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Your search results (2426)


ការប្រើធាងដូងជាគម្របដីសម្រាប់ផលិតកម្មដំណាំត្រឡាច [Cambodia]

បច្ចេកទេសគម្របដីដោយប្រើធាងដូងសម្រាប់ដំណាំត្រឡាច ដើម្បីរក្សាសំណើមដី កាត់បន្ថយរំហួត បន្ថយស្មៅចង្រៃ សន្សំសំចៃទឹក ការពារការហូរច្រោះ និងបង្កើនទិន្នផលដំណាំ។

  • Compiler: Sok Pheak
Alliance Farming

Alliance Farming [Cameroon]

Alliance farming refers to collaboration between crop farmers and pastoralists, who agree to use the same land and related resources (crop residues as fodder for pastoralists; dung as fertilizer for crop farmers) for their mutual benefit.

  • Compiler: Blasius Azuhnwi
Engrais vert avec Tithonia

Engrais vert avec Tithonia [Cameroon]

Les feuilles et tiges de Tithonia diversifolia sont appliqués sur le sol comme engrais vert àfin d'augmenter le taux de nutriments et de la matière organique dans le sol.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Forest Beekeeping

Forest Beekeeping [Cameroon]

Apiculture (beekeeping) is a traditional practice providing a high number of non-timber forest products.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Le verger permaculturel de miracle farms

Le verger permaculturel de miracle farms [Canada]

Un verger, planté avec différentes espèces fruitières et fixatrices d'azote alternés dans les rangées, est conduit sans pesticides grâce à une diversité de plantes (dont plantes aromatiques), qui de plus attirent des insectes utiles.

  • Compiler: Stefan Graf
Agricultural land degradation indicator system

Agricultural land degradation indicator system [Canada]

The Sustainability and Landscape Vulnerability Agri-Environmental Indicator. The overarching goal of the Sustainability and Landscape Vulnerability (SLV) Agri-Environmental Indicator (AEI) is to provide information that supports the sustainable use of Canada’s agricultural landscapes. Conceptually, the SLV-AEI will be an assessment of the loss and gain of the ability of the …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS