
Conservation agriculture knowledge sharing and mentorship programme [蒙古]

Zaluu tarialanchiin mentor khutulbur

approaches_6995 - 蒙古

完整性: 92%

1. 一般信息

1.2 参与方法评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式



Batdeleg Batnaran



Khentiin Tarialan LLC

Kherlen soum, Khentii province



Norvanchig Javzansuren



World Wildlife Fund - Mongolia



Tsend Oyungerel





Global coordination project for the SFM Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (GEF-FAO / DSL-IP)
Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IGG) - 蒙古

1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件




1.4 SLM技术问卷的参考

Атаршсан газрыг сэргээж эргэлтэд оруулах хөрс хамгааллын газар тариалан

Атаршсан газрыг сэргээж эргэлтэд оруулах хөрс хамгааллын газар … [蒙古]

Энэхүү технологи нь 1970-1980-аад оны үед өмнө нь газар тариалан, тэжээлийн үйлдвэрлэлд ашиглагдаж байгаад орхигдсон тариалангийн талбайг сэргээхэд чиглэсэн юм. Энэ газарт 2014 оноос газрын доройтлыг бууруулах, хөрсний үржил шимийг сайжруулах, газар тариалангийн үйл ажиллагааг сэргээх, тариалангийн газрын бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх зорилгоор хамгааллын газар тариалангийн нэг арга болох холимог тариаланг эрхэлж …

  • 编制者: Otgontsetseg Davaanyam

2. SLM方法的描述

2.1 该方法的简要说明

The Approach aims to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural sector by training and mentoring young farmers in conservation agriculture to improve soil fertility and health and maintain productivity.

2.2 该方法的详细说明


Within the framework of the mentorship programme, companies introducing innovative technologies in the agricultural discipline such as conservation agriculture, are selected as mentors and connected with young entrepreneurs who are new to this type of activities. Based on main principles of mentorship, the conservation agriculture knowledge sharing and mentorship program aims to transfer knowledge and skills gained from real-life experiences, lessons, failures, and successes of experienced farmers to young farmers.
The mentors develop a technology card, showing main steps how to apply the technology to the young farmers. Farmers further share their experiences and knowledge gained during technology adoption through group chats and group pages on the social media, giving advice on how to fix any problems and uploading their stories of how they overcame problems in the same situation. The mentorship program involves workshops combined with in-person training to provide fundamental understanding of the SLM technology and practical field visits.
In order to empower young farmers, the Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association organized an introductory training course on mixed cropping technology and conservation agriculture (CA) in 2022. As a result of the training, young farmers who were interested in this technology became members of the mentorship program with the condition that they modify their equipment, machinery and field specifications/requirements (e.g.fencig and leaving cover on the soil surface) to adapt to CA. Total of 9 companies from nearby provinces, Dornod and Khentii, participated in the program as mentees. The mentorship program on Mixed Cropping and CA is led by Khentiin Tarialan LLC which is successfully implementing these technologies in Khentii province.
In order to sustainably maintain the mentorship program, the Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association and the project "Promoting Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia" implemented by FAO and WWF organize workshops for young farmers in the non-agricultural season (winter) and conduct field visits before the agricultural season (spring) every year, helping to spread good practice and knowledge.
In 2023, the mentor gave methodological advice to young farmers during a classroom lecture on how to maintain plant health, develop mixed cropping and crop rotationmaps, take soil samples with specific equipment, and how to check crop quality followed by a field visit during which. participants obtained knowledge about positive impacts of mixed cropping and CA on soil restoration and financial benefits as well as at first year results, lessons learnt (success and failures) and problems encount. A total of 129 farmers from Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar, Darkhan, Bulgan, Tuv and Selenge provinces participated in this training.
In addition, a closed group has been set up to share information using social networking sites, and a mentor uploads short videos on the internet to introduce the technology to people who are interested. In the future, it is planned to increase the number of mentors and topics.
Because this program is organized on a need-based and volunteer basis, parties participate with a positive attitude. Basic requirements including financial support, communication and cooperation are needed to support and sustain the implementation of the program.

2.3 该方法的照片

2.5 采用该方法的国家/地区/地点




Khentii province, Kherlen soum


Takhilgat bag

2.6 该方法的开始和终止日期






This approach is still ongoing.

