Shelterbelts for farmland in sandy areas [中国]
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- 编制者: Meili WEN
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- 审查者: David Streiff, Deborah Niggli
Farmland shelter belt
technologies_1366 - 中国
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Wang Dogmei
Book project: where the land is greener - Case Studies and Analysis of Soil and Water Conservation Initiatives Worldwide (where the land is greener)有助于对技术进行记录/评估的机构名称(如相关)
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Shelter Belt [中国]
The shelter belt is a strip or a row of trees planted in a farmland as a wind barrier to protect crops and reduce wind erosion.
- 编制者: Meili WEN
2. SLM技术的说明
2.1 技术简介
Belts of trees, planted in a rectangular grid pattern or in strips within, and on the periphery of, farmland to act as windbreaks.
2.2 技术的详细说明
Shelterbelts to protect cropland are a specific type of agroforestry system comprising certain tall growing tree species. Such shelterbelts around farmland help reduce natural hazards including sandstorms, wind erosion, shifting sand, droughts and frost. They also improve the microclimate (reduced temperature, wind speed, soil water loss and excessive wind-induced transpiration) and create more favourable conditions for crop production. Thus the establishment of shelterbelts plays a crucial role in the sandy drylands that are affected by wind and resultant desertification
especially during winter and spring. Where there is irrigation, the shelterbelts protect the infrastructure from silting-up with wind-borne sediment.
Strips of tall growing species (15-25 m) of poplar (Populus spp.) or willow (Salix spp.) were originally (from 1960s onwards) planted in a 400 by 600 m rectangular grid pattern within extensive areas of cropland, with an extra belt of windbreaks on the windward side (against the prevailing wind). Generally, the distance effectively protected is 15-25 times the tree height. Strips are of variable width, consisting of 2-5 tree lines (1-3 m apart) with trees planted every 1-2 m within the lines. Selective felling is used to maintain adequate growing space and the protective effect of the trees.
The impact of the shelterbelts depends on the planting pattern of the trees (the format of strips and grids), the orientation of the shelterbelts in relation to the wind, the spacing between, and the width of each strip and the type of trees planted. The specific design is primarily based on preventing the negative effects of wind, but depends also on local conditions such as the layout of the land, the location of the roads, farm boundaries and irrigation canals. Ideally the tree strips are perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, and the angle between the strip and the prevailing wind is never less than 45 degrees. The structure of the strips determines the way the wind is controlled, ranging from blocking the wind
to letting it diffuse through semi-permeable shelterbelts. The best effect is achieved if the wind is not blocked entirely, as this can cause turbulence.
The ownership of the land and the shelterbelts still rests with the state, but management has been more and more transferred to individual households. On condition that the impact of the shelterbelt is not affected, the local forestry agencies now allow some felling of mature trees - on a rotational and selective basis, for timber and firewood. Pine trees (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and P. tabulaeformis), which command high value as timber for construction, and fruit (and cash) trees like the apricot tree (Prunus armeniace) are increasingly used.
2.3 技术照片
2.5 已应用该技术的、本评估所涵盖的国家/地区/地点
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
×2.6 实施日期
- 50多年前(传统)
2.7 技术介绍
- 通过项目/外部干预
USA and domestic.
3. SLM技术的分类
3.1 该技术的主要目的
- 降低灾害风险
3.2 应用该技术的当前土地利用类型

- 农林业
major cash crop: maize/wheat
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Strong winds in the winter and spring result in serious natural hazards including sand storms, sand encroachment and wind erosion, while dry and hot winds in the summer increase transpiration leading to plant stress and reduced crop yields.
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): Low yield and intensive wind blow in winter and spring.
Cropland: Ca: Annual cropping
3.3 有关土地利用的更多信息
- 混合雨水灌溉
- 1
Longest growing period in days: 150Longest growing period from month to month: May - Sep
3.4 该技术所属的SLM组
- 农业林学
- 防风林/防护林带
3.5 技术传播
- 均匀地分布在一个区域
- 100-1,000 平方千米
Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 500 m2.
Total SWC Technology area is not clear. This technology area data is from Inner Mongolia forest department. Inner Mongolia autonomy region forest statistic data, 1987, P75. Technology beginning year is from: Water and soil conservation bureau, Yellow River irrigation works committee of Department of water and electricity. Water and soil conservation economy benefit thesis collecting,1987, P45-47.
