
Tree windbreaks within irrigated agriculture in Central Asia [Kirguistán]

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1. Información general

1.2 Detalles de contacto de las personas de referencia e instituciones involucradas en la evaluación y la documentación de la Tecnología

Persona(s) de referencia clave

Nombre de la(s) institución(es) que facilitaron la documentación/ evaluación de la Tecnología (si fuera relevante)
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) - Kenia

1.3 Condiciones referidas al uso de datos documentados mediante WOCAT

El compilador y la/s persona(s) de referencia claves aceptan las condiciones acerca del uso de los datos documentados mediante WOCAT:

1.4 Declaración de la sostenibilidad de la Tecnología descrita

¿La Tecnología aquí descrita resulta problemática en relación a la degradación de la tierra, de tal forma que no puede considerársela una tecnología sostenible para el manejo de la tierra?


1.5 Referencia al (los) Cuestionario(s) de Enfoques MST (documentados usando WOCAT)

Extensión agroforestal

Extensión agroforestal [Costa Rica]

Fomentar los sistemas de producción sostenibles como modelo de la tecnología del cultivo del café arbolado de los pequeños y medianos agricultores.

  • Compilador: Olman Quiros Madrigal

2. Descripción de la Tecnología MST

2.1 Breve descripción de la Tecnología

Definición de la Tecnología:

Windbreaks of poplar trees (Populus nigra pyramidalis) are a major agroforestry system in irrigated agriculture across Central Asia. Such windbreaks reduce the overall water consumption of irrigated agriculture by 10-20% and increase farm income by 10-15%.

2.2 Descripción detallada de la Tecnología


Windbreaks of trees are a major agroforestry system across Central Asia. The SLM technology presented here concentrates on windbreaks, chiefly of poplar trees (Populus nigra var. pyramidalis), within irrigated agriculture. These windbreaks of poplars have a long tradition as an agroforestry system in irrigated agriculture in the river basins of south and southeastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In Kazakhstan and northern parts of Kyrgyzstan, poplars are partly replaced by Elm (Ulmus minor) windbreaks.
After those five countries had become independent, a large share of the windbreaks was cut down primarily for fuelwood and secondarily for timber, as the energy supply system had broken down in the course of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Such windbreaks reduce the overall water consumption of irrigated agriculture by 10-20% compared to open field conditions, depending on crops and tree spacing (Thevs et al., 2019: doi:10.3390/land8110167). The trees serve as an additional source of income, chiefly from sustainable harvest of the trees for timber. Windbreaks also help to increase crop yields. In total, farm income is increased by 10-15% over the rotation period of the trees (Thevs and Aliev, 2021: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-021-00617-7). The rotation period of poplars is between 12 and 20 years, depending on the climatic conditions, e.g. poplars in the Ferghana Valles reach DBH (diametre at breast height) values of 22-27 cm and tree heights of 18 m after 13 years.
In this recent assessment, it was found that windbreaks of single tree rows with distances between trees of 1 m had the best effects on water saving and increasing farm income. The most suitable spacing between windbreaks was found to be around 200 m.
Windbreaks are perceived differently by land users depending on the region and knowledge (Ruppert et al., 2020: doi:10.3390/su12031093). For example, land users in the Ferghana Valley perceived windbreaks positively and were planting them primarily with the aim to have wood resources in the near future. In contrast, land users in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan were afraid firstly that windbreaks shaded their crops, consumed space, and competed for water and nutrients, and secondly that planting windbreaks may cause conflicts with neighbours due to those negative connotations. Farmers with larger field plots were more open towards them.
Windbreaks are planted with 2-year-old poplar saplings, which are locally available. The preferred place to plant is along irrigation ditches or other existing field boundaries. If windbreaks are planted along irrigation ditches, they simply tap water from the moist soil or elevated groundwater adjacent to those ditches. Otherwise, the trees need to be irrigated like the crops. As furrow irrigation is the dominant irrigation practice throughout Central Asia, poplars can be integrated without further adjustments in the field of irrigation. Alongside irrigation ditches poplars can withstand high water levels in those ditches as they occur during irrigation periods. If farmers switch to drip irrigation, and irrigation ditches are no longer present, the trees will need to be supplied with a dripline as well. The locally available poplar cultivars do not need additional fertilizer, but profit from the fertilizer applied to the crop. Only if high yielding modern cultivars were to be used, additional fertilizer application to the trees would be needed to unfold their full potential.

2.3 Fotografías de la Tecnología

2.4 Videos de la Tecnología

Comentarios, descripción breve:

Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mAfQzO7MHg
This video provides a concise introduction into tree wind breaks, including their advantages with regards to water consumption, building resiliance against climate change, and income.




Ferghana Valley, Kyrgyzstan

Nombre del videógrafo:

Gino Carlo Garcia

Comentarios, descripción breve:

This video on Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv0VdPqBT9o, is part of a series on poplars. This part focusses on tree wind breaks with many statements of local acteurs. The other parts of this series introduce high yielding poplar cultivars and their options in agroforestry, woodlints, and value chains.





Nombre del videógrafo:

Lea Gerster and Stefanie Breunlich

2.5 País/ región/ lugares donde la Tecnología fue aplicada y que se hallan comprendidos por esta evaluación



Región/ Estado/ Provincia:

Jalalabad Region, Chui Region, and Issyk Kul Region

Especifique la difusión de la Tecnología:
  • distribuida parejamente sobre un área
Si se desconoce el área precisa, indique el área aproximada cubierta:
  • 0.1-1 km2
¿El/los sitio(s) de la Tecnología se ubica(n) en un área de protección permanente?



Windbreaks are spread over large areas, but the spatial distribution can be described as pockets of between 10 and 1000 ha. Within those pockets, tree wind breaks are sometimes interrupted. Also outside those pockets with more or less contiguous windbreaks systems there are remnants of those systems.

2.6 Fecha de la implementación

Si no se conoce el año preciso, indique la fecha aproximada:
  • 10-50 años atrás

2.7 Introducción de la Tecnología

Especifique cómo se introdujo la Tecnología:
  • como parte de un sistema tradicional (> 50 años)

3. Clasificación de la Tecnología MST

3.1 Propósito(s) principal(es) de la Tecnología MST

  • mejorar la producción
  • adaptarse al cambio climático/ extremos climáticos y sus impactos
  • crear impacto económico benéfico

3.2 Tipo(s) actuales de uso de la tierra donde se aplica la Tecnología

Mezcla de tipos de uso de tierras dentro de la misma unidad de tierras: :

Especifique el uso combinado de tierras (cultivos/ pastoreo/ árboles):
  • Agroforestería

Tierras cultivadas

Tierras cultivadas

  • Cosecha anual
  • Cosecha de árboles y arbustos
Cosechas anuales - Especifique cultivos:
  • cereales - cebada
  • cereales - maíz
  • cereales - arroz (humedal)
  • cereales - trigo (verano)
  • cereales - trigo (invierno)
  • cultivos para producción de fibras - algodón
  • cultivos para forraje - alfalfa
  • cultivos de raíces/ tubérculos - patatas
  • Poplars
Número de temporadas de cultivo por año:
  • 1
¿Se practica el intercultivo?


¿Se practica la rotación de cultivos?


3.3 ¿Cambió el uso de tierras debido a la implementación de la Tecnología?

¿Cambió el uso de tierras debido a la implementación de la Tecnología?
  • No (Continúe con la pregunta 3.4)
Mezcla de tipos de uso de tierras dentro de la misma unidad de tierras: :

Especifique el uso combinado de tierras (cultivos/ pastoreo/ árboles):
  • Agroforestería

3.4 Provisión de agua

Provisión de agua para la tierra donde se aplica la Tecnología:
  • totalmente irrigada

As the spatial distribution stretches over large parts of Central Asia, some locations where windbreaks are planted are rainfed and irrigated, but most parts need full irrigation.

