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Public Women's Organisation Zamzam - enhancing incomes for poor women through income generation activities [Tayikistán]

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approaches_2438 - Tayikistán

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1. Información general

1.2 Detalles de contacto de las personas de referencia e instituciones involucradas en la evaluación y la documentación del Enfoque

Persona(s) de referencia clave/s

Especialista MST:
Especialista MST:
Especialista MST:

Burkhanova Navzuna

Caritas Switzerland in Tajikistan

Pavlova 20, Dushanbe


Nombre de la(s) institución(es) que facilitaron la documentación/ evaluación del Enfoque si fuera relevante)
CARITAS (Switzerland) - Suiza

1.3 Condiciones referidas al uso de datos documentados mediante WOCAT

El compilador y la/s persona(s) de referencia claves aceptan las condiciones acerca del uso de los datos documentados mediante WOCAT :

2. Descripción del Enfoque MST

2.1 Breve descripción del Enfoque

The development of a women's network to disseminate information, provide training, and provide support to other women in the community to help them improve their livelihoods, and provide a forum by which women's issues can be raised at a local level.

2.2 Descripción detallada del Enfoque MST

Descripción detallada del Enfoque MST:

Aims / objectives: The overriding objective of the creation of a women's group was to provide an approach, by which activities could be implemented to improve the livelihoods of women in this rural region. Women are considered a vulnerable group due to high rates of labour migration by many men to Russia. This leaves the women behind, to care for the children, tend the kitchen garden, rear animals and other duties that they have limited experience and training in completing. The creation of a women’s network was seen as an opportunity to unite women, and provide them with trainings, skills and livelihood opportunities so that they could improve not only their standard of living but also that of their families. Zamzam was also designed to act as a focal point for voicing women's issues with local representatives and local government, and to help raise the profile of women in the decision making process.

Methods: The organisation, Zamzam was set up initially with funding from an INGO, via a project, however to remain as a viable women’s network, they have several paid staff, secure funding through membership fees and sell dairy products on the local market. The core staff have received support from Caritas and Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) on areas like business planning, organisational development and marketing to encourage autonomy and sustainability in the future as financial support is withdrawn. In addition Zam Zam members are taught technical skills in dairy production, energy efficiency, soil conservation, basic farming techniques etc which are then taken back to the respective communities and conveyed back to the women of the community. This network creates a safe environment for learning, discussing and planning using the most active women members as conduits for the transfer of information and ideas.

Stages of implementation: The establishment of Zamzam follows a basic business model, whereby a board of directors is established to oversee the daily running of the organisation, periodically meeting to discuss planning, finance, reporting, employment etc. This is supplemented by a bi-annual members meeting whereby all the members of Zamzam meet, and are provided with information on the network performance. This ensures that the members are fully briefed and that the operations remain transparent. This is also an opportunity to vote for new board members, suggest new directions, discuss membership fees, and provide feedback on implemented activities. Zamzam has also developed a business strategy and charter to provide guidelines and direction for its members.

Role of stakeholders: There are three main types of stakeholders; the first are the board and paid staff of the organisation, who oversee the day to day running, the second are the members who participate in training and income generating activities, and act as information points in their respective communites to the third set of stakeholders; the women who are not members but who can still benefit from improved knowledge and support.

2.3 Fotos del Enfoque

2.5 País/ región/ lugares donde el Enfoque fue aplicado



Región/ Estado/ Provincia:


Especifique más el lugar :


2.6 Fechas de inicio y conclusión del Enfoque

Indique año del inicio:


Año de conclusión (si el Enfoque ya no se aplica):


2.7 Tipo de Enfoque

  • proyecto/ basado en un programa

2.8 Propósitos/ objetivos principales del Enfoque

The Approach focused mainly on other activities than SLM (Increase income and assets of vulnerable women, and their families, and enhance participation of women at planning and helping to direct development by uniting women to reduce poverty)

To improve the sustainable livelihoods of women within the community by increasing their knowledge and providing opportunity for income generation (e.g. dairy production, crop production, food processing, poultry production). In addition, to establish a women’s network to share ideas and resources, and provide a viable platform by which the specific concerns of women can be raised and presented to local decision makers.

