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Your search results (63)

Tree farming

Tree farming [Uganda]

the SWC technology entails growing of markhamia lutea trees like food crops involving application of manure and mulch.

  • Compiler: Alex Lwakuba
Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle

Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle [United Kingdom]

A mixture of silvopastoral agroforestry approaches, including extensive and rotational cattle grazing around trees, provide benefits for biodiversity as well as leaf fodder for cattle, edible fruits and nuts, and wood fuel.

  • Compiler: Alan Radbourne
Pasture shelterbelts in the desert zone

Pasture shelterbelts in the desert zone [Uzbekistan]

Creation of pasture-protective forest shelterbelts promotes ecological and phytocenotic compatibility of natural vegetation and forage plants. The pasture plant community structure improves and the forage capacity of desert pastures increases.

  • Compiler: Rustam Ibragimov