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Your search results (2436)

Savings Book Approach

Savings Book Approach [Tajikistan]

Reforestation of deserted state forest plots through a financial incentive system for the labour intensive first years of forest establishment, after which harvests of forest products from the plot provide income opportunities for the forest tenants and the State Forestry Agency (in the frame of CACILM).

  • Compiler: Roziya Kirgizbekova
District Wheat Seed Association

District Wheat Seed Association [Tajikistan]

The Seed Association was established with the aims of improving the living conditions, food security, land management and crop rotation systems in irrigated and rain fed areas. The Seed association in Muminabad is registered at a district level and coordinates the activities of the farmers and members.

  • Compiler: Sa'dy Odinashoev
Livestock Committee at Village Level

Livestock Committee at Village Level [Tajikistan]

Livestock committees were established with the goal to improve livestock health as well as natural resource management in the watersheds where the village pastures were situated. Livestock committees in the Muminabad district are organised at village level and coordinate their activities through the registered livestock association at district level.

  • Compiler: Sa'dy Odinashoev
Village school participation and involvement

Village school participation and involvement [Tajikistan]

A competitive tendering process for project grant money to implement identified SLM practices within a community, and on completion of the implementation activities the village school will be assigned ownership and responsibility for the maintenance and sustainability.

  • Compiler: Daler Domullojonov
Joint Forest Management (JFM)

Joint Forest Management (JFM) [Tajikistan]

Protection and rehabilitation of state forests based on joint long term agreements set up between the State Forestry Agency, and local forest users (in the frame of CACILM).

  • Compiler: Roziya Kirgizbekova