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Your search results (66)

Implementation of a fog water capture system in a conservation area in the community of Shaushi.

Implementation of a fog water capture system in … [Ecuador]

The practice consists in the installation of a water capture system, coming from the fog of the Cerro Shaushi zone, that allows to cover the need of water for domestic consumption of the inhabitants of the upper zone of the Community of Shaushi.

  • Compiler: Raul Galeas
Franja Ribereña

Franja Ribereña [Ecuador]

Las franjas ribereñas se ubican adyacente a los ríos, lagos y embalses, humedales y planicies, y desempeñan importantes funciones ecológicas relacionadas a control de sedimentación, retención de agua, control de inundaciones, control de escorrentía, entre otras. Las franjas pueden constituirse de especies arbóreas, arbustos o pastizales de amplio desarrollo de …

  • Compiler: Pablo Caza
Community-Based Closed Area Management

Community-Based Closed Area Management [Ethiopia]

Area closure is a protection system to improve land with degraded vegetation and/or soil, by excluding livestock grazing and applying initial inputs and continuous maintenance. Once recovery is taking place through natural regeneration, area closures can become part of the agricultural system, thereby improving forage quantity and quality and also …

  • Compiler: Bekalu Bitew
Improved grazing land management

Improved grazing land management [Ethiopia]

Rehabilitation of communal grazing lands, through planting of improved grass and fodder trees and land subdivision, to improve fodder and consequently livestock production.

  • Compiler: Daniel Danano
Gully erosion management

Gully erosion management [Ethiopia]

Gully erosion management is the application of combination of practices to control excess or concentrated runoff generation in the gully upstream catchment area, divert excess runoff upstream of gully heads and control further development of gully using appropriate structural and vegetative measures in the head, bed and sides of the …

  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta Gessesse
Area closure

Area closure [Ethiopia]

Closure of degraded land is made on land that has lost vegetation cover, has low soil fertility . To speed up the regeneration process applying some SWC activities and enrichment plantation will be necessary.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Area closure for rehabilitation

Area closure for rehabilitation [Ethiopia]

Enclosing and protecting an area of degraded land from human use and animal interference, to permit natural rehabilitation, enhanced by additional vegetative and structural conservation measures.

  • Compiler: Daniel Danano
Area closure on degraded lands

Area closure on degraded lands [Ethiopia]

Area closure on degraded lands is a land management practice used to rehabilitate and conserve the natural resource bases, and enhance its natural regeneration and restoring capacity and productive functions by excluding animal and human interferences through community consultation and collective actions.

  • Compiler: Gizaw Desta Gessesse