
Cooperative for Drilling and Exploiting a Private Water Well [希腊]

Συνεταιρισμός με Σκοπό την Εγκατάσταση και Λειτουργία Ομαδικής Γεώτρηση

approaches_2619 - 希腊

完整性: 78%

1. 一般信息

1.2 参与方法评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式


Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care (EU-RECARE )
Technical University of Crete (Technical University of Crete) - 希腊

1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件




2. SLM方法的描述

2.1 该方法的简要说明

A cooperative of land owners and at least one water rights owner established to jointly establish and manage a private freshwater well.

2.2 该方法的详细说明


Aims / objectives: The approach is implemented for deep water wells where installation costs are high. It provides an option for land owners to abandon their low quality shallow wells (such as those on coastal aquifers) for a better quality well (e.g. inland) located in a remote property. The objective of the cooperative is to share costs and risk while securing a sustainable water quality for its members.

Methods: A cooperative is formed with interested land users and shares are distributed depending on individual financial contribution to the drilling cost. Additional costs are either apportioned to coop members (e.g. common buffer tank) or managed individually depending on agreement. Apart from actual value, shares also represent the fraction of water rights of each member. Therefore, every member can consume up to their rights fraction or lease from other members who have consumed less that their rights fraction. Water consumption is usually measured indirectly through power consumption at the pump and a common log is kept to split bills power bills when issued.

Stages of implementation: Initially, a land owner secures a well installation permit from the Water Authority. If it is a requirement to form the cooperative as a legal entity then an advocate is requared. The coop elects 5 members to serve as president, treasurer, secretary and alternates. During the installation phase, members of the cooperative share costs according to their agreement. During the operation phase, costs are covered according to user consumption.

Role of stakeholders: The Water Managing Authority needs to provide a permit for the drilling and a geologist needs to oversee and sign for the drilling. Cooperative members need to be timely in their financial obligations in order to cover bills and maintenance costs on time in order to avoid interruptions of the water service for the entire group.

Other important information: This approach was documented within the scope of FP7 RECARE Project, funded grant agreement no 603498.

2.3 该方法的照片

2.5 采用该方法的国家/地区/地点







2.6 该方法的开始和终止日期



2.7 方法的类型

  • 最近的本地倡议/创新

2.8 该方法的主要目的/目标

The Approach focused mainly on other activities than SLM (Securing good quality water at adequate quantities, reduce costs per capita)

The objective of the Approach are to share costs and risk while securing a sustainable water quality for its members. This way land owners have additional options for usign good quality water at an affordable cost.

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: Lack of cash to invest

2.9 推动或妨碍实施本办法所适用的技术的条件

  • 阻碍

High cost of a good quality (deep) well at a sufficient distance from the sea to prevent saltwater intrusion.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Group of land users share the cost of drilling and become shareholders of the well. The amount of shares of each shareholder is proportional to the assets invested in the installation.

  • 阻碍

New regulations discourage or ban the installation of new wells in order to regulate the quality and quantity of groundwater in the area. Also selling water without a permit lays at a legally gray area.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Well shares (representing water rights) can be exchanged or rented among shareholders and sold to new shareholders. Therefore water rights can be distributed without new wells being drilled.

The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights hindered a little the approach implementation At least one of the members of the cooperative needs to own land and user rights at a location suitable for drilling.

  • 阻碍

Water wells require an intermediate buffer water tank.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: In the case of a collective installation can be single (rather that each shareholder installing a separate water tank) thus reducing costs due to the economy of scales and saving space.

3. 相关利益相关者的参与和角色

3.1 该方法涉及的利益相关者及其职责

  • 当地土地使用者/当地社区

Farmers, agriculturalists

  • SLM专家/农业顾问

Water well drilling specialists

  • 国家政府(规划者、决策者)

Water permits are eventually issued by the Water Authority

3.2 当地土地使用者/当地社区参与该方法的不同阶段
当地土地使用者/当地社区的参与 指定参与人员并描述活动
启动/动机 自我动员 Land users forming the cooperative
计划 自我动员 The board of the coop adjusts pricing and plans distribution networks in cooperation with the members.
实施 自我动员 Construction work by land users who might have the resources to help.
监测/评估 自我动员 The board monitors water quality, water level and user consumption.

3.4 有关SLM技术选择的决策

  • 主要是土地使用者,由SLM专家提供支持

Land users take the initiative to form an unofficial cooperative or non-profit organization and share expenses to hire a water well drilling rig and specialists.

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users. Specialists will decide on the specifics of the well construction and assign pumping yields.

4. 技术支持、能力建设和知识管理

4.1 能力建设/培训


  • 土地使用者
  • 在职

Use of the pumping system, pricing system, sustainable water use, legal issues.

4.3 机构强化(组织发展)


4.4 监测和评估



bio-physical aspects were monitored by land users through measurements; indicators: water salinity, pH, pollutants, level of the water in the well

economic / production aspects were monitored by land users through observations; indicators: consumption of water/power by each shareholder

There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation

There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation

5. 融资和外部物质支持

5.1 该方法中SLM组成部分的年度预算

  • < 2,000

Approach costs were met by the following donors: local community / land user(s) (Establishing the cooperative as a legal entity): 100.0%

5.2 为土地使用者提供财政/物质支援


5.3 对特定投入的补贴(包括劳动力)

  • 自愿

Equipment, construction and infrastructure are not part of the actual approach but of the technology facilitated by the approach.

5.4 信用


6. 影响分析和结论性陈述

6.1 方法的影响

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The approach provides the means to secure water availability and therefore sustain higher productivity.

6.2 土地使用者实施SLM的主要动机

  • 增加生产

Production cannot be sustained by relying only on water from the coastal zone

  • 增加利润(能力),提高成本效益比

Other solutions for securing acceptable quality water are less cost-effective

6.3 方法活动的可持续性

  • 不确定

While the approach is financially sustainable, it is uncertain whether water resources are managed in a sustainable way, since pumping limits are difficult to implement and are imposed in an empirical way.

6.4 该方法的长处/优点

Reduces start-up costs for well construction and subsequent risks, allows for deeper wells far from the salt intrusion zone thus providing a more sustainable water quality.
Provides the financial means to drill wells far from the salt intrusion zone, thus reducing the risk of enhancing salt intrusion. It is also a indirect way of reducing illegal pumping by consolidating water users to a more easily manageable and accountable entity. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Imposing pumping limits so that water use is sustainable. Provide motives to join cooperatives.)

6.5 该方法的弱点/缺点以及克服它们的方法

编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 如何克服它们?
Once the well has been drilled, water quantities pumped are difficult to control. This can create tension among users but also lead to over-pumping. A more transparent way of measuring can be implemented (e.g. metering per farm). This of course includes additional costs. Another option is to allow the Water Authority to take control of distribution within the private network and thus impose pumping limits (or at least be aware of the extent of the exploitation).

7. 参考和链接

7.1 方法/信息来源

  • 实地考察、实地调查
  • 与土地使用者的访谈
