Women practices SLM through Vanilla cultivation [斯里兰卡]
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- 编制者: Bandara Rotawewa
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- 审查者: Ursula Gaemperli
Women practices SLM through Vanilla cultivation
approaches_5177 - 斯里兰卡
全部展开 全部收起1. 一般信息
1.2 参与方法评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式
Nimal Gunasena
Upul Jayaweera
Tissa Wathukarage
Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya Districts in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件
1.4 SLM技术问卷的参考

Crop-livestock integration to enhance soil productivity [斯里兰卡]
Crop-livestock integration improves nutrient circularity and soil productivity: solid and liquid organic fertilizers prepared from cow manure are incorporated to soil or sprayed on leaves of vegetables and tea.
- 编制者: Head Soil Science

Individual platforms and contour platforms [斯里兰卡]
Construction of individual platforms or contour platforms to control soil erosion in the home gardens (HG) to cultivate vanilla as a cash crop
- 编制者: Bandara Rotawewa
2. SLM方法的描述
2.1 该方法的简要说明
Women in Central Highlands of Sri Lanka practice sustainable land management through vanilla cultivation and earn extra income for their families
2.2 该方法的详细说明
The average land size of home gardens in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka is about 0.25 ac – 0.5 acre. Fruits and spice trees randomly exist in these land plots. The top soil is always disturbed due to daily human activities. Apart from run-off water from upper lands, roof top rainwater flows in all directions causing heavy soil erosion in the home gardens. The home gardens are the least attended land plots in terms of conservation.
Vanilla SLM model is an economically attractive opportunity for women in potential growing areas where ideal environmental conditions are existing. The objectives of the approach are to reduce soil erosion in the home gardens due to daily human activities and introduce a cash crop with higher economic benefit; in general, to promote awareness for sustainable land management (SLM) among the community.
The strategy is to motivate landowners towards SLM: mainly through income generation. Women groups were considered and selected as most suitable target group for the approach. Income generation through this approach help them to improve their social and financial status.
The methods of the approach were following: The women groups were accompanied to well managed vanilla cultivation (exposure visit) to explain and show them about the financial benefits of vanilla plantations. Further, importance of SLM Techniques of Vanilla cultivation were discussed and demonstrated. Next step is practical training on individual farm planning, selection and implementation of SLM techniques according to the farm plan and finally, the maintenance phase of the vanilla plantation starts. The extension officers of the Department of Agriculture support the whole implementation process in each home garden. The project 'Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya Districts in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka (GEF Project ID: 5677)' supports the overall coordination and as well directly, the women group with planting materials. Technical support on SLM and the cultivation is provided by the Department of Export Agriculture and and coordination and faciltiation of trainings by the Agrarian Services Center of the area. The female farmers have formed their own Vanilla Growers Association and they organize their own training programs on negociation skills and marketing arrangements. Private vanilla processors and marketers are linked with the women group. This means, the field coordinator of the Vanilla processing and exporting company trains the farmers on quality vanilla production, assures the market linkage that keeps farmers interest in SLM and vanilla cultivation at high level, and he concludes sales contracts with the farmers.
2.3 该方法的照片
2.5 采用该方法的国家/地区/地点
Administrative information : http://doluwa.ds.gov.lk/index.php/en/
×2.6 该方法的开始和终止日期
2.7 方法的类型
- 基于项目/方案
2.8 该方法的主要目的/目标
• Introduce SLM in home gardening
• Introduce vanilla cultivation as a sustainable source of income for women, encourage them to effectively use their free time for income generation
• Add economic and esthetic value for backyards and home gardens.
• Increase environmental awareness among women and inculcate positive attitude towards environmental protection
2.9 推动或妨碍实施本办法所适用的技术的条件
- 启动
Women play an important role in income generation for the family. The income from the vanilla as a highly valued product improves their social status.
- 启动
Vanilla is a cash crop and the risk of crop failure is minimal. Therfore the imcome is expected to grow and, the accessibility to financial resources and services should increase as well.
- 启动
The female farmers have formed their own Vanilla Growers Association and they organize their own training programs and marketing arrangements.
- 启动
Technical support on SLM and the cultivation is provided by the Department of Export Agriculture and Agrarian Services Center of the area. Private vanilla processors and marketers are linked with the women group.
- 启动
The approach is practiced around the living house of the families; the surrounding home gardens belong to them. The approach promotes techniques against soil erosion and the use of organic composts. There is no special demand for water since the crop growth bases on rain-fed agriculture.
- 启动
The technical and extension officers of the government are available for technical support and advice. Private vanilla companies have employed extension officers and promote SLM practices as well. The crop yield mostly depends on the SLM techniques adopted.
- 启动
The input requirement is very limited. The planting materials (vanilla cuttings) are easily available. The vine supporting Gliricidia tree is locally available. The SLM techniques applied are simple. The terraced preparation can be done with materials such as coconut husk and tree logs.
The price for natural vanilla is high. The women has been formed into groups and they have developed negotiation skills about the vanilla market.
