Breve descrição da melhor prática
The hydraulic civilization of the ancient Sri Lanka, built many small tanks in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka to retain water to be used in the dry season for agriculture, domestic consumption and for the domestic animals. These tanks formed a seperate micro environment.
Anuradhapura District (The Dry Zone District of Anuradhapura comes within the North Central Province in Sri Lanka)
Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:
Estimativa da população que vive no local:
Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.
This area is part of the lowest peneplain moving from the coast and altitude is 0-125msl. However, there are undulating parts and isolated mountains within the area.|
Specific Soil Type: Reddish Brown
The temperature falls within the range of 25C-37C and the annual rainfall is less than 1500mm.The rainfall is restricted to 3-4 months and the remaining months experiences dry weather.The hydraulic civilization in these areas built small tank systems to retain water for the dry season.
Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades
The main sources of income is the income received from agriculture. Agricultural practices include paddy and vegetable crop cultivation. Paddy is grown in lowlands with water from the tank and vegetables are grown in "Chenas" (slash and burn)in highlands.
Land tenure system in these areas has led to land fragmentation, specially paddy fields. The paddy lands have been fragmented to the extent of being economically non-viable. This has become a bottleneck in introducing new agricultural practices.
These areas are predominantly agricultural areas and the average income is far below the per capita GDP, which is US$ 2050 in 2009. Contribution to GDP in these district in the North Central Province is only 2.7% and therefore, these people receive minimum income (less than 100US$ a month)|
Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?
The practice can be considered "best" due to the following.
1). Stakeholder participation ensured 2). Minimum cost 3).Environment friendly 4). It has multiple effects 5). Could be early replicated 6). Generates sense of ownership.