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Productive development and food security programme [Nicarágua]

approaches_2349 - Nicarágua

Completude: 81%

1. Informação geral

1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da abordagem

Pessoa(s) capacitada(s)

Especialista em GST:
Especialista em GST:

Gómez Julio

(505) 0772-7108

ADDAC Managua, Nicaragua

De ENITEL 3c al Norte y 75 varas al Este. Calle Santa Ana, Apartado Postal 161, Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Asociación para la Diversificación y el Desarrollo Agricultural Comunal (ADDAC) (Asociación para la Diversificación y el Desarrollo Agricultural Comunal (ADDAC)) - Nicarágua

1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT

O compilador e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através do WOCAT:


1.4 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre tecnologias da GST

2. Descrição da abordagem de GST

2.1 Descrição curta da abordagem

An integrated programme-based approach promoting participatory testing and extension of various SWC technologies, as well as providing institutional support.

2.2 Descrição detalhada da abordagem

Descrição detalhada da abordagem:

Aims / objectives: The Association for Agricultural Community Development and Diversification (ADDAC) is a non-profit NGO, founded in 1989, whose mission is to improve the living standard of poor rural families engaged in small/medium scale farming in marginal areas to the north of Nicaragua. The main purpose of ADDAC's approach is to develop and strengthen local capacity to analyse problems and find solutions for rural sustainable development. There are five main components: (1) food security and productive development, including technological improvement and diversification within traditional crop cultivation, and extension of alternative agricultural land use practices; (2) support to farmers??? organisations; (3) promotion of gender equality; (4) identification of alternatives in marketing; and (5) provision of an alternative credit system for farming. These fields of activities are based on the principles of organic agriculture and a powerful training process - using the methodology of 'popular education', which involves participatory training and extension activities.

Methods: ADDAC initiates its work in communities through PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) - evaluating problems and potential solutions. These serve as a base for the formulation of project proposals which are then submitted to interested financing organisations. Further steps include participatory planning, and later, evaluation, in collaboration with the land users. For execution of activities ADDAC contracts an interdisciplinary crew of specialists, which stays in the area. Twice a year a participatory reunion is organised to evaluate, and accordingly improve, the activities. Key to the approach is the formation of a grassroots organisation in each community to guarantee local management, build up alternative enterprises and promote community development. These organisations consist of representatives of local support groups, and farmers with a leading role in SWC application and extension. The organisations have various functions during the lifetime of a project: they are the counterparts of the extensionists for project execution, and later they ensure sustainability of activities. Farmers' associations are formed to improve storage and marketing of crops. Networks of local promoters exchange experience between communities and consolidate extension of alternative technologies. Demonstration farms serve as a tool for technology extension, innovation and validation.

2.5 País/região/locais onde a abordagem foi aplicada





2.6 Datas de início e término da abordagem

Indique o ano de início:


2.7 Tipo de abordagem

  • Baseado em projeto/programa

2.8 Principais metas/objetivos da abordagem

Support the economical sustainability and food security of land users in the project area through increased production, diversification, soil conservation and environmental protection. - develop feasible production models, aimed at self-sufficiency and the integration of land users into an alternative internal and external market; build up alternative forms of marketing and credit systems. - community development and capacity building: build-up local farmers' organisation

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: Lack of organisation and skills to analyse and overcome underlying problems of: - poverty; lack of financial resources for investments (eg in SWC). - insufficient food/poor nutrition. - soil degradation/indiscriminate burning of vegetation. - lack of appropriate technologies. - lack of access to public services and markets

2.9 Condição que propiciam ou inibem a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias aplicada(s) segundo a abordagem

Normas e valores sociais/culturais/religiosos
  • Inibitivo

Resistance to implement SWC technologies by some land users

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Awareness raising, demonstration plots, convince with facts.

Disponibilidade/acesso a recursos e serviços financeiros
  • Inibitivo

Poverty, lack of resources for investments into SWC.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Support in the form of credit, basically in kind but also in cash (see credit section).

Quadro institucional
  • Inibitivo

Lack of collaboration between land users.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Strengthen farmers' organisation.

Quadro jurídico (posse de terra, direitos de uso da terra e da água)
  • Propício

Most of the land users have individual properties which facilitates the implementation of the SWC approach activities.

  • Inibitivo

Lack of land use rights.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Problem cannot be resolved under the project.

3. Participação e papel das partes interessadas envolvidas

3.1 Partes interessadas envolvidas na abordagem e seus papéis

  • Usuários de terra/comunidades locais

The integration of women is a key element of the approach. Nevertheless, there are moderate differences due to cultural factors: men are mainly in charge of agricultural activities, whereas women work in the household.

  • Especialistas em GST/ consultor agrícola
  • Governo nacional (planejadores, responsáveis pelas decisões)
3.2 Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais nas diferentes fases da abordagem
Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais Especifique quem estava envolvido e descreva as atividades
Iniciação/motivação Participativo rapid/participatory rural appraisal; participatory planning in public meetings
Planejamento Participativo public meetings, workshops/seminars; assemblies for municipal planning (elaboration of community action plan)
Implementação Participativo responsibility for major steps; execution of the action plans where each community decides
Monitoramento/avaliação Participativo Mainly: public meetings; partly: workshop/seminars, measurements/observations; a specialist is in charge of the continuation of activities and of the planning process with each community; annual assembly of delegates representing all communities assisted by ADDAC
Research Participativo on-farm; on-farm experimentation with interested land users: assessment of different technologies (variety tests, evaluation of ecological effects, etc)

3.4 Decisão sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias de GST

Especifique quem decidiu sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias a serem implementadas:
  • Principalmente usuários da terra, apoiados por especialistas em GST

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by land users supported by SLM specialists

4. Suporte técnico, reforço das capacidades e gestão do conhecimento

4.1 Reforço das capacidades/formação

Foi oferecida formação aos usuários da terra/outras partes interessadas?


