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Your search results (2436)

Kitui Sand dams

Kitui Sand dams [Kenya]

Masonry dam in seasonal watercourse or river that stores water in the sand which accumulates above it.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips of Napier grass, manure and organic fertilizers.

Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips … [Kenya]

The technology is a combination of agricultural (e.g. intercropping, manure/compost/mulching), vegetative (e.g. Napier grass strips, trees planting) and structural (e.g. ditches) measures which aim to maximise the overall land yield in a sustainable manner (e.g. reducing soil erosion and increasing soil quality).

  • Compiler: Laura D'Aietti
Conservation Agriculture

Conservation Agriculture [Kenya]

Conservation Agriculture is a concept for resource-saving agricultural crop production that strives to achieve acceptable profits together with high and sustained production levels while concurrently conserving the environment.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Retention ditches

Retention ditches [Kenya]

Retention ditches, also called infiltration ditches, are larger ditches designed to catch and retain all incoming runoff for infiltration into the soil.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Rotational grazing

Rotational grazing [Kenya]

Rotational grazing is a process whereby livestock are strategically moved to fresh paddocks, or partitioned pasture areas, to allow vegetation in previously grazed pastures to regenerate.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga

Mulching [Kenya]

Mulching is done by covering the soil surface between crop rows, around trees (mostly fruit and orchard) or vegetables with cut grass, crop residues, straw or other plant material in order to retain soil moisture, prevent or suppress weed growth and enhance soil structure.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Artificial Grassed Waterway

Artificial Grassed Waterway [Kenya]

Artificial grassed waterways are constructed waterways established for transportation of concentrated flow at safe velocities using adequate vegetation.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Fanya Juu Terraces - Nappier grass+Swetpotatoes

Fanya Juu Terraces - Nappier grass+Swetpotatoes [Kenya]

Fanya juu terraces stabilized with nappier grass and sweet potatoes are earth bunds created by digging a trench along a contour and throwing the soil up slope to form an embankment that is stabilized with nappier grass and during maintenance phase, the accumulated sediments are removed and thrown on the …

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga