Minimum Tillage [Russie]
- Création :
- Mise à jour :
- Compilateur : Peter Liebelt
- Rédacteur : –
- Examinateurs : Alexandra Gavilano, Deborah Niggli, David Streiff
Минимальная обработка
technologies_1315 - Russie
Voir les sections
Développer tout Réduire tout1. Informations générales
1.2 Coordonnées des personnes-ressources et des institutions impliquées dans l'évaluation et la documentation de la Technologie
Nom du projet qui a facilité la documentation/ l'évaluation de la Technologie (si pertinent)
Book project: Making sense of research for sustainable land management (GLUES)Nom du projet qui a facilité la documentation/ l'évaluation de la Technologie (si pertinent)
Sustainable land management in the Russian steppes (KULUNDA / GLUES)1.3 Conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées
Le compilateur et la(les) personne(s) ressource(s) acceptent les conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées:
1.4 Déclaration sur la durabilité de la Technologie décrite
Est-ce que la Technologie décrite ici pose problème par rapport à la dégradation des terres, de telle sorte qu'elle ne peut pas être déclarée comme étant une technologie de gestion durable des terres?
1.5 Référence au(x) Questionnaires sur les Approches de GDT (documentées au moyen de WOCAT)
![Vocational Training](/media/63/8/638925c3-f3a8-43d2-857e-3b1dd6326b84.jpg)
Vocational Training [Russie]
Regular in-service training of land use specialists and farm managers in the fields of sustainable land use management, and monitoring in the agrarian sector.
- Compilateur : Peter Liebelt
![Field days](/media/cf/c/cfc9facd-a84b-42cc-9407-7bdda1c721dc.jpg)
Field days [Russie]
Field days are events for regional stakeholders, mainly farmers in the study area, to discuss their demands regarding scientific help, and to be informed about the activities and results of new methods and technologies for conservation agriculture.
- Compilateur : Peter Liebelt
2. Description de la Technologie de GDT
2.1 Courte description de la Technologie
Définition de la Technologie:
Minimum tillage is a one-pass operation combined with sowing, using a classic Russian seeder modified for seedbed preparation and soil mixing. It can include shallow stubble cultivation after harvesting.
2.2 Description détaillée de la Technologie
Minimum tillage is a key element of the "adapted Soviet cropping system", which aims at more sustainable land use but based on predominantly local technologies. For successful implementation of minimum tillage, adaption of the whole cropping system is required, including crop rotation. Rotation includes a succession of cereal crops (e.g. spring wheat), legumes (peas), and oil seed crops. Stubble cultivation in autumn is best performed with the "Catros" compact disc harrow for a quick, shallow operation. Seedbed preparation is carried out using a classic Russian seeder modified with wing shares for shallow seedbed preparation including soil mixing. In general, the performance of this drill is very close to that of a cultivator.
Minimizing tillage, saves time and fuel, and also helps to reduce evaporation, as well as protecting the soil against erosion. Shallow tillage with disc harrows after harvest ensures better stubble mixing and stimulates the germination of weed seeds. The adapted seeder, SZS 2.1, works with wing shares that open the soil and place the seed. Thus traditional deep tillage operations for the preparation of the seedbed can are omitted: that helps to reduce costs. With respect to crop protection, the first and most important element is to implement a full crop rotation. To control late germinating weeds and seeds of the previous crop, a disc harrow is used for shallow cultivation – this can be supplemented by the application of a non-selective herbicide if there is germination - to avoid the risk of flowering before the hard frost sets in. Fertilization becomes more important, because of the decreased mineralization rate under minimized soil tillage, especially at the beginning of the conversion of the cropping system.