3.5 Grupo MST al que pertenece la Tecnología

  • agroforestería
  • rompevientos/ cinturones de protección

3.6 Medidas MST que componen la Tecnología

medidas vegetativas

medidas vegetativas

  • V1: Cubierta de árboles y arbustos

3.7 Principales tipos de degradación del suelo encarados con la Tecnología

erosión de suelos por viento

erosión de suelos por viento

  • Et: pérdida de capa arable
degradación del agua

degradación del agua

  • Ha: aridificación
  • Hg: cambio en nivel de aguas subterráneas/ nivel de acuífero

The main effect of windbreaks in the assessed areas is mainly reducing water consumption, and less wind erosion. Poplars could help to lower groundwater levels and thus contribute to combat salinization. But that did not play a role in the areas specifically assessed.

3.8 Prevención, reducción o restauración de la degradación del suelo

Especifique la meta de la Tecnología con relación a la degradación de la tierra:
  • reducir la degradación del suelo

4. Especificaciones técnicas, actividades de implementación, insumos y costos

4.1 Dibujo técnico de la Tecnología

Especificaciones técnicas (relacionadas al dibujo técnico):

Windbreaks have their greatest impact when planted perpendicular to the main wind direction (or direction of the strongest winds). A whole grid of tree wind breaks running along all field plot borders will have a greater effect, as it prevents enhanced winds through a tunnel effect under changing wind directions. Tree wind breaks can be planted with distances of 50 m to 1000 m away from each other. The effect on the micro climate becomes less pronounced with increasing distance from tree wind breaks. Therefore, on a large field plot, say of 1000 m width between windbreaks, the micro climate averaged over the field plot will not differ much from the conditions without tree wind breaks. In contrast, on smaller field plots, say of 100 m width between windbreaks, the micro climate will differ significantly from open field conditions. This is also explained by the lines for temperature, air humidity, radiation, and in particular wind speed along an increasing distance from a given windbreak. Thereby, the distance from the windbreak is given in multiples of tree height.
In total, the best effects with regard to economic return and reduced water consumption come with a spacing of 200 m between tree wind breaks.
The best effects with regard to economic return and reduced water consumption were achieved with single tree lines. So, only one line of poplar trees is planted along the field borders. The planting distance between trees is 1 m to 1.20 m.
Poplar trees are locally available as trees with a length of 2 m to 2.50 m. Those trees are planted, best along the small irrigation ditches that run along the field borders. The local cultivar which is mainly used is a Populus nigra var. pyramidalis cultivar under the local name Mirza Terek. In principle, modern high yielding cultivars can be used as well; first research has shown a 2-3 times faster growth compared to the locally available cultivars at similar water and nutrient requirements.


Niels Thevs



4.2 Información general sobre el cálculo de insumos y costos

Especifique cómo se calcularon los costos e insumos:
  • por área de Tecnología
Indique tamaño y unidad de área:

1 ha

otra / moneda nacional (especifique):


Si fuera relevante, indique la tasa de cambio de dólares americanos a la moneda local (ej. 1 U$ = 79.9 Reales Brasileros): 1 U$ =:


Indique el costo promedio del salario de trabajo contratado por día:


4.3 Actividades de establecimiento

Actividad Momento (estación)
1. Tree planting March (first year)
2. Maintenance of trees April to September (first and second year)
3. Harvest of trees December to February (last year of tree rotation - after 15 years)

These entries refer to a windbreak system of poplars to be harvested at tree age of 15 years combined with cotton. Thereby, the activities related to trees, including the harvest, are considered as activities to establish windbreaks into an agrarian landscape where irrigated agriculture is ongoing. The annual crop related activities are therefore listed under maintenance. If cotton is rotated with corn or rice, the timing of the crop-related activities is similar.