- 启动
The type of the SLM practices are not labor-intensive. Family labor is sufficient to establish 100 - 200 vanilla vine with good SLM techniques such as single platforms and contour platforms. Vanilla can be seen as a labor neutral crop.
3. 相关利益相关者的参与和角色
3.1 该方法涉及的利益相关者及其职责
- 当地土地使用者/当地社区
Land owners of Doluwa area (Sri Lanka)
Lead farmer (Vanilla grower)
Land owners of Doluwa area (of Sri Lanka) : Participation on SLM training, production of vanilla under SLM practices, formed and members of vanilla growers group in the village to look after services, training and marketing
Lead farmer (Vanilla grower) : Training facility and conduct trialing and experience sharing
- SLM专家/农业顾问
Extension officer of Department of Export Agriculture
Development officer of Agrarian Services Center
Extension officer of Department of Agriculture
Programme officer of Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwaraeliya Districts in the Central Highlands (GCP/SRL/063/GFF) (GEF Project ID: 5677)
Extension officer of Department of Export Agriculture : Provide technical knowledge and training on vanilla growing
Development Officer of Agrarian Services Center: Coordination and facilitation of training programs
Extension Officer of Department of Agriculture: Training on SLM, farm plan preparation and demonstration
FAO-GEF Programme Officer: Coordination, technical inputs on SLM and vanilla cultivation
- 私营部门
- Field Coordinator of the vanilla processing and exporting company
Train the farmers on quality vanilla production, assure the market linkage that keep farmers interest in SLM and vanilla cultivation at high level, sales contract with the farmers
- 国家政府(规划者、决策者)
Extension officer of Department of Export Agriculture
Development Officer of Agrarian Services Center
Extension Officer of Department of Agriculture
Extension officer of Department of Export Agriculture : Provide technical knowledge and training on vanilla growing
Development Officer of Agrarian Services Center: Coordination and facilitation of training programs
Extension Officer of Department of Agriculture: Training on SLM, farm plan preparation and demonstration
- 国际组织
Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwaraeliya Districts in the Central Highlands (GCP/SRL/063/GFF) (GEF Project ID: 5677) by Food and Agriculture Organization and Global Environmental Facility (GEF)
FAO-GEF Programme Officer: Coordination, technical inputs on SLM and vanilla cultivation
3.2 当地土地使用者/当地社区参与该方法的不同阶段
当地土地使用者/当地社区的参与 | 指定参与人员并描述活动 | |
启动/动机 | 互动 | Land owners, Department of Export Agriculture, Agrarian Services Center and FAO - RDAL project staff |
计划 | 互动 | Land owners, Department of Export Agriculture, Agrarian Services Center and FAO - RDAL project staff |
实施 | 互动 | Land owners, Department of Export Agriculture, Agrarian Services Center and FAO - RDAL project staff |
监测/评估 | 互动 | Land owners, Department of Export Agriculture, Agrarian Services Center and FAO - RDAL project staff |
Marketing | 自我动员 | Land owners, Department of Export Agriculture, Agrarian Services Center and Vanilla exporters |
3.3 流程图(如可用)
3.4 有关SLM技术选择的决策
- 所有相关参与者,作为参与式方法的一部分
The project team noticed the existing vanilla growers potential and their success regarding the application of SLM techniques. Therefore, the project arranged an exposure visit for the land owners. The extension officers supported the activity well and the women farmers' motivation on Vanilla increased. The women farmers were organized into a producer group and linked with vanilla processing and exporting company.
- 对充分记录的SLM知识进行评估(基于证据的决策)
4. 技术支持、能力建设和知识管理
4.1 能力建设/培训
- 土地使用者
- 现场工作人员/顾问
The farmer group consist of 40 members: 95% are female and 5% male farmers. The age ranges from 18 - 55 years
- 农民对农民
- 示范区域
Sustainable land management.
Vanilla cultivation
4.2 咨询服务
- 在土地使用者的土地上
4.3 机构强化(组织发展)
- 是,非常
- 本地
Women producer group (Vanilla growers association)
- 能力建设/培训
- 设备
On-site training on SLM techniques were done at individual farm level.
Exchange and support of planting materials
4.4 监测和评估
4.5 研究
5. 融资和外部物质支持
5.1 该方法中SLM组成部分的年度预算
- < 2,000
GEF project: Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya Districts in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka (GEF Project ID: 5677)
5.2 为土地使用者提供财政/物质支援
Planting materials
5.3 对特定投入的补贴(包括劳动力)
- 无
- 自愿
5.4 信用
5.5 其它激励或手段
6. 影响分析和结论性陈述
6.1 方法的影响
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Strong stakeholder participation between land users and Extension Officers is exists.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Most important motivator was the exposure visits, where the families/women recognized the success of the SLM practices on vanilla production and therefore decided to adopt it.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Single platforms and terrace platforms control erosion. Vanilla is well grown in soils of rich organic matter. Kitchen waste and fallen leaves added for compost making and use it on the vanilla cultivation.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Easy terracing does not need construction of structures and skilled labor. Use of Gliricidia as supporting post is environmental friendly and freely available locally.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
The approach is based on attitude change and motivation. Economical, social and aesthetic values are enhanced. Thereby, it create more and more interest with increasing returns.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Extension officers visit each land plot and they prepare individual farm plans based on the characteristics of the land (home garden).