The Technology including crop rotation was tested in the field in 4 test plots with 4 repetitions at the test site in Poluyamki. Results showed that the intensity of soil tillage and seeding methods used had a great influence on crop establishment and expected yields. It was demonstrated that minimizing tillage leads to higher water use efficiency and highest yields. Positive effects were also observed regarding soil structure and soil fertility already after 3 years. Minimized soil disturbance led to higher aggregate stability, which leads to a lower risk of wind erosion, increased soil organic carbon storage and soil fertility as well as available soil water content. The adapted Soviet system is more profitable, due to higher gross margins.
The test site in Poluyamki is located in the dry steppe of the border region next to Kazakhstan, where, due to the climatic conditions, no natural afforestation occurs, and the planted windbreaks don’t grow vigorously due to the prevailing aridity. The annual precipitation is under 300 mm a year. Probably the greatest climatic influence factor is the precipitation - in terms of quantity and space/ time distribution and, due to high summer temperatures, the high rates of evapotranspiration. The total yearly precipitation rate is the primary yield-limiting factor in all steppe regions. The ratio between precipitation and evaporation is negative. In the late weeks of spring, prolonged droughts must be expected in 5-year cycles, limiting germination and crop establishment. The soils are classed among those of cool-tempered grasslands. Due to their physical and chemical characteristics, these soils (Chernozems and Kastanozems) have high agronomic potential.
2.3 Photos de la Technologie
2.5 Pays/ région/ lieux où la Technologie a été appliquée et qui sont couverts par cette évaluation
Région/ Etat/ Province:
Russian Federation/Altai Krai
Autres spécifications du lieu:
Mikhaylovski district (Pavlovski district, Mamontovski district)
Spécifiez la diffusion de la Technologie:
- répartie uniformément sur une zone
Si la Technologie est uniformément répartie sur une zone, précisez la superficie couverte (en km2):
S'il n'existe pas d'informations exactes sur la superficie, indiquez les limites approximatives de la zone couverte:
- 0,1-1 km2
Boundary points of the Technology area: Centre latitude: _52° 4'3.00"N Centre longitude: 79°54'26.16"E Test site Poluyamki
Total area covered by the SLM Technology is 0.13 km2.
The total investigation area of the SLM Technology “Minimum Tillage” refers to the test site areas: 1. Poluyamki, Mikhaylovskiy Rayon: 13ha ; 2. Pervomayskiy, Mamontovskiy Rayon: 10ha and 3. Komsomolskiy, Pavlovskiy Rayon: 3ha all managed by Minimum Tillage. This questionnaire is related to the test site in Poluyamki, Mikhaylovskiy Rayon
×2.6 Date de mise en œuvre de la Technologie
Si l'année précise est inconnue, indiquez la date approximative: :
- il y a moins de 10 ans (récemment)
2.7 Introduction de la Technologie
Spécifiez comment la Technologie a été introduite: :
- au cours d'expérimentations / de recherches
Commentaires (type de projet, etc.) :
Already during the Soviet land use periode temporal,especially after the Virgin land campagne (1954-'63)efforts were made to minimize soil tillage intensity to obtain from conventional ploughing system. An important scientific thinker for this innovative farming systems was T. C. Malcev. But at this time the new approaches for minimized tillage systems were not seriously implemented in Russia. Only in the last decade a significant trend towards minimum soil tillage can be recodnized in the Russian agriculture
3. Classification de la Technologie de GDT
3.1 Principal(aux) objectif(s) de la Technologie
- améliorer la production
- réduire, prévenir, restaurer les terres dégradées
3.2 Type(s) actuel(s) d'utilisation des terres, là où la Technologie est appliquée
![Terres cultivées](/static/assets/img/pictos/land_1.png)
Terres cultivées
- Cultures annuelles
Nombre de période de croissance par an: :
- 1
Longest growing period in days: 110, Longest growing period from month to month: May-October
Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): The decrease of soil organic carbon content in the soils and loss of topsoil depth has led to a decrease in soil fertility. Additionally, the negative soil water balance due to the high summer temperatures and evaporation, and the high spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, is a serious problem relating to the lack of soil water.