4.4 Costos e insumos necesarios para el establecimiento

Especifique insumo Unidad Cantidad Costos por unidad Costos totales por insumo % de los costos cubiertos por los usuarios de las tierras
Mano de obra Labor costs for tree planting and maintenance (first year) man-days 3,0 750,0 2250,0 100,0
Mano de obra Labor costs for tree maintenance (second year) man-days 3,0 650,0 1950,0 100,0
Equipo Labor costs to harvest trees (at tree age 15 years) man-days 3,0 70,0 210,0 100,0
Material para plantas Poplar saplings sapling 116,0 20,0 2320,0 100,0
Material para plantas Transport of saplings 500,0 1,0 500,0 100,0
Costos totales para establecer la Tecnología 7230,0
Costos totales para establecer la Tecnología en USD 104,98

Costs had been retrieved for the year 2017. Costs that appear in the second year and later were discounted at a discount rate of 17.5% based on costs as of 2017.

4.5 Actividades de establecimiento/ recurrentes

Actividad Momento/ frequencia
1. Soil preparation and sowing of annual crop (cotton) March to April / every year
2. Irrigation, fertilizer application and other farm operations for the crop April to August / every year
3. Harvest of the crop (cotton) September to October / every year

4.6 Costos e insumos necesarios para actividades de mantenimiento/ recurrentes (por año)

Especifique insumo Unidad Cantidad Costos por unidad Costos totales por insumo % de los costos cubiertos por los usuarios de las tierras
Mano de obra Labor costs for soil preparation man-days 6,81 750,0 5107,5 100,0
Mano de obra Labor costs for sowing man-days 2,5 750,0 1875,0 100,0
Equipo Labor costs for irrigation man-days 23,64 750,0 17730,0 100,0
Equipo Labor costs to apply fertilizer and plant protection man-days 3,34 750,0 2505,0 100,0
Equipo Labor costs for harvest (cotton) man-days 32,78 554,0 18160,12 100,0
Equipo Machine costs (rent) for soil preparation ha 1,0 10021,0 10021,0 100,0
Equipo Machine costs (rent) for sowing ha 1,0 1316,0 1316,0 100,0
Equipo Machine costs for fertilizer application ha 1,0 1200,0 1200,0 100,0
Material para plantas Seeds kg 50,0 101,0 5050,0 100,0
Fertilizantes y biocidas Fertilizer kg 375,0 19,25 7218,75 100,0
Fertilizantes y biocidas Plant protection ha 1,0 1517,0 1517,0 100,0
Otros Water fee ha 1,0 1014,0 1014,0 100,0
Indique los costos totales para mantenecer la Tecnología 72714,37
Costos totales para mantener la Tecnología en USD 1055,82

4.7 Factores más determinantes que afectan los costos:

Describa los factores más determinantes que afectan los costos:

Labour costs are the largest single cost item. In fact, in the cotton system a lot of labour is unpaid family labour or mutual help among neighbours. All labour was calculated in monetary terms, as the share of unpaid labour differed much between farms. This cotton tree wind break system is wide spread in the south of Kyrgyzstan. In the north of the country, tree wind breaks are combined with wheat, barley, corn, or alfalfa (lucerne). There, labour costs are lower as more machines are used (e.g. for harvest).

5. Entorno natural y humano

5.1 Clima

Lluvia anual
  • < 250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1,000 mm
  • 1,001-1,500 mm
  • 1,501-2,000 mm
  • 2,001-3,000 mm
  • 3,001-4,000 mm
  • > 4,000 mm
Especificaciones/ comentarios sobre la cantidad de lluvia:

Precipitation maximum during spring and dry summers, which makes irrigation necessary.

Indique el nombre de la estación metereológica de referencia considerada:

Bazarkorgon, Kara Balta, Kemin

Zona agroclimática
  • semi-árida

hot continental and semi-arid

5.2 Topografía

Pendientes en promedio:
  • plana (0-2 %)
  • ligera (3-5%)
  • moderada (6-10%)
  • ondulada (11-15%)
  • accidentada (16-30%)
  • empinada (31-60%)
  • muy empinada (>60%)
Formaciones telúricas:
  • meseta/ planicies
  • cordilleras
  • laderas montañosas
  • laderas de cerro
  • pies de monte
  • fondo del valle
Zona altitudinal:
  • 0-100 m s.n.m.
  • 101-500 m s.n.m.
  • 501-1,000 m s.n.m
  • 1,001-1,500 m s.n.m
  • 1,501-2,000 m s.n.m
  • 2,001-2,500 m s.n.m
  • 2,501-3,000 m s.n.m
  • 3,001-4,000 m s.n.m
  • > 4,000 m s.n.m
Comentarios y especificaciones adicionales sobre topografía :