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: To improve the sustainable livelihoods of women, one of the more vulnerable members of society. Increasingly since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the position of women within the community has become restricted. Previous social structures have diminished, and many male family members are working in Russia, taking with them their knowledge and labour skills. As a result women are left to bring up and support families, tend to the land and livestock and deal with day to day financial issues. This increased responsibility combined with a lack of knowledge, finance and experience has meant that the position of women in the community has become more exposed and subsequently vulnerable.

2.9 Condiciones que facilitan o impiden la implementación de la/s Tecnología/s aplicadas bajo el Enfoque

normas y valores sociales/ culturales/ religiosos
  • impiden

There are large scale labour migration issues, leaving women with limited skill sets to run the family households. When the male members of the family return they resume their original tasks and the women resort to a more traditional roles.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: The women's organisation encourages and supports women in continuing with their new tasks and responsibilities.

disponibilidad/ acceso a recursos y servicios financieros
  • impiden

Women have very little access to money, with many not having regular incomes or viability to access finance.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Zamzam provides low cost training through outreach workers and materials and equipment for the implementation of improved livelihood measures.

entorno institucional
  • impiden

The women have a low level of education, which hinders activities such as planning, budgeting and implementation of activities.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: The key staff were provided with external support and training to aid staff development, this was supplemented with the development of an organisational strengthening plan for the first year.

marco de trabajo legal (tenencia de tierra, derechos de uso de tierra y agua)
  • impiden

Zamzam needed to secure some sort of legal status to be able to strengthen and incorporate income generating activities.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Zamzam registered as a legal entity.

conocimiento de MST, acceso a apoyo técnico
  • impiden

The women did not have the technical knowledge to enhance the livelihoods of other women.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Training was provided on key technical aspects such as energy and soil conservation by the project.

3. Participación y roles de las partes interesadas involucradas

3.1 Partes interesadas involucradas en el Enfoque y sus roles

  • usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales

The women of the Muminobod district.

It is a women's group designed to support women, therefore the involvement of men was peripheral.

The approach is targeted at women, this included women who have been abandoned by their husbands, and others who are now responsible for the household due to the fact that the male members of the family are working away in Russia. These women are considered to be a vulnerable group who need support, training, information to help themselves to improve their livelihoods.

  • especialistas MST/consejeros agrícolas
  • gobierno local

Local authorities

Local government in recognition of the group and involvement in the local development committee.

  • organización internacional

Caritas Switzerland

Caritas built the capacity and supported the organisational development

3.2 Involucramiento de los usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales en las distintas fases del Enfoque
Involucramiento de los usuarios locales de tierras/ comunidades locales Especifique quién se involucró y describa las actividades
iniciación/ motivación pasivo The creation of the initial concept was provided by an INGO, however, some more active women supported its conception.
planificación ninguno The planning of the network was undertaken by INGO staff and a few women representatives.
implementación auto-movilización Zamzam was established in response and the wishes of the local women to create a network to promote income generating activities. Caritas field office staff had the capacity and knowledge to provide technical advice to the self-help groups.
monitoreo y evaluación interactivo Zamzam have to monitor and evaluate their own performance and provide information to donors who have supported them.
Research pasivo market specialists are responsible for the research in order to enhance the market potential of the products, to increase income.

3.3 Flujograma (si estuviera disponible)


An overview of the organisational set up of Zamzam.


Caritas Switzerland (Dushanbe)

3.4 La toma de decisiones en la selección de Tecnología(s) MST

Especifique quién decidió la selección de las Tecnología/ Tecnologías a implementarse:
  • solo por especialistas MST

The project instigated the formation of the women's network.

