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Building and rehabilitation of agricultural terraces. [Iêmen]

بناء وإعادة تأهيل المدرجات الزراعية

approaches_2586 - Iêmen

Completude: 92%

1. Informação geral

1.2 Detalhes do contato das pessoas capacitadas e instituições envolvidas na avaliação e documentação da abordagem

Pessoa(s) capacitada(s)

Especialista em GST:
Especialista em GST:

Ibrahem Abdullah


Agricultural Research and Extension Authority, AREA


Nome da(s) instituição(ões) que facilitou(ram) a documentação/avaliação da Abordagem (se relevante)
Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA) - Iêmen

1.3 Condições em relação ao uso da informação documentada através de WOCAT

Quando os dados foram compilados (no campo)?


O/a compilador/a e a(s) pessoa(s) capacitada(s) aceitam as condições relativas ao uso de dados documentados através da WOCAT:


1.4 Referência ao(s) questionário(s) sobre tecnologias da GST

2. Descrição da abordagem de GST

2.1 Descrição curta da abordagem

Pay incentives for farmers rehabilitate degraded terraces in order to face the crisis of increasing food prices.

2.2 Descrição detalhada da abordagem

Descrição detalhada da abordagem:

Aims / objectives: The main objective is to rehabilitate the degraded terraces and to protect them from erosion through the payment of incentives. Conservation of land resources should be achieved through cooperation between the land users applying local knowledge and traditional practices for soil conservation. Through this, the livelihoods of land users are improved and it helps them to continue their farming operations which helps to alleviate poverty. Through the Social Development Fund the state aims to improve community development through a comprehensive concept and to address the crisis of rising food prices. Through this fund land users receive support for their physical work. The rehabilitated terraces will later help them to improve their agricultural income The project interferes in the region through the involvement of land users (from bottom to top). To help them solve their problems, a study of the region’s problems using Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal (PRA) and a Participatory Learning Approach (PLA) was conducted. With the participation of the community problems and constraints were identified and appropriate solutions developed, as well as priorities identified for intervention. An inventory of households was done by a dedicated team to determine the costs and the appropriate methods for the implementation process and the mechanisms used for the implementation. Furthermore awareness rising was carried out. After completion of the technical study and determination of the costs, the areas where the activities should be implemented were assigned to a specialist. After the technical study is finished and the cost of implementing for the targeted area is determined and allocated. Then Social Fund for Development office SFD appoints specialized person to follow up the implemented activities ,which usually carry out by the land users and as long as they finished the implemented activities they should receives their money (this the explanation of SDF and receivables). It should be noted that there is a lack of funding all the degraded areas, so that the SFD select only the degraded areas which are their owner unable to rehabilitate them.

2.3 Fotos da abordagem

2.5 País/região/locais onde a abordagem foi aplicada




Sana'a governorate

Especificação adicional de localização:

Bani Ismail- Manakha District

2.6 Datas de início e término da abordagem

Indique o ano de início:


Ano de término (caso a abordagem não seja mais aplicada):


2.7 Tipo de abordagem

  • Baseado em projeto/programa

2.8 Principais metas/objetivos da abordagem

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (Facing increasing food prices i.e. Money against work.)

Rebuilding the degraded terraces and protect them from degradation

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: Lack of money for implementing terraces, poverty.

2.9 Condição que propiciam ou inibem a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias aplicada(s) segundo a abordagem

Disponibilidade/acesso a recursos e serviços financeiros
  • Inibitivo

Not enough finances available.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Supporting land users with funds (money against work).

Quadro jurídico (posse de terra, direitos de uso da terra e da água)
  • Propício

The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights greatly helped the approach implementation: Initiate all land users in rehabilitating the degraded terraces without any conflict as long as they believe of work together and with spirit team work.

3. Participação e papel das partes interessadas envolvidas

3.1 Partes interessadas envolvidas na abordagem e seus papéis

  • Usuários de terra/comunidades locais

Both gender men and women. Men have more experience and more power for work than the women. Women carried out the weeding in the field in addition to food preparation at home.

  • Especialistas em GST/ consultor agrícola
  • Governo nacional (planejadores, responsáveis pelas decisões)
3.2 Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais nas diferentes fases da abordagem
Envolvimento do usuários de terra/comunidades locais Especifique quem estava envolvido e descreva as atividades
Iniciação/motivação Participativo Identified the problems, suggested solutions and determined the priority for implementation – local community
Planejamento Participativo
Implementação Participativo Land users carried out all the implementation under the supervision of supporting donors.
Monitoramento/avaliação Nenhum
Research Nenhum

3.3 Fluxograma (se disponível)


Diagram of a series of operations related to the preparatory activities for projects the Social Fund for Development



3.4 Decisão sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias de GST

Especifique quem decidiu sobre a seleção de tecnologia/tecnologias a serem implementadas:
  • Somente usuários da terra (iniciativa própria)

It is a traditional technology and still exist but it needs maintenance.