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): The land users who were involved in the studies and implemented the new farming practices have a similar opinion. But there are still a lot of farmers that underestimate the ecological risks of soil degradation resulting from conventional/ traditional soil management.
3.4 Approvisionnement en eau
Approvisionnement en eau des terres sur lesquelles est appliquée la Technologie:
- pluvial
3.5 Groupe de GDT auquel appartient la Technologie
- perturbation minimale du sol
3.6 Mesures de GDT constituant la Technologie
![pratiques agronomiques](/static/assets/img/pictos/swc_2_agro.png)
pratiques agronomiques
- A1: Couverture végétale/ du sol
- A2: Matière organique/ fertilité du sol
- A3: Traitement de la couche superficielle du sol
A3: Différenciez les systèmes de travail du sol:
A 3.2: Reduced tillage (> 30% soil cover)
![modes de gestion](/static/assets/img/pictos/swc_4_manag.png)
modes de gestion
- M2: Changement du niveau de gestion / d'intensification
Type of agronomic measures: better crop cover, mulching, green manure, mineral (inorganic) fertilizers, rotations / fallows, minimum tillage, non-inversion tillage
3.7 Principaux types de dégradation des terres traités par la Technologie
![érosion hydrique des sols](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_watererosion.png)
érosion hydrique des sols
- Wt: perte de la couche superficielle des sols (couche arable)/ érosion de surface
![érosion éolienne des sols](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_winderosion.png)
érosion éolienne des sols
- Et: perte de la couche superficielle des sols (couche arable)
- Ed: déflation et déposition
- Eo: effets hors site de la dégradation
![dégradation chimique des sols](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_2_chem.png)
dégradation chimique des sols
- Cn: baisse de la fertilité des sols et réduction du niveau de matière organique (non causée par l’érosion)
![dégradation physique des sols](/static/assets/img/pictos/degra_1_phys.png)
dégradation physique des sols
- Pc: compaction
Main causes of degradation: soil management (Conventional (intensive) soil tillage by phloughing), crop management (annual, perennial, tree/shrub) (Bare fallow (without any vegetation cover)), wind storms / dust storms (Strong wind and storm (local name: Sukhovey) from the south-western central-Asiatic semi-desert regions cause a higher risk of wind erosion especially on traditional cropland without plant cover), droughts (The frequently occurring early-summer drought periods are particularly problematic for agricultural production)
Secondary causes of degradation: education, access to knowledge and support services (The linkages between research, education, extension services and end users need to strengthened, for better knowledge creation and transfer. Need for more efficient and qualified advisory service), Capital for investments (Lack of capital for investment in modern adapted agricultural technologies)
3.8 Prévention, réduction de la dégradation ou réhabilitation des terres dégradées
Spécifiez l'objectif de la Technologie au regard de la dégradation des terres:
- prévenir la dégradation des terres
- réduire la dégradation des terres
4. Spécifications techniques, activités, intrants et coûts de mise en œuvre
4.1 Dessin technique de la Technologie
Spécifications techniques (associées au dessin technique):
Soviet Seeder SZS 2.1 with wing shares for shallow soil mixing and seed bed preparation.