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users

4. Apoyo técnico, fortalecimiento institucional y gestión del conocimiento

4.1 Construcción de capacidades / capacitación

¿Se proporcionó la capacitación a usuarios de tierras/ otras partes interesadas?

Especifique quién fue capacitado:
  • usuarios de tierras
  • personal de campo/ consejeros
Forma de capacitación:
  • en el contexto de trabajo
  • cursos
Temas avanzados:

Proper care for cattle, milk collection, hygiene and sanitation in the milk sector, growing and collecting herbs, such as calendula, chamomile, etc

4.2 Servicio de asesoría

¿Los usuarios de tierras tienen acceso a un servicio de asesoría?

Especifique si servicio proporcionado se realizó:
  • en los campos de los usuarios de tierras
Describa/ comentarios:

Voluntary Services Overseas: Key elements: Training on marketing and business planning, Training on dairy production.; VSO supported Zamzam by providing international volunteers to help support their activities, and provide training and advisory services.

Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; Zamzam learnt much from the VSO support provided, and is now in a position to further help other networks.

4.3 Fortalecimiento institucional (desarrollo institucional)

¿Se establecieron o fortalecieron instituciones mediante el Enfoque?
  • sí, moderadamente
Especifique el nivel o los niveles en los que se fortalecieron o establecieron las instituciones:
  • local
Especifique el tipo de apoyo:
  • construcción de capacidades/ entrenamiento
Proporcione detalles adicionales:

NGO Zamzam hired a local training institution ATAC in Kulob to train Zamzam’s members on various topics related to agriculture.

4.4 Monitoreo y evaluación

¿El monitoreo y la evaluación forman parte del Enfoque?


economic / production aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: None

no. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: None

management of Approach aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: None

There were few changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Since there was no market to sell certain items, Zamzam changed their focus and started investigating other products that the women could produce, and provide a respectable return on their invested time and effort. Zamzam consulted market specialists as part of this process.

There were few changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Instead of focusing on dried fruits they refocused their efforts on medicinal herbs as a result of the market research.

4.5 Investigación

¿La investigación formó parte del Enfoque?

Especifique los temas:
  • economía/ marketing

5. Financiamiento y apoyo material externo

5.1 Presupuesto anual para el componente MST del Enfoque

Si no se conoce el presupuesto anual preciso, indique el rango:
  • 100,000-1,000,000
Comentarios (ej. fuentes principales de financiamiento/ donantes principales):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (Caritas Switzerland, Miserior, Oxfam Novib): 100.0%

5.2 Apoyo financiero/material proporcionado a los usuarios de tierras

¿Los usuarios de tierras recibieron financiamiento/ apoyo material para implementar la Tecnología/ Tecnologías? :

Si respondió sí, especifique el tipo o los tipos de apoyo, condiciones y proveedor(es) :

Some equipment was provided such as milk processing and energy efficiency equipment which was provided by INGO, Caritas Switzerland.

5.3 Subsidios para insumos específicos (incluyendo mano de obra)

  • equipo
Especifique qué insumos se subsidiaron En qué grado Especifique los subsidios
milk processing equipment and tools parcialmente financiado
  • agrícola
Especifique qué insumos se subsidiaron En qué grado Especifique los subsidios
semillas parcialmente financiado
fertilizantes totalmente financiado
pesticides totalmente financiado
  • construcción
Especifique qué insumos se subsidiaron En qué grado Especifique los subsidios
madera parcialmente financiado wood and materials to repair the office
Si la mano de obra de usuarios de tierras fue un insumo sustancial, ¿fue:
  • voluntario?

Several of the project activities were financed by INGO's.

5.4 Crédito

¿Se proporcionó crédito bajo el Enfoque para actividades MST?


6. Análisis de impacto y comentarios de conclusión

6.1 Impactos del Enfoque

¿El Enfoque ayudó a los usuarios de tierras a implementar y mantener Tecnologías MST?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

The members were provided with training on energy efficiency measures, soil and water conservation and improved agricultural techniques to improve their land management skills.