3.6 包含该技术的可持续土地管理措施

- V1:乔木和灌木覆盖层

- M1:改变土地使用类型
Main measures: vegetative measures
Type of vegetative measures: aligned: -against wind
3.7 该技术强调的主要土地退化类型

- Et:表土流失
- Eo:场外劣化效应

- Ha:干旱化
Main type of degradation addressed: Et: loss of topsoil, Eo: offsite degradation effects, Ha: aridification
Main causes of degradation: deforestation / removal of natural vegetation (incl. forest fires), poverty / wealth (Lack of captial)
Secondary causes of degradation: overgrazing, education, access to knowledge and support services (Lack of knowledge), Lack of enforcement of legislat./authority
3.8 防止、减少或恢复土地退化
- 减少土地退化
Main goals: mitigation / reduction of land degradation
4. 技术规范、实施活动、投入和成本
4.1 该技术的技术图纸
4.2 技术规范/技术图纸说明
Overview of the shelterbelt layout.
Insert 1: Planting scheme: shelterbelts compromise 2-5 tree lines forming the windbreak about 5-15 m wide and 15-25 m high.
Insert 2: Rectangle grid layout of shelterbelts. Spacing of the rows is denser against the prevailing wind.
Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate
Technical knowledge required for land users: low
Main technical functions: increase / maintain water stored in soil, reduction in wind speed, protection from wind erosion, protection from sand encroachment, protection of crops from mechanical damage, reduction in evaporation loss
Secondary technical functions: increase in organic matter
Aligned: -against wind
Vegetative material: T : trees / shrubs
Trees/ shrubs species: Poplars (Populus spp.), willows (Salix spp.), increasingly also pine (Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolic
4.3 有关投入和成本计算的一般信息
- 每个技术区域
- 美元
4.4 技术建立活动
活动 | 措施类型 | 时间 | |
1. | 1 Planning / designing of shelterbelt. | 植物性的 | |
2. | 2 Selection and collection of trees seedlings. | 植物性的 | |
3. | 3 Clearing and preparing land for planting of shelterbelt in | 植物性的 | late autumn and spring |
4. | 3 Clearing and preparing land for planting of shelterbelt in | 植物性的 | |
5. | 4 Pits for planting the seedlings are dug | 植物性的 | 4 Pits for planting the seedlings are dug |
6. | 5 Tree seedlings are planted | 植物性的 | late spring |
7. | 6 After planting each seedling is watered for up to two years. | 植物性的 |
4.5 技术建立所需要的费用和投入
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | Mainly collection and planting | ha | 79.0 | 1.2 | 94.8 | |
设备 | tools | ha | 1.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 100.0 |
植物材料 | tree seedlings | ha | 1.0 | 25.0 | 25.0 | |
技术建立所需总成本 | 124.8 |
USA and domestic projects
Duration of establishment phase: 36 month(s)
4.6 维护/经常性活动
活动 | 措施类型 | 时间/频率 | |
1. | Watering | 植物性的 | after planting /timely |
2. | Pruning of trees. | 植物性的 | |
3. | Pest and disease control within shelterbelt. | 植物性的 | |
4. | Intermediate/ selective tree felling. | 植物性的 |
4.7 维护/经常性活动所需要的费用和投入(每年)
对投入进行具体说明 | 单位 | 数量 | 单位成本 | 每项投入的总成本 | 土地使用者承担的成本% | |
劳动力 | Watering and Pruning | ha | 7.0 | 1.2 | 8.4 | 100.0 |
植物材料 | tree seedling | ha | 1.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 100.0 |
技术维护所需总成本 | 11.4 |
The costs are calculated according to current standards/costs. The original planting is paid for by the state: replanting
and maintenance are the responsibility of the land user. If pines are the species of choice for re-planting, the cost
is considerably more than that shown above (which relates to poplar and willow).
Assuming: shelterbelts of 600 m by 400 m; each strip has 5 lines of trees (3 m apart), 2 m between trees within lines: resulting in 104 trees/ha, including the cropland between the strips (density within strips is 1666 trees/ha). Labour for establishment (104 trees): Land preparation, planting 10 days and 15 days for watering, weeding, etc (for first 3 years).
