وصف موجز لأفضل ممارسة
Native trees were planted in public areas to promote the advantages of these trees and encourage further plantings on the island.
Nassau, The Bahamas|
تقدير عدد السكان المقيمين في الموقع:
وصف موجز للبيئة الطبيعية ضمن الموقع المحدد.
Predominantly disturbed land
Predominantly low and flat, with wetland areas.
The land is flat, low laying soil of limestone. The soil is alkaline, usually in the range 7.5 t0 8.5.|
الظروف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية السائدة للسكان الذين يقطنون الموقع و/أو قريبًا منه
US$29,700 per capita (based on purchasing power parity as estimated in 2009). |
i. Tourism
ii. Banking & financial services
Most land on the island is privately owned; there are some areas of Government land and Crown Land.