Central Asian Countries Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (CACILM) [طاجيكستان]
- تاريخ الإنشاء:
- تحديث:
- جامع المعلومات: Firdavs Faizulloev
- المحرر: –
- المراجعون: David Streiff, Alexandra Gavilano, Joana Eichenberger
Фермерские полевые школы
approaches_2439 - طاجيكستان
- Central Asian Countries Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (CACILM): 2 نوفمبر، 2021 (public)
- Central Asian Countries Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (CACILM): 8 أغسطس، 2017 (inactive)
- Central Asian Countries Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (CACILM): 6 يوليو، 2017 (inactive)
- Фермерские полевые школы: 6 يوليو، 2017 (inactive)
عرض الأقسام
توسيع الكل طي الكل1. معلومات عامة
1.2 تفاصيل الاتصال بالأشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات والمؤسسات المعنية بتقييم وتوثيق النهج
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
متخصص في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي:
Urakov Buran
UNDP, Farmers Field School Consultant
اسم المشروع الذي سهّل توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM I)اسم المشروع الذي سهّل توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
Pilot Program for Climate Resilience, Tajikistan (WB / PPCR)اسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
United Nations Development Program (United Nations Development Program) - طاجيكستاناسم المؤسسة (المؤسسات) التي سهلت توثيق/تقييم النهج (إذا كان ذلك على صلة)
CDE Centre for Development and Environment (CDE Centre for Development and Environment) - سويسرا1.3 الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT
متى تم تجميع البيانات (ميدانيا)؟:
يوافق جامع المعلومات والشخص (لاشخاص) الرئيسي لمصدر المعلومات على الشروط المتعلقة باستخدام البيانات الموثقة من خلال WOCAT:
1.4 المراجع الخاصة باستبيان(استبيانات) تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي

Pest management with pheromone insect traps [طاجيكستان]
Coloured pheromone traps are set up in agricultural fields to attract and eradicate flying insect pests.
- جامع المعلومات: Firdavs Faizulloev

Rehabilitation of poor soils through agroforestry [طاجيكستان]
An agroforestry system with peach, plum, sweet cherry and persimmon trees was established on a plot of land, with poor soil quality.
- جامع المعلومات: Natalia Mityakova
2. وصف نهج الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
2.1 وصف موجز للنهج
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are held to fill farmer's gaps in knowledge on the use of sustainable agricultural technologies, efficient irrigation water use and prevention of land degradation using trials tailored to local conditions.
2.2 وصف تفصيلي للنهج
وصف تفصيلي للنهج:
Aims / objectives: Farmer field schools are part of the UNDP-GEF project on “Demonstrating Local Responses to Combating Land Degradation and Improving Sustainable Land Management in SW Tajikistan”. They were established with the aim to address the dissemination of sustainable agricultural technologies, and the introduction of new crops. Currently, many farmers in Tajikistan may not previously have been farmers during Soviet times and therefore may lack detailed agricultural knowledge and experience.
Methods: The FFS training is voluntary and the opportunities to attend are announced at Jamoat level. Each year 4 different groups, each comprising 10 to 20 farmers are formed in 4 different Jamoats. The learning comprises a range of activities from classroom teaching to hands-on field experience. The content of the training sessions are effectively adapted to the relevant season and crops as well as to the pests that may occur. The field school addresses some of the following topics; cultivation of winter wheat, potatoes, tomatoes and melons, adequate post harvest handling, use of trees and shelterbelts, generation of quality seeds, pest management, efficient use of irrigation water, etc. The field from which the FFS participants learn about agriculture in practice is a 0.5 ha plot provided by one of the farmers.
Stages of implementation: Before the start of the FFS, 4 local agronomists from target Jamoats were recruited by UNDP and sent on a study tour to Russia. These agronomists in their capacity as a Local FFS Consultant started running FFSs in each Jamoat. Initially, in conjunction with the National FFS Consultant of the SLM project, the local consultants organised several meetings with local farmers in order to identify their training needs. Taking into account the needs of farmers the curricula was prepared and the training schedule was agreed with the farmers/participants.
Role of stakeholders: The project engaged women who are generally considered landless and vulnerable. They were involved in the demo plots on the basis of agreement signed between a local women’s group and a farmer, who owned the land. According to this agreement 70% of the harvest is distributed among the women, and 30% remains for farmer. In addition, many training sessions on pest management, planting of tomatoes, potatoes etc were delivered to women at the demo plot. To ensure food security at the household level training on canning, preparation of juice and how to make jam were conducted. However, more male than female farmers participated in the FFS. This is linked to the fact that the role of male farmers on Dehkan farms is to take decisions on cropping patterns and instruct other farmers. Therefore better dissemination of knowledge is expected from male farmers participating.
