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Your search results (266)

Grass strips enriched with Cajanus cajan

Grass strips enriched with Cajanus cajan [Madagascar]

Grass strips enriched with Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) are established at regular distances along a slope, ideally following the contour lines. They primarily function as anti-erosion barriers, but also produce food and fodder resources while contributing to soil fertility.

  • Compiler: Harifidy RAKOTO RATSIMBA
Sistemas de prácticas de MST en suelos con escasa precipitación en el semidesierto de Zacatecas

Sistemas de prácticas de MST en suelos con … [Mexico]

El sistema de prácticas de MST en planicie con pendiente no mayores del 5%, la cual consiste en la rotación de cultivos en dos ciclos denominados primavera-verano y otoño-invierno, donde en una parcela de 5 hectáreas se combinan frijol-avena y maíz-calabaza y triticale. Para el caso de la rotación frijol-avena, …

  • Compiler: Alejandra Castillo
Land reclamation by agave forestry with native species

Land reclamation by agave forestry with native species [Mexico]

Agave forestry land reclamation system with native agaves, trees, shrubs and grasses planted through participatory action for a sustainable production of mezcal and other products in order to generate high incomes for farmers.

  • Compiler: Christian Prat
Environmentally-Friendly Community Practices

Environmentally-Friendly Community Practices [Moldova, Republic of]

Community area development plans were developed taking into consideration the main problems, opportunities, necessities and wishes of the local population. All communities included afforestation of severely eroded land, re-establishing degraded forest belts and planting new forest lines, creating protection shields for aquatic areas, and an ecological education community program.

  • Compiler: Valentin Ciubotaru
Environmentally-friendly rural practices

Environmentally-friendly rural practices [Moldova, Republic of]

Various environmentally-friendly rural practices have been developed and applied in vineyards and orchards. These included contour tillage, strip cropping and buffer strips, as well as barriers to impede runoff made from straw and brushwood etc. There are also forest belts, channels for water retention and discharge, dams, and grassed waterways; …

  • Compiler: Valentin Ciubotaru

Terrasse [Morocco]

La terrasse correspond à une cassure de la pente du versant par la construction de murets, tallus ou de gradins. Elle permet de recueillir et infiltrer les eaux de pluie et par conséquent réduire le ruissellement et l'érosion des sols et améliorer le bilan hydrique du sol.

  • Compiler: Mohamed Sabir