Sustainable Farming in the Sloping Lands [Nepal]

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Entidad infórmante: Nepal

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella:

Comentarios: Most of the land occupied by the hil farmers is not registered and they do not have land title in their name. Most of the land has customary right, meaning that the people living in that area were there from generations.

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Información general

Título de la buena práctica:

Sustainable Farming in the Sloping Lands



Entidad infórmante:


Derechos de propiedad

Aclare si los derechos de propiedad cubren la tecnología descrita en la plantilla, o en parte de ella:

En caso afirmativo, ofrezca la información pertinente sobre el titular de los derechos:

Most of the land occupied by the hil farmers is not registered and they do not have land title in their name. Most of the land has customary right, meaning that the people living in that area were there from generations.


Sección 1. Contexto de la práctica óptima: condiciones marco (entorno natural o humano)

Breve descripción de la práctica óptima

Under this practices sloping agriculture land technology (SALT-2 and SALT-4) were applied. In the sloping terrain fruits, fodder trees and broom brass were planted. Hedge row farming and alley cropping were applied. Different methods of agro-forestry practices were applied as necessary depending on site condition and specific condition of the farmers.


Makawanpur District, Nepal

Breve descripción del entorno natural en el lugar especificado

Tropical to subtropical
Altitude ranges between 600 and 1800 meters. About 90% of the annual rainfall in the area occurs between May and September.
The soils of suborder Ochrepts and Haplustalfs (order: Alfisoles) are common in south facing areas.The soils, mostly in the steep slopes are prone to frequent landslides and gully erosion. The soil is of medium to light texture with a pre-dominance of course-grained sand and gravel of very high permeability. The soil reaction is moderately to strongly acidic. The organic matter, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus contents vary from low to medium attributing to low to medium soil fertility.

Condiciones socioeconómicas imperantes de los habitantes del lugar o las proximidades

Income level of household was significantly increased and out migration from that area slowed down.
Main source of household income is from the sale of fruits, and broom grass.
Most of the property rights of the land belong to the government. However, people are living in those areas from generation and practicing their age-old slash and burn agricultural practices. Although land belongs to the government people are using the land on customary basis. There is some fro of conflict on property rights issues because of the property right issues.

¿En base de qué criterios o indicadores (no relacionados con la Estrategia) se ha considerado la práctica propuesta y la tecnología correspondiente como ‘óptima’?

It is found that this practice is suitable in hilly areas with steep slopes. When fruits and, fodder and grass planted in the sloping lands it reduced soil erosion, landslides by retaining moisture in the land and also stopping soil moving from hill. Increased biomass in the form of fodder and grass significantly help to raise and expand the goat farming which is one of the best source for household protein requirement as well as for earning cash income from the sell of goats. When the fruits were harvested it quickly provided income through the sale of fruits mainly from bananas.

Sección 2. Problemas tratados (causas directas e indirectas) y objetivos de la práctica óptima

Principales problemas que trata la práctica óptima

Main problem addressed by the best practice is soil erosion, rehabilitation of degraded watershed, addressing food insecurity, addressing poverty and ultimately contribution to the environment.

Explique los problemas específicos de la degradación de las tierras que trata la práctica óptima.

Main land degradation problem addressed by this best practice is reducing soil erosion, halting deforestation and improved watershed condition.

Especifique los objetivos de la práctica óptima.

Main objective of this best practice is to:
• reduce environmental degradation,
•improve socio-economic condition of Chepang community,
•improve forest condition,
•improve production and improve livelihoods and well-being of local people.

Sección 3. Actividades

Breve descripción y especificaciones técnicas de la tecnología

This best practice was developed and implemented by Manohari Development Institute, Makawanpur, Nepal. Slash and burn practices with long fallow period is considered good for sustainable farming practices, however, with the growing population, and with ever increasing demand and short fallow period, the slash and burn practices is considered worst especially triggering erosion on sloping land and growing forest degradation.
Under this practices sloping agriculture land technology (SALT-2 and SALT-4) were applied. In the sloping terrain fruits, fodder trees and broom brass were planted. Hedge row farming and alley cropping were applied. Different methods of agro-forestry practices were applied as necessary depending on site condition and specific condition of the farmers. After few years of implementation of this practice farmers are now earning income through the sale of grass and fruit.

