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Your search results (383)

Применение гидрогелей для выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур в условиях низкой влажности почвы

Применение гидрогелей для выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур в условиях … [Uzbekistan]

Технология выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур с применением гидрогелей обеспечивает оптимальные условия увлажнения почвы и питания растений путем аккумуляции почвенной влаги и питательных веществ, и постепенной отдачи их растениям, что способствует повышению урожайности культур и улучшению качества урожая.

  • Compiler: Rustam Ibragimov
Winter Chickpea Planting in Cold Dry Areas

Winter Chickpea Planting in Cold Dry Areas [Uzbekistan]

The use of cold tolerant chickpeas, sown in autumn, significantly benefits farmers by realizing higher profits thanks to smaller amounts of fertilizers required, increased yields, and a better market price.

  • Compiler: Joren Verbist
Pasture shelterbelts in the desert zone

Pasture shelterbelts in the desert zone [Uzbekistan]

Creation of pasture-protective forest shelterbelts promotes ecological and phytocenotic compatibility of natural vegetation and forage plants. The pasture plant community structure improves and the forage capacity of desert pastures increases.

  • Compiler: Rustam Ibragimov
Almond  planting on shallow terraces to increase the efficiency of rainfed lands and to prevent erosion

Almond planting on shallow terraces to increase the … [Uzbekistan]

Almonds and other drought-tolerant tree species are planted in rainfed zone, poor in precipitation, on shallow terraces on gentle slopes. Tree plantations prevent the development of soil erosion on the slopes and provide local land users with additional income

  • Compiler: Rustam Ibragimov
Cultivation of  Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) to restore marginal lands and to increase local communities incomes

Cultivation of Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) to restore marginal … [Uzbekistan]

Cultivation of Indigofera (Indigofera tinctoria) is one of the ways to restore degraded saline lands with low agricultural potential, as well as the ability to diversify and increase the income of local communities through the production and sale of natural indigo dye, which is synthesized in the aboveground biomass of …

  • Compiler: Rustam Ibragimov