Location: Poluyamki. Altai Krai
Date: 20.05.2015
Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: high
Technical knowledge required for land users: high
Main technical functions: improvement of topsoil structure (compaction), increase in organic matter, increase of infiltration, increase / maintain water stored in soil, sediment retention / trapping, sediment harvesting
Secondary technical functions: control of raindrop splash, control of dispersed runoff: retain / trap, control of dispersed runoff: impede / retard, control of concentrated runoff: retain / trap, control of concentrated runoff: impede / retard, improvement of surface structure (crusting, sealing), improvement of subsoil structure (hardpan), stabilisation of soil (eg by tree roots against land slides), increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…), reduction in wind speed, increase of biomass (quantity)
Better crop cover
Material/ species: Crop rotation without bare fallow
Material/ species: stubble cultivation with disc harrow or harrow weeder
Quantity/ density: 1/year
Green manure
Material/ species: pea
Mineral (inorganic) fertilizers
Material/ species: fertilization with calcium ammonium nitrate
Quantity/ density: yearly
Remarks: (100kg/ha (spring wheat and rape), 50kg (pea)
Rotations / fallows
Material/ species: wheat-pea-wheat-raps
Minimum tillage
Material/ species: Catros (disc harrow) and Seeder СЗС2.1 (wing shares)
Remarks: Catros (depth: 10 cm) after harvest (autumn) and Seeder in May)
Non-inversion tillage
Material/ species: Catros (disc harrow) and Seeder СЗС2.1 (wing shares)
Remarks: Catros (depth: 10 cm) after harvest (autumn) and Seeder in May)
Lars-Christian Grunwald
4.5 Activités d'entretien/ récurrentes
Activité | Calendrier/ fréquence | |
1. | Stubble cultivation | september |
2. | Seeding | late april/early may |
3. | Seeding (extension) | |
4. | Pest management | period of vegetation |
5. | Pest management (extension) | |
6. | Harvest | september |
4.6 Coûts et intrants nécessaires aux activités d'entretien/ récurrentes (par an)
Spécifiez les intrants | Unité | Quantité | Coûts par unité | Coût total par intrant | % des coût supporté par les exploitants des terres | |
Main d'œuvre | labour | ha | 1,0 | 4,34 | 4,34 | 100,0 |
Equipements | machine use | ha | 1,0 | 37,4 | 37,4 | 100,0 |
Equipements | fuel | ha | 1,0 | 47,34 | 47,34 | 100,0 |
Matériel végétal | seeds | ha | 1,0 | 25,3 | 25,3 | 100,0 |
Engrais et biocides | fertilizer | ha | 1,0 | 30,83 | 30,83 | 100,0 |
Engrais et biocides | pesticides | ha | 1,0 | 9,42 | 9,42 | 100,0 |
Coût total d'entretien de la Technologie | 154,63 | |||||
Coût total d'entretien de la Technologie en dollars américains (USD) | 154,63 |
The costs refers to 1ha land of the test field in Poluyamki.
4.7 Facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts
Décrivez les facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts :
The highest cost factors of minimum tillage are equipment, fuel, fertilizer and seeds. Compared to the conventional deep ploughing often without fertilizer application, fertilizer and pesticides are the main additional cost factors.
5. Environnement naturel et humain
5.1 Climat
Précipitations annuelles
- < 250 mm
- 251-500 mm
- 501-750 mm
- 751-1000 mm
- 1001-1500 mm
- 1501-2000 mm
- 2001-3000 mm
- 3001-4000 mm
- > 4000 mm
Zone agro-climatique
- semi-aride
Thermal climate class: temperate
5.2 Topographie
Pentes moyennes:
- plat (0-2 %)
- faible (3-5%)
- modéré (6-10%)
- onduleux (11-15%)
- vallonné (16-30%)
- raide (31-60%)
- très raide (>60%)
- plateaux/ plaines
- crêtes
- flancs/ pentes de montagne
- flancs/ pentes de colline
- piémonts/ glacis (bas de pente)
- fonds de vallée/bas-fonds
Zones altitudinales:
- 0-100 m
- 101-500 m
- 501-1000 m
- 1001-1500 m
- 1501-2000 m
- 2001-2500 m
- 2501-3000 m
- 3001-4000 m
- > 4000 m
5.3 Sols
Profondeur moyenne du sol:
- très superficiel (0-20 cm)
- superficiel (21-50 cm)
- modérément profond (51-80 cm)
- profond (81-120 cm)
- très profond (>120 cm)
Texture du sol (de la couche arable):
- moyen (limoneux)
Matière organique de la couche arable:
- moyen (1-3%)
5.4 Disponibilité et qualité de l'eau
Profondeur estimée de l’eau dans le sol:
5-50 m
5.6 Caractéristiques des exploitants des terres appliquant la Technologie
Orientation du système de production:
- commercial/ de marché
Revenus hors exploitation:
- moins de 10% de tous les revenus
Niveau relatif de richesse:
- moyen
- très riche
Individus ou groupes:
- employé (entreprise, gouvernement)
Niveau de mécanisation:
- mécanisé/ motorisé
- hommes
Indiquez toute autre caractéristique pertinente des exploitants des terres:
Land users applying the Technology are mainly Leaders / privileged
There are generally less woman than men in rural regions caused by rural-urban migration. Furthermore, jobs in the agricultural sector are not so attractive for woman.