2.7 方法的类型

  • 基于项目/方案

2.8 该方法的主要目的/目标

The primary objective is to establish a knowledge-sharing and training network for farmers, enabling them to exchange their observations, achievements, and challenges gathered from actual experiences, and to introduce modern agricultural technologies that are resilient to climate change and have a positive impact on soil and biodiversity.

2.9 推动或妨碍实施本办法所适用的技术的条件

  • 阻碍

Not every farmer has the opportunity to upgrade his/her machinery and take advantage of bank subsidy programs. For circulation and investment purposes banks lend to food and agricultural enterprises low loans with interest rates from about 5 to 8 per cent and 5-15 billion tugruks for 2-7 years (2023).

  • 启动

The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and local administration, UNDP-FAO, General department of Land Planning, Geodesy and Mapping support the mentorship program.

  • 启动

As a result of the collaboration among the UNDP-FAO, WWF and Khentiin Tarialan LLC, other farmers can share their experiences and knowledge.

  • 启动

The agricultural policy at national and local level may support multi-species agriculture with high-productivity, because of their positive effects on soil protection and sustainable use. The local administrative support entities aimed to rehabilitate degraded land by renting land and providing soft loan.

  • 启动

It is a form of support to include it in local land management planning.

  • 启动

Volunteer members of the mentoring program, facilitate knowledge sharing and give technical support.

  • 阻碍

Main factor affecting costs is inflation. Thus, it can have a great effect on purchasing equipment, seeds and other input. Currently, there is no demand of some of the crops on the market (e.g. flax).

  • 启动

The implementing conservation agricultural technologies has the potential to reduce labour costs related to pest control, herbicide and fertilizer application

3. 相关利益相关者的参与和角色

3.1 该方法涉及的利益相关者及其职责

  • 当地土地使用者/当地社区

Local agricultural companies and young farmers. Currently, a total of 9 agricultural companies from Dornod and Khentii provinces are participating in this program.

Exchange and enhance knowledge, connect problems and find solutions together. They are responsible for monitoring soil quality change in their field.

  • SLM专家/农业顾问

Batnaran B., Mongolian, farmer. He implements mixed cropping and Conservation Agriculture in Kherlen soum, Khentii province. Currently, he is the only mentor,sharing his knowledge and training other participants. More mentors are planned to become involved.

Develop technical cards, present technological solutions, give advice and information on social networks, host Facebook group and Youtube channel.

  • NGO

Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association

Organize training courses and meetings, distribute information and offer networking space for participants and farmers.

  • 地方政府

The Department of Food and Agriculture in Khentii province

Provide policy support related to land tenure and provide loan for farmers, disseminate information about mentorship program, carry out external monitoring on yield, and methodological recommendations for farmers

  • 国际组织


International organizations provide financial support to organize meeting and practical training. These activities help to improve communication between farmers, broaden participant range, disseminate information on technology. Also, they provided variety of seeds that were not commonly planted in Mongolia - so that farmers can create their own seed bank.


Under the goal of revitalizing the agricultural sector of the province, the Department of Food and Agriculture in Khentii province demonstrate leadership on policy level and policy implementation.

3.2 当地土地使用者/当地社区参与该方法的不同阶段
当地土地使用者/当地社区的参与 指定参与人员并描述活动
启动/动机 自我动员 As a result of the first regional meeting, the farmers were motivated to introduce new technologies and joined the initiative to develop their farms properly under the guidance and support of the mentor.
计划 The training course and meetings are mainly organized by the Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association, International Organizations and the Department of Food and Agriculture of Khentii province.
实施 自我动员 Farmers began the process of upgrading or adapting their machinery according to the mentor's recommendations and started to plant according to the technological card prepared by the mentor.
监测/评估 被动 As the initiative is still in its beginning phase, local communities have not been directly involved in monitoring and evaluation of the Approach. But farmers implementing the conservation agricultural technology evaluate changes in soil quality and biodiversity through observation and soil sample analysis. In addition, agricultural specialists of local government evaluate the process of mentorship program based on report.
learn/research 互动 Land users have gained knowledge and experience through the use of printed and electronic resources and applying in their field.

3.3 流程图(如可用)


Implementation phases of knowledge sharing network and mentorship program in conservation agriculture.