¿El Enfoque empoderó a grupos en desventaja social y económica?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

Poor and vulnerable women were given a voice and an income generating activity.

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

So far there was an exchange of knowledge and ideas, but the women's network approach is to be adopted in other regions.

Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

150l of milk is now processed on a daily basis, and there were significant reductions in the organic material used for fuel purposes.

Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • No
  • Sí, un poco
  • Sí, moderadamente
  • Sí, mucho

Due to the income generation activities women were able to start setting up their own small businesses and therefore were able to generate their own income by selling their milk or other products.

6.2 Motivación principal del usuario de la tierra para implementar MST

  • producción incrementada

milk, dried fruits etc

  • incremento de la renta(bilidad), proporción mejorada de costo-beneficio

A variety of dairy products have a higher return than just milk.

  • prestigio, presión social/ cohesión social

as more women joined it became socially acceptable to join the network.

  • afiliación al movimiento/ proyecto/ grupo/ redes
  • well-being and livelihoods improvement

women could see the benefits within the community and other households.

6.3 Sostenibilidad de las actividades del Enfoque

¿Pueden los usuarios de tierras sostener lo que se implementó mediante el Enfoque (sin apoyo externo)?
Si respondió que sí, describa cómo:

All the members pay a membership fee for a certain amount of time. This money is used to enable to buy the administrative things needed. Additionally, selling things at market gives them extra income.

6.4 Fortalezas/ ventajas del Enfoque

Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del usuario de la tierra
Through this organisation it was possible to reduce poverty and increase the income of women (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continued support and training for the leaders of the organisation, to improve their capacity and ability.)
Each sector includes experienced specialists (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Diversification of specialists will help the organisation develop different practices and income streams to help their members.)
NGO Zamzam has lots of experience working with milk and dairy products (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: It can be enhanced through support of the Government to provide an adequate environment, such as drinking water and electricity supply, appropriate building and area, legislative documents, collaboration with tax agencies, etc. Besides, the financial support from governmental and non-governmental sources, Zamzam has to improve its fund raising and financial management skills)
NGO Zamzam has developed extensive experience in mobilising local women (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Zamzam has to ensure that members continue to contribute to the running costs of the organisation.)
Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave
The approach is inclusive of a pre selected vulnerable group of the community. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: The approach could be replicated in other districts, this could then involve cross visits and further lobbying potential.)
The approach is developed for long term sustainability and can be used to implement a variety of different projects and schemes. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: This mechanism can be used to select and implement different SLM technologies benefiting a vulnerable sector of society.)
The approach is market based and provides invaluable commercial skills to the members. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: New markets, products and places to sell will make the organisation even more successful and sustainable and at the same time generate income for women)

6.5 Debilidades/ desventajas del Enfoque y formas de sobreponerse a ellos

Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos desde la perspectiva del usuario de la tierra ¿Cómo sobreponerse a ellas?
The management members of the organisation are unskilled and mostly uneducated. Therefore, it takes lots of effort to train them More training will be conducted and they will learn by doing
Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave ¿Cómo sobreponerse a ellas?
So far the organisation still depends on external finance, training and support. Training on securing funds and generating income from the sale of services and products.
The lack of market capacity and the small area where the products can be sold. There are already plans to extend the distribution area to make Zamzam a brand and therefore more able to sell products in Dushanbe or other regions.

7. Referencias y vínculos

7.1 Métodos/ fuentes de información

  • visitas de campo, encuestas de campo
  • entrevistas con usuarios de tierras

7.2 Referencias a publicaciones disponibles

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Project Proposal Zamzam 2010-1013: Tajikistan/Pamir mountains: Enhancing Incomes for poor Women, Nicole Scholz, 2010

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

Caritas Switzerland in Tajikistan, Pavlova Street 20, Dushanbe

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