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Your search results (327)

Pine Woodlot

Pine Woodlot [Uganda]

A Woodlot of Pine (Pinus caribaea) is a fast growing, tolerant tree based plantation established to address land cover depletion, soil fertility loss and soil erosion control.

  • Compiler: Kamugisha Rick Nelson
Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle

Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle [United Kingdom]

A mixture of silvopastoral agroforestry approaches, including extensive and rotational cattle grazing around trees, provide benefits for biodiversity as well as leaf fodder for cattle, edible fruits and nuts, and wood fuel.

  • Compiler: Alan Radbourne
Устойчивое землепользование территории водосборного бассейна Суой Сап

Устойчивое землепользование территории водосборного бассейна Суой Сап [Viet Nam]

Устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами водосборного бассейна Суой Сап. Создание оптимальных условий для снижения деградационных процессов, сохранения почвенного плодородия, повышение ее роли в сельскохозяйственном и лесотехническом производствах.

  • Compiler: Valeriy Demidov
Strip Tillage Conservation Farming

Strip Tillage Conservation Farming [Zambia]

Strip Tillage Conservation Farming is an animal draft reduced tillage method that involves loosening a strip of soil with a strip tillage tool so as to reduce soil disturbance and improve soil and water conservation.

  • Compiler: Silenga Wamunyima