Wastelands development [India]

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الكيان المبلغ: Gram Bharati Samiti

وضح ما إذا كانت التقنية المذكورة في النموذج، أو في جزء منه، مشمولة بحقوق الملكية: : نعم

Comments: GBS implemented a project wasteland development in district Jaipur in the Rajasthan state of India. The activities carried out under the project included soil and moisture conservation, plugging the gullies and ravines, harvesting the rain water, planting trees, stabilizing sand dunes, regenerating the indigenous plant species etc. in collaboration with the women members of SHG and youth volunteers of the area. The problems of fuel, fodder and potable water of 2,000 poor people of backward castes of neighboring 10 villages were solved through the project. The UNDP recognized the project as one of the success stories of wastelands development. |

Completeness: 86%

معلومات عامة

معلومات عامة

عنوان أفضل الممارسات:

Wastelands development



الكيان المبلغ:

Gram Bharati Samiti

حقوق الملكية

وضح ما إذا كانت التقنية المذكورة في النموذج، أو في جزء منه، مشمولة بحقوق الملكية: :


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، يُرجى ذكر المعلومات ذات الصلة والمتعلقة بالجهة صاحبة الحقوق:

GBS implemented a project wasteland development in district Jaipur in the Rajasthan state of India. The activities carried out under the project included soil and moisture conservation, plugging the gullies and ravines, harvesting the rain water, planting trees, stabilizing sand dunes, regenerating the indigenous plant species etc. in collaboration with the women members of SHG and youth volunteers of the area. The problems of fuel, fodder and potable water of 2,000 poor people of backward castes of neighboring 10 villages were solved through the project. The UNDP recognized the project as one of the success stories of wastelands development. |


الاستخدام الأرضي السائد في الموقع المحدد

  • الأراضي غير المنتجة

Barren, infertile, gullied sandy wasteland

المساهمة في التدابير الخاصة بالتصحر وتدهور الأراضي والجفاف

  • التكيف

المساهمة في الأهداف الإستراتيجية

  • تحسين الظروف المعيشية لسكان المناطق المتأثرة
  • تحسين ظروف الأنظمة البيئية المتأثرة

الارتباط بالموضوعات الأخرى لأفضل الممارسات

  • بناء القدرات وزيادة الوعي
  • مراقبة وتقييم\بحث التصحر وتدهور الأراضي والجفاف والإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
  • إدارة المعرفة ودعم القرارات
  • المشاركة والتعاون والتواصل


القسم1- نطاق أفضل الممارسات: شروط الإطار (البيئة الطبيعية والبشرية)

وصف موجز لأفضل الممارسات

GBS in consultation of the local village communities conceptualised a plan of project for developing the wasteland near village Todaladi (later named as Gandhivan) in order to address the key problems of the people. The community people were agreed upon the proposal and assured of all kinds of their support for successfull implementation of the project. Then a Project Implementation and Monitoring Committee (PIMC)was formed involving all the key stakeholders, particularly the women and youth volunteers. The activities carried out under the project included soil and moisture conservation, plugging the gullies and ravines, harvesting the rain water, planting trees, stabilizing sand dunes, regenerating the indigenous plant species etc.|


Gandhivan in district Jaipour in the Rajasthan state of India

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares:


Estimated population living in the location:


وصف مختصر للبيئة الطبيعية في الموقع المحدد.

There were sand dunes only in the far away areas and not a single green leaf could be seen around. The project land was completely undulated with sand dunes, ravines and deep gullies. There was no vegetation cover over the neighboring hills.|
The area is on the foothills of the Aravalli ranges where there had been a thick forest a few decades ago, which has been completely denuded during last couple of decades in want of fuel wood and the hills have completely been deforested.|
Partly sandy and partly loamy

الظروف الاجتماعية والاقتصادية السائدة للسكان الذين يقطنون الموقع و/أو قريبًا منه

Most of the people have very small land hordings and many are landless labourer. Though they have ownership over these small pieces of land, but sinse they don't have any source of irrigation, they can't get good crops and only depend on the monsoon, which is very uncertain and scattered in the area.|
The resourceless poor people of backward castes and classes are residing in the neighboring villages, who solely depend on the forests for fuel wood to coock food and no other alternative is availlable. |
As most of the community people are marginal farmers or land less labourers, their main source of income is cattle rearing and working on the frams of big farmers. Therefore, many of them migrate to big cities in search of jobs when there is no farming season.|

على أساس أي من المعايير و/أو المؤشر (المؤشرات) (التي لا تتعلق بالاستراتيجية) تم اعتبار الممارسات والتقنيات المناسبة على أنها "أفضل"؟

As the project mentiioned here solved successfully the problem of fuel, fodder and potable water of the people of the neighboring 10 villages through developing the 'wasteland', which was generally known as barren, infertile and quite useless. Further, it strengthened the biodiversity of the area by conserving the flora and fauna and changed the ecological scenerio. The 'waste' land of a time has been transformed into the 'best'land of today with a thick forest of over one hudred thousand plants of various species.|

القسم 2- المشكلات التي تمت معالجتها (الأسباب المباشرة وغير المباشرة) وأهداف أفضل الممارسات

حدد المشكلات الخاصة بتدهور التربة والتي تمت معالجتها من خلال أفضل الممارسات

As the rain water flowing from the neighboring hills was eroding the soil of the flanking area, GBS built 2 check dams to harvest it and plugged over 30 deep gullies by erecting bunds and mulching them with grasses and bushes. It not only checked the soil erosion and land degradation, but conserved sufficient water and moisture, which helped in nurturing more and more trees as garner of good quality fodder and enough fuel wood for the community people.|

حدد أهداف أفضل الممارسات

The main objective of said best practice was to solve the problem of fuel, fodder and potable water of the poor people of backward catses and classes of 10 villages of the area.|

القسم 3- الأنشطة

وصف مختصر للأنشطة الرئيسية، من خلال الأهداف

Plugged 30 deep gullies with erecting bunds and mulching them with grasses and bushes etc. to check the soil erosion and land degradation.
Stabilized 26 sand dunes through plnting trees on furrows, contours, bench terraces etc.|
Plated 80,000 trees of various spoecies in consultation with the local community people|
Hravested the rain water by building 2 check dams on the foot hills to conserve the water flowing from te hills.

وصف موجز للتقنية ومواصفاتها الفنية

It was decided under the best practioce of the project that no chemical fertilizers and pesticides will be used and it was follwed throughout the implementation of the project. Rather organic manure and herbal pesticides were used. The species of the plants were selected on the basis of their adaptabilities. The tools and implements were used locally made and availlable. The techniques for raising saplings in the nursery, planting trees, building check dams, plugging gullies and satbilizing sand dunes etc. were planned and used in consultation with the community leaders which were based on the indigenous technology and past practices of the villages|
Locally availlable bulding materials i.e. stones, plant species i.e. grasses and bushes, locally availlable tools and equipments etc. were used in the project. |

القسم 4- المؤسسات/الممثلون المشاركون (التعاون، المشاركة، دور الجهات المعنية)

اسم وعنوان المؤسسة التي تقوم بتطوير التقنية

Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS)|Amber Bhawan, Amber
Jaipur 302 028

هل تم تطوير التقنية بشكل مشترك؟


حدد إطار العمل والذي من خلاله تم تطوير التقنية

  • المبادرة المرتكزة على البرنامج/المشروع


هل ساهمت مشاركة الجهات المعنية المحلية، بما في ذلك منظمات المجتمع المدني في تعزيز عملية تطوير التقنية؟


في حالة الإجابة بنعم، اسرد الجهات المعنية المحلية المشاركة:

Local NGOs, community leaders, women members of SHG and youth volunteers|

بالنسبة للجهات المعنية المدرجة أعلاه، حدد دورهم في التصميم، والتقديم، واستخدام وصيانة التقنية، إن وجدت.

The stakeholders discussed the design, use, repair and maintenance of the technology in the monthly meetings of the PIMC and solve the problem while testing in the field|

هل شارك السكان القاطنون في هذا الموقع و/أو قريبًا منه في تطوير التقنية؟


By means of what?
  • الاستشارة
  • المناهج التشاركية



القسم 5- المساهمة في التأثير

صف التأثير على المكان (التأثيران الرئيسيان حسب الفئة)

The area of barren sand dunes of a time has been transformed into a thick forest today, biodiversity strengthened and flora and fauna conserved.|
Production of the check dams, tree species planted, gullies plugged and sand dunes stbilized was more than expected benefits|
Over 2,000 households of villages of the area need not to spend money and labour on buying fuel and fodder. |
The over all ecology of the area has been enriched
Rain water harvested and soil erosion and land degradation checked has brought out tremendous results.
The money being spent in fetching water from far away wells for their cattle could be saved.

صف التأثيرين الرئيسيين خارج الموقع (أي التي لا تحدث في الموقع ولكن في المناطق المحيطة)

The practice of cattle rearing has increased, which was stopped during last couple of years|
Migration of the youth of the area has been checked.

التأثير على التنوع البيولوجي والتغير المناخي

شرح الأسباب:

The level of underground water has increased by 2 to 5 meters in the area and carbon emmission has decreased extensively (though it has yet to be measured).
The project has increased in the generation of the wild animals and birds and number of plant species of medicinal and other values. The extensive vegetation cover over the sand dunes and flanking area has changed the scenerio.
More and more community people in the rural areas have been inspired to plant trees and harvest the rain water.

هل تم إجراء تحليل التكلفة والمنفعة؟

هل تم إجراء تحليل التكلفة والمنفعة؟ :



Cost to be incurred on fuel and fodder of the village communities could be saved widely

القسم 6- اتخاذ القرار والتكرار

هل يمكنك تحديد الثلاثة ظروف الرئيسية التي قادت إلى نجاح أفضل الممارسات/التقنية المقدمة؟

It can be replicated any where else with some changes due to the land and weather conditions etc.
It motivated the local farmers and volunteers to adopt the activities of the project into their own fields, particularly the tree plantation, practice of gully plugging for checking soil erosion and land degradation.|
The federal and state Government and many private institutions in India and other countries including a delegation of SAARC countries, that visited the best practice, have appreciated the project and conferred GBS with many awards. |


في رأيك، هل يمكن تكرار أفضل الممارسات/التقنية التي اقترحتها، ولكن مع بعض التغيير، في الأماكن الأخرى؟ :


إذا كانت الإجابة نعم، ففي أي مستوى؟:
  • المحلي
  • ما دون الوطني
  • الوطني

القسم 7- الدروس المستفادة

المتعلقة بالموارد البشرية

The women members of SHG and youth volunteers have got adequate training to implement the project activities

المتعلقة بالجوانب المالية

The cost of fuel and fodder can be saved to a good extent through these activities

المتعلقة بالجوانب الفنية

It has proved that 'Small is always beautiful'. Indigenous technology is really cost effective and useful.

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