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Your search results (2436)

Drought Proofing Perennially Drought Prone Villages

Drought Proofing Perennially Drought Prone Villages [India]

Rain water use and storage Eco friendly sustainable agriculture Develop waste land, sloppy land and forest land (control of erosion loss Kitchen gardens for nutritional security Testing of SRI and mixed cropping )Soil conservation, land shaping, pasture development, vegetative bunding

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Ravine Reclamation

Ravine Reclamation [India]

Developing cost-effective and appropriate technology that complements community knowledge. Natural regeneration of available rootstock, enrichment plantation & seeding of native and endangered species, low cost measures undertaken to conserve soil, water & nutrients within the ecosystem|

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Sustainable Land-use Planning at Village Level for Management of Natural Resources and Livelihoods enhancement

Sustainable Land-use Planning at Village Level for Management … [India]

SPWD has done a broad ecological characterization of the Jaisamand catchment area and identified the major ecological issues associated with each major livelihood system in the area. This along with the use of the Participatory resource mapping tool, formed the basis of optimisation of resources. |

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Community Forest Rights

Community Forest Rights [India]

Use of the Forest Rights Act to get the village their forest area’s tenure rights. Impart knowledge to the villager about Forest Rights Act and its provision. Hold capacity building and knowledge dissemination workshop with all stakeholders including forest department officials for operationalisation of the act. All these processes are …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Revival of Nala / River

Revival of Nala / River [India]

Silting up of nala/river used to be resulted in flooding and water logging of the fields situated near nala/river. This renders the land unfit for cultivation. KJBF has widened and desilted the nala/river ensuring water harvesting mechanism across the widened nala/river.

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Organic Wadi Development- an integrated approach for the livelihood enhancement of tribal community

Organic Wadi Development- an integrated approach for the … [India]

The project design is based on family approach and centred on the development of ORGANIC WADI (Orchard) enhancing livelihoods of the underpriveleged tribal community. The participating households spare a minimum of one acre land for wadi palntation.

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Rural Knowledge Centre

Rural Knowledge Centre [India]

In the case of desertification, there is a need for a permanent knowledge centre (RKC) which could provide training and demonstration, allow access to specialized knowledge and provide assistance to make contact with government agencies, voluntary bodies and individuals in the development field.|

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Paddy Field Terrace

Paddy Field Terrace [Indonesia]

Subak : Organization established by farmers to maintain irrigation systems, paddy field terrace, and irrigation water distribution.

  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner