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Your search results (2436)

Liquid Pollination for Date Palm Production

Liquid Pollination for Date Palm Production [Oman]

Pollination of date palms is essential to ensure good quality yield. Currently, pollination is done manually: this is a costly process and dangerous. Mechanised Liquid Pollination (MLP) reduces variable costs by 80% and prevents causalities while maintaining yield.

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist
مشروع استقطاب الضباب والذي يهدف إلى الإستفادة من المياه المشبع بها الغلاف الجوي في موسم الخريف حيث يتم تجميعها في خزانات خاصة عن طريق الشباك التي تعمل على تكثيف الطوبة الجوية وذلك للاستفادة منها في رَي الأشجار البرية التي تكون قد تم زراعتها في الموقع وذلك بعد انقضاء الموسم.

مشروع استقطاب الضباب والذي يهدف إلى الإستفادة من … [Oman]

تكسو جبال محافظة ظفار والتي تقع في أقصى الجنوب من السلطنة سحب محملة بكميات كبيرة من بخار الماء قادمة من بحر العرب وذلك خلال الفترة الممتدة من شهر يونيو ولغاية شهر سبتمبر "فصل الخريف" حيث قامت الوزارة وبالتعاون مع الجهات الحكومية والأهلية في محافظة ظفار بتحديد عدد من المواقع لتنفيذ …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Water Use Management Plan (WUMP)

Water Use Management Plan (WUMP) [Pakistan]

The overall purpose of WUMP is to compile an inventory of available water ressources in a particular geographical or administrative area, to identify communities' priorities in order to achieve an effective, equitable and efficient use of water resources at local level. This approach promotes a participatory and inclusive analysis and …

  • Compiler: Eveline Studer
Hydraulic Ram Pump assisted river water lifting and application of stored water through drip irrigation for alley cropping

Hydraulic Ram Pump assisted river water lifting and … [Pakistan]

The water from a contour canal (off-taking from Khunjrab River) was lifted through hydro ram pump to uphill plastic storage and distributed to alley cropping (newly established orchard and vegetable rows) through drip irrigation.

  • Compiler: Muhammad Mudassar Maqsood
Solar Power Water Lifting and  Application to Orchard through Drip Irrigation

Solar Power Water Lifting and Application to Orchard … [Pakistan]

Water from the Hunza river was lifted through solar powered pump, stored above ground plastic tanks and applied to newly planted apple orchards through efficient drip irrigation. Mulch was applied to the plants to conserve soil moisture.

  • Compiler: Madhav Dhakal
Sub-surface water harvesting for an efficient use of water resources

Sub-surface water harvesting for an efficient use of … [Pakistan]

The purpose of this water harvesting technology is to capture, collect and distribute sub-surface water. First, an infiltration gallery is developed, which allows the percolation and collection of sub-surface water through perforated pipes at a depth of approximately 3-4.5 metres. Sub-surface water is filtered by gravel/sand underground and infiltrates into …

  • Compiler: Eveline Studer