Other important information: The project has been efficient in providing micro-loans through an agreement with the micro-loan organisation “Rushdi Obshoron” for agricultural purposes in all four Jamoats, In total, 100,000USD has been distributed to 4 Jamoats.
2.3 صور عن النهج
2.5 البلد/المنطقة/المواقع التي تم تطبيق النهج فيها
مزيد من التفاصيل حول الموقع:
×2.6 تواريخ بدء وإنهاء تنفيذ النهج
أشر إلى سنة البدء:
سنة الإنهاء (إذا لم يعد النهج مطبقًا):
2.7 نوع النهج
- قائم على مشروع/برنامج
2.8 الغايات/الأهداف الرئيسية للنهج
The Approach focused mainly on other activities than SLM (agricultural production, market regulation, value chain development, seed multiplication )
The main aim of the approach is to support a change in mindset from a collective farming (Kolhoz) approach led by the state, onto private farmers putting more responsibility with the land users themselves. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, many collective farms disintegrated and as a result of land reforms, the Dehkan farms came into being. People without an agricultural background could set up their own Dehkan farms and become farmers. However, a lack of knowledge and expertise frequently led to inappropriate land use which has contributed to land degradation. The objectives of FFS are to provide training sessions to farmers to improve their knowledge of better farming practices and the more rational use of land and water resources.
The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: lack of technical agricultural and ‘market economy’ knowledge, poverty
2.9 الظروف التي تمكن أو تعيق تنفيذ التقنية/التقنيات المطبقة بموجب النهج
المعايير والقيم الاجتماعية /الثقافية/ الدينية
- معيق
Many women in the region do not own their own land and can therefore be very vulnerable
Treatment through the SLM Approach: They were involved in the FFS receiving special training on pest management, planting of tomatoes, potatoes, vegetable canning, preparation of juice etc. A benefit sharing agreement was signed between the women’s group and the farmer who owned the land
توفر/الوصول إلى الموارد والخدمات المالية
- معيق
Lack of financial resources to buy fuel, fertilisers, livestock etc.
Treatment through the SLM Approach: A microloan organisation is providing credit loans from 2000-9000 Somoni (450-2,000 USD)
الإطار القانوني (حيازة الأراضي، وحقوق استخدام الأراضي والمياه)
- معيق
The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights moderately hindered the approach implementation Initially, farmers had no freedom to farm, meaning they were not allowed to choose which crops they would grow, however, after the economic crisis this changed.
المعرفة حول الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي، والوصول إلى الدعم الفني
- معيق
In general farmer’s agricultural knowledge is weak. Especially as after the collapse of the Soviet Union anybody could get some land and become a farmer, even people who did not have a traditional farming background and therefore no agricultural knowledge
Treatment through the SLM Approach: In the field schools farmers are receiving training about new agricultural technologies and have the chance to get advice about their particular problems
غير ذلك
- معيق
No quality seeds were available
Treatment through the SLM Approach: UNDP provided seeds and ensured that a multiplication mechanism took place
3. المشاركة وأدوار الأطراف المعنية
3.1 أصحاب المصلحة المعنيون بالنهج وأدوارهم
- مستخدمو الأراضي المحليون/المجتمعات المحلية
Local agronomists from Jamoat level were sent to Russia on a study trip to learn from Russian experiences with sustainable land management
Landless women, individual farmers
Only 1/3 of the participants were women. This is linked to the fact that the role of male farmers on Dehkan farms is to take decisions on cropping patterns and instruct other farmers. Therefore better dissemination of knowledge is expected from male farmers participating.
Landless women who are very vulnerable.
- متخصصون في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي / مستشارون زراعيون
International specialists
National and local level consultants
- منظمة غير حكومية
National agronomists working as consultants for UNDP
- منظمة دولية
إذا كان هناك العديد من الأطراف المعنية، قم بالإشارة إلى الوكالة الرائدة:
3.2 انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية في المراحل المختلفة للنهج
انخراط مستخدمي الأراضي المحليين/المجتمعات المحلية | حدد من شارك وصف الأنشطة | |
المبادرة/التحفيز | سلبي | |
التخطيط | سلبي | |
التنفيذ | سلبي | Farmers only participated in FFS and were not involved in developing the content of training |
الرصد/التقييم | تفاعلي | No monitoring of the theoretical part of the approach took place, monitoring of land users success in applying the taught practices included interactive participation of land users. |
Research | تفاعلي | Some research on crop performance was undertaken with interactive involvement of land users. |
3.3 مخطط التدفق (إذا كان متاحًا)
Before the start of the FFS 4 local agronomists from target Jamoats were recruited by UNDP and sent on a study tour to Russia. These local FFS consultants then started running a FFS in each Jamoat.
