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Traitement de Kori ou Aménagement de Kori

Traitement de Kori ou Aménagement de Kori [Niger]

Le traitement de kori réalisé à Koira Tégui Foulan Koira (Niamey, Niger) est constitué de plusieurs types de mesures anti-érosives (murets, radiers en pierres sèches et en moellons maçonnés -perré maçonné-, seuil en cage de gabion et de tapis de moellons -pierres sèches-) qui assurent l’aménagement du lit du kori …

  • Compilador/a: Soumaila Abdoulaye
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration [Niger]

FMNR is the systematic regeneration of living and sprouting stumps of indigenous vegetation which used to be slashed and burned in traditional field preparation.

  • Compilador/a: Unknown User
Night Corralling

Night Corralling [Niger]

Night corralling of cattle, sheep and goats on cropland during the dry season (November-April) replenishes soil fertility of agricultural land depleted by continuous cropping.

  • Compilador/a: Unknown User
Rotational Fertilization

Rotational Fertilization [Niger]

Rotational fertilization is an integrated crop-livestock management measure practiced by the agropastoralist Peulh.

  • Compilador/a: Soumaila Abdoulaye
Grass strips

Grass strips [Niger]

Grass strips slow down runoff, increase infiltration and retain sediment, thus increasing crop production.

  • Compilador/a: Dieter Nill
Contour stone bunds

Contour stone bunds [Niger]

Contour stone bunds are erosion control structures and improve water retention and infiltration into the soil, resulting in an increased harvest.

  • Compilador/a: Dieter Nill
Sand dune stabilisation

Sand dune stabilisation [Niger]

Sand dunes are stabilized with vegetation to reduce wind erosion and the amount of sand blown onto cropland, dwellings and other infrastructure.

  • Compilador/a: Dieter Nill