4.8 影响成本的最重要因素
The most important factors to affect the costs are seedlings (No.) and machine.
5. 自然和人文环境
5.1 气候
- < 250毫米
- 251-500毫米
- 501-750毫米
- 751-1,000毫米
- 1,001-1,500毫米
- 1,501-2,000毫米
- 2,001-3,000毫米
- 3,001-4,000毫米
- > 4,000毫米
- 半干旱
5.2 地形
- 水平(0-2%)
- 缓降(3-5%)
- 平缓(6-10%)
- 滚坡(11-15%)
- 崎岖(16-30%)
- 陡峭(31-60%)
- 非常陡峭(>60%)
- 高原/平原
- 山脊
- 山坡
- 山地斜坡
- 麓坡
- 谷底
- 0-100 m a.s.l.
- 101-500 m a.s.l.
- 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
- 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
- 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
- 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
- 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
- 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
- > 4,000 m a.s.l.
- 不相关
5.3 土壤
- 非常浅(0-20厘米)
- 浅(21-50厘米)
- 中等深度(51-80厘米)
- 深(81-120厘米)
- 非常深(> 120厘米)
- 粗粒/轻(砂质)
- 中(1-3%)
Soil fertility: low -medium
Soil drainage / infiltration: good
Soil water storage capacity: medium
5.6 应用该技术的土地使用者的特征
- 混合(生计/商业
- 收入的10-50%
- 平均水平
- 机械化/电动
Population density: 10-50 persons/km2
Annual population growth: 1% - 2%
80% of the land users are average wealthy and own 35% of the land.
Off-farm income specification: farmers benefit from the shelterbelts as a source of off-farm income, through fodder, timber and firewood
5.7 应用该技术的土地使用者拥有或租用的平均土地面积
- < 0.5 公顷
- 0.5-1 公顷
- 1-2 公顷
- 2-5公顷
- 5-15公顷
- 15-50公顷
- 50-100公顷
- 100-500公顷
- 500-1,000公顷
- 1,000-10,000公顷
- > 10,000公顷
5.8 土地所有权、土地使用权和水使用权
- communal/state
- individual (see Annex T3 for remark)
- individual (see Annex T3 for remark)
6. 影响和结论性说明
6.1 该技术的现场影响
width of the shelterbelt
off-farm income
extra timber and firewood
Crop production
Trees in competition with crops for solar radiation, fertilizer, and water
Loss of Food per agricultural land
shelterbelts of trees are not a direct source of food
sand encroachment
microclimate for crops
regulating temperature, increasing humidity
conservation/maintenance of soil fertility
6.4 成本效益分析
6.5 技术采用
- 单例/实验
40 households in an area of 100-1000km^2 (10-50 persons/km^2)
- 0-10%
100% of land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support
40 land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support
Comments on acceptance with external material support: estimates
Comments on spontaneous adoption: estimates
There is no trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Comments on adoption trend: The technology has not spontaneously spread beyond the areas developed through government intervention.
