Sacred Grove Management [Gana]

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Entidade relatora: Ghana

Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade: Não

Completude: 80%

Informações gerais

Informações gerais

Título de melhores práticas:

Sacred Grove Management



Entidade relatora:


Direitos de propriedade

Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade:



Uso do solo predominante no local especificado

  • Terra de cultivo
  • Pastagem
  • Floresta
  • Terra improdutiva
  • Assentamento humano

Contribuição para medidas de Desertificação, Degradação da Terra e Seca (DDTS)

  • Prevenção
  • Mitigação
  • Adaptação
  • Reabilitação

Contribuição para os objetivos estratégicos

  • Para melhorar as condições de vida das populações afetadas
  • Para melhorar as condições dos ecossistemas afetados
  • Gerar benefícios globais através da implementação efetiva da Convenção

Ligações com os outros temas de melhores práticas

  • Capacitação e conscientização
  • Monitoramento e avaliação/ pesquisa DDTS e GST
  • Gestão do conhecimento e apoio à decisão
  • Estrutura política, legislativa e institucional
  • Financiamento e mobilização de recursos
  • Participação, colaboração e trabalho em rede


Seção 1. Contexto das melhores práticas: condições de enquadramento (ambiente natural e humano)

Breve descrição da melhor prática

A socio – cultural phenomenon which has significance for environmental management are sacred groves.  Sacred groves encourage the development and conservation of vegetation on the landscape and hence serve to promote biodiversity conservation and ecological balance. These groves are protected and maintained through a mechanism of taboos, prohibitions, beliefs and restrictions.  The adoption of enrichment planting of specific tree seedlings required by the community in Yiworgu.  This work involves the establishment of a nursery that produces tree seedlings for the replanting in the sacred grove area. The replanting is intended to join what have become three fragments of the grove back into one area. There is regulated entry into the sacred grove, access to  medicinal plants and other resources within the sacred grove are monitored.  The whole community continues to provide annual labour for the clearance of the fire break around the whole area. A livelihood support programme have been instituted through the provision of  the planned mango plantation, organised with the support of Environmental Protection Agency and the Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (ITFC), a private concern. A live fence had been planted for the mango area, which has been partially cleared.  Individual households also own beehives that have been placed in the sacred grove as a source of income.|


Yiworgu - Northern Region

Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:


Estimativa da população que vive no local:


Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.

The Yiworgu area experiences a dry season from about October to April, during which temperatures often reach 40°C during the day. At nearby Tamale, March is the hottest month, with a mean temperature of 31.4°C. The rainy season normally lasts from May to September, and total mean annual rainfall for Tamale is 1,033 mm. But the distribution of rain within the season is erratic, and there is substantial variation from year to year.|
The area has gravel soils underlain by some oxidised lateritic material. There are signs of sheet and gully erosion in some parts of the area.
The area is largely flat

Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades

The main income sources are from peasant farming activities.
Hundred Ghana Cedis (Gh 100.00) per person per Annum
Yiworgu land is owned by its chief, in trust for the people of the community. The chief’s consent is required for any land use in the area, and is given in consultation between the chief and the community elders.|

Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?

Indigenous knowledge and beliefs of environmental management forms an integral part of drylands development activities. Traditional authorities are encouraged by the government institutions to designate more areas as sacred groves especially areas close to their gods.  The traditional authorities mobilize and sensitise the communities on the importance of re-afforestation and provide the necessary land space needed for the project.

Seção 2. Problemas abordados (causas diretas e indiretas) e objetivos das melhores práticas

Principais problemas abordados pelas melhores práticas

To conserve, rehabilitate and extend vegetative cover of trees, grasses and other natural resources. The sacred groves occupied by ancestral spirits are a common feature of the cultural landscape in Ghana. This conservation function is more central to community identity and the roles of chief and tindana (earth priest) are more closely integrated.  It protects their ancestral homes and sustain their indigenous beliefs and cultural systems.|

Esboçar problemas específicos de degradação do solo abordados pelas melhores práticas

Given the risk posed by bush fires to properties and life an the continued deforestation The clearance of the fire break around the whole area

Especificar os objetivos das melhores práticas

To protect the land and its biodiversity

Seção 3. Atividades

Breve descrição das principais atividades, por objetivo

A total ban imposed on resource use in the sacred grove.
The establishment of a nursery to produce seedlings for replanting of trees in the sacred grove area
Focused on the protection of forested resources of the sacred grove area and encouraged people to protect it, notably by the annual clearing of a fire breaks to protect the reserve forest.|

Breve descrição e especificações técnicas da tecnologia

Demarcation of an area by traditional authority as Sacred Grove as a result of historical happens that has been artificially protected from human and natural disturbance for preservation for the the good of the community. The protected area the becomes a small refuge for a large variety of fauna and flora and a repository of numerous native species found nowhere else in the community in such large concentrations. It maintains a higher biodiversity than the original open-canopy forest. The grove then becomes an important source of both seeds and seed dispersers vital to traditional shifting cultivation practices, and of herbs for local medicinal, social, and religious purposes. While the grove is too small to be a primary watershed, its presence ensures that the water table remains high in the immediate area.|

Seção 4. Instituições/atores envolvidos (colaboração, participação, papel das partes interessadas)

A tecnologia foi desenvolvida em parceria?


