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Your search results (2433)

Keyhole Garden

Keyhole Garden [Bangladesh]

The Keyhole Garden model of homestead vegetable cultivation enhances the resilience of families living in areas with climate-related hazards, such as flooding and drought. Keyhole gardens have been shown to increase vegetable production in all seasons, thereby improving household food autonomy and dietary diversity.

  • Compiler: John Brogan
Traditional Shifting Cultivation

Traditional Shifting Cultivation [Bangladesh]

Traditional shifting cultivation is a rain-fed cultivation practice of the trible people of CHT (Chittagong Hill Tracts) for their subsistence, where natural vegetation is cleared off by slash-and-burn, to grow mixed annual crop for one year and then the land is left fallow for 3-5 years for natural regeneration.

  • Compiler: Abdul Gafur
Hill Agroforestry

Hill Agroforestry [Bangladesh]

Mixed fruits gardening on hill slope with forest trees on hill top and bamboo at the lower part of the hill.

  • Compiler: Jalal Uddin Md. Shoaib
Multipurpose Earthen Dam

Multipurpose Earthen Dam [Bangladesh]

Artificial earthen dam constructed in the narrow valley of the hills for water harvesting, aquaculture, house hold uses and irrigation.

  • Compiler: Sankar Paul
Floating Garden

Floating Garden [Bangladesh]

Floating Garden is a traditional technology, practiced in the southern parts of Bangladesh locally called “Baira” or “Dhap”. The technology allows producing crops, vegetables and seedlings in areas where farming land is scarce and where the land is flodded or water logged for more than six months in a year.

  • Compiler: Shamim Ahamed
Emergency infrastructure including shelter and linked transport infrastructure

Emergency infrastructure including shelter and linked transport infrastructure [Bangladesh]

Emergency infrastructure including shelter and linked transport infrastructure, consists in establishing specific flood shelters (for people and animals) including flood-proof collective water sources and communication infrastructure as well as health and school facilities that may serve at the same time as emergency shelters during floods.

  • Compiler: TUHIN SAMADDAR
Экологическая реабилитация деградированных болот Беларуси

Экологическая реабилитация деградированных болот Беларуси [Belarus]

Передовая практика базируется на осуществлении мероприятий по восстановлению гидрологического режима нарушенных болот и повторному заболачиванию выработанных торфяных месторождений на 15 проектных территориях площадью свыше 28,0 тыс. га, расположенных в различных природных регионах Беларуси. В целях экологической реабилитации деградированных болот разработана нормативная процедура проведения всего комплекса работ, выполнены научные обоснования, определены …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Undersowing grass in maize as a cover crop

Undersowing grass in maize as a cover crop [Belgium]

Undersowing of grass into maize helps prevent leaching of nitrogen in sandy soils, and keeps the soil surface covered year-round. However, the time of sowing, choice of grass variety and seeding rate are all crucial to its success.

  • Compiler: Alan Radbourne