Rural Knowledge Centre [India]

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Entidad infórmante: India

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Información general

Título de la buena práctica:

Rural Knowledge Centre



Entidad infórmante:


Derechos de propiedad

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella:



Uso de la tierra predominante en la localización específica

  • Tierras de cultivo
  • Tierras de pastoreo
  • Asentamientos humanos

Contribución a las medidas de la DDTS

  • Prevención
  • Mitigación
  • Adaptación
  • Rehabilitación

Contribución a los objetivos estratégicos

  • Mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones afectadas
  • Mejora de las condiciones de los ecosistemas afectados


Sección 1. Contexto de la práctica óptima: condiciones marco (entorno natural o humano)

Breve descripción de la práctica óptima

In the case of desertification, there is a need for a permanent knowledge centre (RKC) which could provide training and demonstration, allow access to specialized knowledge and provide assistance to make contact with government agencies, voluntary bodies and individuals in the development field.|


Halvad, Surendranagar District, Gujarat|

Si el lugar tiene límites bien definidos, especifique su extensión en hectáreas:


Población estimada que vive en el lugar:


Breve descripción del entorno natural en el lugar especificado

Average elevation of 46 metres. The land is largely flat with marginal contours
Halvad is part of the arid and semi arid climatic region of Gujarat. It falls in agro climatic zone VI comprising of North Saurashtra, Little Rann of Kutch and Arid Zone|
Geologically, two parts - one with and the other without sand stone. Being pervious and porous sandstone is the storehouse of fossilized ground water. The area closer to the Rann has alternating sub surface layers of sand and clay. |

Condiciones socioeconómicas imperantes de los habitantes del lugar o las proximidades

Agricultural land is distributed unevenly, as is the case in most parts of the country.|
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Salt Farming|
Differs drastically across caste and class

¿En base de qué criterios o indicadores (no relacionados con la Estrategia) se ha considerado la práctica propuesta y la tecnología correspondiente como ‘óptima’?

Consensus evolved during the National Consultation process.

Sección 2. Problemas tratados (causas directas e indirectas) y objetivos de la práctica óptima

Principales problemas que trata la práctica óptima

The RKC initiated and encouraged mixed cropping, increased crop diversity specifically to tackle increasing land degradation caused by large-scale mono culture farming. |Additionally the RKC introduced alternative composting practices and soil moisture conservation practices, which will assist in improving soil condition. |Supporting by multiple methods milk farming to increase biomass and reuse of bio mass as farmyard manure  

Especifique los objetivos de la práctica óptima.

To share knowledge and information towards empowerment of the community and stakeholders for making the right choices for sustainable development such as issues associated with land use and degradation|To provide support for developing a symbiotic relationship between protected area of this desert fragile ecosystem and local community |To serve as a node for networking and information sharing for the various stakeholders especially the less socio-economically less privileged|To provide extensive Human and Institutional support to local Institutions, governance structures and Common Interest Groups of the area

Sección 3. Actividades

Breve descripción de las principales actividades, por objetivo

Developing RKC as a Knowledge Hub: The next step is the wherein the RKC is an operating space which truly delivers and provides accessible and easily understood information.
Demonstrations on desertification and climate change adaptation. Networking with NGOs and government bodies through RKC system towards information exchange and co-operation.
The creation of a RKC in the region would which serves the objective of sharing knowledge with those who lack access to the same|Gradual organizations of the community to adapt to idea of a local source of technically sound unbiased information|Many organizations and their operation and management was encouraged to organize and lead the community towards internally driven and need based development. |The foundation of “farmer field schools” and gradually developing among them an attitude for advancing learning of agriculture related areas was a start point|Formations of a Federation of Self Help Groups for establishing saving credit systems and increase the members loan worthiness. |generating alternative livelihood opportunities in reference to the local economy and bio diversity and Micro Enterprise and activities which can assist in the process of socio-economic advance. This methods of community mobilization motive learning and co-operation.

Sección 4. Instituciones o agentes involucrados (colaboración, participación y función de los interesados)

Nombre y dirección de la institución que desarrolla la tecnología

Centre for Environment Education|Thaltej Tekra, Ahmedabad-380 054 India

¿La tecnología se desarrolló en una alianza?

enumere los asociados:

The initiative and development of the RKC model is an outcome of need based analysis of the area and consultation with experts and local persons.

Especifique el marco en el que se promovió la tecnología

  • Iniciativa local
  • Iniciativa basada en un programa/proyecto

¿La participación de interesados locales, incluidas las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, favoreció el desarrollo de la tecnología?

enumere los interesados participantes:

Farmer Field Schools|Federation of Self Help Groups|Village level community and Teacher committees

Detalle la función de los interesados enumerados anteriormente en cuanto a diseño, introducción, uso y mantenimiento de la tecnología, en su caso.

