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Your search results (95)


Dams [Cape Verde]

Infrastructure of stone, mortar and concrete, built along the waterline, with the aim of retaining sediment dragged by water runoff.

  • Compiler: Jacques Tavares
Check dam for land

Check dam for land [China]

Check dam for land is a structural SLM practice that is constructed in the valley of a watershed in order to slow down the runoff and increase sedimentation. After this, the land quality of the controlling area will increase because soil and water conditions in this place are improved.

  • Compiler: Fei WANG
Check Dam

Check Dam [China]

Check dam refers to dam that constructed in the gullies or river ways and the height of the dam is often lower than 5m.

  • Compiler: Haiyan WEI
Small Watershed Comprehensive Development

Small Watershed Comprehensive Development [China]

Controlling a small watershed comprehensively with structural, vegetative, management, and agronomic measures based on harvesting area of ground water and underground water, to improve the production and conservation of land.

  • Compiler: Jun XIA
Constructed wetland with tile drainage

Constructed wetland with tile drainage [Czech Republic]

A constructed wetland connected to tile drains that slows drainage flow, removes nitrogen and pesticides from drainage waters, and improves biodiversity. Formed from a substrate of matured birch chips and gravel, and is planted with reeds (Phalaris arundinacea) and reed manna grass (Glyceria maxima).

  • Compiler: Petr Fučík