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Improved linkage with extension officers and private sector
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Both, the vanilla and the SLM techniques does not require high investment. Therefore, even poor farmers can adopt the this approach and can get financial benefits.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
This approach targets women and it needs to promote capacity in learning SLM. As well, it is expected that the approach strengthen the economic and social position of local women.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
This approach change the attitudes of the people. SLM techniques and income generation is demonstrated in their living environment
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Vanilla is a market competitive product and women group has organized their own market links.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
Use of organic manure and conservation techniques improves the soil physical and chemical properties. Improved soil properties support drought resistant capacity of Vanilla and other crops as well.
- 否
- 是,很少
- 是,中等
- 是,支持力度很大
The concept of the approach is to introduce SLM through income generation for female farmers
6.2 土地使用者实施SLM的主要动机
- 增加利润(能力),提高成本效益比
The approach encourage 100 vanilla plants/vines per family. The average annual yield from one plant/vine is 1 kg after 3 years. Current market price is LKR 6,000 (35 USD) per kg of unprocessed green beans. Therefore, expected annual income of a family is LKR 600,000 (342 USD).
- 减少土地退化
Vanilla grows well in soils of rich organic matter. The land users are encouraged to use use organic manure. Planting on terraces prevents soil erosion and soil compaction in the surrounding of the homesteads.
- 声望、社会压力/社会凝聚
Aesthetic view of home garden is improved
- 环境意识
Aesthetic view of home garden is improved and farmer feel his/er good work.
- 提高SLM知识和技能
Yes. They start to feel the necessity of SLM from the home garden and apply in his/er other lands. Talk with neighbors.
- 美学改进
Aesthetic view of home garden is improved and its earns cash for the family
6.3 方法活动的可持续性
- 是
Land owners get income after three years. Income is a motivation for the land owners to adopt and adapt SLM practices continuously.
6.4 该方法的长处/优点
土地使用者眼中的长处/优势/机会 |
In Sri Lanka vanilla is mainly confined as home garden and grown in the back yards. Vanilla is a cash crop that can be grown successfully in mid and low country wet zone where the main growing areas are Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Matale, and Kegalle districts. Vanilla grows as vines with support trees. |
Vanilla has been identified as an ideal alternative crop for unproductive small holdings and home gardens. Low labor requirement and higher income are main advantages of vanilla cultivation and therefore women can use their free time for vanilla cultivation in their home gardens. |
Marketing advantage : Vanilla needs only organic fertilizer. A vanilla vine can produce nearly a kilo of vanilla per year and average market price would be around Rs. 6,000/ Kg.(34 USD) which is annually LKR 60,000 (342 USD). This income for the family promote their interest to adopt SLM techniques. |
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的长处/优势/机会 |
SLM is easy to promote, as the land owner is benefited with high return. Therefore an economic model coupled with SLM is an option for easy implementation. |
Women play a major role in attitudes change in the society. If they consider the SLM practices positively, it is expected to spread easily to other crop lands. |
6.5 该方法的弱点/缺点以及克服它们的方法
土地使用者认为的弱点/缺点/风险 | 如何克服它们? |
There is no major risk with this approach. Investment is minimal. The women allocate their free time for maintenance of the crop. |
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 | 如何克服它们? |
No risks for the moment. |
7. 参考和链接
7.1 方法/信息来源
- 实地考察、实地调查
- 与土地使用者的访谈
- 与SLM专业人员/专家的访谈
- 根据报告和其他现有文档进行编译
7.2 参考可用出版物
Opportunity Analysis of Agriculture Products in Sri Lanka. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://growthlab.cid.harvard.edu/files/growthlab/files/agri_sector_opportunities_feb_2018.pdf
Retrieved from https://srilanka.growthlab.cid.harvard.edu/files/sri-lanka/files/agri_sector_opportunities_feb_2018.pdf
Jayawardane, & Weerasena. (n.d.). CROP DIVERSIFICATION IN SRI LANKA.
Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/3/x6906e/x6906e0b.htm
7.3 链接到网络上可用的相关信息
Govt. to rehabilitate degraded agricultural lands in central highlands under 5-year $ 11 m project
Rehabilitation of Degraded Agricultural Lands in Kandy, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya Districts in the Central Highlands (CH)
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Crop-livestock integration to enhance soil productivity [斯里兰卡]
Crop-livestock integration improves nutrient circularity and soil productivity: solid and liquid organic fertilizers prepared from cow manure are incorporated to soil or sprayed on leaves of vegetables and tea.
- 编制者: Head Soil Science

Individual platforms and contour platforms [斯里兰卡]
Construction of individual platforms or contour platforms to control soil erosion in the home gardens (HG) to cultivate vanilla as a cash crop
- 编制者: Bandara Rotawewa