Julie Zähringer (Baumackerstr. 51, 8050 Zürich)
3.4 اتخاذ القرار بشأن اختيار تقنية/تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
حدد من الذي قرر اختيار التقنية/التقنيات التي سيتم تنفيذها:
- متخصصون في الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي بشكل أساسي، بعد التشاور مع مستخدمي الأراضي
Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users
4. الدعم الفني وبناء القدرات وإدارة المعرفة
4.1 بناء القدرات/التدريب
هل تم تقديم التدريب لمستخدمي الأراضي / الأطراف المعنيين الآخرين؟:
حدد من تم تدريبه:
- مستخدمو الأراضي
- موظفون ميدانيون/ مستشارون
شكل التدريب:
- في العمل
- من مزارع إلى مزارع
- مناطق العرض
- دورات
المواضيع المغطاة:
Sustainable irrigation water use, integrated crop management, tree planting for biodrainage, preventing gully formation, crop storage, effective seed production, pest management
4.2 خدمة استشارية
هل يملك مستخدمو الأراضي وصولا إلى خدمة استشارية؟:
حدد ما إذا كانت الخدمة الاستشارية متوفرة:
- في حقول مستخدمي الأراضي
Farmer Field Schools: Key elements: Classroom courses, Farmer to farmer visits, Demonstration plots; Research is done on demonstration plots. Farmer to farmer visits are needed for an exchange of experience between different farmers.
Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; As they were provided with adequate training, the local level consultants are now able to continue holding training in farmer field schools. If the provision of micro-loans and the pay-back scheme keep working, funding will be available to ensure continuation.
4.3 تعزيز المؤسسات (التطوير التنظيمي)
هل تم إنشاء أو تعزيز مؤسسات من خلال هذا النهج؟:
- نعم، باعتدال
حدد المستوى (المستويات) التي تم فيها تعزيز أو إنشاء المؤسسات:
- محلي
حدد نوع الدعم:
- مالي
- بناء القدرات/التدريب
اعط مزيدا من التفاصيل:
infrastructure, classrooms
4.4 الرصد والتقييم
هل يشكل الرصد والتقييم جزءا من النهج؟:
technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: on farm productivity
bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by land users through observations; indicators: market situation
economic / production aspects were regular monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: None
no. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: None
There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None
There were several changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Exchange of experiences between different Jamoats (Jamoats differed in types of crops cultivated).
4.5 البحوث
هل كانت البحوث جزءًا من النهج؟:
حدد المواضيع:
- الاقتصاد / التسويق
- علم الايكولوجيا
- تكنولوجيا
أعط تفاصيل إضافية وأشر إلى من قام بالبحوث:
Experiments about intercropping of different crop species. Local consultants also undertook research on marketing of different crops, which crop should be grown, and when for example, in order to achieve the best prices.
Research was carried out on-farm
5. التمويل والدعم المادي الخارجي
5.1 الميزانية السنوية لمكون الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي في النهج المذكور
إذا لم تكن الميزانية السنوية الدقيقة معروفة، قم بالإشارة إلى نطاقها:
- 1,000000-100،000
التعليقات (على سبيل المثال المصادر الرئيسية للتمويل/الجهات المانحة الرئيسية):
Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (GEF / UNDP): 100.0%
5.2 الدعم المالي/المادي المقدم لمستخدمي الأراضي
هل حصل مستخدمو الأراضي على دعم مالي/ مادي لتنفيذ التقنية/ التقنيات؟:
5.3 إعانات لمدخلات محددة (بما في ذلك العمالة)
- عمالة
إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
ممول بالكامل | Salary of consultants |
- معدات
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
الآلات | not financed | |
- زراعة
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
بذور | ممول بالكامل | |
- بنى تحتية
حدد المدخلات التي تم دعمها | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
classrooms | ممول بالكامل | |
- غير ذلك
غير ذلك(حدد) | إلى أي مدى | حدد الإعانات |
Study trip for local consultants to Russia | ممول بالكامل |
إذا كان العمل من قبل مستخدمي الأراضي مدخلاً جوهريًا، فهل كان:
- تطوعي
5.4 الائتمان
هل تم توفير ائتمان في إطار نهج أنشطة الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
حدد الشروط (معدل الفائدة، فترة السداد، الخ.):
Interest rate charged: 1.5%; repayment conditions: A microloan organisation was established and equiped by UNDP with a starting capital of USD 200,000. The interest rate is 1.5% per month, which is considered low compared to credits provided by other financial institutions. Moreover, it requires very limited papers to be provided for get a loan. Farmers pay back loans in cash. .