The RKC is a nodal space for interaction and interchange between various community groups and individuals. By their participation, involvement and constant utilization of the RKC they are themselves evolving its value and maintenance to their lives. |

¿La población que habitaba en el lugar o en las proximidades participó en el desarrollo de la tecnología?

¿de qué manera?
  • Consultas
  • Planteamientos basados en la participación


Sección 5. Contribución al impacto

Describa los impactos in situ (los dos principales impactos por categoría).

Minority groups such as women and lower of backward castes persons are involved at many levels and incorporated specifically into all programme. The outcome has been that there has been a growing involvement of these groups in RKC activities.
There is now an increase in the willingness among the community to invest and consider environmentally friendly solutions in their livelihood activities. Eg. Certain Agarya community members agreed to use and install wind generated energy pump instead of diesel pumps to in salt farming process.
Resource literacy of the local persons with regard to water, salinity, desertification, usage of pesticides has seen a considerable increase over the time span of the formation of the RKC. |
The adopting of time tested practices such as drip irrigation, composting, reuse of agricultural waste, introduction of bio pesticides, rain roof water harvesting etc in the villages surrounding the RKC as an outcome of interactions and RKC interventions is a direct measure of on site impacts. |
Troubleshooting: The RKC has become now a nodal centre of knowledge for livelihood related problem solving issues. The RKC is playing a consultative role on multiple areas to the local community in tackling locale issues personally
In terms of production or process oriented towards positive impacts in tackling soil degradation and sustainable agriculture many small process have been introduced or minor alterations in older methods of farming etc have been added.
A case study of this can be seen in the gradual empowerment of the Agarya community of the region (salt Pan workers) They are now more aware of their rights as labor and are organizing towards earning fair wages and better work conditions.

Describa los dos principales impactos fuera del lugar (por ejemplo, que no se registran en el lugar, pero sí en las zonas próximas).

Other NGO’s, CBO’s and individuals who do not belong to the target group or not specifically within the region have begun to come to the RKC to utilize the facilities and resources to understand environmental issues and other issues.|
2. The RKC has become a nodal space for discussion on multiple cross cutting issues

Impacto en la diversidad biológica y el cambio climático


Climate change adaptation in a semi arid region would require a clear understanding of the increasing onslaught of desert like conditions, reducing or uneven rain patterns and water shortages and relation water problems. Adaptation to these have been firmly professed by the RKC from the start. |
The RKC Model empowers and provides a nodal knowledge base to support local community organizations as also individuals. These inputs are with regards to the suitable development practices that could be incorporated into livelihood activities.

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio?

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio? :


Sección 6. Adopción y reproducibilidad

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares?

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares? :


¿Puede identificar las tres principales condiciones para el éxito de la práctica óptima/tecnología presentada?

Long-term (10 years) physical presence at the grassroot level with multi disciplinary dedicated field staff
Organized and empowered people’s institutions- Profound and sound understand of the region is critical to the technology of RKC being successful
Think globally and act locally approach to working which incorporates international notions and contextualized for local space


¿En su opinión, la práctica óptima/la tecnología que ha propuesto se puede reproducir en cualquier otro lugar con un cierto nivel de adaptación?

¿A qué nivel?
  • Local
  • Subnacional

Sección 7. Enseñanzas

En relación con los recursos humanos

Developing a cadre of community entrepreneurs is the most effective and sustainable approach for human resource development. While developing “human resources” the principles and skills or adult learning should be understood and underlined. | The notion of acceptance and adoption of sustainable practices within community only if this construct can be understood and incorporated|The team within the RKC needs to be multi disciplinary to multi task and take on different approaches and arenas for best practice

En relación con los aspectos financieros

Financial systems and procedures should be transparent |Cost Benefit analysis on agriculture or other livelihood related purchases are often not done. This is often to the detriment of the persons and his livelihood. Only critical awareness and external sound knowledge systems will be able to address this.|Formal financial institutions can be extremely insensitive and irresponsive to the local conditions and the issues that are under scrutiny

En relación con los aspectos técnicos

People in stressed ecosystems areas are in general more enthusiastic to innovate and create something from what they have there. If provisions are made to support, encourage and allow for this entrepreneur mindset to develop alot can be achieved which is need and local specific|Much accepted and sound technologies for adaptation to the region is often not adopted. The demarcation can be made that research only underlines the importance of necessary conditions such as requirements and finance.|3. Research is however, unable to perceive “necessary sufficient conditions” which may involve local socio- economic issues, cultural practices etc which disconnect and disallow the adoption of the technology. This must be addressed when the proposal for new technology is considered

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