Tree windbreaks can be applied in a wide range of topographical situations. Though this particular entry focusses on windbreaks in irrigated agriculture so that the whole SLM technique, i.e. trees and crops, is distributed on flat land. As irrigation is tied to rivers as water sources, this SLM technique is distributed on river plains.

5.3 Suelos

Profundidad promedio del suelo:
  • muy superficial (0-20 cm)
  • superficial (21-50 cm)
  • moderadamente profunda (51-80 cm)
  • profunda (81-120 cm)
  • muy profunda (>120 cm)
Textura del suelo (capa arable):
  • mediana (limosa)
Textura del suelo (> 20 cm debajo de la superficie):
  • mediana (limosa)
Materia orgánica de capa arable:
  • media (1-3%)
Si se halla disponible, adjunte una descripción completa de los suelos o especifique la información disponible, por ej., tipo de suelo, pH/ acidez de suelo, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, nitrógeno, salinidad, etc. :

Tree windbreaks per se are not limited to specific soil types. In the region considered here, the soils that are irrigated and therefore are sites for this SLM technique were mostly formed by riparian deposits. Those soils silty to loamy. On most of those areas, where irrigation takes place, soils are classified as Fluvisols. On few areas, the soils are classified as Gleysols.

5.4 Disponibilidad y calidad de agua

Agua subterránea:

< 5 m

Disponibilidad de aguas superficiales:


Calidad de agua (sin tratar):

solo para uso agrícola (irrigación)

La calidad de agua se refiere a:

agua superficial

¿La salinidad del agua es un problema?


¿Se está llevando a cabo la inundación del área? :


Comentarios y especificaciones adicionales sobre calidad y cantidad de agua:

Soil salinization and waterlogging do not play a role on the sites from where the information was collected for this introduction here. Though in parts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, where this windbreak SLM technology is being applied and can be expanded as well, salinization and water logging do play a role.

5.5 Biodiversidad

Diversidad de especies:
  • mediana
Diversidad de hábitats:
  • mediana

5.6 Las características de los usuarios de la tierra que aplican la Tecnología

Sedentario o nómada:
  • Sedentario
Orientación del mercado del sistema de producción:
  • mixta (subsistencia/ comercial)
Ingresos no agrarios:
  • 10-50% de todo el ingreso
Nivel relativo de riqueza:
  • promedio
Individuos o grupos:
  • individual/ doméstico
  • grupos/ comunal
Nivel de mecanización:
  • trabajo manual
  • mecanizado/motorizado
  • hombres
Edad de los usuarios de la tierra:
  • personas de mediana edad
Indique otras características relevantes de los usuarios de las tierras:

In Kyrgyzstan, the land users operate as households and can decide on their crops. Though, planting tree windbreaks does take place in agreement with neighbours. In Uzbekistan, where windbreaks are used as well, the freedom of farmers to chose their crops is limited, while tree windbreak planting partly follows governmental orders. In both countries as well as Tajikistan, labour migration is important for most rural families and remittances comprise a substantial share of the household income (off-farm income).

5.7 Área promedio de la tierra usada por usuarios de tierra que aplican la Tecnología

  • < 0.5 ha
  • 0.5-1 ha
  • 1-2 ha
  • 2-5 ha
  • 5-15 ha
  • 15-50 ha
  • 50-100 ha
  • 100-500 ha
  • 500-1,000 ha
  • 1,000-10,000 ha
  • > 10,000 ha
¿Esto se considera de pequeña, mediana o gran escala (refiriéndose al contexto local)?
  • escala mediana

5.8 Tenencia de tierra, uso de tierra y derechos de uso de agua

Tenencia de tierra:
  • individual, con título
Derechos de uso de tierra:
  • arrendamiento
  • individual
Derechos de uso de agua:
  • comunitarios (organizado)
¿Los derechos del uso de la tierra se basan en un sistema legal tradicional?

