
Agronomic & vegetative rehabilitation [South Africa]

Restoration, rehabilitation, reclamation

technologies_975 - South Africa

Completeness: 76%

1. General information

1.2 Contact details of resource persons and institutions involved in the assessment and documentation of the Technology

Key resource person(s)

SLM specialist:

1.3 Conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT

The compiler and key resource person(s) accept the conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT:


1.5 Reference to Questionnaire(s) on SLM Approaches (documented using WOCAT)

2. Description of the SLM Technology

2.1 Short description of the Technology

Definition of the Technology:

Combinations; cultivation & vegetative

2.2 Detailed description of the Technology


The purpose of the rehabilitation includes an increase in production potential, vegetative cover and density, biodiversity, fodder for grazing and palatable grass species.

To establish this technology, cultivation of the denuded areas was done by dyker plough. Oversowing with a grass-seed mixture followed. The seeds (indigenous) were purchased from a seed-company. If woody encroachment species are available, place the branches on the cultivated area. No maintenance is necessary; the area is left as it is for 3 years with no grazing if possible (no grazing for cattle, but for game some grazing-areas are partly covered by branches no grazing).

2.3 Photos of the Technology

2.5 Country/ region/ locations where the Technology has been applied and which are covered by this assessment


South Africa

Region/ State/ Province:

North West Province

Further specification of location:

Zeerust (Eastern parts)

Specify the spread of the Technology:
  • evenly spread over an area
If the Technology is evenly spread over an area, specify area covered (in km2):



Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 20 km2.

Commercial owned farmland - game and cattle farming

2.6 Date of implementation

If precise year is not known, indicate approximate date:
  • less than 10 years ago (recently)

2.7 Introduction of the Technology

Specify how the Technology was introduced:
  • through projects/ external interventions
Comments (type of project, etc.):

Land owners & agriculturist - extension

3. Classification of the SLM Technology

3.1 Main purpose(s) of the Technology

  • improve production
  • reduce, prevent, restore land degradation

3.2 Current land use type(s) where the Technology is applied

Land use mixed within the same land unit:


Specify mixed land use (crops/ grazing/ trees):
  • Silvo-pastoralism

Grazing land

Grazing land

Extensive grazing:
  • Semi-nomadic pastoralism
  • Ranching
Forest/ woodlands

Forest/ woodlands

Products and services:
  • Timber
  • Fuelwood
  • Fruits and nuts
  • Grazing/ browsing
  • Nature conservation/ protection
  • Recreation/ tourism

Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Bush encroachment, bare denuded land - open spaces

Major land use problems (land users’ perception): Not productive for grazing land
Low grass cover

Semi-nomadism / pastoralism: Yes

Ranching: Yes

Other grazingland: intensive grazing land

Forest products and services: timber, fuelwood, fruits and nuts, grazing / browsing, nature conservation / protection, recreation / tourism

Constraints of wastelands / deserts / glaciers / swamps

Constraints of recreation

Number of growing seasons per year: 1
Longest growing period in days: 180; Longest growing period from month to month: Oct - Mar

3.4 Water supply

Water supply for the land on which the Technology is applied:
  • rainfed

3.5 SLM group to which the Technology belongs

  • improved ground/ vegetation cover
  • minimal soil disturbance

3.6 SLM measures comprising the Technology

agronomic measures

agronomic measures

vegetative measures

vegetative measures

  • V2: Grasses and perennial herbaceous plants
structural measures

structural measures

management measures

management measures


Main measures: agronomic measures, management measures

Secondary measures: vegetative measures, structural measures

Type of agronomic measures: contour tillage

3.7 Main types of land degradation addressed by the Technology

soil erosion by water

soil erosion by water

  • Wt: loss of topsoil/ surface erosion
  • Wg: gully erosion/ gullying
chemical soil deterioration

chemical soil deterioration

  • Cn: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content (not caused by erosion)
water degradation

water degradation

  • Ha: aridification

Secondary types of degradation addressed: Wg: gully erosion / gullying

Main causes of degradation: over-exploitation of vegetation for domestic use, overgrazing, poverty / wealth (Lack of captial - Not enough money to implement rehabilitation - higher inflation)

Secondary causes of degradation: other natural causes (avalanches, volcanic eruptions, mud flows, highly susceptible natural resources, extreme topography, etc.) specify (Climate), land tenure (Land subdivision - Land properties get smaller & less cost effective), education, access to knowledge and support services (Lack of knowledge)