Population density: 10-50 persons/km2
Annual population growth: negative
5.7 Superficie moyenne des terres utilisées par les exploitants des terres appliquant la Technologie
- < 0,5 ha
- 0,5-1 ha
- 1-2 ha
- 2-5 ha
- 5-15 ha
- 15-50 ha
- 50-100 ha
- 100-500 ha
- 500-1 000 ha
- 1 000-10 000 ha
- > 10 000 ha
Cette superficie est-elle considérée comme de petite, moyenne ou grande dimension (en se référant au contexte local)?
- grande dimension
5.8 Propriété foncière, droits d’utilisation des terres et de l'eau
Propriété foncière:
- état
- individu, sans titre de propriété
Droits d’utilisation des terres:
- communautaire (organisé)
- loué
Droits d’utilisation de l’eau:
- accès libre (non organisé)
state: 45%, the data refer to the Altai Krai
5.9 Accès aux services et aux infrastructures
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
assistance technique:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
emploi (par ex. hors exploitation):
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
routes et transports:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
eau potable et assainissement:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
services financiers:
- pauvre
- modéré
- bonne
6. Impacts et conclusions
6.1 Impacts sur site que la Technologie a montrés
Impacts socio-économiques
production agricole
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
In the first years after the change of the cropping system, there is an increased risk of crop losses due not correct/suitable management of the new cropping system
Revenus et coûts
dépenses pour les intrants agricoles
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
mainly for initial investments and herbicides in the first years
revenus agricoles
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
but increase of costs for herbicides and fertilizer; decrease for fuel and labor
Autres impacts socio-économiques
Increase use of herbicide applications
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
particular necessary in the first years after the imlementation of the minimum tillage system
Impacts socioculturels
sécurité alimentaire/ autosuffisance
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
In general yes, but food security is not a problem in this region.
apaisement des conflits
contribution to human well-being
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Technology makes a contribution to the long-term productivity of the soil – the most important factors in the rural areas of the Kulunda region. Furthermore, it leads to an increase in efficiency and to an improvement of the economic situation of farms, which might lead to a decrease in out-migration of the youth.
Impacts écologiques
Cycle de l'eau/ ruissellement
ruissellement de surface
humidité du sol
couverture du sol
perte en sol
compaction du sol
cycle/ recharge des éléments nutritifs
matière organique du sol/ au dessous du sol C
Biodiversité: végétale, animale
espèces bénéfiques
Réduction des risques de catastrophe et des risques climatiques
émissions de carbone et de gaz à effet de serre
vitesse du vent
Autres impacts écologiques
Increased use of herbicide application
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
Especially in the first years after the implementation of the minimum tillage system.