5.9 Acceso a servicios e infraestructura

  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
asistencia técnica:
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
empleo (ej. fuera de la granja):
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
caminos y transporte:
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
agua potable y saneamiento:
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno
servicios financieros:
  • pobre
  • moderado
  • bueno

6. Impactos y comentarios para concluir

6.1 Impactos in situ demostrados por la Tecnología

Impactos socioeconómicos


producción de cultivo

Comentarios/ especifique:

There is agreement in the scientific literature that tree windbreaks cause crop yield increases of 10-15%. Some references even claim crop yield increases of up to 40%.

producción de forraje

Comentarios/ especifique:

The leaves of the trees are partly used as fodder. But that additional fodder only is a minor contribution to the overall fodder demand.

producción de madera

Cantidad antes de MST:


Cantidad luego de MST:

53 m³/ha after 15 years

Comentarios/ especifique:

Trees are harvested at an age of 15 years. Such trees have an average tree height and DBH of 19 m and 27 cm, respectively. Given a form factor of 0.42 one tree yields a stem volume of 0.457 m³. A number of 116 trees is assigned to 1 ha, which results in 53 m³/ha.

área de producción

Cantidad antes de MST:

1 ha cropland

Cantidad luego de MST:

0.9 ha cropland

Comentarios/ especifique:

Tree wind breaks occupy space so that the area available to the crop gets reduced. While the trees do not occupy substantial space during their first years of growth, they occupy about 10% of the cropland at and age of 10-15 years. This calculation was made for a spacing between tree wind breaks of 200 m.

manejo de tierras

Comentarios/ especifique:

Tree windbreaks at a spacing of 200 m do not impede farm operations, while narrower spacing may disturb farm operations, in particular with machines.

Disponibilidad y calidad de agua

demanda de agua para irrigar

Cantidad antes de MST:

904 mm over the cropping season

Cantidad luego de MST:

777 mm over the cropping season

Comentarios/ especifique:

ETc (water consumption) of cotton is 904 mm over the whole cropping season. Tree windbreaks (arranged as a rectangular grid with a spacing of 200 m) with cotton together consume 777 mm over the whole cropping season. (cf. comment below under evaporation)

Ingreso y costos

gastos en insumos agrícolas

Comentarios/ especifique:

There are expenses for tree planting material and labour associated to tree planting and maintenance during the first and second year.

ingreso agrario

Cantidad antes de MST:

Accumulated NPV after 15 years: 214,000 KSG/ha

Cantidad luego de MST:

Accumulated NPV after 15 years: 232,000 KSG/ha

Comentarios/ especifique:

The accumulated NPV over 15 years for cotton versus cotton and tree wind breaks were compared to assess the financial gain from tree wind break systems. 15 years is the tree age at which the tree wind breaks are harvested. Costs and revenues were discounted at a discount rate of 17.5%.

diversidad de fuentes de ingreso

Comentarios/ especifique:

Wood resources are added as additional income next to crops.

Impactos ecológicos

Ciclo de agua/ escurrimiento de sedimento


Cantidad antes de MST:

904 mm over the cropping season

Cantidad luego de MST:

777 mm over the cropping season

Comentarios/ especifique:

ETc (water consumption) of cotton is 904 mm over the whole cropping season. Tree win breaks (arranged as a rectangular grid with a spacing of 200 m) with cotton together consume 777 mm over the whole cropping season. (cf. comment above under irrigation water demand)


humedad del suelo

Comentarios/ especifique:

As tree wind breaks reduce evapotranspiration, they help to maintain soil moisture.

pérdida de suelo

Comentarios/ especifique:

Wind erosion did not play a role in this example of cotton combined with tree windbreaks. Though in other parts of Kyrgyzstan or Central Asia stronger winds prevail than in this very example. There, tree wind breaks do combat wind erosion.