Liste os parceiros:

Co-operative Integrated Project on Savanna Ecosystems in Ghana (CIPSEG);
German Government;
Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation Project;
Traditional Authorities;

Especificar a estrutura dentro da qual a tecnologia foi promovida

  • Iniciativa local
  • Iniciativa nacional - liderada pelo governo
  • Programa/iniciativa baseada em projetos

A participação das partes interessadas locais, incluindo as OSCs, foi fomentada no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?


Lista das partes interessadas locais envolvidas:

Yiworgu Community members;
Community Environmental Management Committees

Para os participantes listados acima, especifique seu papel no projeto, início, uso e manutenção da tecnologia, se houver.

The community members described their main goal as the creation of environmental and livelihood benefits for their children through reversal of the resource degradation that was then causing hardship in the community.
From 1993 to 1996 CIPSEG worked in the area, focusing on the degradation of the forested resources of the sacred grove area and encouraged people to protect it, notably by the annual clearing of a fire break. During the CIPSEG period, individually-owned teak plantations were also established. After CIPSEG ended, the local leadership visited EPA repeatedly to ask for more support.
Since 2002, the Northern Savanna Biodiversity Conservation Project (NSBCP) provided funding for further work in the area, which was coordinated by EPA. This work  included the establishment of a nursery that produces seedlings for the replanting of neem and other trees in the sacred grove area. The replanting was intended to join what have become three fragments of the grove back into one area. A total ban was imposed on resource use in the area. Even the chief, who was also a herbalist, now sends people to collect medicinal plants for him from other places further away, and not from the grove. Severe punishments were inflicted on anyone who sets a fire in the area.
The whole community continued to provide annual labour for the clearance of the fire break around the whole area. They also come together to cut poles for the planned mango plantation, which was organised with the support of NSBCP, EPA and the Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (ITFC), a private concern. A live fence was planted for the mango area, which was partially cleared. But the live fence was taking so long to grow that the community has now decided to use a pole fence instead. The idea was that individual households will have management responsibility for, and will be able to market the produce from, separately allocated sections of the community mango plantation. The ITFC has guaranteed a market for the fruit.|

A população que vive no local e/ou nas proximidades estava envolvida no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?


Por meio de quê?
  • Consulta
  • Abordagens participativas
  • Outros (favor especifique)


Seção 5. Contribuição para o impacto

Descreva os impactos no local (os dois principais impactos por categoria)

A marked regeneration of the trees and grasses in the protected area and this is combined with the new tree growth that has been planted, this creates a densely vegetated area even at the end of the dry season.|
Resource conservation and rehabilitation of degraded land could achieve substantial economic benefits.
There is also improve soil fertility in the ares.
The people appear to have realised few direct livelihood benefits from the activities. Those who have beehives in the grove would achieve some small-scale benefits from the honey they produce.
Protection of the soil against
There is effective governance of the sacred grove and effective management of the conservation work. It brings close institutional ties between traditional and modern institutions are likely to enhance the prospects of Natural Resource Management.

Descreva os dois principais impactos fora do local (isto é, não ocorrendo no local, mas nas áreas circunvizinhas)

There has been strong governance in Yiworgu for natural resource management and has generated real economic benefits for the population as well as combating desertification
There has been an improved soil fertility and agricultural productivity in agricultural lands around the sacred grove

Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?

Foi realizada uma análise de custo-benefício?


Seção 6. Adoção e reprodutibilidade

A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?

A tecnologia foi disseminada/introduzida para outros locais?



Other communities in the three Northern Regions of Ghana

Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?

Foram fornecidos incentivos para facilitar a adoção da tecnologia?


Especifique que tipo de incentivos:
  • Incentivos financeiros (por exemplo, taxas preferenciais, auxílios estatais, subsídios, subvenções em dinheiro, garantias de empréstimos, etc.)


Na sua opinião, a melhor prática/tecnologia que você propôs pode ser replicada, embora com algum nível de adaptação, em outro lugar?


Seção 8. Perguntas adicionais da Etapa 1

Perguntas adicionais da Etapa 1

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs): District, Municipal and Metropolitan Assemblies;|