6.7 该技术的优点/长处/机会
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的长处/优势/机会 |
Reduced wind speed and trapped wind-blown sand particle How can they be sustained / enhanced? Combine deciduous and evergreen trees to maintain shelterbelt’s protective function throughtout the year. |
Increased crop yield How can they be sustained / enhanced? Extend shelterbelt technology to unprotected croplands. |
Increased cash income How can they be sustained / enhanced? Improve rotational felling regimes that maximise quantity and quality of tree products (timber; fruit etc) without reducing the shelterbelt’s protective function. In Inner Mongolia apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) and in Gansu Province the Chinese dates (Ziziphus jujuba) are increasingly used. |
Apart from their effect on the wind, the overall benefits of the shelterbelts - for timber, firewood, fruits and fodder for animals - outweigh the loss of cropland occupied by trees How can they be sustained / enhanced? Experience over 40 years has demonstrated that narrower trees strips and smaller grid size (100 by 200 m) would increase ecological efficiency, but due to higher costs and potential competition with crops, the spacing of the shelterbelts has mostly remained as it was originally. |
From 1960 onwards, approximately 22 million hectares – of vulnerable cropland have been protected in eastern Inner Mongolia Editors’ comments: In China, a total of 1.84 million km2 suffer from desertification related to sand storms, shifting sands and wind erosion, making up 19% of the total land area. In those dry and desertified zones, farmland is barely productive, even with irrigation. The construction of shelterbelts in this northeastern part of China has had multiple benefits that outweigh the loss of cropland. However, maintenance has become an important issue with the changes in China’s land use laws. This is one of two examples of windbreaks amongst the case studies in this book. Remark: In the 1960s, all land ownership and land use rights in China were communal and cropland was farmed collectively by village communes. After reform and open policy was put into practice in 1978, land use rights were transferred to the villages, to groups and individuals. Land itself and the shelterbelts however still belonged to the state. Nowadays the rights to cultivate specific parcels of land, within protected blocks, are generally granted to individual farm households. In some cases, in recent years, the shelterbelts too have been redistributed to individuals to look after. Inevitably maintenance has become an issue. But most of the shelterbelts are managed well. 3.2.8: If farmer cuts mature timber (for example a 40 year-old poplar), he/she can sell it for US$ 20–25 per tree. With maturity of shelterbelts, the timber production increases, which brings increasing economic benefits; meanwhile, the effect of protection from wind erosion also improves. |
6.8 技术的弱点/缺点/风险及其克服方法
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 | 如何克服它们? |
Loss of land due to area used for the shelterbelts | In this wind-prone part of Inner Mongolia, overall gains from the protected zones compensate for the reduced area under crops, especially if economically valuable species are planted in the shelterbelt, such as Caragana korshinskii, which can be used as forage, for 'green fertilizer' through leaf mulch and for firewood. |
Competition for sunshine, fertilizer and water | Pruning of branches and digging of ditches to prevent roots penetrating the adjacent cropland |
Farmers lost the right to crop the tree-occupied land (since the shelterbelts belonged to the state). Originally, farmers were not allowed to fell trees | Nowadays the local forestry department permits farmers to occasionally cut trees, which is a source of income. If land users were allowed to cut trees on a more systematic basis, it would help them to better appreciate the benefits. |
High cost (labour and money) for establishment | Government support required. |
Shelterbelts comprised of single tree species are less resistant to pests and diseases Shelterbelts consume more water |
Combine trees and shrubs/ different species, which improves both resistance and also the protective effect. But they also help in drainage (where this is a problem) through lowering the ground water table and simultaneously reducing salinity. Appropriate tree species need to be selected and bred. |
7. 参考和链接
7.2 参考可用出版物
China atlas. China atlas publishing house, P 52.. 1999.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Zhao Yu, Jing Zhengping, Shi Peijun, Hao Yunchong et al. Inner Mongolia soil erosion research remote sensing was used in Inner Mongolia soil erosion research, Science publishing house, P25.. 1989.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Inner Mongolia forest department, Forest work manual,12, P33-34, P67.. 1998.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Synthesized investigate team in Inner Mongolia-Ningxia, CAS. West of northeast Forest in Inner Mongolia autonomy region, Science publishing house, P82-101.. 1981.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Sun Jinzhu. Natural condition and reconstruct in Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia people' s publishing house, P188-189.. 1976.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Inner Mongolia forest Department. Inner Mongolia autonomy region forest statistic data,P75.. 1987.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Hu Chun(chief editor). Inner Mongolia autonomy region climate resources about agriculture, forest and animal husbandry, Inner Mongolia people's publishing house, P45-47.. 1984.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Water and soil conservation bureau, Yellow River irrigation works committee of Department of water and electricity. Water and soil conservation economy benefit thesis collecting, P45-47.. 1987.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Zhang Pangchuen, A study on the benefit of shelter belt in the south part of Kerqin sand to agriculture increase in production. Journal of arid land resource and environment. Vol.4, no.1, P11-87.. 1990.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Sun Jinzhu,Chen Shan(chief editor). Inner Mongolia environment alarm beforehand and repair countermeasure. Inner Mongolia people's publishing house, P132.. 1994.
library of Department of Resource and Environmental Science, BNU.
Compilation Committee of Inner Mongolia Forest Inner Mongolia Forest, Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, 1989,299–319. 1989.
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Shelter Belt [中国]
The shelter belt is a strip or a row of trees planted in a farmland as a wind barrier to protect crops and reduce wind erosion.
- 编制者: Meili WEN