


Agriculture & agricultural labour is the primary source of Livelihoods for tribal people.
Land ownership is generally in the name of male members. Though in a very few cases, women have the ownership of the land, but they have no power to sell the land independently. In most of the cases the decision making power are with male member, but in some of the cases women’s view are also taken into consideration.|
The level of income of the people living in the location is very poor and variations are found due to distress situations like failure of crops, drought, etc. People usually migrate to other parts of the country in search of livelihood and adopt different coping mechanisms to secure cash and food throughout the year. |


Development of horticultural land use as soil conservation measure was adopted as covering the barren soil and minimizing soil erosion due to wind & rain thus conserving soil in the project area. In this system mixed horticultural crops including perennial fruit plants, vegetable crops, tuber crops were planted in 400 hectares to conserve the soil and maintain greener environment. It not only addresses the sustainable land management but also conserves the ecology of the area and enhances biodiversity per unit area. |

第2节 解决的问题(直接和间接原因)和最佳实践的目标


                                                           1. Productive utilization of wasteland through agri-horticulture model.
                                                           2. Conservation of soil through development of horticulture land use.
3. Water conservation through development of small water retention structures.
4.  Reduction of pressure on existing forest.


The soil topography being not suitable for agriculture practices is best conserved through Wadi concept wherein the planting of trees will address soil conservation and soil moisture retention along with floor management with leafy vegetable crops. This in long run will make the barren wasteland into productive crop fields.


1. Better use of unproductive land
2. Improvement of soil health
3. Water Resource Development & Soil & Water Conservation

第3节 活动


Better use of unproductive land
1. 1000 small orchards of one acre of land in identified tribal farmers of project area were developed. Keeping in view the soil type and the climate of the project area following species has been identified for plantation:-
Fruits Plant : Mango and Cashew
Water Resource Development & Soil & Water Conservation
1. Renovation & development of water bodies, water harvesting structure like well, check dams etc.
2. Boarder forestry plantation in the periphery of WADI undertaken with a view to prevent soil as well as wind erosion.
Improvement of soil health
1.  The green cover improves the soil health through addition of organic matter into the soil.
2.  The conservation of soil moisture improves its availability to the vegetative cover.


Within the context of improving land and water productivity, wadi is pivoted around a hardy fruit tree species that has potential post-harvest processing and marketing linkages.
The WADI concept was introduced to prevent migration of the community and to utilize the local resources to its fullest extent. It covers the issues of natural resource management like conservation of soil, water & forest resources. It addresses the economic upliftment of the community through fruit plants & intercropping.|
Care is taken to plant adequate number of fruit plants and forest trees as per the species recommended. Also, the per hactare plantation addresses, to some extent, the issues of tree outside forest (ToF) under forestry guidelines. It also acts as a source of carbon sequestration.|

第4节 涉及的机构/参与者(协作、参与、利益相关者的作用)


Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT)|Regional Head Quarters (Eastern India)
212, Pani Jahaj Kothi
Kanke Road, Ranchi-834008



1. National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development
2. Village Community


  • 基于方案/项目的倡议



Village Community


The programme is implemented in villages in farmers field and their capacity building is done to run the programme sustainably. The villagers are organized into farmers club / Samitis to run the programme. The programme cycle is of seven years wherein the returns of the horticultural plants comes from fourth years onwards and can continue upto 40-50 years thus addressing the livelihood issues of the families.


  • 参与途径


第5节 对影响的贡献


The widespread problem of mass migration mitigated through adoption of technology.
The issues of soil & water erosion appropriately addressed through plantation activity and crop management.
The women are also equally involved in the programme and capacitate themselves in taking active part in decision making process.
The per family income enhanced by an additional income of Rs. 10000-15000 per annum
The productivity of the land is enhanced by introduction of cropping practices in the wasteland.
The environmental issues of air pollution and carbon sequestration also addressed.
The tribal communities are characterized by their love for forest & natural habitats. The technology provided increase in forest area and availability of natural abode to the community enhancing their cultural values.
The production of horticultural crops.


The problem of soil, water and air pollution is addressed by the technology. |
Farmers in the vicinity of the project area are also adopting same technologies and developing mini orchards with improved agri and silviculture system in their backyard space.  



The planting of horticultural trees and forest trees species act as a sink of carbon thus resolving the air pollution cause due to industrialization process in global perspective. The green cover also acts as soil binder and a reason for precipitation.
The planting of horticultural trees and forest trees species act as a sink of carbon thus resolving the air pollution cause due to industrialization process in global perspective. The green cover also acts as soil binder and a reason for precipitation
The cropping pattern introduced acts as resource of enhanced floral biodiversity whereas the man made forest acts as a niche for faunal diversity.




1. Average cost per acre of WADI including in-situ soil & moisture conservation, water resource development works out to Rs. 35000. Cost per WADI family including all the components of development, and contingencies works out to Rs. 35000 per family.
2. The family of five members earn Rs. 7500 from farm and Rs. 7500 as seasonal labourer and as migrant labourer.  Family needs minimum of Rs.25000 for meeting the basic requirement like food, clothing and health etc. The deficit Rs 10000 can be met from return from horticulture and forest species.
3. The Financial Rate of Return (FRR) for one-acre wadi for 1 to 20 years of the project period works out to 20% respectively. The FRR of the project taking into consideration aggregated costs and benefits for the 20 years of project period works out to 18%.

第6节 采用和可复制性




1. Bero & Lapung blocks of Ranchi, Jharkhand, India|2. Chainpur block of Gumla district, Jharkhand, India|3. Sunderpahari block of Godda district, Jharkhand, India|4. Manbazar-II block of Purulia district, West Bengal, India|5. Rajnagar, Dubrajpur and Khairasol block of Birbhum district of West Bengal, India



  • 财务激励(例如优惠利率、国家援助、补贴、现金补助、贷款担保等)


Plant specification as per the agro climatic condition.
The replicability of the technology in reclamation of wastelands and fallow lands.
Social acceptance of the farmers community.



第7节 吸取的教训


1. The individual response in adoption of technology varies from farmer to farmers depending on the level of motivation, resources available and their orientation towards the venture.
2. The intervention being family centric is easily adaptable and involves equal responsibility of both men & women members of the family.
3. The technology also helped to develop human capital in terms of Para professionals for dissemination of the technology in surrounding villages.


1. The usual pattern of migration and poverty stricken condition is appropriately addressed as the family is duly motivated to stay in the village and earn their livelihood through the technology.
2. The technology has been a tested cost-effective model of preventing land degradation and earning livelihood.
3. The technology addresses both short term & long term income generation activities through adoption of crop cultivation and horticultural produce and its value added products.


1. Adoption of new technology for the promotion of traditional farming activity ensured for the well being of tribal families.
2. The technology involves not only agriculture intervention but it can encompass animal husbandry, apiary and aquaculture for additional income of the families.
3. The technology also takes care of holistic development of the villages through development of infrastructure.