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by land users supported by SLM specialists. The approach for implementation can be done by consulting and discussing it with the land users.

4. Suporte técnico, reforço das capacidades e gestão do conhecimento

4.1 Reforço das capacidades/formação

Foi oferecida formação aos usuários da terra/outras partes interessadas?


Especifique quem foi capacitado:
  • Usuários de terra
Tipo de formação:
  • Meetings
Assuntos abordados:

Awareness campaign to increase the importance on preserving land and conserving it to avoid any damages as a result of degradation as then it becomes difficult to repair it by the land users. Finally, this situation will lead to land abandonment and emigration.

4.2 Serviço de consultoria

Os usuários de terra têm acesso a um serviço de consultoria?


  • Meetings

4.3 Fortalecimento da instituição (desenvolvimento organizacional)

As instituições foram fortalecidas ou estabelecidas através da abordagem?
  • Não

4.4 Monitoramento e avaliação

Monitoramento e avaliação são partes da abordagem?



technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: None

socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: None

economic / production aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: None

no. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by project staff through measurements; indicators: None

bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: None

management of Approach aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: None

There were few changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Increase the target area

There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None

4.5 Pesquisa

A pesquisa foi parte da abordagem?


5. Financiamento e apoio material externo

5.1 Orçamento anual para o componente de GST da abordagem

Caso o orçamento exato seja desconhecido, indique a faixa:
  • 10.000-100.000
Comentários (p. ex. principais fontes de recursos/principais doadores):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (Labour (Money against work).): 100.0%

5.2 Apoio financeiro/material concedido aos usuários da terra

Os usuários da terra receberam apoio financeiro/material para a implementação de tecnologia/tecnologias?


Caso afirmativo, especifique tipo(s) de apoio, condições e fornecedor(es):

Money against work

5.3 Subsídios para entradas específicas (incluindo mão-de-obra)

Se a mão-de-obra pelos usuários da terra foi uma entrada substancial, isso foi:
  • Pago em dinheiro

Conducting works by contracting

5.4 Crédito

Foi concedido crédito segundo a abordagem para atividades de GST?


6. Análise de impactos e declarações finais

6.1 Impactos da abordagem

A abordagem auxiliou os usuários da terra a implementar e manter as tecnologias de GST?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

Periodical maintenance is very important for terraces to protect them from degradation and conserving soil moisture as well.

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente
Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • Não
  • Sim, pouco
  • Sim, moderadamente
  • Sim, significativamente

Rehabilitating degraded terraces bringing them back into production. Consequently alleviation of poverty.

6.2 Principal motivação dos usuários da terra para implementar a GST

  • Produção aumentada

Increase the amount of production

  • Consciência ambiental
  • Decrease the emigration.

Provide livelihoods (re-construction of terraces)

  • Protect the land from erosion.

6.3 Atividades de sustentabilidade de abordagem

Os usuários da terra podem manter o que foi implementado através da abordagem (sem apoio externo)?
  • Incerto
Caso negativo ou incerto, especifique e comente:

Lack of financial resources

6.4 Pontos fortes/vantagens da abordagem

Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do usuário da terra
Use the available resources to rehabilitation of terraces. It means:'Rehabilitation of terraces should be depend on the existing materials in the region such as stones or water, and labour).
Pontos fortes/vantagens/oportunidades na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada
Work together in groups strengthens the social relationship between land users, which leads to increased initiative or motivation between them. Like this they are prepared to face any damage that may occur as a result to natural crisis such as climate change or drought. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Legislation should be implemented because it will lead to enhance the links between the local community and raise the work together in every business. it mean: 'It should be implemented and adopted )

6.5 Pontos fracos, desvantagens da tecnologia e formas de superá-los

Pontos fracos/vantagens/riscos na visão do/a compilador/a ou de outra pessoa capacitada Como eles podem ser superados?
There are some regions which are still degraded and that have not been yet rehabilitated due to lack of financial resources
Supporting farmers to rehabilitate the degraded land especially the terraces to achieve sustainable development and stop migration from rural areas to big cities. This can be done and to through alleviating poverty and at the same time preserving the limited land resources and utilized them in a sustainable way.

7. Referências e links

7.1 Métodos/fontes de informação

  • visitas de campo, pesquisas de campo
  • entrevistas com usuários de terras

7.2 Referências às publicações disponíveis

Título, autor, ano, ISBN:

Technical study for construction and reclamation for terraces in some villages, Bani Ismail's uzlah, Manakhah district. Mid-monthly reports for implanting terraces construction in Bani Ismail's uzlah, Manakhah district.

Disponível de onde? Custos?

- Social Fund for Development, Sana'a 97671449672- Social Fund for Development, Sana'a 97671449672

Título, autor, ano, ISBN:

Mid-monthly reports for implanting terraces construction in Bani Ismail's uzlah, Manakhah district.

Disponível de onde? Custos?

Social Fund for Development, Sana'a 97671449672