Comentarios/ especifique:

Salinity did not play a role in this example of cotton combined with tree windbreaks. Though in other parts of Kyrgyzstan or Central Asia salinity does play a role. There, windbreaks, in particular poplar trees, help to lower the groundwater levels due to their high water consumption, which helps to combat soil salinization.

materia orgánica debajo del suelo C

Comentarios/ especifique:

The leaves of the trees partly end up as litter on the soil surface. The trees' root systems add to the below ground biomass. Both contribute to the formation of soil organic matter. Though, this is limited to a small area adjacent to the tree wind breaks and does not translate into the area of the cropland.

6.2 Impactos fuera del sitio demostrados por la Tecnología

disponibilidad de agua

Comentarios/ especifique:

As the evapotranspiration (water consumption) and the demand for irrigation water are reduced, the general availability of water is increased.

daño a campos de vecinos

Comentarios/ especifique:

Neighboring fields are partly shaded.

6.3 Exposición y sensibilidad de la Tecnología al cambio climático gradual y a extremos relacionados al clima/ desastres (desde la percepción de los usuarios de tierras)

Otras consecuencias relacionadas al clima

Otras consecuencias relacionadas al clima
¿Cómo es que la tecnología soporta esto?
Glacier retreat which will result in reduced river flows and supply of water for irrigation

There are two major effects of climate change on the region Central Asia: 1. Glacier retreat through rising temperatures and 2. increasing rainfall during winter and partly reduced snow. Currently, the melting glaciers cause elevated river flows so that there is more water available for irrigation. But, once the glaciers have reached a new equilibrium with smaller glacier volumes, they will deliver less water so that river flows are expected to drop during the second half of this century. Then, the supply of water for irrigation will become constrained. Tree windbreaks are one option to adapt to those conditions in the future.

6.4 Análisis costo-beneficio

¿Cómo se comparan los beneficios con los costos de establecimiento (desde la perspectiva de los usuarios de tierra)?
Ingresos a corto plazo:

neutral/ balanceado

Ingresos a largo plazo:


¿Cómo se comparan los beneficios con los costos de mantenimiento/ recurrentes (desde la perspectiva de los usuarios de tierra)?
Ingresos a corto plazo:


Ingresos a largo plazo:


6.5 Adopción de la Tecnología

  • 1-10%
De todos quienes adoptaron la Tecnología, ¿cuántos lo hicieron espontáneamente, por ej. sin recibir nada de incentivos/ materiales:
  • 91-100%

6.6 Adaptación

¿La tecnología fue modificada recientemente para adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes?

Especifique la adaptación de la Tecnología (diseño, material/ especies, etc.):

During the Soviet Union times, when tree windbreaks were promoted, multi-row tree windbreaks were planted. Today, farmers prefer single tree lines, in order not to sacrifice too much crop space.

6.7 Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades de la Tecnología

Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del usuario de la tierra
Tree windbreaks deliver wood resources for self consumption or to be sold on markets.
In more windy parts of Kyrgyzstan or Central Asia, land users see the advantage of reduced wind speed for crop quality and snow trap to build up soil moisture.
Fuerzas/ ventajas/ oportunidades desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave
Tree windbreaks provide additional income as they deliver wood resources.
Tree windbreaks reduce overall water consumption in irrigated agriculture.
In more windy parts of Kyrgyzstan or Central Asia, land users see the advantage of reduced wind speed for crop quality and snow trap to build up soil moisture.