6.2 Impacts hors site que la Technologie a montrés
disponibilité de l'eau
Commentaires/ spécifiez:
there is a higher content of soil moisture under minimum tillage than under traditional ploughing especially in dry weather periods / drought periods.
sédiments (indésirables) transportés par le vent
dommages sur les champs voisins
6.3 Exposition et sensibilité de la Technologie aux changements progressifs et aux évènements extrêmes/catastrophes liés au climat (telles que perçues par les exploitants des terres)
Changements climatiques progressifs
Changements climatiques progressifs
Saison | Augmentation ou diminution | Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
températures annuelles | augmente | bien |
Extrêmes climatiques (catastrophes)
Catastrophes météorologiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
pluie torrentielle locale | bien |
tempête de vent locale | bien |
Catastrophes climatiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
sécheresse | bien |
Autres conséquences liées au climat
Autres conséquences liées au climat
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela? | |
réduction de la période de croissance | pas bien |
The increase of air temperature and wind lead to an increase of the evapotransporation rate and consequently, as well as rainfall decrease and droughts, to a decrease of soil water content that is one of the most important limiting factor in crop production. The minimization of soil tillage intensity helps to reduce the evapotranspiration rate and thus leads to a higher soil water content. The stubble slow down the wind, that protect the soil against erosion and reduce the evapotranspiration rate.
6.4 Analyse coûts-bénéfices
Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts de mise en place (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:
neutre / équilibrée
Rentabilité à long terme:
Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts d'entretien récurrents (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:
légèrement positive
Rentabilité à long terme:
6.5 Adoption de la Technologie
100% of land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support
The 3 farms/ sites where minimum tillage was tested were already interested in conservation technologies and were able to invest in new machinery, which is not representative of the whole Kulunda region. There is a moderate trend towards spontaneous adoption, but this trend depends on different natural and socioeconomic factors, like precipitation or the economic situation and financial power of the farmers.
There is a trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology, but this trend depends on different natural and socioeconomic factors like the precipitation or conditions an economic situation of the financial power of the farms. For example the drier the conditions, the more sense is to minimize the tillage. But there is a need to invest in new machinery. An advantage of the tested Adapted Soviet System in contrast to the Modern Soviet System is the less need for new machinery through the use of old Soviet machinery.
6.7 Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités de la Technologie
Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé |
Increase of soil aggregate stability and improved soil structure thus better erosion control and protection of soil organic matter will improve soil fertility and water holding capacity |
Minimization of evaporation losses through the mulch layer |
Protection of soil organisms thus ensuring natural soil forming processes |
Lower input costs (materials, fuel, labour, time) and quicker field operations. |
A great advantage of the tested ‘minimum tillage’ in contrast to ‘no till‘ is that the former needs no new machinery because of the use and adaptation of old Soviet machinery. |
6.8 Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques de la Technologie et moyens de les surmonter
Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé | Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés? |
Need for comprehensive system knowledge and risk of significant crop losses in case of incorrect implementation | Knowledge transfer, Capacity building and extension services, State support (subsidies for new technologies) |
Application of chemical herbicides leads to higher costs and possible ecological risks | Selective spraying using the “Amaspot” system that is based on infrared detection of weeds. |
Higher requirements for fertilizers, especially at the beginning, due to lower mineralization rates and less nutrient availability compared to conventional cultivation | Higher fertilizer application in the first years after conversion. |
Challenging straw management that leads to higher risk of fungal infestation and poorer field crop emergence | Good straw management: effective straw chopping and spreading as well as stubble cultivation for an optimal straw/ soil ratio. |
7. Références et liens
7.1 Méthodes/ sources d'information
- visites de terrain, enquêtes sur le terrain
- interviews/entretiens avec les exploitants des terres
Quand les données ont-elles été compilées (sur le terrain)?
Liens et modules
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![Vocational Training](/media/63/8/638925c3-f3a8-43d2-857e-3b1dd6326b84.jpg)
Vocational Training [Russie]
Regular in-service training of land use specialists and farm managers in the fields of sustainable land use management, and monitoring in the agrarian sector.
- Compilateur : Peter Liebelt
![Field days](/media/cf/c/cfc9facd-a84b-42cc-9407-7bdda1c721dc.jpg)
Field days [Russie]
Field days are events for regional stakeholders, mainly farmers in the study area, to discuss their demands regarding scientific help, and to be informed about the activities and results of new methods and technologies for conservation agriculture.
- Compilateur : Peter Liebelt
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