3.8 Prevention, reduction, or restoration of land degradation

Specify the goal of the Technology with regard to land degradation:
  • prevent land degradation
  • reduce land degradation

Also rehabilitation / reclamation of denuded land

4. Technical specifications, implementation activities, inputs, and costs

4.1 Technical drawing of the Technology

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Technical specifications (related to technical drawing):

Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate

Technical knowledge required for land users: moderate

Main technical functions: control of dispersed runoff: retain / trap, control of concentrated runoff: retain / trap, improvement of ground cover, increase of surface roughness, increase in organic matter, increase of infiltration, improvement of soil structure

Secondary technical functions: control of raindrop splash, reduction of slope angle, reduction of slope length, increase / maintain water stored in soil, increase of groundwater level / recharge of groundwater, water harvesting / increase water supply, water spreading, sediment retention / trapping, sediment harvesting, increase in soil fertility

Agronomic measure: overseeding
Material/ species: Indigenous species
Quantity/ density: 5kg/ha
Remarks: In hollows made by cultivation

Agronomic measure: branches
Material/ species: From encroachment species (woody)

Vegetative measure: sowing by hand
Vegetative material: O : other
Number of plants per (ha): 5kg/ha
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 1.5m

Vegetative measure: Vegetative material: O : other

Vegetative measure: Vegetative material: O : other

Vegetative measure: Vegetative material: O : other

Grass species: seed

Change of land use practices / intensity level

Major change in timing of activities: Different grazing patterns for animals to avoid treated area

Control / change of species composition: Use different animals e.g. game

4.2 General information regarding the calculation of inputs and costs

other/ national currency (specify):


If relevant, indicate exchange rate from USD to local currency (e.g. 1 USD = 79.9 Brazilian Real): 1 USD =:


Indicate average wage cost of hired labour per day:


4.3 Establishment activities

Activity Timing (season)
1. Dyker plough making hollows Beginning of rainy season
2. Sowing of perennial grass seeds (in hollows, waiting for rain) Beginning of rainy season
3. Fences At beginning of project

4.4 Costs and inputs needed for establishment

Specify input Unit Quantity Costs per Unit Total costs per input % of costs borne by land users
Labour Ploughing and sowing persons/day 60.0 8.0 480.0
Equipment Machine use ha 100.0 14.0 1400.0
Plant material Seeds ha 100.0 40.0 4000.0
Total costs for establishment of the Technology 5880.0
Total costs for establishment of the Technology in USD 980.0

Duration of establishment phase: 12 month(s)

4.5 Maintenance/ recurrent activities

Activity Timing/ frequency
1. Dyker plough cultivation on contours Start of growing season /
2. Chopping of woody branches of encroaching species Start of growing season /
3. Bush packing on cultivated area Beginning of season /1st season

4.6 Costs and inputs needed for maintenance/ recurrent activities (per year)


Machinery/ tools: Tractor & dyker plough implement

This costs are calculated for 100 ha
No additional fencing material costs.
Old fences used to enclose the treated area.
(+ R 4000 /km fencing costs if new (normal) fence is needed. For game fence R4000 for 300m)

4.7 Most important factors affecting the costs

Describe the most determinate factors affecting the costs:

No subsidies
Very labour intensive

5. Natural and human environment

5.1 Climate

Annual rainfall
  • < 250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1,000 mm
  • 1,001-1,500 mm
  • 1,501-2,000 mm
  • 2,001-3,000 mm
  • 3,001-4,000 mm
  • > 4,000 mm
Agro-climatic zone
  • semi-arid

5.2 Topography

Slopes on average:
  • flat (0-2%)
  • gentle (3-5%)
  • moderate (6-10%)
  • rolling (11-15%)
  • hilly (16-30%)
  • steep (31-60%)
  • very steep (>60%)
  • plateau/plains
  • ridges
  • mountain slopes
  • hill slopes
  • footslopes
  • valley floors
Altitudinal zone:
  • 0-100 m a.s.l.
  • 101-500 m a.s.l.
  • 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
  • 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
  • 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
  • 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
  • 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
  • 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
  • > 4,000 m a.s.l.