Tipo de formação:
  • Agricultor para agricultor
  • Áreas de demonstração
  • Reuniões públicas
Assuntos abordados:

The form of training promoted by ADDAC is called 'popular education'. It is a continuous and participatory process of mutual learning between farmers and technicians, based on a course of 'action - reassessment - action', with the aim of re-establishing indigenous knowledge, improving local self-esteem and the ability to analyse innovations, and, in the long term, to build up the capacity withi

4.2 Serviço de consultoria

Os usuários de terra têm acesso a um serviço de consultoria?


Especifique se foi oferecido serviço de consultoria:
  • nas áreas dos usuários da terra

Key elements: demonstration areas, technical assistance through farm visits, farmer-to-farmer extension, local promoters organised into 'Local Support Groups', associated network.

4.3 Fortalecimento da instituição (desenvolvimento organizacional)

As instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas através da abordagem?
  • Sim, pouco
Especifique a que nível (níveis) as instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas:
  • Local
  • building up groups (see Annexe 3)

4.4 Monitoramento e avaliação

Monitoramento e avaliação são partes da abordagem?



Socio-cultural aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: land users needs
Economic / production aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: nutritional security, cost-benefit-ratio, deversification, organic products, certified production, production for markets
No. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: strategic plan, progress of project
Management of Approach aspects were regular monitored by None through measurements; indicators: None
Training aspects were regular monitored by None through observations; indicators: land users trained as local promoters
There were several changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: at the beginning the approach consisted only of two components: training and research. Then it was broadened to involve extension of SWC technologies and promotion of crop diversification. Later the credit programme and the organisational component became part of the approach. The approach activities are supposed to be a continuously expanded based on the needs of the land users.

4.5 Pesquisa

A pesquisa foi parte da abordagem?


Especifique os tópicos:
  • Tecnologia
Dê mais detalhes e indique quem realizou a pesquisa:

Research is carried out on demonstration farms through local promoters. Topics include on-farm testing of technologies, and adaptive trials with maize and pea varieties.

5. Financiamento e apoio material externo

5.1 Orçamento anual para o componente de GST da abordagem

Comentários (p. ex. principais fontes de recursos/principais doadores):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: international non-government (-): 90.0%; national non-government (-): 10.0%

5.2 Apoio financeiro/material concedido aos usuários da terra

Os usuários da terra receberam apoio financeiro/material para a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias?


5.3 Subsídios para entradas específicas (incluindo mão-de-obra)

  • Equipamento
Especifique quais entradas foram subsidiadas Em que medida Especifique os subsídios
Ferramentas Parcialmente financiado
  • Agrícola
Especifique quais entradas foram subsidiadas Em que medida Especifique os subsídios
fresh cattle manure Gift from neigbours to farmers who don't have cattle
  • Infraestrutura
Especifique quais entradas foram subsidiadas Em que medida Especifique os subsídios
community infrastructure Totalmente financiado
Se a mão-de-obra pelos usuários da terra foi uma entrada substancial, isso foi:
  • Voluntário

land users works on their own farms at their own cost.

5.4 Crédito

Foi concedido crédito segundo a abordagem para atividades de GST?


Especifique as condições (taxa de juros, reembolso, etc):

Interest rate charged: 1.5%; repayment conditions: Credit was provided through the programme of alternative financing by ADDAC. The 1.5% interest rate (lower than the market rate) is accessible to individuals and organised groups..

Interest was lower than market rate.

6. Análise de impactos e declarações finais

6.1 Impactos da abordagem

A abordagem auxiliou os usuários da terra a implementar e manter as tecnologias de GST?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente
Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

There are 6 more projects assisted by ADDAC, which use the same approach in the north of Nicaragua.

6.3 Atividades de sustentabilidade de abordagem

Os usuários da terra podem manter o que foi implementado através da abordagem (sem apoio externo)?
  • Sim

6.4 Pontos fortes/vantagens da abordagem

Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do compilador ou de outra pessoa capacitada
Growing active integration of women (25% more contribution to farm income and >25% more participation in decision making in comparison with non-participants) (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Keep the gender programme as a component of the approach.)
Farmers' organisations: build up capacity for autonomous management of alternative development activities (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Integrate more farmers in the baseline organisations.)
Efficient extension method: 86% of involved land users apply more than 3 different SWC technologies promoted by the approach which contributes to sustainable development of the region (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Maintain and extend present farmer-to-farmer extension system: continue training of local promoters, network of promoters, local support group.)
Evaluation of land users' needs and involvement of new approach components according to their needs; continuous mutual learning process between land users and between land users and extensionists/specialists (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Continue the present 6-monthly evaluation procedures; implement a system of information, communication, evaluation and monitoring to analyse the impact of the approach activities.)
Increasing self-esteem of the people.

6.5 Pontos fracos, desvantagens da tecnologia e formas de superá-los

Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do compilador ou de outra pessoa capacitada Como eles podem ser superados?
Process takes long and requires high inputs of human resources and materials In an integrated approach with strong participation of land users this problem is unavoidable; formulation of good project proposals help in finding donors to finance long-term programmes.

7. Referências e links

7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação

  • visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
  • entrevistas com usuários de terras

7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis

Título, autor, ano, ISBN:

Rolando Bunch (1990) Dos Mazorcas de Ma??z Anon (1990) El peque?? agricultor en Honduras ADDAC (2002) Plan