Otgontsetseg D.

3.4 有关SLM技术选择的决策

  • 主要是土地使用者,由SLM专家提供支持
  • 研究结果
  • 个人经验和意见(无记录)

4. 技术支持、能力建设和知识管理

4.1 能力建设/培训


  • 土地使用者
  • 在职
  • 农民对农民
  • 示范区域
  • 公开会议

Under the topic of conservation agriculture and its special technologies to implement, methods such as crop rotation, intercropping, mixed cropping, and leaving plant stubbles and residues in/on the soil, how they are implemented, their advantages and disadvantages were introduced.


The training program comprises two sessions: a theoretical session in a dedicated room, during which the participants are introduced to the concept of conservation agriculture and its potential advantages and disadvantages; and a practical demonstration area, where the participants can observe the implementation of technology in action. Moreover, training participants discuss their own experiences during public meetings and mentor gives personal advice to participants when necessary.

4.2 咨询服务


  • 在土地使用者的土地上
  • Social network

Land users can take methodological advice from a mentor as well as specialists from local government. Within a limited group and based on social networks, there was an opportunity to receive advice on relevant issues from time to time.

4.3 机构强化(组织发展)


4.4 监测和评估



The farmers implementing the technology monitor changes in soil quality through observation and soil sample analysis. Soil samples collected from field are analyzed in an accepted laboratory. Local government institution does external monitoring on the Approach.


4.5 研究


  • 技术

To implement the technology, the farmer reviewed literature from many national and international sources. In addition, he had contact with scientists, who helped in deciding what and how to implement.

5. 融资和外部物质支持

5.1 该方法中SLM组成部分的年度预算



  • 2,000-10,000

Total annual budget of technology is approximately MNT 165.5 million or $ 48 000. This includes labor, implementation of the technology, fuel, purchase of seeds, etc. as well as organization of training courses, field visits, networking and backstopping, monitoring costs and all other expenses.

5.2 为土地使用者提供财政/物质支援


5.4 信用



The Mongolian government has decided to provide an investment loan with purpose of supporting the food and agricultural industry in 2023. The credit grants 3-5 year loans with an interest rate of 5-6 percent to farmers in order to improve circulating capital and investment. The credit volume ranges from 5 to 15 billion, depending on the bank and the size of the farm.


The Mongolian government has signed an agreement with 10 commercial banks in Mongolia. The banks are offering soft loans with an interest rate of 5-6 percent, while the Ministry of Food and Agriculture is covering the gap between interest rates, charging 13 percent.


It can be an individual land user or farmer, a group such as user groups or associations and/ or a cooperative.

5.5 其它激励或手段



Participants were eligible for subsidized loan from the Agricultural Development Fund which has ended in 2023. The Agricultural Corporation was established in 2021 by the Mongolian government. The Agricultural Corporation is a state-owned limited liability company that provides necessary products for the agricultural development of Mongolia with discounted prices and loans to farmers, allowing to repay the loans with the products produced by them. The corporation is mainly responsible for purchasing all kinds of seeds, fertilizers, plant protection substances, fuel, machinery and equipment from the domestic and international market. The farmers have the possibility to purchase equipment with discount price.

6. 影响分析和结论性陈述

6.1 方法的影响

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The mentorship program enabled participants to gain knowledge and experience in conservation agriculture and land restoration by organizing trainings, field visits, meetings and discussions, a fundamental basis for the successful implementation of the technology. Moreover, it supports communication and collaboration among the different stakeholders such as local administration, international organization, companies and local land users.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

Because first-hand experience of conservation agriculture in the field is shared through the mentorship programme, farmers base their decision to adopt conservation agricultuere on the knowledge they have gained from training, the technical and financial support they can receive and the belonging to the mentorship programme and resulting network.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The mentorship program allows for the dissemination of knowledge about conservation agriculture, including both the establishment and the long-term maintenance of such practices. Furthermore, the farmers participating in the mentorship programme can seek advice through a social network and direct contact with a mentor. By sharing knowledge about conservation agriculture with other farmers, advantages, disadvantages and potential of the technology are shown, as well as the long-term efficiency and benefits for land restoration.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

Conservation agriculture is a cost-effective technology in the long term.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