5.3 Soils

Soil depth on average:
  • very shallow (0-20 cm)
  • shallow (21-50 cm)
  • moderately deep (51-80 cm)
  • deep (81-120 cm)
  • very deep (> 120 cm)
Soil texture (topsoil):
  • medium (loamy, silty)
  • fine/ heavy (clay)
Topsoil organic matter:
  • low (<1%)
If available, attach full soil description or specify the available information, e.g. soil type, soil PH/ acidity, Cation Exchange Capacity, nitrogen, salinity etc.

Soil fertility is very low - low

Soil drainage / infiltration is poor

Soil water storage capacity is very low - low

5.6 Characteristics of land users applying the Technology

Market orientation of production system:
  • subsistence (self-supply)
  • commercial/ market
Off-farm income:
  • less than 10% of all income
Relative level of wealth:
  • average
Indicate other relevant characteristics of the land users:

Population density: < 10 persons/km2

Annual population growth: < 0.5%

2% of the land users are rich.
50% of the land users are average wealthy.
17% of the land users are poor.
30% of the land users are poor.

Off-farm income specification: Commercial
10-50% Communal, poor. Commercial - < 10%

5.7 Average area of land used by land users applying the Technology

  • < 0.5 ha
  • 0.5-1 ha
  • 1-2 ha
  • 2-5 ha
  • 5-15 ha
  • 15-50 ha
  • 50-100 ha
  • 100-500 ha
  • 500-1,000 ha
  • 1,000-10,000 ha
  • > 10,000 ha

5.8 Land ownership, land use rights, and water use rights

Land ownership:
  • individual, titled
  • commercial
  • commercial

6. Impacts and concluding statements

6.1 On-site impacts the Technology has shown

Socio-economic impacts


fodder production


fodder quality


animal production


production area

Comments/ specify:

Keep 3 years from grazing

land management

Income and costs

farm income


economic disparities



Other socio-economic impacts

input constraints


initial costs

Comments/ specify:

Labour intensive, must have a tractor & implement or hire

Socio-cultural impacts

community institutions


SLM/ land degradation knowledge

Comments/ specify:

From extension worker

conflict mitigation


Ecological impacts

Water cycle/ runoff

surface runoff

Quantity before SLM:


Quantity after SLM:


excess water drainage


soil moisture


soil cover


soil loss

Other ecological impacts

soil erosion locally


6.2 Off-site impacts the Technology has shown

reliable and stable stream flows in dry season


downstream flooding

Comments/ specify:

Better vegetative cover, better water infiltration, less siltation of dams used for watering live stock

downstream siltation


wind transported sediments

Comments/ specify:

August - wind high, higher vegetation cover & density

6.4 Cost-benefit analysis

How do the benefits compare with the establishment costs (from land users’ perspective)?
Short-term returns:


Long-term returns:


How do the benefits compare with the maintenance/ recurrent costs (from land users' perspective)?
Short-term returns:


Long-term returns:

very positive

6.5 Adoption of the Technology

  • 11-50%
If available, quantify (no. of households and/ or area covered):

50 percent of the area

Of all those who have adopted the Technology, how many did so spontaneously, i.e. without receiving any material incentives/ payments?
  • 11-50%

30% of land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support

Comments on acceptance with external material support: estimates

20% of land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support

Comments on spontaneous adoption: estimates

There is a little trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology

Comments on adoption trend: Farmers (land users) are more aware about land degradation and want to do something about it.
More in media

6.7 Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities of the Technology

Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the land user’s view
Increase grazing capacity, more fodder

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Good & controlled management
Better & more income: meat, funds

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Good & controlled management
Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view
Decrease bush encroachment and invasion of woody species

How can they be sustained / enhanced? New growth of species must be controlled
Increase vegetation cover & density

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Keep out grazing
Increase soil moisture & infiltration rate

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Deep cultivation, cover by twigs/branches
Increase seed bank for whole area

How can they be sustained / enhanced? Let the grasses sown - reproductive & make seed so that seed can be distributed by wind or animals

6.8 Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks of the Technology and ways of overcoming them

Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view How can they be overcome?
Low cost/benefit rates in short term Keep it up and don't get discouraged -see advantages over the long term
Need tractor & implements Hire implements from Agriculture of other land users
Must have knowledge about the SWC technology Ask technical & support by Agricultural extension or researches or other land users

7. References and links

7.1 Methods/ sources of information

7.2 References to available publications

Title, author, year, ISBN:

Van der Merwe, JPA. MSc thesis. 1995.Soil conservation booklet

Available from where? Costs?

Potchefstroom University

Title, author, year, ISBN:

Soil conservation booklet

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