Sección 4. Instituciones o agentes involucrados (colaboración, participación y función de los interesados)

Nombre y dirección de la institución que desarrolla la tecnología

Manohari Devleopment Institute Nepal |Khop Narayan Shrestha
New Manakamana Road, Hetauda-2, Makawanpur
New Manakamana Road, , Narayani zone

¿La tecnología se desarrolló en una alianza?

enumere los asociados:

This best practice was implemented under the GEF Small Grant Programme through UNDP. The technology was developed by Manohari Development Institute under the collaboration with local people.

Especifique el marco en el que se promovió la tecnología

  • Iniciativa nacional – no gubernamental
  • Iniciativa internacional

¿La participación de interesados locales, incluidas las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, favoreció el desarrollo de la tecnología?

enumere los interesados participantes:

Local community especially the Chepang Community

Detalle la función de los interesados enumerados anteriormente en cuanto a diseño, introducción, uso y mantenimiento de la tecnología, en su caso.

Local communities were involved in programme planning, implementation and use of benefits. Local communities provided their voluntary labor and help during the implementation of this project. Local people are now aware to improve their environment by themselves and at the same time improve their household income.

¿La población que habitaba en el lugar o en las proximidades participó en el desarrollo de la tecnología?

¿de qué manera?
  • Consultas
  • Planteamientos basados en la participación


Sección 5. Contribución al impacto

Describa los impactos in situ (los dos principales impactos por categoría).

Socio-economic condition of local people was largely improved through the income earned from the sale of grass, fruits and cereal crops.
Local environment nd watershed condition was greatly improved through greenery development and better watershed condition.
Out-migration trend was reduced
Production of biomass especially grass and vegetation was increased. Production of fruits, vegetable and cereals crops were increased.

Describa los dos principales impactos fuera del lugar (por ejemplo, que no se registran en el lugar, pero sí en las zonas próximas).

People from other area now visiting this area and applying this techniques in their area.
Emplacement was generated through increase in the transaction of economic activities in downstream town area through sale of products.

Impacto en la diversidad biológica y el cambio climático


Through the implementation of this best practice there was marked improvement in the biophysical condition of the area. About 400 hectares of land were sustainably managed and improved bio-mass helped in Co2 sequestration. Likewise about 2000 families were benefited from this initiatives.

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio?

¿Se ha elaborado un análisis costo-beneficio? :


Sección 6. Adopción y reproducibilidad

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares?

¿La tecnología se difundió o introdujo en otros lugares? :


¿Se dispuso de incentivos para facilitar la aceptación de la tecnología proporcionada?

¿Se dispuso de incentivos para facilitar la aceptación de la tecnología proporcionada?

Especifique qué tipo de incentivos:
  • Incentivos financieros (por ejemplo, tasas preferenciales, ayudas estatales, subvenciones, donaciones, garantías de préstamo, etc.)

¿Puede identificar las tres principales condiciones para el éxito de la práctica óptima/tecnología presentada?

Main condition to the success of this best practice is homogenous local community so it helped to implement the practice with consensus.
Outside technical and financial help was very instrumental in mobilizing local people.
Dedicated project team was very helpful/


¿En su opinión, la práctica óptima/la tecnología que ha propuesto se puede reproducir en cualquier otro lugar con un cierto nivel de adaptación?

¿A qué nivel?
  • Local
  • Subnacional
  • Nacional

Sección 7. Enseñanzas

En relación con los recursos humanos

To develop and implement any such best practice trained technical manpower and local community participation is most.

En relación con los aspectos técnicos

Blending of local indigenous technology and knowledge with scientific knowledge and technology is equally essential.

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