A main goal is to improve and share knowledge about Conservation Agriculture. A mentor shares his knowledge with other land users, helping them to build and enhance their experience and knowledge.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The meeting, organized in 2023, involved all stakeholders and presented the results of the mentorship program as well as of Conservation Agricultural and its related technologies.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The Approach improved collaboration between stakeholders by organizing joint meetings and discussions. Generally, Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association and WWF -Mongolia jointly organize the training and meetings. Local government, farmers, international and non-governmental organizations discuss their results and problems to each other during the meeting. It allows to support further collaboration.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The mentorship program aims to involve mainly young farmers.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The Approach enhanced capacity of young farmers through training them on Conservation Agriculture, which improves resilient to climate change and disasters.

6.2 土地使用者实施SLM的主要动机

  • 增加生产

Abandoned land was put under production using CA. Hence soil fertility, moisture and health are enhanced which and crop production gradually increases.

  • 增加利润(能力),提高成本效益比

The less application of pesticides and fertilizers, coupled with a reduction in the workload, leads to improve cost-benefit-ratio.

  • 减少土地退化

CA promotes maintenance of a permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance, and diversification of plant species (FAO). Thus, it reduces land degradation by wind and water erosion.

  • 降低灾害风险

Permanent cover can help to reduce the risk of flooding or sand and dust storms.

  • 减少工作量

CA reduces workload because of reduced ploughing and direct seeding. Application of fertilizers and herbicides/ pesticides to control weeds, diseases and pests is at minimum.

  • 环境意识

CA leads people to protect and restore soil and biodiversity.

  • 提高SLM知识和技能

CA allows people to use land efficiently over the long-term, simultaneously ensuring the maintenance of its environmental functions. These technologies are crucial for sustainable land management as they enhance soil fertility, prevent erosion, and increase water retention. Thus, land users can obtain knowledge about SLM through implementation of CA.

6.3 方法活动的可持续性


Previously, a mentor provided advice and knowledge to other farmers through a social network and direct contact. Financial support from international organizations has enabled more farmers to participate in the mentorship program. Further, the local government can organize training, and also the mentor can personally run this program through the social network and extension center. The number of people who are interested in mentorship program is gradually increasing.

6.4 该方法的长处/优点

Thementorship programme supports farmers in implementing Conservation Agriculture by training them in fundamental knowledge, particularly it involves young farmers who are the future land users.
Young farmers can quickly learn about Conservation Agricultural saving time and can get instructions and advice directly from a mentor with real experiences.
It is possible to disseminate knowledge to more people on a small budget.
Communication between farmers and collaboration between organizations can be improved by the Approach. During the meetings and field visits, problems and successes are discussed and experiences shared.
It is a fast way to practice young farmers in implementing conservation agriculture.
The social network allows participants to quickly share knowledge and experiences with each other and easily communicate with a mentor.
Understanding CA from people who have implemented CA. Farmers are motivated to implement conservation agriculture because of its sustainability.
It provides the opportunity to solve problems as a team, collecting different experiences and solutions.

6.5 该方法的弱点/缺点以及克服它们的方法

土地使用者认为的弱点/缺点/风险 如何克服它们?
In order to organize training in wide range, it needs financial support. Financial support from other sources, including international organizations and projects.
Implementing CA requires farmers to adapt their equipment to the technology, which has a high initial cost. There are soft loans from banks to support sustainable land use. The farmers can get this kind of loan.
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 如何克服它们?
The training course and the field visit require a certain amount of money. Thus, the mentorship program may slow down without financial support. It needs to get financial support or participants can give payment for the programme.
It requires coordination to plan trainings and field visits, and means of communication to reach farmers. To work consistently with local government and farmers.
Currently, there is only one mentor training farmers. Therefore, the number of mentors with different experiences needs to be increased. To detect new mentors with experience of conservation agriculture.

7. 参考和链接

7.1 方法/信息来源

  • 与土地使用者的访谈

Mentor gave general information.

  • Organizers

Two informants from the international organizations supporting the mentorship programme were interviewed. They provided information about training, meeting, participants and cost.

7.3 链接到网络上可用的相关信息


Youtube channel hosted by mentor




Facebook page sharing experiences on social network