Interest was lower than market rate.
5.5 حوافز أو وسائل أخرى
هل تم استخدام حوافز أو أدوات أخرى لتشجيع تنفيذ تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
6. تحليل الأثر والتصريحات الختامية
6.1 آثار النهج
هل ساعد النهج مستخدمي الأراضي على تنفيذ وصيانة تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
More holistic thinking, including crop selection, cultural practices, conservation, integrated pest management etc. However, the number of farmers participating in field schools is still somewhat limited.
هل ساهم النهج في تمكين الفئات المحرومة اجتماعيا واقتصاديا؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
Landless women were engaged in the field schools. The women groups kept 70% of the crop yield, while 30% was paid to the landowner of the demonstration plot. Food security increased for the women.
هل أدى النهج إلى تحسن في مسائل حيازة الأراضي / حقوق المستخدمين التي أعاقت تنفيذ تقنيات الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي؟:
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
The approach could not reduce the problem, it was a governmental decision. The problem is likely to be overcome in the near future.
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
The approach has not yet been disseminated over the country.
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
higher crop yields
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
- لا
- نعم، قليلا
- نعم، باعتدال
- نعم، إلى حد كبير
Higher income through increased crop production.
6.2 المحفز الرئيسي لقيام مستخدمي الأراضي بتنفيذ الإدارة المستدامة للأراضي
- زيادة الإنتاج
- الوجاهة والضغط الاجتماعي/التماسك الاجتماعي
- agricultural knowledge
- well-being and livelihoods improvement
6.3 استدامة أنشطة النهج
هل يمكن لمستخدمي الأراضي المحافظة على استدامة ما تم تنفيذه من خلال النهج (بدون دعم خارجي)؟:
- نعم
إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم، صف كيف:
Farmers who were trained in the field schools are now able to disseminate their knowledge to other farmers. For this they receive some 'in kind' contribution from the farmers they teach such as seeds etc.
6.4 نقاط قوة/مزايا النهج
نقاط القوة/ المزايا/ الفرص من وجهة نظر مستخدمي الأراضي |
Increased crop yields lead to increased family budget (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Ensure application of taught practices.) |
The farmers feel confident about what they do and are keen to disseminate their knowledge to other farmers (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Dissemination of knowledge to other farmers so that more people can profit, for example through farmer to farmer visits) |
The farmers know which crops to cultivate and how to adapt to the market conditions. |
Integrated pest management helps to fight diseases and leads to better onion yield (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Apply integrated pest management on all fields.) |
نقاط القوة/ المزايا/ الفرص من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات |
The farmers are trained on the rational use of land and water resources which helps to reduce land degradation. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: An emphasis has to be put on the prevention of land degradation.) |
Farmers from different backgrounds enrich their farming practices and fill gaps in agricultural knowledge Topics taught in FFS should be diversified and continually updated. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Topics taught in FFS should be diversified and always be up to date.) |
6.5 نقاط الضعف/ العيوب في المنهج وطرق التغلب عليها
نقاط الضعف/ المساوىء/ المخاطر من وجهة نظر جامع المعلومات أو غيره من الاشخاص الرئيسيين لمصدر المعلومات | كيف يمكن التغلب عليها؟ |
Until now the FFS were running free of charge to the participants, however, this should be changed in order to raise more money to continue with the field schools, but farmers might not be willing to pay immediately, it takes some time before the farmers realise the significance of the FFS | Farmers would be more willing to pay if they were asked for in kind contributions, rather tha cash. |
7. المراجع والروابط
7.1 طرق جمع/مصادر المعلومات
- زيارات ميدانية، مسوحات ميدانية
- مقابلات مع مستخدمي الأراضي
الروابط والوحدات المواضيعية
توسيع الكل طي الكلالروابط

Pest management with pheromone insect traps [طاجيكستان]
Coloured pheromone traps are set up in agricultural fields to attract and eradicate flying insect pests.
- جامع المعلومات: Firdavs Faizulloev

Rehabilitation of poor soils through agroforestry [طاجيكستان]
An agroforestry system with peach, plum, sweet cherry and persimmon trees was established on a plot of land, with poor soil quality.
- جامع المعلومات: Natalia Mityakova
الوحدات المواضيعية
لا يوجد وحدات مواضيعية