6.8 Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos de la Tecnología y formas de sobreponerse a ellos

Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos desde la perspectiva del usuario de la tierra ¿Cómo sobreponerse a ellas?
Tree windbreaks shade the crop. Capacity building and explain that this is a minor effect.
Tree windbreaks compete with the crops for nutrients and water. Capacity building and explain that this is a minor effect.
Tree windbreaks disturb farm operations. Capacity building and explain that this is a minor effect.
Tree windbreaks cause conflict with neighbours, as neighbours may share those negative perceptions. Capacity building and explain that this is a minor effect and promote cooperation between neighbors to share benefits from tree wind breaks.
Debilidades/ desventajas/ riesgos desde la perspectiva del compilador o de otra persona de referencia clave ¿Cómo sobreponerse a ellas?
Financial resources are needed to establish tree windbreaks, while the revenue from the harvest of trees only can be realized in the future. Access to suitable finance.

7. Referencias y vínculos

7.1 Métodos/ fuentes de información

  • visitas de campo, encuestas de campo

Regular field visits (every 14 days) on three sites to collect climate, crop, and tree data to, among others, calculate crop and tree water consumption.
Field visit to two additional sites to collect data on tree growth.

  • entrevistas con usuarios de tierras

62 household interviews to collect agro-economic numbers on crops and trees.
15 household interviews with wood traders and wood processors to collect information on markets and prices of wood from tree wind breaks.
80 semi-structured interviews on perception of tree wind breaks by farmers.

  • compilación de informes y otra documentación existente

compilation of literature on tree windbreaks, from Soviet Union and recent international literature.

¿Cuándo se compilaron los datos (en el campo)?



July 2017 was the most busy time to collect the interviews on agro-economy and wood markets. The interviews on farmers' perceptions of tree windbreaks were collected during September and October 2018. Crop and tree data (growth, water consumption) were collected during 2017 and 2018.

7.2 Vínculos a las publicaciones disponibles

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Thevs N, Aliev K (2021): Agro-economy of tree windbreak systems in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. Agroforestry Systems. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-021-00617-7

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

Agroforestry Systems, EUR 37.40

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Ruppert D, Welp M, Spies M, Thevs N (2020): Farmers’ perceptions of tree shelterbelts on agricultural land in rural Kyrgyzstan. Sustainability 12:1093. doi:10.3390/su12031093

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/3/1093 - open access

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Thevs N, Gombert AJ, Strenge E, Lleshi R, Aliev K, Emileva B (2019): Tree wind breaks in Central Asia and their effects on agricultural water consumption. Land, 8: 167-183. https://doi.org/10.3390/land8110167

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

https://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/8/11/167 - open access

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Strenge E, Thevs N, Aliev K, Eraaliev M, Lang P, Baibagysov A (2018): Water consumption of Populus alba trees in tree shelterbelt systems in Central Asia. Central Asian Journal for Water Resources 4, 48-62

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

https://www.water-ca.org/api/v1/articles/5955-water-consumption-of-populus-alba-trees-in-tree-shelterbelt-systems-in-central-asia.pdf - open access

Título, autor, año, ISBN:

Thevs N, Aliev K, Lleshi R (accepted): Water Productivity of Tree Wind Break Agroforestry Systems in Irrigated Agriculture – an example from Ferghana Valley, Kyrgyzstan. Trees, Forests, and People

¿Dónde se halla disponible? ¿Costo?

will be open access

7.3 Vínculos a la información relevante disponible en línea

Título/ descripción:

UNECE (2019): Forest Landscape Restoration in the Caucasus and Central Asia – Challenges and Opportunities. Background paper for the Ministerial Roundtable on Forest Landscape Restoration in the Caucasus and Central Asia (21-22 June 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan)



Título/ descripción:

Agroforestry and Central Asia



7.4 Comentarios generales

The questionaire guides the compiler through a number of questions through often standardized questions (ticking boxes). This is very helpful to avoid, possibly lengthy and not too concise descriptions. But with regard to agroforestry it should be made more clear where and how to address the trees.
In total it needs time to go through and fill in all sections, which surely is owed to the wish and need to collect information for a comprehensive description of each SLM technology. But, towards the end of projects, which have developed such technologies, the workload might be too high so that the entry into WOCAT is neglected. I guess one only can appeal to the motivation of projects or offer some sort of support for NGOs or so in need, but with very good SLM technologies to offer.

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