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Your search results (328)

Assisted Natural Regeneration on agro-pastoral, sylvo-pastoral and pastoral land

Assisted Natural Regeneration on agro-pastoral, sylvo-pastoral and pastoral … [Niger]

Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) in pastoral zones is a simple and low-cost agroforestry technique. It involves locating and preserving shoots from stumps of woody and herbaceous vegetation on communal land used for agro-pastoralism, sylvo-pastoralism or pastoralism. The aim is to accelerate the process of natural regeneration resulting from natural seedlings …

  • Compiler: Soumaila Abdoulaye
Assisted natural regeneration

Assisted natural regeneration [Niger]

Assisted natural regeneration (ANR) is an agroforestry technique, which consists in protecting and preserving tree seedlings growing naturally on cropland or forest/rangeland.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill

Tranchées [Niger]

Les tranchées fonctionnent comme des micro-retenues permettant d'intercepter des eaux de ruissellement et de les stocker

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Contour stone bunds

Contour stone bunds [Niger]

Contour stone bunds are erosion control structures and improve water retention and infiltration into the soil, resulting in an increased harvest.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill

Mulching [Niger]

Covering the soil with mulch protects it against wind and water erosion and provides nutrients which has a positive effect on yields and food security.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Couloirs de passage

Couloirs de passage [Niger]

The ‘couloirs de passage’ are formally defined passageways which channel the movements of livestock herds in the agro-pastoral zones of Niger, by linking pastures, water points and coralling areas, be it within village areas (internal couloirs) or on open land (external couloirs).

  • Compiler: Lemma Ababu

Murets [Niger]

Les murets servent à casser la vitesse de ruissellement en favorisant l'infiltration et le dépôt de terres en amont des ouvrages sur versants dénudés à sols caillouteux.

  • Compiler: Charles Bielders
Zai or tassa planting pits

Zai or tassa planting pits [Niger]

Zai planting pits are designed to collect rainwater and to conserve nutrients in order to improve crop production and food security.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill